Hitachi 9900 V User Manual

Hitachi Freedom Storage™
Lightning 9900™ V Series
LUN Expansion and Virtual LVI/LUN
User’s Guide

© 2002 Hitachi Data Systems Corporation, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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This document contains the most current information available at the time of publication. When new and/or revised information becomes available, this entire document will be updated and distributed to all registered users.
Hitachi Lightning 9900™ V Series LUN Expansion and Virtual LVI/LUN User’s Guide iii


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iv Preface

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Document Revision Level

Revision Date Description
MK-92RD104-P April 2002 Preliminary Release

Source Documents for This Revision

RSD- Vlm45d1b (February, 2002)
RSD- Vll45d0 (March, 2002)
RSD - Vll45d0a (April,2002)

Referenced Documents

Hitachi Lightning 9900V documentation referenced in this document:
Hitachi Freedom Storage™ Lightning 9900™ V Series User and Reference Guide
Hitachi Freedom Storage™ Lightning 9900™ V Series Remote Console – Storage Navigator
User’s Guide (MK-92RD101)
Hitachi Freedom Storage™ Lightning 9900™ V Series LUN Manager User’s Guide
Hitachi Freedom Storage™ Lightning 9900™ V Series FlashAccess User’s Guide
Hitachi Lightning 9900™ V Series LUN Expansion and Virtual LVI/LUN User’s Guide v
vi Preface


This Hitachi Freedom Storage™ Lightning 9900™ V Series LUN Expansion Virtual LVI/LUN User’s Guide provides instructions for using these options on the 9900V Remote Console,
using the web client Java™ applet program for the 9900V subsystem.
This user’s guide assumes that:
The user has a background in data processing and understands direct-access storage
device (DASD) subsystems and their basic functions,
The user is familiar with the Hitachi 9900V array subsystem, and the user is familiar with
the Windows NT
For further information on the 9900V Remote Console and Java™ applet, please refer to the
Hitachi Freedom Storage™ Lightning 9900™ V Series Remote Console – Storage Navigator User’s Guide (MK-92RD100), or contact your Hitachi Data Systems account team.
For further information on the 9900V subsystem, please refer to the Hitachi Freedom Storage™ Lightning 9900™ V Series User and Reference Guide (MK-92RD100), or contact your
Hitachi Data Systems account team.
Note: The term “9900V” refers to the entire Lightning 9900™ V Series subsystem family, unless otherwise noted. The use of the Lightning 9900™ V Series Remote Console, the web client Java™ applet and any other optional functions is governed by the terms of the applicable license and other agreement(s) with Hitachi Data Systems.
Note: This product includes software developed by the Apache Group for use in the Apache HTTP server project (

Microcode Level

This document revision applies to 9900V microcode versions 21-01-XX and higher.
or Windows 2000 operating systems.


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(All comments become the property of Hitachi Data Systems Corporation.)
Thank you!
Hitachi Lightning 9900™ V Series LUN Expansion and Virtual LVI/LUN User’s Guide vii
viii Preface


