Hitachi HPW630ETR Service Manual

JUNE 2000
[To service persons]
User’s Guide contains the “safety precautions” as stated below. At the time of installation or repair, explain them to your customer.
Safety Precautions
Please follow these precautions to make sure you can use your HPW-630ETR and its peripherals safely. Read these Safety Precautions carefully before using your HPW-630ETR, then use it correctly. The precautions given here are designed to make sure that you use this product safely and correctly , and
to protect you and other people from risk and damage. The precautions are divided into "warnings" and "cautions" to indicate the magnitude of the risk or damage and the degree of imminence. Both these categories give important safety precautions and should be kept to.
Ignoring this precaution and handling this HPW-630ETR
Warning Caution
incorrectly may result in serious injury or death.
Ignoring this precaution and handling this HPW-630ETR incorrectly may result in personal injury or material damage.
Typical indications
The mark indicates that there is a warning or caution. The chart or diagram contains a specific precaution. (The left-hand figure means "Guard against electric shocks.") The mark represents a prohibition. The chart or diagram Contains a specific prohibiti on. (The left-hand figure means "Do not disassemble.")
The mark represents a compulsion or instruction.
Precautions on overseas exports
This product (including the software) is designed for the U.S.A. and Canada, and does not conform to the standards of any other countries. Hitachi will not be responsible or guarantee the normal functioning of the product in any country or area other than the U.S.A. or Canada. Hitachi does not provide maintenance service or support in any country other than the U.S.A. or Canada.
Should the HPW-630ETR heat up, smoke, smell, or show any other abnormal condition, pull out the AC adapter at once, remove the main battery and backup battery, and contact your distributor (or m a i nt enance or ser vice company).
Continued use without repairs may result in a fire or electric shock.
Should foreign objects such as a metal piece, water, rain, fluid or others entered to your HPW-630ETR, immediately detach the main battery and backup battery from the HPW-630ETR. If you are using an A C adapter, pul l out the A C adapter from the wall outl et and contact your distributor .
Mishandling may result in a fire or electric shock.
When you drop HPW-630ETR or damage its case or other component, check whether HPW-630ETR works or its case or other components are broken. Should HPW-630ETR does not work or its case or other components are broken, detach the main battery and backup battery. If you are using an AC adapter, pull out the AC adapter from the wall outlet and contact your di st r i but or ( or m aintenance or service company ) .
Mishandling may result in a fire or electric shock.
Do not modify this HPW-630ETR.
Any such action may result in a fire or electric shock.
Never disassemble any component not descri bed i n thi s user's gui de.
Any such action may give you an electric shock.
Do not detach any slot or cover from this HPW-630ETR, except when replacing the battery or instal ling an option.
Any such action may give you an electric shock.
Do not use this HPW-630ETR at a voltage other than the indicated power voltage. Do not plug too many leads into a single socket. If an extension cord is used with this HPW-630ETR, make sure that the total of the ampere ratings on the HPW-630ETR plugged into the extension cord do not exceed the extension cord's ampere rating.
Any such action may result in a fire or electric shock.
Do not detach or reattach the power plug with a wet hand.
Any such action may give you an electric shock.
Do not splash water on this HPW-630ETR or get it wet.
Any such action may result in an electric shock or fire.
Do not use this HPW-630ETR in a bathroom, shower room or other place exposed to splashing water or rain, heavy rain or excessive moisture.
Any such action may result in an electric shock or fire.
Do not touch the metal portions of t he AC adapter or connector. Never touch uninsulated telephone wires or terminals unless t he t el ephone line has been disconnected at the network interface.
Any such action may result in an electric shock.
Do not damage, scratch or modify the power cord. Do not locate this HPW-630ETR where the cord will be walked on.
Placing a heavy object on the cord, pulling or bending it forcefully may damage the power cord, resulting in a fire or electric shock.
Do not use a damaged power cord or plug, or a loose wall outlet.
Any such action may result in an electric shock, short circuit, or ignition.
If you have detached the backup bat t er y or other component contained i n t hi s HPW­630ETR, do not let a small child swallow it by mistake.
Store the backup battery and other detached components in a place inaccessible to children. Should a small child swallow any such thing, consult a doctor immediately.
Wipe off all dust from the blade or blade base on the power plug.
Any such dust may result in a fire.
Do not operate this HPW-630ETR while walking.
Any such action may result in injur y.
Do not use this HPW-630ETR in an airplane area where the use of electronics is restricted.
Using this HPW-630ETR in any such place may adversely affect any nearby device, resulting in an accident.
