Hitachi 9960, 9900 User Manual

Hitachi Data Systems
Table of Contents
Table of Contents......................................................................................................................................iii
Table of Figures ........................................................................................................................................vii
Table of Tables ........................................................................................................................................viii
Chapter 1 – Introduction ________________________________________________________________1
The Only Switched-Fabric Storage Architecture in the World....................................................................1
An Overview of the Hitachi Lightning 9900 Series Architecture................................................................2
Comparison to the Shared Bus Architecture of the Hitachi Freedom Storage 7700E..................................4
The Lightning 9900 has an advanced availability profile compared to competitive products......................4
Other Information Sources Available from Hitachi Data Systems ..............................................................5
Chapter 2 – The Lightning 9900 Series Packaging____________________________________________7
The System Monitoring Network of the Lightning 9900 Series ..............................................................10
Chapter 3 – Front-end Design of the Hitachi Lightning 9900 Series ____________________________11
CHIPs Support Fibre Channel Host and ESCON Host Connectivity and Scalability..............................11
Types of Hosts Supported by Direct Fibre Channel Host Attachment by the Lightning 9900 Series........14
Chapter 4 – Hi-Star Architecture – An Internal Switched Hierarchial Star Network ______________15
The Cache Switch Provides Non-blocking Switched Access to Cache ......................................................16
The Path Bandwidth Between the CSW and CHIPs or ACPs is 6.4GB/sec ............................................16
The Path Bandwidth Between the CSW and the Cache Adapter (CAs) is 3.2GB/sec ..............................16
Advantages of a Switched Architecture Compared to a Shared Bus Architecture ......................................16
Advanced Cache Algorithms of the Lightning 9900 Series ......................................................................18
Hitachi FlashAccess Allows Datasets to be Permanently Placed in Cache ................................................18
Chapter 5 – High Performance Back-end Design____________________________________________21
The Importance of Command Tag Queuing (CTQ)................................................................................22
Chapter 6 – Capacities and RAID Architecture ____________________________________________23
Advantages of the Lightning 9900 Series RAID Hardware ......................................................................23
Chapter 7 – Hitachi High-Availability Software Improves Application Service Levels ______________25
An Overview of High Availability (HA) Computing Software..................................................................25
Software products contribute to High-Availability Computing ................................................................25
The Lightning 9900 has an Advanced Availability Profile compared to Competitive Products ................25
1 - Alternate Pathing middleware switches the I/O load in the event of path failure ........................27
2 - Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager provides path failover and load balancing ................................27
3 - Host Failover................................................................................................................................27
4 - Parallel Database Clustering ........................................................................................................28
Unmatched Competitive Advantage in RAID Choices ............................................................................29
Chapter 8 – Performance Considerations __________________________________________________31
The Advantages of the Lightning 9900 Series Hi-Star Architecture Over a Shared Bus Architecture ........31
Internal Switching Overcomes the Limitations of Shared Bus Architectures ............................................32
Hitachi Data Systems
Chapter 9 – The Lightning 9900 Series Software Solutions Are the Best in the World ______________33
Increased IT service levels in availability and performance through Business Continuity Planning
Remote Copy, Data Duplication, Data Migration Defined......................................................................35
Remote Copy....................................................................................................................................35
PiT Copy ..........................................................................................................................................35
Data Migration..................................................................................................................................35
Chapter 10 – Centralized and Open Systems Management Software Simplifies IT Operations ______37
A powerful and open systems management philosophy............................................................................37
HiCommand allows systems management of Hitachi Storage and software through the enterprise’s
Overview of how the Systems Management Software supports business objectives ..................................39
Service Level Management ................................................................................................................40
Deployment Management ................................................................................................................40
Compliance Management..................................................................................................................40
SNMP support ensures compliance with all major systems management platforms..................................40
Hitachi Graph-Track takes the guess-work out of performance management............................................40
Hitachi LUN Manager simplifies configuration management and reduces staffing costs..........................41
Hitachi Virtual Logical Volume Image Manager allows very large to very small virtual volume
Hitachi FlashAccess allows data to be “locked and unlocked” in cache on-the-fly ....................................42
Transaction Processing Facility/Multi-Path Lock Facility (TPF/MPLF)....................................................43
Chapter 11 – Professional Services and Support ____________________________________________45