Chapter 1 Overview of LUN Expansion and Virtual LVI/LUN............................................................... 1
1.1 Overview of LUSE Operations ...................................................................1
1.2 Overview of Virtual LVI/LUN ....................................................................4
1.2.1 Virtual LVI/LUN Parameters ...........................................................4
1.2.2 Virtual LVI/LUN Size Calculation......................................................9
1.2.3 SSID Requirements).................................................................... 10
Chapter 2 Preparing To Use LUN Expansion or Virtual LVI/LUN ...................................................... 11
2.1 Set Up the 9900V Subsystem and Remote Console PC(s) ................................. 11
2.2 Launch LUN Expansion or Virtual LVI/LUN .................................................. 11
2.3 Changing to Modify Mode ...................................................................... 13
Chapter 3 LUN Expansion (LUSE) Operations.................................................................................... 15
3.1 The LUSE/VLL Panel, LUSE Tab Components ............................................... 15
3.2 LUSE Operations................................................................................. 19
3.2.1 Creating a LUSE Volume .............................................................. 19 Creating a LUSE Volume From the LDEV Operation Detail .......... 19 Creating a LUSE Volume From the LDEV Table........................ 21
3.2.2 Releasing a LUSE Volume............................................................. 23
3.2.3 Changing LUSE Capacities ............................................................ 25
Chapter 4 Virtual LVI/LUN (VLL) Operations....................................................................................... 27
4.1 The Virtual LVI/LUN Panels ................................................................... 27
4.1.1 LUSE/VLL Panel, VLL Tab ............................................................ 27
4.1.2 Set SSID Panel .......................................................................... 30
4.2 Virtual LVI/LUN Operations ................................................................... 32
4.2.1 Converting Logical Volumes to Space .............................................. 32
4.2.2 Creating VLL volumes ................................................................. 35
4.2.3 Deleting a VLL volume ................................................................ 40
4.2.4 Initializing a Virtual LVI/LUN Volume .............................................. 40
Chapter 5 Troubleshooting................................................................................................................... 45
5.1 Troubleshooting ................................................................................. 45
5.2 Calling the Hitachi Data Systems Technical Support Center............................. 47
Glossary, Acronyms, and Abbreviations................................................................................................. 49
Hitachi Lightning 9900™ V Series LUN Expansion and Virtual LVI/LUN User’s Guide ix

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 LUSE configuration ......................................................................... 3
Figure 1.2 Illustration of Virtual LVI/LUN Operations ............................................. 4
Figure 1.3 Volume Configuration ..................................................................... 6
Figure 2.1
Figure 2.2 View Mode..................................................................................14
Figure 2.3 Mode Changing Confirmation Message .................................................14
Figure 2.4 Modify Mode................................................................................14
Figure 3.1
Figure 3.2 LDEV Information Outline Detail (From the LUSE/VLL Panel, LUSE Tab).........16
Figure 3.3 LDEV Detail Table (From the LUSE/VLL Panel, LUSE Tab) ..........................17
Figure 3.4 LDEV Operation Detail (From the LUSE/VLL Panel, LUSE Tab) ....................18
Figure 3.5 Set LUSE Confirmation Panel ............................................................20
Figure 3.6 Apply Confirmation Message.............................................................20
Figure 3.7 Cancel Confirmation Message ...........................................................20
Figure 3.8 Selecting Free LDEVs for LUSE Volume ................................................22
Figure 3.9 Set LUSE Volume Pop-Up Menu .........................................................22
Figure 3.10 Selecting LUSE Volume(s) To Be Released ............................................24
Figure 3.11 Release LUSE Volume Pop-Up Menu ....................................................24
Figure 3.12 Release LUSE Confirmation Panel ......................................................25
Figure 4.1
Figure 4.2 Parity Group - LDEV Outline (From the LUSE/VLL Panel, VLL Tab) ...............28
Figure 4.3 LDEV Information Table (From the LUSE/VLL Panel, VLL Tab) ....................29
Figure 4.4 Set SSID Panel..............................................................................30
Figure 4.5 Volume to Space Pop-Up Menu..........................................................34
Figure 4.6 Volume to Space Confirmation Panel ..................................................34
Figure 4.7 Install CV Pop-Up Menu ..................................................................37
Figure 4.8 Install CV Panel (1)........................................................................37
Figure 4.9 Clear Pop-Up Menu........................................................................37
Figure 4.10 Install CV Panel (2)........................................................................38
Figure 4.11 Set SSID Panel (Installing VLL Volumes) ...............................................38
Figure 4.12 Install CV Confirmation Panel ...........................................................39
Figure 4.13 Volume Initialize Pop-Up Menu .........................................................42
Figure 4.14 Volume Initialize Panel...................................................................43
Figure 4.15 Clear Pop-Up Menu........................................................................43
Figure 4.16 Set SSID Panel (Volume Initialize) ......................................................44
Figure 4.17 Volume Initialize Confirmation Panel ..................................................44
Remote Console Main Panel, Information Tab........................................12
LUSE/VLL Main Panel, LUSE Tab ........................................................15
LUSE/VLL Panel, VLL Tab ................................................................27
x Contents