If there is a forecast for lightning or there is lightning occurring nearby, pull out the A C adapter from the wall outlet and detach the telephone li ne fr om t he phone j ack.
Failure to follow this instruction may result in a fire or breakdown.
Do not throw the main battery or backup bat t er y into a fire or heat i t up.
Any such action may result in excessive heating, a burst, or ignit ion.
Do not connect the terminals of the main battery and backup battery with a wire or other metal object. Do not leave near or store together with a hairpin or ot her m et a l implement.
Any such practice may short-circuit the main battery and backup battery, resulting in an excessive current, heating, a burst, or ignition.
Do not connect the terminals of the ma in batter y or backup bat tery with a wire or other metal piece.
Do not bring in or store the main battery or backup battery with a hairpin or other metal product.
Do not disassemble or modify or apply a strong impact to the main battery or backup battery.
Any such action may result in a heat up, burst, or ignition.
Do not dip or wet the main battery or backup battery in water, sea water or other liquid.
Any such action may result in excessive heating, a burst, or ignit ion.
Do not stick a needle into the main battery or backup battery. Do not hammer or step on it, eit her .
Any such action may result in excessive heating, a burst, or ignit ion.
Do not put the main battery or backup battery into a microwave oven or hi gh-pressure vessel.
Any such action may result in excessive heating, a burst, or ignit ion.
When the main battery is used, recharged, or stored, and when the backup battery is used or stored, it may smell, heat up, get discolored, change shape, or show an abnormal occurrence. In such a case, take the main battery and backup battery out of your HPW-630ETR and do not use them.
Continued use of any such equipment may result in excessive heating, a burst, or ignition.
If recharging does not come to an end after a specified recharging time, stop the recharging and consult your di st r i but or ( or m ai nt e nance or ser vice company).
Always recharge the main battery with a HPW-630ETR or a special-purpose recharger.
Failure to follow this instruction may result in the main battery excessively heating up, bursting, or being ignited.
Should leaking liquid from the mai n battery or backup battery ent er the ey e, do not rub your eye. Immediatel y wash it well with clean water, then receive treatment from a physician.
Should a leaking liquid from the main battery or backup battery come into contact with skin or clothes, immediately wash the affected area with clean water.
Failure to follow this instruc tion may result in a rash.
Before attaching or detaching an optional device, power down your HPW-630ETR and other devices connected to it and unplug the AC adapter.
Failure to follow this instruc t ion may result in electric shock.
If you wish to connect an option, use an opt ion supplied by Hitachi , Lt d.
Connecting any option other than an option supplied by Hitachi,Ltd. May result in a fire, electric shock, or breakdown.
Do not allow small children to swallow or put on their heads in any plastic bag used to package this HPW-630ETR.
The child may choke.
Do not place a water-filled glass or other vessel containing liquid on this HPW-630ETR or near it.
A liquid leak entering the HPW-630ETR may result in fire or electric shock.
Do not inset or drop any foreign object into an opening in thi s HPW-630ETR.
Any such action may result in a fire, electric shock, or breakdown.
Do not place anything heavy on this HPW-630ETR.
Any such action may damage the glass or casing, resulting in injury or breakdown.
Do not place this HPW-630ETR on a unstable cart, stand, table or other unstable place.
This HPW-630ETR may fall, resulting in injury or breakdown.
Do not place this HPW-630ETR in a wet or dusty area.
Failure to follow this instruction may result in a fire, electric shock or breakdown.
Do not use this HPW-630ETR in a vehicle under hot sunshi ne, besi de a f ire or heaten, or other hot place. Do not leave the HPW-630ETR in any such place for a long time.
Subsequent heating up may result in the case getting heated up, deformed or melted, or the HPW-630ETR contents getting hot, resulting in a breakdown or fire.
Do not use HPW-630ETR close to equipment that may cause a st rong magnet ic field.
Any such use may result in a breakdown.
While using HPW-630ETR, do not cover or wrap HPW-630ETR or its AC adapter with a cloth.
While using HPW-630ETR, do not cover or envelop the AC adapter or other electrical part with a cloth.
Any such action may result in a breakdown.
Use only the supplied mai n bat t er y (rechargeable lit hi um - ion battery HPW-LBT2).
Failure to follow this instruction may result in battery burst or liquid leak, t hus causing a fire, injury or breakdown.
Do not connect a digital line to the phone jack of this HPW-630ETR.
Any such action may result in a fire or breakdown.
Do not swirl this HPW-630ETR around.
Any such action may cause the stylus pen or card protector to protrude, result ing in injury or breakdown.