Hitachi Data Systems is consistently ranked Number One in the Industry ..............................................45
Data Protection Services Lab ............................................................................................................46
Remote Copy Assessment and Implementation Service ....................................................................46
Hitachi NanoCopy Implementation Service......................................................................................46
Continuous Availability Service ........................................................................................................47
On-line Data Migration Service........................................................................................................47
Enterprise storage and availability management services....................................................................48
Software Portfolio Review and Analysis Service ................................................................................48
Appendix A – System Configurations for the Performance Experiment __________________________49
Glossary of Terms ____________________________________________________________________51
Hitachi Data Systems
Table of Figures
Figure 1 The 9960 provides for exploding growth and data consolidation while the 9910
provides for managed growth and open system exploitation. ................................................2
Figure 2 The Hitachi Lightning 9960 Series’ Hi-Star internal switched-fabric architecture.................3
Figure 3 System block diagram of the 7700E’s shared bus architecture...............................................4
Figure 4 A 9960 Control Frame and its major components. ..............................................................7
Figure 5 A 9960 Array Frame with its major components...................................................................8
Figure 6 A power supply module of a Lightning 9900 Series system...................................................9
Figure 7 A 9910 single-cabinet storage subsystem.............................................................................10
Figure 8 Fibre Channel and ESCON or FICON adapter boards connect to open systems and
mainframe computers. ........................................................................................................11
Figure 9 A Fibre Channel host adapter board and its major hardware components...........................12
Figure 10 An ESCON host adaper board and its major hardware components...................................13
Figure 11 A 9960 system connected to Mainframes and Open Systems hosts.....................................14
Figure 12 The Cache Hierarchical Star Network (C-HSN) provides fully redundant switched
access to cache from all channel adapters. ..........................................................................15
Figure 13 The CSW and CARBs provide non-blocking channel access to all cache...........................16
Figure 14 A shared-bus architecture is limited to two simultaneous I/O operations. ..........................17
Figure 15 The Lightning 9900 Series Hi-Star architecture allows for 16 parallel I/Os to cache
through four interconnecting cache switches.......................................................................17
Figure 16 Separate redundant control memory handles the exchange of control information between
processors and cache memory about the status, location, and configuration of data. ..........19
Figure 17 Functional diagram of a Lightning 9900 Series ACP pair. ..................................................21
Figure 18 Functional diagram of an Array Group with FC-AL disks. ................................................22
Figure 19 Diagram of four ACP pairs and 32 FC-AL back-end disks.................................................22
Figure 20 The Lightning 9900 Series Systems are available with RAID-1+ and RAID-5 arrays. ........24
Figure 21 The Lightning 9900 offers a far more complete range of availability protection than
competitive products. ........................................................................................................26
Figure 22 Hitachi Dynamic Link Manager automatically provides path failover and load balancing
for open systems. ................................................................................................................28
Figure 23 Test results show the advantages of the 9960 HiStar architecture when compared to a
shared bus architecture. ......................................................................................................31
Figure 24 Hitachi Data Systems offers a broad range of remote copy, data duplication, and data
migration software solutions. ..............................................................................................34
Figure 25 HiCommand allows management of virtually all Hitachi hardware and software from
the customer’s platform of choice. ......................................................................................38
Figure 26 The GUI interface on Hitachi Graph-Track simplifies performance management. ............41
Hitachi Data Systems
Table 1 Comparison of the Lightning 9900 series models.................................................................2
Table 2 Bandwidth of supported interfaces of the Lightning 9900 Series. ......................................14
Table 3 System Capacities and Number of disk drives for various configurations. ..........................23
Table 4 Summary of Hitachi Freedom Storage software products and the business objectives
they serve. ..........................................................................................................................33
Table 5 Hitachi copy products provide Remote Copy, Data Duplication and Data Migration. ......36
The Only Switched-Fabric Storage Architecture in the World
The Hitachi Freedom Storage™Lightning 9900™Series internal switched-fabric storage architecture is considered the most advanced design available in the world for open systems and mainframe data. The patented Hi-Star™architecture powers the most intelligent, highest performance enterprise-class storage product in the industry today.
1. Hi-Star™, a modern switched-fabric storage architecture, was introduced in 2000 and
is the only one available among enterprise class storage systems.
2. The Lightning 9900™Series leapfrogs competitive products in virtually every
category of comparison, especially in internal hardware architecture, availability,
performance, and software solutions.
3. Ve ry high availability is provided by an unusually robust product design. Full
environmental monitoring and hot swap capability is also provided.
4. Front-end support options include virtually all major open systems platforms and
S/390®compatible mainframe computers, which provides unsurpassed functionality.
