Hitachi L32A01A User Manual

LCD olo r TelevisionCu
Télévision Couleur LCD
Televisione a Colori LCD
L32A01 A
Instructions for use
Notice d'utilisation
Safety Precautions ........................................... 3
Features ............................................................. 6
Acce ssori e s ...................................................... 6
LCD TV Front View ........................................... 7
Rear View and Peripheral Connections ....... 7
Remote Control Buttons ................................. 8
Installation Of The TFT TV To The Wall .......... 9
Prepa ration ...................................................... 11
Before Switching On Your TV ....................... 11
Power Connection ..................................... 11
Connections ToThe Aerial Input Socket ..... 11
Inserting Batteries In The Remote Control
Handset ..................................................... 11
Handlingthe RemoteControl...................... 11
Operating Range for the Remote Control ... 11
Switching The TV ON/OFF .............................. 12
Navigating the Menu System ........................ 12
Initial Settings ................................................. 12
Basic Operations ............................................ 12
Operation with the buttons on the TV ........ 12
VolumeSetting ........................................... 12
ProgrammeSelection ................................. 12
EnteringMain Menu.................................... 12
AV Mode .................................................... 13
Operation with Remote Control .................. 13
VolumeSetting ........................................... 13
Programme Selection (Previous or next
programme) ............................................... 13
Programme Selection (direct access): ....... 13
Me nu Syste m .................................................. 13
PictureMenu.............................................. 13
Mode.......................................................... 13
Hue ............................................................ 13
ColourTemp ............................................... 13
Noise Reduction ......................................... 13
FilmMode ................................................... 13
3DComb .................................................... 14
PictureZoom.............................................. 14
Reset ......................................................... 14
Sound Menu............................................... 14
Volume....................................................... 14
Equalizer.................................................... 14
Balance...................................................... 14
Headphone ................................................ 14
volume ..................................................................... 14
sound mode ............................................................. 14
balance ................................................................... 14
Sound Mode............................................... 14
AVL ...........................................................14
Effect ......................................................... 14
Dynamic Bass............................................ 14
Subwoofer ................................................ 14
3DS............................................................ 15
Feature Menu............................................. 15
PIP .............................................................. 15
PIP ON-OFF ............................................................ 15
PIP Picture ............................................................. 15
PIP Position ............................................................ 15
PIP Source ............................................................. 15
PIP SWAP .............................................................. 15
PAP ............................................................ 15
PAPON-OFF ........................................................... 15
PAP Picture ............................................................. 15
PAP Source ............................................................. 16
PAPSWAP .............................................................. 16
SleepTimer ................................................ 16
ChildLock .................................................. 16
Language ................................................... 16
AV-2 Out .................................................... 16
PCAudioIn................................................. 16
Blue Background ....................................... 16
Menu Background...................................... 16
MenuTimeout............................................. 16
Teletext Language ..................................... 16
Default Zoom ............................................. 16
InstallMenu ................................................ 16
ProgramTable ............................................17
Name ....................................................................... 17
Insert ...................................................................... 17
Delete ..................................................................... 17
APS (Auto Programming System) ............................ 17
A.P.S. (Auto Programming System)
Country ...................................................... 17
Program ..................................................... 17
Band .......................................................... 18
Channel ...................................................... 18
Colour System ........................................... 18
Sound System ........................................... 18
FineTune ................................................... 18
Search ....................................................... 18
Store .......................................................... 18
Install menu inAV modes ........................... 18
Colour System ......................................................... 18
VCR ......................................................................... 18
Store .......................................................... 18
Source menu ............................................. 18
PC Mode ........................................................... 19
Installation .................................................. 19
MenuSysteminPC mode........................... 19
Sound Menu/Feature Menu ........................ 19
PCPictureMenu......................................... 19
PCPOSITIONMenu .................................... 19
Autoposition ............................................... 19
H (Horizontal) Position ............................... 19
V (Vertical) Position ................................... 19
Phase ........................................................ 19
GB - 1-
DotClock .................................................... 19
Soundin PCmode...................................... 19
Other Features ................................................ 20
TV Status................................................... 20
MuteIndicator ............................................ 20
PIPand PAPModes.................................... 20
AV Modes .................................................. 20
Zoom Modes ..............................................20
Auto ...........................................................20
Zoom ......................................................... 20
Cinema....................................................... 20
16:9 Zoom.................................................. 20
Subtitle....................................................... 20
4:3 ............................................................. 21
14:9 Zoom.................................................. 21
Panoramic.................................................. 21
Freeze Picture ........................................... 21
Telet ext ............................................................. 21
Connect Peripheral Equipment .................... 22
HighDefinition ............................................ 22
Via The Scart ............................................. 22
Via Aerial Input........................................... 22
Decoder ..................................................... 22
Connect a decoder with an aerial socket to
the TV ........................................................ 22
Connect a decoder without an aerial socket
to the TV ....................................................22
TV And Video Recorder............................. 22
PlaybackNTSC ..........................................22
CameraAnd Camcorder............................. 22
To Connect ToAV Input .............................. 22
To Connect To S-VHS Input........................22
Connect The Decoder To The Video
Connecting Headphones (optional)............ 22
Audio Lineout .............................................22
Connecting Subwoofer.............................. 22
Ti ps ................................................................... 23
Care Of The Screen ..................................23
PoorPicture ............................................... 23
NoPicture .................................................. 23
Sound ........................................................23
RemoteControl ..........................................23
Peripheral Equipment Connections ............ 24
Aerial Connection ........................................... 24
Specifications .................................................. 25
SignalInput ................................................ 27
Appendix A: PC Input Typical Display
Mod e s ............................................................... 28
Appendix B: AV and HDMI Signal
Compatibility ................................................... 29
Appendix C: Main and PIP-PAP Picture
Combinatio ns .................................................. 30
Addendum to the instruction book. ............ 30
UK Guarantee ................................................... 31
GB - 2 -
Safety Precautions
Please read the following recommended safety pre­cautions carefully for your safety.