Do not place this HPW-630ETR in an area exposed to strong vibrat ions.
Any such action may result in a breakdown.
Do not place this HPW-630ETR close to a magnet or other magnetic items.
Strong magnetization may result in a breakdown.
Do not use this HPW-630ETR to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the l eak.
Any such action may result in gas explosion.
Do not use this HPW-630ETR on your lap for l ong peri ods.
Use of it for a long time may heat the back of the HPW-630ETR, resulting in a low­temperature burn.
Do not expose this HPW-630ETR to rapid temperature changes.
Failure to follow this instruction may result in condensation, thus causing a breakdown.
Do not operate any lid or switch with a finger claw.
You may injure your fingertip.
Insert the power plug fully into the wall outlet.
Failure to do so may result in fire or a breakdown.
Before moving this HPW-630ETR, always pull out the AC adapter from the wall outlet.
Failure to follow this instruction may damage the cord, resulting in a fire or electric shock.
When pulling out the power plug, always hold t he AC adapter properly.
Pulling the power cord may damage it, resulting in an exposed core or wire break, which can cause fire or electric shock.
If you wish to leave this HPW-630ETR unused f or a l ong peri od of t i me f or exampl e, a series of holidays, always pull out the power plug from the wall outlet to ensure safety.
Failure to follow this instruction may result in deterioration of the insulation, t hus causing an electric shock or leakage-caused fire.
Take a backup copy of the data in advance.
The data may get lost.
Use only the supplied AC adapter (HPW-WACA).
Failure to follow this instru c t ion may result in fire or injury.
Before using this HPW-630ETR, always install the main battery and backup battery to prevent data loss.
If you use HPW-630ETR in high temperature, charging check LED will be illuminated red color, then conditions the recharging aborts. In such a case, detach the AC adapter and leave it in a cool place, then reconnect and recharge t he AC adapter. If charging check LED is illuminated red color, pull out the AC adapter, detach the main battery, and consul t your distributor ( or m a i nt enance or ser vice company).
Use only the specified backup battery (coi n cel l CR2032).
Failure to follow this instruction may result in backup battery burst or liquid leak, t hus causing fire, injury or breakdown.
Do not hit or strongly press the LCD t ouch panel .
Any such action may result in an electric shock or breakdown.
When attaching or detaching the PC/CF Card, do not put a finger or other part of your body into the PC/CF Card slot .
Any such action may result in personal injury.
Immediately after the use of the PC/CF Card, it may be hot. Therefore, before detaching the PC/CF Car d, wait f or unt i l it has cooled.
Failure to follow this may r e s ult in fire.
When attaching the backup battery to the HPW-630ETR, note the polarity label and make sure that you are installing the battery with the positive and negative poles in the correct positions.
The wrong polarity may result in a battery burst or liquid leak, thus causing fire, injury or breakdown.
After detaching the backup battery and main battery, store it out of reach of small children.
When disposing of the main battery or backup battery, follow all ordinances and regulations issued by your local government.
Always check that the main battery i s securel y installed in the HPW-630ETR.
Failure to follow this instruction may cause the main battery t o det ach, resulting in injury.
The stylus pen furnished with this HPW-630ETR has a sharp point. Turning it toward a person is dangerous. Store it in a place out of reach of small children.
Mishandling may result in injury.
In using this HPW-630ETR for a long period, take a rest of 10-15 minutes every hour for the sake of your health, and rest your eyes and hands.
When using headphones, be careful not to increase the volume too much.
An excessive volume may adversely affect your hearing.
Do not power up or power down this HPW-630ETR with headphones attached to your ears.
Any such attempt may adversely affect your hearing.
For proper care of HPW-630ETR, do not use benzene or other chemicals.
Use of any such chemical may transform, deform or discolor this HPW-630ETR.
Do not wipe the screen with a wet cloth.
Water may enter HPW-630ETR, breaking it down.
Do not use this product for the diagnosis of patients, directly connecting to patient bodies.
Do not this product for the purpose of military application.
Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced.