5. The Lightning 9900™Series offers scalable performance through a multiple switched
architecture, hardware RAID, real-time operating system (kernel) design, and
superior system management tools.
6. Backup windows, operations efficiency, and disaster recovery are optimized using
leading Hitachi copy, migration, and data duplication software solutions.
7. The Lightning 9900™Series is fully compatible with all major UNIX
, Windows NT®,
and IBM
S/390 mainframe network and system management tools in addition to
Freedom Storage™management software.
8. Hitachi offers optional robust dial-in capability that provides world class experts to
diagnose problems if they occur.
Lightning 9900™Series Product Offerings
The Lightning 9900™Series is offered in two models – the 9960 and the 9910. The 9960 is recommended for users requiring large storage capacities of 88+ TB of raw storage capacity. With the same advanced architecture as the Lightning 9960, the 9910 bridges the gap between standard mid-range and premium priced advanced function storage. With capacities up to 8+ TB of storage, the 9910 is recommended for users who require advanced function capabilities of premium storage, yet do not need the actual storage capacity of the
9960. Table 1 compares key differences between the two product offerings in the Lightning 9900™Series.
The most advanced design in storage.
Product Characteristics 9960 9910
Number of Cabinets 2-7 1
Maximum Cache Capacity 32 GB 16 GB
Number of Fibre Channel/ESCON®Ports Up to 32 Up to 24
Number of FICON Ports Up to 16 Up to 12
Number of Disks (HDDs) Up to 512 Up to 48
Number of Array Groups Up to 126 Up to 11
Number of ACP pairs 1-4 1
Number of FC-AL Paths to Back-end Disks Up to 32 Up to 8
Maximum TB of Raw Disk Capacity 88 TB+ 8 TB+
Minimum usable RAID-5 Capacity 54 GB 54 GB
Maximum usable RAID-5 Capacity 66.2 TB 6.2 TB
Selecting the 9910 or the 9960 is dependent on capacity requirements and expected growth of data. The Lightning 9900™Series therefore offers product alternatives that cover a very broad range of scalability as illustrated in Figure 1.
An Overview of the Hitachi Lightning 9900™Series Architecture
The Lightning 9900™Series intelligent storage array is the most powerful enterprise storage system in the industry today. The new architecture used in the Lightning 9900
Series is specifically designed for the brutal I/O demands of open systems environments. Extremely high internal bandwidths, high-speed back-end design, scalable internal pathways, increased processor speeds, and increased number of processors, larger cache sizes, and a new and improved high-performance RAID-1 (called RAID-1+) sets the Lightning 9900™Series apart from all other storage systems. Figure 2 illustrates the architecture of the Lightning 9900™Series.
Table 1 – Comparison of the Lightning 9900
Series models.
Figure 1 – The 9960 provides for exploding growth and data consolidation while the 9910 provides for managed growth and open system exploitation.
The most powerful storage system in the world.
Hitachi Data Systems
At the heart of the Lightning 9900™Series’ enormous capacity for throughput lies the Hi-Star™architecture. This network of interconnecting high-speed links to system components provides an unequaled internal aggregate bandwidth of 6.4GB/sec (gigabytes/sec) in the 9960. This bandwidth is divided equally into 3.2GB/sec for data transfer and 3.2GB/sec for separate internal control information transfer.
The main components that make up the Lightning 9900™Series are the Array Control Processor modules (ACPs), Host Adapter modules, called Client Host Interface Processors (CHIPs). These elements enable the unsurpassed bandwidth of the Hi-Star™network by bringing their own network paths (and bandwidth) to the Cache Hierarchical Star Network (C-HSN) and the Control Memory Hierarchical Star Network (CM-HSN). This means that the full 6.4GB/sec internal bandwidth is available with a fully configured 9960 with all four ACP pairs (eight modules total) and all four CHIP pairs (eight modules total). This is a truly high-performance and cost-effective configuration. With any Lightning 9900™Series configuration, growing or scaling can be easily completed by adding more CHIP pairs for connectivity or ACP pairs for more capacity or performance. The internal bandwidth increases every time components are added. The bandwidths stated are the rated bandwidths for the paths; the effective rates will vary based on application workload and bandwidth consumption.
Figure 2 – The Hitachi Lightning 9960
internal switched-fabric architecture.
Comparison to the Shared Bus Architecture of the Hitachi Freedom Storage™7700E
Unlike the shared common bus architecture of previous generation storage products, such as the 7700E (as shown in Figure 3 for reference to a shared bus architecture), Hi-Star™is designed to truly scale in both capacity and performance. This is possible only with the Lightning 9900™Series’ internally switched architecture which, unlike shared bus architectures, does not have to contend for limited bus bandwidth.
