HZ-L Series
Silicon Epitaxial Planar Zener Diode for Low Noise Application
Rev 1
November 1996
• Diode noise level of this series is approximately 1/3-1/10 lower than the HZ series.
• Low leakage, low zener impedance and maximum power dissipation of 400 mW are ideally suited for
stabilized power supply, etc.
• Wide spectrum from 5.2V through 38V of zener voltage provide flexible application.
Ordering Information
Type No. Mark Package Code
HZ-L Series Type No. DO-35
B 2
Body color is orange
Type No.
Cathode band
1. Cathode
2. Anode

HZ-L Series
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)
Item Symbol Value Unit
Power dissipation Pd 400 mW
Junction temperature Tj 175 °C
Storage temperature Tstg -55 to +175 °C
Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C)
Zener Voltage Reverese Current Dynamic Resistance
VZ (V)*1
Type Grade Min Max IZ (mA) Max VR (V) Max IZ (mA)
HZ6L A1 5.2 5.5 0.5 1 2.0 150 0.5
A2 5.3 5.6
A3 5.4 5.7
B1 5.5 5.8 80 0.5
B2 5.6 5.9
B3 5.7 6.0
C1 5.8 6.1 60 0.5
C2 6.0 6.3
C3 6.1 6.4
HZ7L A1 6.3 6.6 0.5 1 3.5 60 0.5
A2 6.4 6.7
A3 6.6 6.9
B1 6.7 7.0
B2 6.9 7.2
B3 7.0 7.3
C1 7.2 7.6
C2 7.3 7.7
C3 7.5 7.9
HZ9L A1 7.7 8.1 0.5 1 6.0 60 0.5
A2 7.9 8.3
A3 8.1 8.5
Note: 1. Tested with DC.
Condition IR (µA)
Condition rd (Ω)