Replace only with the same type recommended by the manufacturer. Dispose of used batteries according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Chapter 1 System Specifications
1.1 System overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-1
1.2 Specifications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-3
Chapter 2 System Configuration
2.1 System configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-1
2.2 Operation overview -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2-4
Chapter 3 Accessories and Precautions
3.1 List of accessories --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-1
3.2 Reset procedure and precautions ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-3
3.3 General precautions on handling -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-4
3.4 Safety precautions --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-5
3.5 Cautions on using lithium-ion battery (HPW-LBT-2)
and coin battery (model: CR2032) -------------------------------------------------- 3-7
3.6 Replacing term of the main battery ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-10
3.7 Backup time for user data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-12
Chapter 4 Maintenance Procedures
4.1 Disassembly, replacement and adjustment --------------------------------------------------------- 4-1
4.1.1 Precautions on disassembly, replacement, and adjustments --------------------- 4-1
4.1.2 Replacing the main components -------------------------------------------------------- 4-4
4.2 Troubleshooting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-17
4.2.1 Trouble at turning on the power -------------------------------------------------------------- 4-17
4.2.2 Trouble with the LCD ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4-18
4.2.3 Trouble at operating the touch panel ---------------------------------------------------- 4-19
4.2.4 Trouble with the AC adapter and main battery --------------------------------------- 4-20
4.3 Dealing with a system runaway ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-21
4.4 Backup method ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-22
4.4.1 Making a backup copy on a memory card -------------------------------------------- 4-22
Chapter 5 Constituents
Assembly diagram of the main unit ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-1 Table of parts model HPW-630ETR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5-2
Chapter 6 Circuit diagram
DW5Z724 Board Component Layout(1-2) -------------------------------------------------------------- 6-1 DW5Z724 Board Circuit Schematic(1-21) -------------------------------------------------------------- 6-3
Chapter 7 T/M manual
7.1 Overview of the T/M system -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-1
7.2 How to start up the T/M system ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-2
7.3 Operating procedure for the T/M system ---------------------------------------------------------- 7-3
7.4 List of error codes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-9
Chapter 1 System Specifications
1.1 System overview
The HPW-630ETR is Handheld Computer consisting of a control board, PCMCIA/compact flash card slot, display (LCD)/touch panel, and power supply (batteries) in a body. These models support AC adapters as an external power supply. Other components that can be connected to outside equipment are USB device, headphone, phone cable, serial cable, VGA converter, and Cradle.
Display (LCD)
/touch panel
Auxiliary memory Slot for PCMCIA/compact flash card
USB device Serial cable
Control board
CPU and memory, etc.
AC adapter
Phone cable
VGA converter Serial cable
AC adapter
Headphone USB device
Fig. 1-1-1 System Configuration
Table 1-1-1 Table of Product Components
No Part name Model Remarks
1 Handheld Computer
HPW-630ETR 2 AC adapter HPW-WACAE Option 3 Lithium-Ion Battery HPW-LBT2 Option 4 Stylus pen HPW-SP2 Option 5 Serial cable HPW-WSCB Option 6 VGA converter HPW-WVCB Option 7 Screen Cover Sheet HPW-TLS2 Option 8 Battery Charger HPW-BTCE Option 9 Shoulder strap HPW-TSSR2 Option(available on order)
10 Hand strap HPW-THSR2 Option(available on order) 11 Cradle HPW-TCD Option(available on order)
HPW-630ETR Handheld Computer
(See 3.1 for the attachments.)
1.2 Specifications Table 1-1-2 Main Specifications (1/2)
Item Specification
Type Main use Handheld Computer (Handheld digital assistant)
Type Portable Display unit Color transflective LCD with CFL backlighting Drive Power supply Main battery: Lithium-ion battery (supplied)
Backup battery: Coin battery CR2032(supplied) AC adapter (supplied, AC power supply)
Specification Unit Handheld Computer
Dimensions (WxDxH) Weight Approx. 42.3oz(1200g) (including the lithium-ion battery)
Power supply Battery Type Lithium-Ion Battery
