1 2 3 4 5
RS-232C port
of the projector of a computer
- (1) (1) CD RD (2) (2) RD TD (3) (3) TD
- (4) (4) DTR GND (5) (5) GND
- (6) (6) DSR RTS (7) (7) RTS CTS (8) (8) DTS
- (9) (9) RI
10. RS-232C communication
Connecting the cable
(1) Turn off the projector and the computer power supplies.
(2) Connect the CONTROL port of the projector with a RS-232C port of the computer by a RS-232C
cable(Cross). Use the cable that fulfills the specification shown in the previous page.
(3) Turn on the computer power supply and after the computer has started up, turn on the projector power
Communications setting
19200 bps, 8N1
1. Protocol
Consist of header (7 bytes) + Command data (6 bytes)
2. Header
BE + EF + 03 + 06 + 00 + CRC_low + CRC_high
CRC_low: Lower byte of CRC flag for command data
CRC_high: Upper byte of CRC flag for command data
3. Command Data
Command Data Chart
byte_0 byte_1 byte_2 byte_3 byte_4 byte_5
Action Type Setting code
low high low high low high
Action (byte_0 - 1)
Action Classification Content
1 Set Change setting to desired value.
2 Get Read projector internal setup value.
4 Increment Increment setup value by 1.
5 Decrement Decrement setup value by 1.
6 Execute Run a command.
Requesting projector status (Get command)
(1) Send the request code Header + Command data (‘02H’+‘00H’+ type (2 bytes)+ ‘00H’+‘00H’) from the
computer to the projector.
(2) The projector returns the response code ‘1DH’+ data (2 bytes) to the computer.
Changing the projector settings (Set command)
(1) Send the setting code Header + Command data (‘01H’+‘00H’+ type (2 bytes) + setting code (2 bytes))
from the computer to the projector.
(2) The projector changes the setting based on the above setting code.
(3) The projector returns the response code ‘06H’ to the computer.
Using the projector default settings (Reset Command)
(1) The computer sends the default setting code Header + Command data (‘06H’+ ‘00H’+ type (2 bytes) +
‘00H’+‘00H’) to the projector.
(2) The projector changes the specified setting to the default value.
(3) The projector returns the response code ‘06H’ to the computer.
Increasing the projector setting value (Increment command)
(1) The computer sends the increment code Header + Command data (‘04H’+ ‘00H’+ type (2 bytes) +‘00H’+
‘00H’) to the projector.
(2) The projector in creases the setting value on the above setting code.
(3) The projector returns the response code ‘06H’ to the computer.
Decreasing the projector setting value (Decrement command)
(1) The computer sends the decrement code Header + Command data (‘05H’+ ‘00H’+ type (2 bytes) +‘00H’ +
‘00H’) to the projector.
(2) The projector decreases the setting value on the above setting code.
(3) The projector returns the response code ‘06H’ to the computer.
When the projector cannot understand the received command
When the projector cannot understand the received command, the error code ‘15H’ is sent back to the com-
Sometimes the projector cannot properly receive the command. In such a case, the command is not exe-
cuted and the error code ‘15H’ is sent back to the computer. If this error code is returned, send the same
command again.
When the projector cannot execute the received command.
When the projector cannot execute the received command, the error code ‘1cH’ + ‘xxxxH’ is sent back to the
computer. When the data length is greater than indicated by the data length code, the projector ignore the
excess data code.
Conversely when the data length is shorter than indicated by the data length code, an error code will be
returned to the computer.
NOTE • Operation cannot be guaranteed when the projector receives an undened command or data.
• Provide an interval of at least 40ms between the response code and any other code.
The projector outputs test data when the power supply is switched ON, and when the lamp is lit. Ignore this data.
• Commands are not accepted during warm-up.
Command data chart
Names  Operation Type Header
Power Set Turn off BE  EF 03 06  00 2A  D3 01  00 00  60 00  00
Turn on BE  EF
Get BE  EF 03 06  00 19  D3 02  00 00  60 00  00
(Example return)   00  00  01  00  02  00   (Off)  (On)  (Cool down)
Input Source
Error Status
BRIGHTNESS Get BE  EF 03 06  00 89  D2 02  00 03  20 00 00
CONTRAST Get BE  EF 03 06  00 FD  D3 02  00 04  20 00  00
MODE Set NORMAL BE  EF 03 06  00 23  F6 01  00 BA  30 00 00
GAMMA Set STANDARD BE  EF 03 06  00 07 E9 01  00 A1  30 20 00
Set HDMI BE  EF 03 06  00 0E  D2 01  00 00  20 03  00
COMPUTER BE  EF 03 06  00 FE  D2 01  00 00  20 00  00
VIDEO BE  EF 03 06  00 6E  D3 01  00 00  20 01  00
S-VIDEO BE  EF 03 06  00 9E  D3 01  00 00  20 02  00
COMPONENT BE  EF 03 06  00 AE  D1 01  00 00  20 05  00
Get BE  EF 03 06  00 CD  D2 02  00 00  20 00  00 Get BE  EF 03 06  00 D9  D8 02  00 20  60 00  00
(Example return)   00  00  01  00  02  00  03  00   (Normal)  (Cover error)  (Fan error)  (Lamp error)   04  00  05  00  07  00  08  00
(Temperror) (Airowerror) (Coolerror) (Filtererror)
Increment BE  EF 03 06  00 EF  D2 04  00 03  20 00  00
Decrement BE  EF 03 06  00 3E  D3 05  00  03  20 00  00
Execute BE  EF 03 06  00 58  D3 06  00 00  70 00  00
Increment BE  EF 03 06  00 9B  D3 04  00 04  20 00  00
Decrement BE  EF 03 06  00 4A  D2 05  00 04  20 00  00
Execute BE  EF 03 06  00 A4  D2 06  00 01  70 00  00
MUSIC BE  EF 03 06  00 43  F7 01  00 BA  30 02 00
SPORTS BE  EF 03 06  00 D3  F6 01  00 BA  30 03 00
Get BE  EF 03 06  00 10  F6 02  00 BA  30 00 00
(Example return)   00  00  01  00  02  00  03  00  04  00  10  00   (Normal)  (Cinema Low)  (Music)  (Sports)  (Cinema High)  (Custom)
LOW BE  EF 03 06  00 97 E8 01  00 A1  30 21  00
HIGH BE  EF 03 06  00 67 E8  01  00 A1  30 22  00
Hi-CONTRAST BE  EF 03 06  00 F7 E9 01  00 A1  30 23  00
CUSTOM+1 BE  EF 03 06  00 07 FD 01  00 A1  30 10  00
CUSTOM-2 BE  EF 03 06  00 97 FC 01  00 A1  30 11  00 CUSTOM-3 BE  EF 03 06  00 67 FC 01  00 A1  30 12  00 CUSTOM-4 BE  EF 03 06  00 F7 FD  01  00 A1  30 13  00
Get BE  EF 03 06 00 F4 F0 02  00 A1  30 00  00
Set STANDARD BE  EF 03 06  00 43 E9 01  00 A2  30 20  00
LOW BE  EF 03 06  00 D3 E8  01  00 A2  30 21  00
HIGH BE  EF 03 06  00 23 E8  01  00 A2  30 22  00
Hi-CONTRAST BE  EF 03 06  00 B3 E9 01  00 A2  30 23  00
Get BE  EF 03 06  00 B0 F0 02  00 A2  30 00  00
03 06  00 BA  D2 01  00 00  60 01  00
03 06  00 B3  F7 01  00 BA  30 01 00
03 06  00 E3  F4  01  00 BA  30 04 00
CRC Action Type Setting Code
Command Data
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