Hitachi 902 Service manual




Copyright Hitachi, Ltd. 1997. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan. Part No. 713-9039 KN-K (H-LT)
10. CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS............................................................................................... 10-1
11. CROSS WIRING REFERENCE ............................................................................... 11-1
12. INSTALLATION........................................................................................................ 12-1
13. MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION ........................................................................ 13-1
14. ADJUSTMENT SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................... 14-1
15. OEM......................................................................................................................... 15-1
16. SYSTEM INTERFACE.............................................................................................. 16-1
- i -


1.1 Overall System.........................................................................................................1-1
1.2 Sampling System.....................................................................................................1-2
1.3 Reagent System.......................................................................................................1-3
1.4 Reaction System......................................................................................................1-4
1.5 Photometic System..................................................................................................1-5
1.6 ISE (option)..............................................................................................................1-5
1.7 Installation Conditions..............................................................................................1-6
1.8 User Interface...........................................................................................................1-6
1.9 Dionized Water........................................................................................................1-6
1.10 Analytical Methods...................................................................................................1-7
1.11 Accuracy Methods....................................................................................................1-7
1.12 Data Storage............................................................................................................1-7
1.13 System Interface......................................................................................................1-8
1.14Options for Analyzer.................................................................................................1-8
1 - 0

1.1 Overall System

Configuration : Console type automatic analyzer, with analytical and operation units
Principle : Discrete type, random access, single-line multi-analysis system;
entire reaction monitoring system
Analytical methods : Colorimetry (absorbance measurement), ion selective electrode
method (ISE; option)
Throughput : Colorimetry ; 200 tests/hr (Photometry only max. 300 tests/hr
inclusive of ISE)
No. of analysis items: Colorimetry ; 36
ISE ; 3 (Na, K, Cl) Serum indexes ; 3 Calculation items; 8
Reaction time : 10 minutes max.; 3, 4, 5, 10 minutes for concentration calculation
(same as Model 7070/7170)
Measurable samples : Serum (or blood plasma) and urine; one sample kind per channel
Application : Emergency (stat) and routine analyses
Test item selection : Via entry from operation panel, entry from system interface, entry
from no. of items settable (11 kinds)
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1.2 Sampling System

Sample container : Hitachi standard sample cup
Sample tube ;diameter 13 to 17 mm
length 75 to 100 mm
Sample disk : 60 positions
Outer row;35 positions (routine and stat samples)
(with free adapter, barcode reader attachable)
Inner row;25 positions (standard + control samples (22),
rinse solutions (3))
Detergents : 3 kinds
(W1;for sample probe rinsing) HITERGENT (W2;for sample carryover evasion) ISE RINSE SOLUTION (W3;for sample carryover evasion) HICARRYNON
Sampling mechanism : Pipetter driven by stepping motor
2 to 50 µL of sample/test (in 0.1 µL steps)
Pipetting mode : Normal ; prescribed volume discharged at cell
Aqueous sample; system water solution for sample probe
internal rinsing usable as STD-1
Sample pre-dilution not performed
Insufficient sample detection: Resistance detection method
Sample ID : Barcode reader (option)
Following code shemes are usable in combination; CODE 39, CODE 128, INTERLEAVED 2 OF 5, NW7 (Modulas 10, Modulas 16)
Automatic rerun : Auto rerun function not provided
Stat sample analysis : Routine sample analysis interruptible for stat sample analysis
Sample carryover : Sample carryover evasion function available; 2 kinds of
detergents settable on sample disk inner row
Sample conveyance : Can be sampled directly from belt-line
1 - 2