Rated voltage DC7.2V Typical battery life Approx. 10 hours (operating conditions: 5-minute operation/55-
AC adapter
Current consumption (when the main battery voltage is 7.5V)
Type Single-phase, 2-wires
Rated voltage
AC input AC100-240V,50/60Hz
DC output DC10V,1.0A
9.6"x1.5"x6.9" /242.6x38.6x175mm(excluding the lugs)
minute display, in non-communications mode, in the off LCD backlight mode) (With a new battery which has been recharged for at least 7 hours with the power off) With modem: Approx. 3 hours (in the darkest LCD backlight mode, continuous communications)
1.65mA(at power-off, 32MB memory) 260mA(only for display, in the darkest LCD backlight mode) 440mA(only for display, in the brightest LCD backlight mode)
Operating environment
Operating conditions
Storage conditions
Temperature 41-104deg.F(5-40deg.C) ,Operating
41-90deg.F(5-32deg.C),Recharging (with temperature changes no greater than 18deg.F(10deg.C)
per hour, non-condensing) Humidity 30-80%RH Temperature -4 - 140deg.F(-20 - 60deg.C)(non-condensing) Humidity 10-90%RH
Enviromen­tal conditions
Table 1-1-3 Main Specifications (2/2)
Item Specification
Vibration 2.45m/s
(0.25G), 5-50Hz, 30minute(3 axes)
AC line noise Minimum +/-500V Static electricity noise
Direct Discharge +/-4000V or more
Air Discharge, +/-8000V or more
Casing temperature
Metallic part Operating part 158deg.F (70deg.C) or less (104deg.F(40deg.C), 30%RH,
recharged state, with the ageing program on)
Non-metallic part
Non-operating part Operating part 131deg.F (55deg.C) or less (104deg.F (40deg.C), 30%RH,
Non-operating part
176deg.F (80deg.C) or less (104deg.F (40deg.C), 30%RH,
recharged state, with the ageing program on)
recharged state, with the ageing program on)
185deg.F (85deg.C) or less (104deg.F (40deg.C), 30%RH,
recharged state, with the ageing program on)
Safety Insulating resistance 500V DC/minute, 10Mohms or more (between AC and FG)
Dielectric strength 4kV(4000V) AC, 1 minute (between AC and FG), reference
current 5mA or less
Leak current 0.50mA or less (at 264V AC)
Radiatray and gas Nil (1.97inch away from LCD surface)
Acoustic noises 35dB or less (1.97inch from the front panel of the Handheld
Computer, overall, darkest backlight mode)
Radio noises FCC Part 15/IC ES-003
Conducted Emissions FCC Part 15/IC ES-003 Modem Communication standard FCC Part 68/IC CS-003 Delivery
Vibration resistance (X, Y, and Z directions, 40 minutes per direction) condition
shock resistance 1 corner, 3 edged, 6 surfaces 35.4inch (indivisual and carton
Table 1-1-4 Software Specifications
Category Functions 1 Windows 95 user interface (pen) 2 User interface Software keyboard, Jot (handwriting recognition) 3 Hard icons (5 user-specified icons) 4 Office AP Pocket Word (MS-Word for Win sub-set) 5 Comm unications Inbox (e-mail) 6 Terminal (characters) 7 Internet Explorer 8 ICA CE Client 9
Date/time 10 LAN driver 11 USB driver (mouse/keyboard) 12 Drivers Modem 13 VGA driver 14 Printer driver 15 Utilitiy Memory card backup 16 Run time MFC,VB
Note: The contents of the bundled software are subject to change without not ice.
Chapter 2 System Configuration
2.1 System configuration
Fig. 2-1-1 is an overall connection diagram of the HPW-630ETR. Table 2-1-1 is the Memory Map. A block
diagram of those functions is given in Fig. 2-1-2.
The control board on the Handheld PC is controlled mainly by the CPU (SH4), companion chip, and display chip. The memory consists of 32Mbytes of main memory, 2Mbytes of graphic memory, and 32Mbytes of program ROM. The input function supports touch panel input. The display function supports CRT output t hrough LCD display and VGA output. The external interfaces supported are a general-purpose card interface for PCMCIA card and compact flash card, USB interface that connects a USB device, headphones jack, communications interfaces for Serial, phone jack, infrared communications and Cradle interface for Serial, USB device, AC adapter.
Fig. 2-1-1 System Connection
AC adapter
Compact flash
Main Control board
ROM board (DW0Z725)
LCD/touch panel
USB device
Main battery
Backup Battery
Table 2-1-1 Memory Map
HPW-630ETR Remarks
Main memory 32MB DRAM
Video RAM 2MB Built in a display chip Mask ROM 32MB Program
Backup battery Coin Cell
AC adaptor
ddress Bus
Data Bus
Main Battery Li-ion
Volt. Sensor
Stereo Head Phone
SP Amp
Head Phone Amp
Mic Amp
USB IF (Master)
5V Module
3V Module
Serial IF
Cradle IF
(DC/USB/Serial IF)
Fig. 2-1-2 Block Diagram of Functions
Graphic Chip MQ200
Tr x 5
Power/Calibration Cursor Key
Color LCD
Table 2-1-2 Overview Functions of Each Block
Block function
CPU(SH7750) Controls the system according to a program stored in memory.
Also controls interrupt, clock, and other functions.
Companion chip CPU peripheral control IC. Controls interfaces, such as USB,
PCMCIA, IrDA, and Serial.
