Hitachi CP-WU8440, CP-SX8350, CP-WX8255, CP-WU8450, CP-X8160 User Manual

CP-X8150/CP-X8160/CP-WX8240 CP-WX8255/CP-SX8350/CP-WU8440 CP-WU8450
User's Manual (detailed) Instant Stack Guide
Thank you for purchasing this product.
This projector can be used with another projector of the same model to project an image on the same screen using the Instant Stack feature. The two projectors can be operated simultaneously to make the image brighter. Moreover, if you connect two projectors with RS-232C cross-over cable, it turns to a kind of intellectual stacking system. The two projectors can work alternately by themselves, and once one projector has an accident the other voluntarily starts to work to keep your presentation going. These features, generically called Instant Stack, provide you with the broad use.
About this manual
Various symbols are used in this manual. The meanings of these symbols are described below.
This symbol indicates information that, if ignored, could possibly result in personal injury or even death due to incorrect handling.
This symbol indicates information that, if ignored, could possibly result in personal injury or physical damage due to incorrect handling.
This entry notices of fear of causing trouble.
Please refer to the pages written following this symbol.
NOTE • The information in this manual is subject to change without notice.
• The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this manual.
• The reproduction, transfer or copy of all or any part of this document is not permitted without express written consent.
Trademark acknowledgment
All the trademarks in this manual are the properties of their respective owners.
1. Introduction ........................3
1.1 Basic information
and preparations ............................. 3
Instant Stack ........................................3
Intellectual Stack and Simple Stack ..... 3
Remote control for Intellectual Stack
and Simple Stack ............................. 3
2. Installation ..........................5
2.1 Preparing for Intellectual Stack..... 5
2.2 Installing
the rst projector (Set A) ................ 6
Deciding installation position ............... 6
Setting up Set A ................................... 6
2.3 Installing
the second projector (Set B) .......... 8
Deciding installation position ............... 8
Connecting projectors .......................... 8
Setting up Set B ................................... 8
2.4 Conrming Main
and Sub settings ............................ 10
2.5 Fine adjusting
image position ............................... 11
For Intellectual Stack users ............... 11
For Simple Stack users ...................... 12
3. STACK menu settings ......13
3.1 Displaying STACK menu ............ 13
3.2 Selecting Main, Sub or off ..........14
3.3 Selecting lamp operation mode .. 15
3.4 Selecting lamp switching mode .. 17
3.5 Selecting input source for Sub.... 18
3.6 Exiting Intellectual
Stack menu ................................... 19
STACK menu ..................................... 19
Dialog from STACK menu .................. 19
3.7 Important information
for Intellectual Stack ......................20
4. Connecting cables ...........23
4.1 Connecting an RS-232C cable ... 23
4.2 Connecting signal cables............ 24
Inputting image from Main to Sub ...... 24
Inputting image
to Sub and Main individually ........... 24
5. Setting input ports
using menu .........................25
5.1 Preparing for menu operations ... 25
5.2 Checking Main projector's
operating status ............................. 25
5.3 Starting up Main projector ..........26
5.4 Setting the menu ........................27
Inputting image from Main to Sub
- Computer signal ...........................27
Inputting image from Main to Sub
- Video signal
(either component or video) ........... 28
Inputting image to
Sub and Main individually ............... 28
6. Restrictions
on Schedule function ........30
7. Troubleshooting ...............32
1. Introduction
1.1 Basic information and preparations
Instant Stack
Instant Stack is a feature that allows you to superimpose images projected from two projectors easily.
Intellectual Stack and Simple Stack
Instant Stack includes the following two features. When two projectors are connected via an RS-232C cable with necessary set­tings performed on the projectors, these two projectors will automatically operate in synchronization with each other according to the settings. This is known as Intellectual Stack in this manual. The two projectors operate individually without the RS-232C connection. This is known as Simple Stack in this manual.
Remote control for Intellectual Stack and Simple Stack
For Intellectual Stack, one projector is set as Main and the other is set as Sub. Only the Main projector is capable of receiving the remote control signals. the projectors from the control panel of the Main projector or with the remote control pointing at the Main projector. For details on operating by remote control and from the control panel, refer to 3.7 Important Information for Intellectual Stack. For Simple Stack, both projectors can receive the remote control signals. To avoid incorrect operations with the remote control, it is recommended to operate both projectors with the control panel or a wired remote control, or one projector with the remote control and the other with the control panel or a wired remote control. In this case, disable the remote control receiving on the other projector with the KEY LOCK feature. (Operating GuideOPTION menu)
WARNING ► Do not place projectors directly on top of other projectors.