The Lightning 9900™has an advanced availability profile compared to competitive products
The Lightning 9900™was designed with maximum emphasis on high availability computing for today’s most critical enterprises. Figure 15 highlights some of the many advantages in high-availability design that the Lightning 9900™has over competitive products.
• Active dual-ported disk drives instead of single-port active drives.
• Separate storage for control & configuration tables.
• Mirrored cache instead of single image cache.
• Hitachi Data Systems is the leading supplier of storage systems for GDPS production sites.
•NanoCopy™is a superior scheme for disaster recovery.
• High-availability, custom designed disk drives.
Bus contention is virtually eliminated with the Hi-Star
Figure 3 – System block diagram of the 7700E’s shared bus architecture.
Hitachi is the only major supplier of enterprise class storage systems with a 100% availability guarantee.
Hitachi Data Systems
Some competitive products do not have dual cache like the Hitachi Lightning 9900™. If there is an unrecoverable error in cache, there is no duplicate backup copy. With these products there is an increased risk of lost data, especially if the loss occurs in the hardware status area. The Lightning 9900™does not have this problem since all status areas and write data are duplexed. Although a minor concern to some given the low probability of occurrence, the thought of data loss is never comforting to enterprise executives charged with 7x24 operations.
Other Information Sources Available from Hitachi Data Systems
Additional information on the enterprise storage market, including an in-depth overview of the technically advanced and unsurpassed software solutions available from Hitachi, is available in the companion publication, the Hitachi Software Solutions Guide. This document is downloadable in PDF format from The report contains expert guidelines regarding Hitachi industry leading software solutions for data copy, data migration, and data duplication. It also compares the Hitachi solutions to the major competitive software solutions from EMC and IBM and drills down into specifics.
Since storage today is more than just hardware and software, additional information will be available in a third report titled the Hitachi Enterprise Solutions Guide. This report contains information and on the world-class services and solutions available from Hitachi Data Systems®and how these solutions can be combined with Hitachi and other vendor hardware and software for state-of-the-art, simplified storage management for the enterprise.
If further information is required, Hitachi Data Systems®representatives can provide specialized presentations, reports, and expert knowledge on the topics contained in this series of reports.
Hitachi Data Systems
The Lightning 9900 Series Packaging
Model 9960 Packaging
The Lightning 9960™is available in a two to seven cabinet configuration (as shown on the cover of this guide), depending on connectivity and capacity needs. A Control Frame serves as the control center of each system and manages up to six Array Frames that are connected via high speed Fibre Channel links. A fully configured system is contained in seven cabinets 70.5 inches high, 171.3 inches wide, and 31.5 inches deep.
Model 9960 Control Frame
The Control Frame of the 9960 contains the Service Processor, Client Host Interface Processor modules (CHIPs) with Fibre Channel adapters, ESCON®adapters, and/or FICON adapters, Cache modules, Cache Switch Modules (CSWs), Array Control Processor modules (ACPs), power supplies, and battery modules. An illustration of the Control Frame is shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4 – A 9960 Control Frame and its major components.
Model 9960 Array Frames
Array frames 1-4 of the 9960 contain up to 96 Hard Disk Drive Assemblies (HDDs) and communication interfaces to the Control Frame. Array frames 5-6 contain up to 64 drives for a total of 512 drives for a maximum configured system. An Array Frame is shown in Figure 5.
This design allows for efficient centralized and consolidated storage, which results in reduced management costs and lower overall total cost of ownership.
The Lightning 9900™Series power subsystem consists of redundant power supplies in both Control Frames and Array Frames. The power supplies are both hot pluggable and hot swappable and are N+1 redundant. This means they can be removed or installed during system operation and that if a power supply fails during operation, the failed power can be dynamically removed without any loss to system operation. A Lightning 9900™Series power supply module is shown in Figure 6.
Figure 5 – A 9960 Array Frame with its major components.
Hitachi Data Systems
Cables carry 48-volt main system power from the back of the Control Frame and Array
Frame where the power is converted to the required voltages.
Different AC power cord options allow all Lightning 9900™Series models to connect
with the different electrical outlet configurations used around the world.