Display chip IC for display control. Controls the LCD display and CRT display
based on VGA output. Also incorporates VRAM to store data
necessary for screen display. Gate array Controls the LCD backlight. SDRAM Work area for the CPU program and a storage area for user data.
Backed up by battery. ROM Stores a system-run program. MDP Modem interface control IC that transmits and receives data and fax
messages. IR module Conforms to IrDA 1.1 and transmits and receives various data by
infrared radiation. DC/DC Supplies voltage according to the type of LCD and IC.
2.2 Operation overview
This section gives an overview of how the sy st em functions at power-on in a sequential order according t o Fig. 2-2-1. The Handheld PC is operated when the CPU executes a program stored in memory. W hen the power switch is turned on, the system checks the battery voltage (except at bootup after reset). If it does not fill a specified battery voltage level the sy stem w ill not start -up. Then it performs a simple test on the DRAM memory . If an error occurs, the program cannot run so that the system will not boot up. If no error occurs, the system will switch to the setting mode for touch panel setting at bootup, after resetting. If the setting is complete, the system will immediately display t he applicat ion scr een. If you would like to check the Handheld PC precisely, see Chapter 7 "T/M Manual".
Power and battery
voltage check
Backup memory check
File system present (note 1)
File s
Note 1: File system It contains data to control files in memory (DRAM). If there is a file system, the information in it is used to display the resume screen. If not (such as after a full reset), the system will boot up from the initial screen after creating a file system.
rox. 6.7V or less
stem not present (note 1
Stylus setting mode
Fig. 2-2-1 Operation Flowchart
Windows CE
3.1 Accessories List
The main unit accessories are packed as shown in Figure 3-1 "Detailed Drawing of Packing". After unpacking, check the following accessories:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
AC adapter Serial cable Phone cable Main battery (Lithium-ion) Backup battery (coin cell) Screen cover sheet User’s guide Precautions Leaflet End user license agreement
Accessory or annexed document Quantity Remarks
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Model: HPW-LBT2 Model:CR2032 Model: HPW-TLS2
Note 1: The leaflet or similar document are subject to change without previous notice.
Packing A
Pouch dedicated to the main unit
Main unit
AC adapter
Lot tracking number
Phone cable
User’s guide Screen cover sheet
Serial cable
Lithium-ion battery
Coin cell(CR2032)
Packing C
Individual package case
Figure 3-1 Detailed Drawing of Packing
Packing B
In the text below, an asterisk (*) on the left side of an item number highlights a precaution for those in charge of maintenance. These precautions are not described in the user’s guide for the main unit.
3.2 Reset Procedure and Precautions
1. Manual reset When the unit fails to operate during operation or a reset instruction is issued during software
installation, press the Reset button with the stylus pen to restart it.
Note: Data being edited that has not been saved in the memory will be lost. Save data at short intervals.
2. Full reset
Full reset can be performed only when restart cannot be attained by pressing the Reset but t on.
(1) Remove the AC adapter. (2) Remove the backup battery.
For details of how to remove the battery, refer to section 4.1.1 (4), O perat ions 3 t o 5.
(3) Remove the main battery.
For details of how to remove the battery, refer to section 4.1.1 (4), O perat ions 1 t o 2. (4) In this status, wait for about one minute. (5) Set the AC adapter and the batteries.
For details of how to install these, refer to assembly procedures (14) - (18) described in
Section 4.1.2: "1. Replacing the PWB Ass'y and modular connector – Assembly Procedure" (4-12 and 4-13 pages). * Be sure to install the backup battery after installing the main battery. If this order is reversed, the unit may fail to start.
Notes: (1) When full reset is executed, all data stored in the main unit and the installed software will be
lost. Save important data in a PC or memory card at short intervals as a backup. For backup to the PC or memory card, refer to section 4.4 Backup Procedure.
(2) After pressing the Reset button, do not pull out and insert the AC adapter for about one second.
3.3 General Precautions on Handling
*1. For inquiries concerning the telephone, contact the telephone company to w hich t he user subscribes.
2. When this product is wrongly used or affected by static electricity or electric noise, when the product fails or is repaired, or when the battery is replaced, the stored contents may be changed or lost . Be sure to observe the following. Be sure to take notes of important contents on paper. The memory card may be used for this purpose and is available separately. For the backup procedure, refer to the instruction manual.
3. Do not reproduce or change any part of or the entire product software.
4. Do not execute disassembling or other reverse engineering for any part of or the entire product software.
5. Note that we shall not assume responsibility for any operation result of this product r egar dless of the previous items.
6. We shall not assume responsibility for any monetary damage or lost profit resulting from the use of this product and for any demand from a third person.