Do’s and Don’ts
This Television has been designed and manu­facturedto meet international safety standards, but like any electrical equipment, care must be
taken if you are to obtain the best results and safety is to be assured.
DO read the operating instructions before you attempt to use the equipment.
DO consult your dealer if you are in any doubt about installation, operation or safety of your equipment.
DO be careful with glass panels or doors on equipment.
ThisTV is suppliedwitha fittedmainsplug. This plugmust not be cut offas it may contain a spe­cialradiointerferencefilter,theremovalofwhich
couldleadto impaired performance. If youwish to extend the lead, obtain an appropriate safety approved extensionlead or consult yourdealer.
Observe the manufacturers instructions when connectingextensionleadstotheTV. Checkthe fuseratingon thenew plug, thisshouldbe fitted witha 5Ampfusewhichconformsto eitherASTA or BSI (BS1 362) approvals, these are easily
identifiablebyeitherthe you are in any doubt about the installation of an
extension lead, please consult a competent electrician.
or symbols. If
DON’Tcontinuetooperatethe equipmentifyou
arein any doubt about it workingnormally,orif it is damaged in any way switch off, withdraw the mains plug and consult your dealer.
DON’T place water filled vessels on top of T.V. cabinets.
DON’T remove any fixed cover as this may ex­pose dangerous voltages.
DON’T leave equipment switched on when it is unattended unless it is specifically stated that it is designed for unattended operation or has a
stand-by mode. Switch off using the switch on the equipment and make sure your familyknow howtodothis. Specialarrangementsmayneed to be made for infirm or handicapped people.
DON’Tuseequipmentsuchaspersonalstereos or radios so that you are distracted from the re-
quirementsof traffic safety. It is illegal to watch television whilst driving.
DON’Tobstructtheventilationof the equipment, for example with curtains or soft furnishings.
Overheatingwillcausedamageandshortenthe life of the equipment.
DON’TusemakeshiftstandsandNEVERfixlegs or stands to the TV with any screws other than those provided - to ensure complete safety al­ways use the manufacturers approved stand
with the fixings provided. DON’Tallowelectricalequipmenttobeexposed
to rain or moisture.
• NEVER let anyone, especially children push anything into holes, slots or any other open-
ing in the case - this could result in a fatal electric shock.
NEVER guess or take chances with electrical equipment of any kind - it is better to be safe
than sorry!
Be sure to ground the connection properly.
Connect the ground terminal of TV with the ground terminal provided at the power outlet using the enclosed power cord. If the provided plug
does not fit your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.
GB - 3 -
1.Power Source
TheTVset shouldbeoperated onlyfroma220-240 V AC, 50 Hz outlet. Ensure that you select the correct
voltage setting for your convenience.
2.Power Cord
Do not place the set, a piece of furniture, etc. on the power cord (mains lead) or pinch the cord. Handle thepowercord by the plug. Do not pull out the plug by
tugging the cord and never touch the power cord when your hands are wet as this could cause a short
circuitor electricshock.Never makeaknotinthecord or tie it with other cords. The power cords should be placed in such a way that they are not likely to be
steppedon.Adamagedpower cord can cause fire or give you an electric shock. When it is damaged and
needs to be changed, it should be done by qualified personnel.