1.3 Reagent System

Reagent disk : One disk, 40 positions
(20 positions each on inner and outer rows)
Reagent cooling : Cooling water circulating system (3 to 15°C) (option for China-
destined instrument)
Reagent bottle : 50 mL, 20 mL (adapter necessary)
(without barcode, concentrated reagent unusable)
Detergents : HITERGENT (50 mL); position 40 (fixed)
(for addition to reaction bath) Detergent 1; for reagent probe, stirring rod rinsing, reagent
probe carryover evasion, reaction cell carryover evasion
Detergent 2; for reagent probe carryover evasion, reaction cell
carryover evasion
(settable on reagent disk inner row)
ISE reagent : Internal standard solution(position 37 (fixed))
Diluent (position 38 (fixed))
Pipetting mechanism : Pipetter driven by stepping motor; 20 to 350 µL/test (in 1 µL
Reagent addition timing: 3 steps (0, 1.5 and 5 minutes); throughput is maintained even
when adding 3 reagents.
Carryover evasion : Rinsing for carryover evasion possible; throughput may decrease
by specifying carryover evasion.
1 - 3

1.4 Reaction System

Reaction disk : Turntable type disk (10-minute reaction per rotation)
Reaction cell : Optical path length 6 mm (area 6 × 5 mm)
No. of reaction cells : 48
Reaction cell control : One rotation + one pitch feed (18 seconds)
Sample pipetting position: One position (fixed)
Reagent pipetting position: One position (fixed)
Reaction temperature : 37 ± 0.1°C (warm water circulating system)
Stirring : By means of stirring rod rotation
Timing for stirring; after each addition of R1,R2,R3 Stirring possible for a minimum volume of 100 µL
Stirring position : One position (fixed)
Reacting solution volume: Minimum; 250 µL (minimum required volume for photometry)
Maximum; 500 µL (temperature control, rinsing upper limit)
Photometric position : One position (fixed)
Cell rinsing : After completion of photometry (rinsing 3 times; rinsing with
detergent not performed)
Carryover evasion : Rinsing for carryover evasion possible; throughput may decrease
by specifying cell carryover evasion
1 -4

1.5 Photometric System

Photometer : Multiwavelength photometer (absorptiometry)
Wavelengths : 12 wavelengths
(340, 376, 415, 450, 480, 505, 546, 570, 600, 660, 700, 800 nm)
Monochromator : Grating
Detector : Photodiode
Linearity : Up to 2.5 Abs (10 mm cell conversion)
Photometric method: Direct photometry of reaction cell (at one or two wavelengths)
Correction : Cell blank correction prior to analysis
(passed cell blank measurement alone)

1.6 ISE (option)

Electrodes : Flow cell type, liquid-membrane ISE cartridge
Reference electrode flow path: 1 MKCL, liquid flow path
Measuring temperature : 36°C ± 2°C (warm water circulating system)
System : Indirect (dilution) potentiometry, 50-times dilution
Measuring cycle : 36 sec/sample (18 sec for sample, 18 sec for internal
standard solution)
Measured items : Na, K, Cl
Measurable samples : Serum and urine
Linearity : Na;10 to 250 mmol/L
K ;1 to 100 mmol/L Cl;10 to 250 mmol/L
Reagent bottle : Internal standard solution ; 50 mL max.
Diluent ; 50 mL max. Reference electrode solution; 500 mL max.
1 - 5

1.7 Installation Conditions

Power requirement : 230 V, 50/60 Hz, less than 1.5 kVA
Deionized water consumption: Less than 15 L/hr
Waste liquid drain : 2 systems (for concentrated and diluted liquids)
Ambient temperature/humidity: Temperature; 18 to 30°C
Humidity ; 20 to 80% (non-condensing)
Analyzer dimensions : 720 W × 720 D × 1085 H mm
Analyzer weight : Within 200 kg
BTU : 1300 kcal/hr max.
Noise (mean) in operation : < 55 dB

1.8 User Interface

Application : Routine analysis for Asia version
Display : Backlighted LCD; 256 × 128 dots, graphic
Keyboard : Touch screen keys (72 keys)
Printer : Thermal roll-paper printer (20 digits)
Multi-language compatibility : Display; Japanese/English/Chinese/German/Spanish applicable
Printer; English alone