7. The specifications of this product including its accessories and the contents described in the user’s guide are subject to change without prior notice.
8. Do not remove both the main battery and backup battery simultaneously under any circumstances other than full reset, otherwise the user data in the main unit will be lost.
9. For main battery and backup battery replacement procedures, refer to the instruction manual.
10. When the residual capacity of the main battery becomes low, connect t he AC adapter and charge the main battery. When the product is not used for a long time, charge the main battery from time to time or save the data onto a PC or the flash memory card as a backup. If the main battery is left for a long time, even if the product is not used, the battery will be consumed for data backup. As a result, stored data w ill be lost.
11. Do not use the product with the main battery remov ed. When the product is used by connecting to the AC adapter, be sure t o set t he main batt ery.
12. Be sure to install the battery cover before use.
13. In this product, the stored contents may be changed or lost by a wrong operation or failure. Save important data in a PC or the flash memory card as a backup.
14. For backing up data, be sure to connect the AC adapter beforehand.
15. When the flash memory card is used for backup, do not remove the flash memory card.
16. Do not handle the flash memory card in an electrostatic charge status. Before handling it, touch the metallic surface of a steel-made cabinet to discharge static electricit y from your body.
17. When inserting the flash memory card, do not insert it the wrong way or by force.
18. When you pull out and insert the card repeatedly, be sure to allow an interval of 5 seconds or more between these operations.
19. Do not insert any card other than the specified one, otherwise data loss or device failure will r e sult .
20. Do not pull out or insert the card in the power ON status.
21. Cards in use or just after being used may reach high temperatures. Handle cards with care so as not to get burnt.
22. When performing any operation using the flash memory card, perform the operation in a status where the capacity of the main battery is at least half.
23. Be sure to set the battery lock switch to "LOCK". When this switch is set to "FREE", the power supply cannot be turned on.
24. During operation, do not set the battery lock swit ch t o "FREE". If to the switch is set to " FREE" , the data being edited will be lost.
25. Do not shock the unit by dropping or striking it.
26. This unit is not waterproof. Do not operate in a place where the unit may get splashed with water or in a very humid place.
27. Before connecting the cable to each connector of the main unit, insert or remove the cable connector straight. If the connector is subjected to excessive force, may be damaged.
28. Do not insert any foreign material into the card slot.
29. Do not place any heavy material on top of this equipment.
30. When cleaning the LCD, only brush off dust. To remove dirt on the LCD surface, wipe off with a dry soft cloth.
31. During operation, the area around the LCD and the AC adapter may get hot. This is not abnormal.
32. When charging the main battery , be sure t o use our specified AC adapter (HPW-WACA) and a Lithium-ion battery (HPW-LBT2).
33. Do not operate the touch panel with any material other than t he at t ached st ylus pen. The surface of the touch panel may be scratched or the touch panel may be damaged, resulting in injury.
34. If the unit is used with dust stuck to the front surface of the touch panel, the front surface may be scratched.
35. Do not push the touch panel and the area around the LCD touch panel with excessiv e force.
36. The LCD of this equipment uses STN liquid crystal. Flickering may occur depending on the set contrast and back light brightness. At this time, adjust the contrast and back light brightness before use.
37. When the card slot is not used, be sure to operate the unit in the status where the attached card protector is inserted and set the card slot cover.
38. When this unit is used in the vicinity of a radio or TV set, interference with reception may result.
3.4 Safety Precautions
1. If the unit displays an abnormal status, for example, heat generation, smoke emission, or burnt smell generation, turn off the power supply at once and remove t he bat t ery.
2. If any foreign material (metal fragment, water, liquid, etc.) is put into t he equipment, first remove t he battery of the main unit.
3. If you drop the equipment or break the case, remove the battery.
4. Do not place any heavy material on the equipment.
5. Do not use any battery or AC adapter other t han t hose specified for this equipment. Do not modify
or disassemble the AC adapter , ot herwise a fire or injury may result.
6. When using the main unit, be sure to set the main battery and the backup battery to prevent data loss.
7. Do not operate the switches with fingernails, otherwise fingertips may be hurt.
8. The end of the attached stylus pen is sharp. Turning it toward a person may invite danger. Keep in a place out of the reach of children.
9. When using the product for a long time, rest for 10 to 15 minutes every hour for health reasons and to rest the eyes and hands.
10. Take extreme care when handling high-voltage portions such as the inverter.
11. Do not use this product near another product that may generat e a strong magnetic field, otherwise the product will fail.