3. Moisture and Water
Donotuse thisequipmentinahumid anddampplace
(avoidthebathroom,thesink in the kitchen,andnear the washingmachine).Do not expose this equipment
to rain or water, as this may be dangerousand do not place objects filled with liquids, such as flower vases,
on top. Avoid from dripping or splashing. Ifanysolid objector liquidfallsinto thecabinet,unplug
the TV and have it checked by qualified personnel before operating it any further.
Before cleaning, unplug the TV set from the wall out­let.Donotuse liquidoraerosolcleaners.Use soft and
dry cloth.
5. Ventilation
Theslotsandopeningsonthe TV set are intendedfor ventilation and to ensure reliable operation. To pre-
ventoverheating,theseopeningsmust not beblocked or covered in anyway.
6. Heat and Flames
The set should not be placed near to naked flames and sources of intense heat, such as an electric
heater. Ensure that no naked flame sources, such as lightedcandles, are placedontop of the TV.Batteries
shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sun­shine, fire or the like.
7. Lightning
In case of storm and lightning or when going on holi­day, disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet.
8. Replacement Parts
When replacement parts are required, be sure the servicetechnician has used replacementparts which
are specified by the manufacturer or have the same
specifications as the original one. Unauthorized sub­stitutions may result in fire, electrical shock, or other
9. Servicing
Please refer all servicing to qualified personnel. Do notremovethe coveryourselfas thismay result in an
electric shock.
10. Waste Disposal
Instructions for waste disposal:
• Packaging and packaging aids are recyclable and shouldprincipallyberecycled. Packagingmaterials, such as foil bag, must be kept away from children.
• Battery, including those which are heavy metal-free, should not be disposed of with household waste.
Please dispose of used battery in an environmen­tallysoundmanner. Find out about the legal regula­tions which apply in your area.
• Cold cathode fluoresant lamp in LCD PANEL con­tainsa small amount of mercury;pleasefollow local
ordinates or regulations for disposal.
Information for users applicable
in European Union countries
Thissymbolon theproductor onitspackagingmeans that your electrical and electronic equipment should
be disposed at the end of life separately from your household wastes. There are separate collection
systems for recycling in EU. Formoreinformation,pleasecontact the localauthor-
ity or the dealer where you purchased the product.
11. Disconnect Device
Themains plug is used to disconnectTV set from the mains and therefore it shall remain readilyoperable.
12. Excessive sound pressure from earphones and
headphones can cause hearing loss.
13. To prevent injury, this device must be securely
attached to the wall in accordance with the in­stallation instructions when mounted to the wall
(if the option is available).
GB - 4 -
14. Connection to a television distribution system (Cable TV etc.) from tuner:
Apparatus connected to the protective earthing of the buildinginstallation throughthe mains connection or through other apparatus with a connection to pro-
tective earthing - and to a television distribution sys­tem using coaxial cable, may in some circumstances
create a fire hazard. To ground the antenna system properly, be sure that
the cable grounding is connected with the building's grounding system. Note that the connection should followIEC 60364-7-707 and IEC 603646-5-548 stan-
dards which require that the grounding should be as close as possible to the cable connection.
GB - 5 -
• Remote controlled 32” colour LCDTV.
• 100 programmes from VHF, UHF bands or cable channels can be preset.
• It can tune cable channels.
• Controlling the TV is very easy by its menu driven system.
• It has 3 Scart sockets for external devices (such as video, video games, audio set, etc.)
• Stereo sound system (German+Nicam).
• Full function Teletext (1000 pages).
• Fastext, TOP text.
• Headphone connection.
•A.P.S. (AutomaticProgrammingSystem).
•All programmes can be named.
• Forward or backward automatic tuning.
• Child Lock.
• Automatic sound mute when no transmission.
•AV in andS-VIDEOin are available.
• It has two HDMI connectors for Digital Video and Audio. This connection is also designed to accept HighDefinitionsignals.
•AVL(Automatic VolumeLimiting)
• When no validsignalisdetected, after5 minutesthe TV switches itself automatically to stand-by mode.
• PLL (Frequency Search)
•PC Input
• Plug&Play for Windows 9X, ME, Vista,2000, XP.
2 X AA
Instruction Book
Quick Guide
GB - 6 -
LCD TV Front View
IR Receiver
Standby LED
Rear View and Peripheral Connections
Video Input Audio Inputss
Audio Line Outss
Subwoofer Output
PowerCord Input
Note: Because FAVCVBS and SVHSY are connected parallelly, the picture may blend if the two peripheralsare usedat the same time. Likewise, because SVHS C and SCART II R are connected parallelly, the picture may blend if the two peripherals are used
at the same time. Thus these two are not to be used at the same time.