List of Tables

Table 1.1 LUSE Specifications.........................................................................2
Table 1.2 VLL LUSE Specifications ...................................................................2
Table 1.3 Virtual LVI/LUN Specifications ...........................................................7
Table 1.4 Minimum and Maximum Virtual LUN Volume Capacities (Open Systems)..........8
Table 1.5 Control Cylinders/Control Area for Each LVI/LU Type................................8
Table 1.6 SSID Requirements........................................................................ 10
Table 4.1
Table 5.1
Emulation Groups......................................................................... 29
General Error Conditions ................................................................ 46
Hitachi Lightning 9900™ V Series LUN Expansion and Virtual LVI/LUN User’s Guide xi
xii Contents

Chapter 1 Overview of LUN Expansion and Virtual LVI/LUN

1.1 Overview of LUSE Operations

LUSE operations allow hosts that can only use a limited amount of LUs per fibre interface to have access to larger amounts of data using expanded LUs. LUSE operations include the following:
Creating new expanded LUs (LUSE volumes) (see section 3.2).
Releasing expanded LUs (LUSE volumes) to individual LUs (see section 3.2.2).
Changing the size of a LUSE volume (see section 3.2.3).
The following guidelines apply to LUN Expansion:
A maximum of 256 expanded LUs can be configured on the same port.
LDEVs that are to be combined into LUSE volumes must have no assigned SCSI paths and
be unmounted from the host. These are known as free (or available) LDEVs. For instructions on deleting SCSI paths, please see Hitachi Freedom Storage™ Lightning 9900™ LUN Manager User’s Guide (MK-92RD105).
Combining non-sequential LDEVs into a LUSE is supported, provided they are on the same
Combining Virtual LVI/LUN volumes into a LUSE is supported, provided they are the same
size and emulation type and on the same CU. The order of operations is important: you must first create one or more Virtual LVI/LUN volumes, and then combine those volumes into a LUSE volume. You cannot perform Virtual LVI/LUN operations on an existing LUSE volume because a LUSE volume must have a SCSI path already specified.
Combining Virtual LVI/LUN volumes and normal volumes into the same LUSE is not
Combining command devices, Just In Time and CruiseControl volumes into a LUSE is not
Combining RAID 1 and RAID 5 into the same LUSE is not supported.
Combining emulation types (OPEN-3, OPEN-8, OPEN-9, OPEN-E, or OPEN-L) into the same
LUSE is not supported.
Some operating systems may experience slow disk access times with large logical units,
if they contain a large number of high usage files.
The size of a LUSE can affect the amount of time required to perform backups.
Note: The queue depth for open systems can vary, depending on the type of platform. Please contact your Hitachi Data Systems Customer Support Center for assistance.
Warning: Except for systems running Windows NT
or Windows® 2000, creating and releasing
expanded LUs is a destructive process. Be sure to back up your data before proceeding.
Hitachi Lightning 9900™ V Series LUN Expansion and Virtual LVI/LUN User’s Guide 1

Table 1.1 LUSE Specifications

LU Capacity
Possible number of expanded LUs
Expanded LU Capacity
Product Name
7.3 GB 7.3 GB 14.5 GB 36.4 GB
2 - 36 LUs 2 - 36 LUs 2 - 36 LUs 2 - 36 LUs
14.6 GB -
264.4 GB
OPEN-8*n (n = # of LUs in the expanded LU)
14.7 GB -
265.8 GB
OPEN-9*n (n = # of LUs in the expanded LU)
29.1 GB -
524.4 GB
OPEN-E*n (n = # of LUs in the expanded LU)
72.9 GB -
1312.2 GB
OPEN-L*n (n = # of LUs in the expanded LU)