Model 9910 Packaging
Although the 9960 has the ability to be upgraded from one to six array frames, the Lightning 9910 is a fixed-configuration, single-cabinet storage system. The 9910 is targeted for IT environments where floorspace is a premium and data growth is limited, yet where premium storage functionality is required. The 9910 looks very much like the Control Frame of a Lightning 9960. The back end contains four HDD arrays housing up to 48 disks in a 70.5 inch high, 27.6 inch wide, and 31.5 inch deep footprint. This is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 6 – A power supply module of a Lightning 9900
The Lightning 9900 Series Packaging
The System Monitoring Network of the Lightning 9900™Series
The Lightning 9900™Series systems are designed with a system-monitoring network. The system monitoring cables are connected to all cabinets in the Lightning 9900 Series systems, and report a variety of system parameters, such as component failure, fan speed, power, voltages, and temperature, to ensure trouble-free operation. This network not only provides for efficient predictive maintenance (replacing a component before it fails), but also for the failure alert system to expedite system repair after a component has failed. This information is passed to the Control Frame, where it can be viewed either locally by the Service Processor (SVP) or remotely by the Hitachi Resource Manager 9000™across a private LAN on a UNIX®or Windows NT®console. Users can view failure information via SNMP or S/390 SIMs. System status and alerts are also sent to Hitachi Data Systems Customer Support Centers via the Hi-Track™“call-home” software facility.
Figure 7 – A 9910 single-cabinet storage subsystem.
The Lightning 9900
Series systems have both a predictive maintenance and a failure alert system.
Hitachi Data Systems
Front-end Design of the Hitachi Lightning 9900 Series
CHIPs Support Fibre Channel Host and ESCON®or FICON Host Connectivity and Scalability
The Lightning 9900™Series supports both Fibre Channel for open systems and
ESCON®or FICON for S/390®compatible platforms as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8 – Fibre Channel and ESCON
or FICON adapter boards connect to open systems and mainframe computers.
About the Fibre Channel Interface Boards
Each Fibre Channel Interface Board, as shown in Figure 9, has four Interface
Processors2for management of connectivity to the host.
Figure 9 – A Fibre Channel host adapter board and its major hardware components.
Hitachi Data Systems
The Lightning 9900™Series uses the Reduced Instruction Set (RISC) Intel®i960 80MHz
processor that is especially designed for I/O operations.
There are four ports for each interface board or a total of 32 host interfaces for a fully configured system. An ESCON interface board is shown in Figure 10. A FICON interface board has a similar appearance.
A Lightning 9900™Series system can connect to mainframes and open systems hosts, thereby consolidating the storage for an enterprise under one roof for consistent performance, availability, and ease of management. This is shown in Figure 12.
Figure 10 – An ESCON
host adapter board and its major hardware components.
Front-end Design of the Hitachi Lightning 9900 Series
Bandwidth of Supported Host Interfaces
The bandwidth of interfaces supported by the Lightning 9900
Series is shown in
Table 2.
Supported Interface Bandwidth
Fibre Channel Adapters 100MB/sec or 200MB/sec
ESCON®Adapters 17.5MB/sec
FICON Adapters 100MB/sec
Number of Host Interfaces Supported
Up to 32 Fibre Channel, ESCON®or FICON ports are available on the 9960 and up to 24 on the 9910. No card slots are subtracted from anywhere else in the subsystem to accommodate these ports.
Types of Hosts Supported by Direct Fibre Channel Host Attachment by the Lightning 9900™Series
The Lightning 9900™Series supports all major open systems hosts and mainframe hosts for unmatched connectivity. The Lightning 9900™Series supports direct Fibre Channel host attachment to all major open systems platforms as listed below:
•Windows NT 4.0
•Windows 2000
AIX 32 and 64 bit (IBM®)
Linux®Red Hat
Figure 11 – A 9960 system connected to Mainframes and Open Systems hosts.
Table 2 – Bandwidth of supported interfaces of the Lightning 9900
Hitachi Data Systems
Hi-Star Architecture – An Internal Switched Hierarchical Star Network
The Internal Hi-Star Architecture
The internal Hi-Star architecture consists of two separate networks, the Cache Hierarchical Star Network (C-HSN) and the Control Memory Hierarchical Star Network (CM-HSN).
The Cache Hierarchical Star Network
The C-HSN is the network used for transferring data to and from the main global data cache. The C-HSN can also be broken down into two component networks: the processor paths to the C-HSN and the actual C-HSN (as shown previously in Figure 2). Figure 12 provides a detailed illustration of the processor paths and the C-HSN.
Figure 12 – The Cache Hierarchical Star Network (C-HSN) provides fully redundant switched access to cache from all channel adapters.
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