CAUTION ► Place the projector in a cool place with sufcient ventilation.
Keep a space of 30 cm or more between a side of the projector and other objects such as a wall. Keep a space of 100 cm or more between the two projectors, especially if you are installing the projectors side by side. Take care not to let the hot exhaust air from other projectors enter the intake vents of the projector.
(continued on next page)
1.1 Basic information and preparations (continued)
NOTICE ► Intellectual Stack can be operated only in pairs of the same model
► A maximum of two projectors can be used as Intellectual Stack.
► Depending on the installation and surrounding environment, images projected from the two projectors may not superimpose well enough. The images cannot superimpose well enough especially when the screen is slanted, deformed or the surface is uneven.
• Images projected immediately after turning on the projectors are unstable due to rising internal temperature. Wait for more than 20 minutes before starting to adjust the superimposed images.
• The image positions may shift due to temperature change, vibration, or shock caused by hitting the projector. Install the projectors in a stable environment when using Instant Stack. If the image positions are shifted, readjust the images. (
6, 8, 11
• The image positions may shift over time due to the tension and the weight of the connecting cables. Make sure not to impose any load on the projectors when arranging the cables.
• If the volume level of the built-in speakers is too high, noise may occur and the image quality may deteriorate. In this case, check the volume setting on both projectors.
• When two projectors are connected using the RS-232C cable, the Main projector will be able to control the Sub projector. This feature is known as Intellectual Stack. (
) When Intellectual Stack by means of RS-232C
feature is used, RS-232C communication cannot be used to control the projector. If you wish to control the projectors from a computer, use the LAN connection that is connected to any of the projectors.
• When Intellectual Stack is used, the operations or settings of some functions are restricted. Refer to this manual for details. (
2. Installation
For safety reasons, read 1.1 Basic information and preparations ( before installation. In addition, take note of the followings for proper use of Instant Stack.
● When using Intellectual Stack, both projectors will respond to the remote control signals until STACK MODE on either projector is set to SUB. If you control one projector with the remote control during installation, it is recommended to operate the other with the control panel or a wired remote control. In this case, disable the remote control receiving on the other projector with the KEY LOCK feature. (
● Images from Set A and Set B may superimpose well but the image positions can shift over time. Readjust to superimpose the images.
Operating GuideOPTION menu)
3, 4
) carefully
2.1 Preparing for Intellectual Stack
When using Intellectual Stack via RS-232C connection, ensure the following set­tings are set on the two projectors. Otherwise, the Intellectual Stack menu cannot be operated.
Operating GuideSETUP menu)
Operating GuideOPTION menu)
When STACK LOCK is set to on, menus related to Instant Stack cannot be operated. It is therefore necessary to set it to off during installation and menu setting.
(1) Use the ▲/▼/◄/► buttons to go into the following menu.
STACK LOCK dialog will appear on screen. (
GuideSECURITY menu)
(2) Use the ▲/▼ buttons to highlight OFF, and press the ► button to complete
the setting.
2.2 Installing the rst projector (Set A)
Deciding installation position
Decide the position of Set A and its projection angle. (User’s Manual (concise)Arrangement and Adjusting the projector’s elevator)
WARNING ► to install the projector for any direction with specied mounting accessories. Consult with your dealer about such a special installation.
• Set the tilt angle of Set A to within 9 degrees from the level line.
Setting up Set A
Only for CP-X8160, CP-WX8255 and CP-WU8450, it is possible
1. Turn on Set A.
2. Perform the INSTALLATION setting rst if necessary as it may change the
image position. (Operating GuideSETUP menu )
3. Adjust the image of Set A to t the screen with the ZOOM, FOCUS and LENS
SHIFT features. (Operating GuideAdjusting the lens) Adjust the image position using KEYSTONE and PERFECT FIT if necessary. (Operating GuideEASY MENU or SETUP menu)
NOTE • KEYSTONE cannot be operated when PERFECT FIT is in use.
To adjust the image using both KEYSTONE and PERFECT FIT, adjust KEYSTONE rst.