1.9 Deionised Water

Pressure : 0.5 to 3.5 kgf/cm
Conductivity: 1 µs/cm or less, germ-free
1 - 6

1.10Analytical Methods

Assay modes : One-point
One-point end (+ prozone check) Two-point rate Two-point end (+ prozone check) Three-point two-item One-point rate two-item Rate A (+ sample blank correction) Rate A (+ serum indexes) Rate B two-item (same wavelength) Rate B two-item (different wavelengths) ISE
Data alarms : Based on Model 7070/7170
Standard solution : 22 kinds max. (positions to be shared with control sera)
Calibration types : Linear (2-point linear)
K factor 4 parameter LOGIT-LOG 5 parameter LOGIT-LOG Spline Segmented line
Calibration method : At startup only; all points (FULL) and reagent-blank-corrected
Calculation channels : For 8 channels
Test-to-test compensation : For 8 channels

1.11Accuracy Control

Control serum : 5 kinds max. (positions shared with standard solutions)

1.12Data Storage

Routine sample data : 400 samples (in data disk)
Stat sample data : 50 samples (in data disk)
Control sample data : 5 kinds × 30 (in SRAM)
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1.13System Interface

Interface : RS-232C and current loop
Communication protocol: Based on Model 7070/7170
Communication details : Communication with host; communication details based on Model

1.14Options for Analyzer

Sample ID accessory : Model ; BL180
Maker ; Keyence Barcode spec.; CODE 39, ITF, NW7 (Modulas 10, Modulas 16),
CODE 128
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2.1 Alarm Code Table ....................................................................................................2-1
2.1.1 LCD Display Alarm .....................................................................................2-24
2.2 Motor Control Alarms................................................................................................2-26
2.2.1 Operation Check Procedure at Occurrence of Alarm .................................2-27
2.3 Parameter Check .....................................................................................................2-29
2.3.1 Processing Flow .........................................................................................2-29
2.3.2 Details of Parameter Check........................................................................2-30
2.3.3 Details of Twin Test Simultaneous Analysis ...............................................2-34
2.4 Data Alarm...............................................................................................................2-35
2.4.1 Data Alarm Registratin Flow.......................................................................2-35
2.4.2 Data Alarm Code List..................................................................................2-36
2.4.3 Data Alarm Codes ......................................................................................2-37
2.4.4 ISE Data Alarms.........................................................................................2-49
2.4.5 Alarm Check Method..................................................................................2-52
2.4.6 Check and Set Alarm of Each Data............................................................2-60
2.4.7 Details of Data and Alarm Outputs Resulting from Calibration...................2-61
2.4.8 Output Check List for Each Photometry Assay CALIB. METHOD .............2-62
2.5 Retry Code Table.....................................................................................................2-64
2.5.1 Logging Program List......................................................................................2-65
2.6 Daily Alarm Trace.....................................................................................................2-67
2.6.1 Cumulative Alarm Trace.............................................................................2-69
2.6.2 Parameter Code List...................................................................................2-72
2.6.3 Communication Trace.................................................................................2-74
2.6.4 Cumulative Instrument Operation List.........................................................2-78
2.6.5 FD File Management..................................................................................2-79
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2.1 Alarm Code Table