Power On/Off Switch HDMIInput2 HDMIInput1
PCAudioInput RF
Component VideoInputs (YPBPR)
For Service Use Only
GB - 7 -
Remote Control Buttons
= Stand by On/Offf
= Info
DVD = Select DVD
TV/DTT = TV / Quit Menu
= Hold in teletext mode, Freezepicture
/ = Volume Up/ Down
= Mute On/Off
RED (Onlyuse in Teletextmode) GREEN(Only use inTeletextmode)
= Teletext On-Offf
= Time/ Teletext& TVTV
= Menu On/Off
= Cursor buttons
FUNCTION = No function
= Equalizer Sound Mode = Aspect ratio
= No Function
Control buttons for DVD players/recorders (**)
= Go back to previous menu
OK =Enter
/ / GUIDE =IndexPage
= TXT Subtitle in TV mode; Subpagein teletextmode.
= Reveal
BLUE (Only use in Teletextmode) YELLOW (Only use in Teletext mode)
P+/ - =Programme Up/ Down
= Mono/Stereo - DualA-B
0 - 9= Digit buttons
SATT = Select SAT
= No function
= Picture mode
1 2
4 5
** These buttons can control most Hitachi DVD Players and Recorders.
GB - 8 -
Installation Of The TFT TV To The Wall
1- To install the TFT TV on the wall, first of all, foot assembly should be removed. (Figure 1). Unscrew the 6
screws (M4 x 12) that attach the foot assembly to the TFT panel and remove the foot assembly from the TFTpanel.
2- Decide the place on the wall where the TFT panel would be placed. Fix the wall mounting stencil on the
The stencil is used for placing the wall hangers on the wall, properly.
3- Level and mark with a pencil the 4 mounting points on each wall hanger.
Drill pilot holes for the plastic anchors (7x30) and then fix the wall hangers with 8 screws
(4 x 30).
4- Raise the TFT panel and hang it to the holes on the wallhanger from the 4 hangingscrewsat the rearof the
1. Please follow the installation instructions carefully as failure to do so may result in injury or damage to the
2. If you do not feel confident in carrying out the installationyourself, please ask a specialist installer to carry out the installation for you.
3. The wall anchors providedareforsolid (brick, concreteetc) walls only.Forall other wall types please obtain the correct fixings for the wall type from your hardware retailer. If you are unsure which anchors to use,
please seek professional advice.
4. To avoid potential injury it is advisableto have assistancefrom another personto carry out this installation.
5. Hitachi assumes absolutely no responsibility for injuries or damages that may occur due to improper
GB - 9 -
“Attention: Only the original wall bracket should be used with this product”
GB - 10 -
Forventilation,leavea space of at least10cm freeall around the set. To prevent any fault and unsafe situ-
ations, please do not place any objects on top of the set.
Use this apparatus in moderate climates.
Before Switching On Your TV
Power Connection
IMPORTANT: The TV set is designed to operate on
220-240V AC, 50 Hz.
•Afterunpacking, allow the TV set to reachthe ambi-
ent room temperaturebeforeyouconnectthe set to themains.
Connections To The Aerial Input Socket
•Connecttheaerialorcable TVplugto theAerialinput
socketlocatedatthe rearof the TV and connectthe cable plug coming out from the TV out socket lo-
catedon the devices (VCR, DVB etc.) to thissocket as well.
Inserting Batteries In The Remote Control Handset
WARNING : Remotecontrolis batteryincluded.Aplas-
tic protector is used to disconnect the batteries in orderto preventthebatterylife from reducing.Please
remove the plastic protector before the first use.
• Removethebatterycover locatedontheback of the
handset by gently pulling backwards from the indi­cated part.
• Insert two AA/R6 or equivalenttype batteries inside.
Placethe batteriesin the rightdirectionsandreplace the battery cover.
Note: Remove the battery from remote control hand­set when it is not to be used for a long period. Other-
wise it can be damaged due to any leakage of bat­tery.
Handling the Remote Control
• It couldcausecorrosion or battery leakage and may result in physical injury and/or property damage in-
cluding fire.
• Never mix used and new batteries in the device.
•Replaceall thebatteriesin a deviceat thesametime.
• Remove the batteries if the remote control is not going to be used for an extended period of time.
• To avoid possible failure, read the following instruc­tions and handle the remote control properly.
• Do not drop or cause impact to the remote control.
• Do not spillwateror any liquidon theremotecontrol.
• Do not place the remote control on a wet object.
• Do not place the remote control under the direct sunlight or near sources of excessive heat.
Operating Range for the Remote Control
• Point the top of the remote control toward the LCD TV's remote sensor LED while pressing a button.
1 2
4 5
7 8
GB - 11 -
Remote range is approximately 7m/23ft.
+ 25 hidden pages