• If you are using Simple Stack, go to 2.3 Installation of the second projector
(Set B). (
(continued on next page)
2.2 Installing the rst projector (Set A) - Setting up Set A (continued)
4. Display the menu with the MENU button. (Operating GuideUsing the
menu function)
5. Use the ▲/▼/◄/► buttons to go into the following menu.
STACK menu will appear on screen. (
Operating GuideOPTION menu)
6. Use the ▲/▼ buttons to highlight STACK
MODE, and press the ► button to display the STACK MODE dialog. Highlight SUB pressing the ▲/▼ buttons, and press the ► button.
7. After pressing the ► button, a dialog to
conrm whether or not to save the setting is displayed. Press the ► button to complete the setting. (19)
8. If you are using Intellectual Stack, disable the remote control receiving using
KEY LOCK. (Operating GuideOPTION menu)
NOTE • Set A will not be operated by the remote control hereafter. To
avoid crosstalk when operating with the remote control, it is recommended to disable the remote control receiving using KEY LOCK.
• After the STACK MODE setting is completed, Set A (Sub) will not be able to receive the remote control signals. When STACK MODE is set to OFF, enable the remote control receiving using KEY LOCK if necessary.
2.3 Installing the second projector (Set B)
Deciding installation position
Decide the position of Set B and its projection angle. (User’s Manual (concise)Arrangement and Adjusting the projector’s elevator)
Only for CP-X8160, CP-WX8255 and CP-WU8450, it is possible to install the projector for any direction with specied mounting accessories. Consult with your dealer about such a special installation.
NOTE • Set the tilt angle of Set B to within 9 degrees from the level line.
Connecting projectors
To use Intellectual Stack, connect an RS-232C cross cable between the CONTROL port of Set A and Set B.
Setting up Set B
1. Turn on Set B.
NOTE • After turning on Set B, make sure the image of Set B is not
signicantly tilted compared to the image of Set A. If the image is overly tilted, rotate the elevator feet of Set B to adjust the angle such that the tilt is just about right.
2. Reset the adjustment of KEYSTONE and PERFECT FIT on Set B.
(Operating GuideEASY MENU or SETUP menu)
NOTE • KEYSTONE cannot be operated when PERFECT FIT is in use. To
reset both functions, reset PERFECT FIT rst.
• Perform the INSTALLATION setting rst if necessary as it may change the image position. (
(continued on next page)
Operating GuideSETUP menu)
2.3 Installing the second projector (Set B) - Setting up Set B (continued)
3. Adjust the image size and position of Set B with the ZOOM, FOCUS and
LENS SHIFT features such that the image can be superimposed well to the image of Set A. (Operating GuideAdjusting the lens)
NOTE • Fine adjustment of the image size and position thereafter with
functions such as KEYSTONE and PERFECT FIT does not increase the image size. It is therefore important to have the image of Set B completely overlapping the image of Set A.
When controlling Set B with the remote control, Set A may also respond to the
remote control. It is recommended to control Set B with the control panel on Set B.
• If you are using Simple Stack, go to For Simple Stack users. (
4. Display the menu with the MENU button. (Operating GuideUsing the
menu function)
5. Use the ▲/▼/◄/► buttons to go into the following menu.
STACK menu will appear on screen.
Operating GuideOPTION menu)
6. Use the ▲/▼ buttons to highlight STACK
MODE, and press the ► button to display the STACK MODE dialog. Highlight MAIN with the ▲/▼ buttons, and press the ◄ button to return to the previous menu.
7. Use the ▲/▼ buttons to highlight LAMP
MODE, and press the ► button to display the LAMP MODE dialog. Highlight DUAL with the ▲/▼ buttons, and press the ► button.
8. After pressing the ► button, a dialog to
conrm whether or not to save the setting is displayed. Press the ► button to complete the setting. (19)
2.4 Conrming Main and Sub settings
1. Press the MENU button on the remote control for Main (Set B).
NOTE • When Intellectual Stack is in use, only Main is capable of receiving
the remote control signals, Sub will not respond to the remote control signals.
2. The following dialogs appear on the lower right screen.
Main (Set B)
Sub (Set A)
3. If you press the ► button, the dialog closes and the Main (Set B) menu will
appear when MAIN is highlighted. If you press the ◄ button, the dialog closes and the menu will disappear.
NOTE • If these dialogs are not displayed on screen, check the RS-232C
connection (
) and the MAIN or SUB setting in the STACK MODE dialog.
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