Table 1.2 VLL LUSE Specifications

Parameter OPEN-3 OPEN-8
LU Capacity 35 MB - 2.4 GB 35 MB - 7.3 GB 35 MB - 7.3 GB 35 MB - 14.5 GB
Possible number of connected LUs
2 - 36 LUs 2 - 36 LUs 2 - 36 LUs 2 - 36 LUs
Capacity of expanded LUs
Product Name OPEN-3*n-VLL
70 MB - 84.2 GB 70 MB - 250.2
OPEN-8*n-VLL (n = # of LUs in the expanded LU)
(n = # of LUs in
the expanded
70 MB - 252.6 GB
OPEN-9*n-VLL (n = # of LUs in the expanded LU)
Note: Virtual LVI/LUN is not applicable to OPEN-L.
70 MB - 524.4 GB
OPEN-E*n-VLL (n = # of LUs in the expanded LU)
2 Chapter 1 Overview of LUN Expansion and Virtual LVI/LUN
The host recognizes a set of LDEVs as one big LDEV.

Figure 1.1 LUSE Configuration

LUSE (1:00)
LDEV (1:00)
LDEV (1:01)
LDEV (1:03)
LDEV (1:04)
LDEV (1:05)
Hitachi Lightning 9900™ V Series LUN Expansion and Virtual LVI/LUN User’s Guide 3