Category Alarm Name Category Alarm Name
1 STIRRER 38 VAC. TANK 2 39 3 RINSE 40 4 41 LAMP 5 R.DISK 42 6 S.PROBE 43 7 44 8 S.DISK 45 CELL BNK1
9 46 CELL BNK2 10 47 ADC1 ? 11 S. SHORT 48 ADC2 ? 12 49 ADC3 ? 13 50 BARCODE 1 14 51 15 S. SYRINGE 52 16 REAG. PROBE 53 17 54 BARCODE 2 18 REAG. DISK 55 19 56 20 57 REAG. SHORT 21 58 22 R. SYRINGE 59 REAG. LEVEL 23 60 24 ISE SIPPER 61 25 62 26 ISE SYRING. 63 27 ISE STOP ? 64 28 TEMP CONT. 65 29 INC. WATER 66 30 REF. WATER 67 TS OVER 31 DIST. WATER 68 PATNT OVER 32 DIST. SENS. 69 SAMP. END 33 70 34 RESERVOIR 71 DC POWER 35 72 FUSE 36 73 POWER FAIL 37 SIPPER 74
2 - 1
Category Alarm Name Category Alarm Name
75 MOTOR CONT. 114 ACI ERROR 76 MOTOR TOUT 115 77 116 78 117 79 118 80 119 FD WRITE ? 81 120 FD READ ? 82 121 NO FD 83 STANDARD ? 122 84 CALIB. 123 FD PROTECT 85 CALIB. SD ? 124 86 SENS. ? 125 PRINTER 87 126 SYSTEM I/F 88 127 89 128 90 ISE LEVEL 129 91 ISE NOISE 130 WATER EXG. 92 ISE PREP. 131 93 ISE SLOPE 132 94 ISE I. STD 133 95 REF. SHORT 134 96 TWIN TEST ? 135 97 136 98 CHEM. PARAM ? 137 99 CLB. PARAM ? 138
100 VOLUME ? 139 101 140 PANEL I/F 102 141 REAGNT ? 103 CMP. TEST ? 142 104 S. INDEXES ? 143 105 144 106 ON BOARD ? 145 CELL C. O. 107 REAG. POS ? 146 ISE C. O. 108 CLB (IS) POS 147 109 148 110 149 111 150 112 151 113 152
2 - 2
Alarm Control No.
1 to 8 STIRRER 1 1 STOP In ascending action of the
21,22 RINSE 3 1 STOP The rinsing mechanism does
Alarm Category
1 2 STOP In ascending action of the
1 3 STOP In descending action of the
1 4 STOP When the stirrer moves
1 5 STOP The stirrer does not come to 1 6 STOP At resetting, the stirrer does
1 7 STOP At resetting, the stirrer does
1 8 STOP In rotation of the stirrer, it is
3 2 STOP The rinsing mechanism does
Level Description Remedy
stirrer, it does not reach the upper dead point (on the rinsing bath side).
(Alarm at the first upper dead point after resetting will be issued from other than the cell side.)
stirrer, it does not reach the upper dead point (on the cell side).
stirrer, it does not leave the upper dead point.
toward the rinsing bath, it does not reach the rinsing bath position.
the cell position. not reach the rinsing bath
position (home position) in its return movement to the home position.
not leave the rinsing bath position (home position) in its departing movement from the home position.
not set at the upper dead point.
not reach the upper dead point in ascending motion.
not leave the upper dead point in descending motion.
Check the upper dead point detector.
Same as above
Same as above
Check the home detector.
Check the detector on the cell side.
Check the home detector.
Same as above
Check the upper dead point detector.
Check the upper dead point detector.
Same as above
2 - 3
Alarm Control No.
Alarm Category
Level Description Remedy
61 to 65 R. DISK 5 1 STOP The reaction disk cannot
recognize its stop position.
5 2 STOP The reaction disk does not
stop at the specified position.
5 3 STOP At resetting, the reaction
disk cannot recognize its home position.
5 4 STOP At resetting, the first cell
on reaction disk does not stop at the specified position.
5 5 STOP When the reaction disk
turns, the serum probe, reagent probe, stirrer or rinsing mechanism is not set at the upper dead point
(on the cell side). (When this alarm is
issued, another alarm (on rinsing or stirring mechanism) may concur.)
6 1 S.STOP/
(Note 1)
The serum probe does not reach the upper dead point in ascending motion (on other than the cell side).
(Alarm at the first upper dead point after resetting will be issued from other than the cell side.)
72 to 85 SAMPLE
6 2 STOP The serum probe does not
reach the upper dead point in ascending motion (on the cell side).
6 3 S.STOP/
(Note 1)
The serum probe moves down abnormally in descending action (on other than the cell side).
(±3 mm from cup bottom, 0 to 4 mm from cell