12. Do not cover or wrap this equipment during operation or cover the AC adapt er with a cloth, otherwise a fire may result.
13. Do not connect any digital line (for example, Digital PBX, I SDN) t o t he phone jack of this equipment, otherwise a fire or failure may result.
14. Do not swing the main unit around. The stylus pen and the card protector will spr ing out , r esulting in injury or failure.
15. Do not place the product in a place exposed to strong vibrations, ot herw ise it may fail.
16. Do not place the product near any material ( such as a magnet ) that will generate magnetism. When the product receives strong magnetism, it may fail.
17. Do not use the product on the lap for a long time, other w ise t he sur face of the main unit will get hot, causing low-temperature burning.
18. Do not subject the product to sudden temperatur e changes, ot her w ise condensat ion w ill occur resulting in failure.
19. Be sure to pull out the power plug by holding the AC adapter properly. Pulling the power cable will damage the cable (conductor exposure, wire breaking, etc.), resulting in a fire or electric shock.
20. When removing the product with the PC/CF card mounted, do not insert a finger into the PC/CF card slot.
21. When installing the backup battery in the equipment, take care with polarity indicat ions (i.e. positive (+) and negative (-) directions). If a mistake is made in the polarity, a fire, injury, or failure may be result by battery rupture or liquid leakage.
22. Be sure to check that the main battery is securely installed in the main unit. If the main battery is out of position, it will cause an injury.
23. When using the headphones, take care not to raise the volume excessively. This may have a bad effect on hearing abilit y.
24. Do not use any chemical such as benzene for cleaning, other w ise it w ill r e sult in a change in qualit y, deformation, or discoloration of the equipment.
25. Do not wipe the screen with a wet cloth. If water enters the equipment, it will result in failure.
26. Do not use this product in a place exposed to rain.
27. If the product got wet, wipe with a dry and soft cloth immediately.
28. Do not drop and hit the product. This product may be dropped on a foot, this product may rebound and bump into the body or the parts may be flied out, resulting in injury , fire or breakdown.
29. Do not leave this product in a vehicle under hot sunshine. Subsequent heating up may result in a breakdown or the case getting deformed or melted.
Cautions on using lithium ion battery (model HPW-LBT2) and coin battery (model CR2032)
Before using such batteries, always read the Hardware User’s Guide. Mishandling may result in excessive heat , ignition, damage, or deterioration of the battery during performance or service life. Observe the following requirements at all times:
1. Always read the Hardware User’s Guide for the Handheld Computer carefully, and recharge the batteries. Mishandling may result in excessive heating, a burst, or ignition.
2. Do not throw a battery into a fire or heat it. Mishandling may result in excessive heating, a burst, or ignition.
3. Do not connect the terminals of a lithium ion battery or coin battery with a metal wire or other metal object. Do not carry any such battery into the room with a hairpin or ot her metal product , or st ore t hem together. Mishandling may result in a short-circuit, leading to an excessive current flow, overheating, a burst, or ignition.
4. Do not disassemble or remodel a lithium ion battery or coin battery, or apply a strong impact either. Mishandling may result in excessive heating, a burst, or ignition.
5. Do not sting a lithium ion battery or coin battery with needle;do not hammer them or step them on either. Any such action may result in excessive heating,a burst,or ignition.
Do not dip a lithium ion battery or coin battery into w at er, sea water or other liquid; do not get them wet. Mishandling may result in excessive heating, a burst, or ignition.
7. Do not put a lithium ion battery or coin battery into a microwave oven or high-pressure v essel. Mishandling may result in excessive heating, a burst, or ignition.
8. Do not use or leave a lithium ion battery in direct sunlight, in a vehicle in the strong sunlight, or in an area where the battery can get overheated. Any such attempt may result in excessive heating, ignition, or reduction of service life.
9. The lithium ion battery incorporates a protector designed to protect against risks. Do not use it in an area subject to static electricity that may damage the prot ect or. Any such attempt may destroy the protect o r, result ing in t he excessive heating, a burst, or ignition.
10. If a strange odor, excessive heat, discoloration, deformation, or any other abnormal sign is noticed when using, recharging, or storing a lithium ion battery, or when using or storing a coin battery, remove the battery from the Handheld Computer. Do not use the battery anymore. Continued use may result in excessive heating, a burst, or ignition.
11. If recharging does not end even after a specified recharging time, stop the recharging. Mishandling may result in excessive heating, a burst, or ignition.
12. If liquid leaking from a lithium ion battery or coin battery enters the eye, do not rub it. Imm ediately rinse well with clean water and seek a physician's treatment at once.
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