1.2 Overview of Virtual LVI/LUN

1.2.1 Virtual LVI/LUN Parameters

The Virtual LVI/LUN (VLL) option allows you to configure variable-size volumes, which are usually smaller than normal (fixed-size) volumes. Virtual LVI/LUN improves data access performance by reducing logical device contention and host I/O queue times, particularly when several frequently accessed files are located on the same volume. Virtual LVI/LUN enables better utilization of the physical storage capacity of the 9900V, and reduces the amount of administrative effort required to balance I/O workloads.
Virtual LVI/LUN allows you to perform the following types of operations:
Converting a normal volume into free space (see section 4.2.1),
Defining and installing a Virtual LVI/LUN (customized) volume (see section 4.2.2),
Deleting a Virtual LVI/LUN volume (see section 4.2.3), and
Initializing a Virtual LVI/LUN volume (see section 4.2.4).
Figure 1.2 illustrates the available Virtual LVI/LUN functions:
Normal Volume
Volume to Space
Volume Initialize
Install VLL
VLL volume
Figure 1.2 Illustration of Virtual LVI/LUN Operations
4 Chapter 1 Overview of LUN Expansion and Virtual LVI/LUN
Note: Virtual LVI/LUN used in conjunction with FlashAccess can achieve greater performance
improvements than when either of these options is used individually. For more information on FlashAccess, see Hitachi Freedom Storage™ Lightning 9900™ V Series FlashAccess User’s Guide (MK-92RD102).
A parity group is called a normal or fixed-size volume (FV) when all of its member LDEVs are fixed-size. In a normal volume, the size of the member LDEVs is determined by type of device that is being emulated, and the number of LDEVs is determined by the physical size of the parity group.
Generally, each array group will have a certain amount of free space available after the standard LDEVs for the array group have been defined. On the 9900V, Virtual LVI/LUN formats one or more of the LDEVs on a selected volume into free space. That free space can either be used to install one or more variable-sized volumes, or left as free space for future use. Note: At least one LDEV must remain defined as a normal volume in each array group.
The following parameters apply to Virtual LVI/LUN operations:
volumes must be offline from the host OS, and open volumes must be either offline or unmounted from the host OS with no SCSI paths assigned to them. For more information on configuring SCSI paths, please see Hitachi Freedom Storage™ Lightning
V Series LUN Manager/SANtinel User’s Guide (MK-92RD104).
Multiple LDEVs can be selected for conversion to Virtual LVI/LUN volumes but they must
be in the same parity group.
When space in an LDEV is converted to a Virtual LVI/LUN volume, an LDEV address is
assigned to that Virtual LVI/LUN volume automatically. For mainframes, each Virtual LVI/LUN volume will also have its own assigned unit control block (UCB). The UCB can be assigned either automatically or manually, at the user’s option.
LUSE, volumes secured by LUN Security, and Hitachi SANtinel – S/390
volumes are not available for Virtual LVI/LUN operations, because these volumes must have SCSI paths already defined. To create a VLL/LUSE volume, you must first create two or more Virtual LVI/LUN volumes with the same size, emulation type and CU number, and then combine those volumes into a LUSE device. For more information on creating LUSE devices see Chapter 3.
Virtual LVI/LUN operations are not available for OPEN-L volumes.
When you convert a normal volume to a Virtual LVI/LUN volume, you can use all or part
of the space previously assigned to that volume (e.g., 3339 cylinders for a 3390-3) for use in Virtual LVI/LUN volumes. Each array group can support a total of 256 volumes, including both fixed-size and Virtual LVI/LUN volumes.
WARNING: The Virtual LVI/LUN function is destructive. Be sure to back up your data before performing Virtual LVI/LUN operations.
Hitachi Lightning 9900™ V Series LUN Expansion and Virtual LVI/LUN User’s Guide 5
A normal volume consists of a certain number of fixed volumes, depending on the emulation type, and some free space. A Virtual LVI/LUN volume usually consists of at least one fixed volume (FV), customized volumes (CV or VLL volumes), and free space (see Figure 1.3).
Normal Configuration
Figure 1.3 Volume Configuration
Sample Customized Volume Configuration
6 Chapter 1 Overview of LUN Expansion and Virtual LVI/LUN
Table 1.3 lists the Virtual LVI/LUN specifications, and Table 1.4 lists the minimum and maximum Virtual LVI/LUN volume capacities for open systems. Each Virtual LVI/LUN volume has its own assigned unit control block (UCB), and multiple LVI/LUN types can be configured within each Virtual LVI/LUN volume, so long as the device type is from the same device family (e.g. all open volumes, or all 3390s). Open and 3390 volumes are not allowed in the same parity group because they have different formats.
Table 1.3 Virtual LVI/LUN Specifications
Parameter Mainframe Open Systems
Track format 3390 OPEN-3, OPEN-8, OPEN-9, OPEN-E
Emulation type
3390-3, -3A, -3B, -3C, -3R, -9, -L
Ability to intermix emulation type Yes, for 3390. No for open-system volumes
or Hitachi SANtinel - S/390
Maximum number of volumes (normal and Virtual LVI/LUN) per parity group
Maximum number of volumes (normal and Virtual LVI/LUN) per subsystem
Minimum size for one Virtual LVI/LUN volume
Maximum size for one Virtual LVI/LUN volume
Size increment 1 user cylinder 1 MB
Disk location for Virtual LVI/LUN volumes
256 256
8,192 8,192
1 user cylinder (+ control cylinders) 35 MB (+ control area)
See Table 1.5 See Table 1.5
Anywhere Anywhere
Yes, by track geometry (except for AIX®). No for 3390® volumes.
Note: VLL functions are not applicable to OPEN-L volumes.
Hitachi Lightning 9900™ V Series LUN Expansion and Virtual LVI/LUN User’s Guide 7
Table 1.4 Minimum and Maximum Virtual LUN Volume Capacities (Open Systems)
Setting size (MB) Actual Size (MB) Notes
35 35.15625 Minimum VLL volume capacity
500 500.625
1000 1000.546875
2000 2000.390625
2347 2347.03125 Maximum OPEN-3 volume size
7007 7007.34375 Maximum OPEN-8 volume size
7042 7042.5 Maximum OPEN-9 volume size
13893 13893.04688 Maximum OPEN-E volume size
Table 1.5 shows maximum VLL volume capacities of each emulation type.
Table 1.5 Control Cylinders/Control Area for Each LVI/LU Type
LVI Type Control Cylinders Maximum User Cylinders LU Type Maximum User MB Control Area (MB)
3390-3 (A/B/C) 6 3339 OPEN-3 2347 5
3390-3R 6 3339 OPEN-8 7007 19
3390-9 25 10017 OPEN-9 7042 19
3390-L 23 32,760 OPEN-E 13893 13
OPEN-L Not applicable
Note: VLL functions are not applicable to OPEN-L volumes.
8 Chapter 1 Overview of LUN Expansion and Virtual LVI/LUN
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