6 4 STOP The serum probe moves
down abnormally in descending action (on the cell side).
6 5 S.STOP/
(Note 1)
The serum probe does not go down from the upper dead point in descending motion.
NOTE: 1. S.STOP may be issued only during operation.
Check the detectors for stop positions on the inner and outer tracks.
Same as above
Check the home detector.
Check the home detector or inner/outer track detector.
(1) Perform resetting. (2) Check the upper
dead point detector of the mechanism which caused alarm.
Check the upper dead point detector.
Same as above
(1) Check the liquid
level detector.
(2) Replace the liquid
level detector PC board.
Same as above
Check the upper dead point detector.
2 - 4
Alarm Control
Alarm Category
72 to 85 SAMPLE
6 6 STOP The serum probe does not
Level Description Remedy
6 7 S.STOP/
(Note 1)
6 8 S.STOP/
(Note 1)
6 9 S.STOP/
(Note 2)
6 11 S.STOP/
(Note 1)
6 12 WARNINGThe serum probe moves
6 13 S.STOP/
STOP (Note 2)
6 14 STOP In rotation of the serum
6 15 STOP In rotation of the serum
101 to 106
8 1 S.STOP/
STOP (Note 2)
8 2 S.STOP/
STOP (Note 2)
8 3 S.STOP/
STOP (Note 2)
8 4 S.STOP/
STOP (Note 2)
NOTE: 2. S.STOP may be issued only during operation.
go down from the upper dead point in descending motion (on the cell side).
Detection of abnormal descending motion of the serum probe remains on.
When serum probe turns to the cell side, the cell position cannot be detected.
When the serum probe turns from the cell side to other position, it does not come off the cell position.
Before the probe goes down, the liquid level detector is already turned on.
down abnormally in descending action (only at turning of the serum probe in adjustment).
In rotation of the serum probe, it is not set at the upper dead point.
probe from the reset position, it does not come off the reset position.
probe to the reset position, it cannot detect the reset position.
The sample disk cannot detect the stop position on outer track.
The sample disk does not stop at the specified position on outer track.
The sample disk cannot detect the stop position on inner track.
The sample disk does not stop at the specified position on inner track.
Check the upper dead point detector.
Refer to alarm code 6-3.
Check the home detector.
Same as above
Refer to alarm code 6-3.
Same as above
Check the upper dead point detector.
Check the home detector.
Same as above
Check the outer track detector.
Same as above
Check the inner track detector.
Same as above
2 - 5
Alarm Control
Alarm Category
101 to 106
251 to 310
551 to 552
561 to 568
Level Description Remedy
8 5 STOP At resetting, the sample disk
cannot detect the home position.
8 6 STOP At resetting, the sample disk
does not stop at the specified point of home position.
8 7 STOP At resetting, the sample disk
does not leave the home position.
11 1 to 60WARNING In sipping from the sample
cup, sample on the sample disk is inadequate.
Sub-code groups
Routine/ stat samples:1 to 35
Control STD:36 to 57 W1 to W3 :58 to 60
15 1 S.STOP/
15 2 S.STOP/
The serum syringe does not reach the upper dead point.
The serum syringe does not go down from the upper dead point.
16 1 STOP The reagent probe does not
reach the upper dead point in ascending motion.
16 2 STOP The reagent probe moves
down abnormally in descending motion.
16 3 STOP The reagent probe does not
go down from the upper dead point in descending motion.
16 4 WARNINGDetection of abnormal
descending motion of the reagent probe remains on.
Check the home detector.
Same as above
Check the home detector.
Add sample.
Check the upper dead point detector.
Same as above
Check the upper dead point detector.
Check liquid level detection.
Check the upper dead point detector.
Check the descending error detector.
2 - 6
Alarm Control No.
561 to 568
Alarm Category
16 5 STOP When the reagent probe
Level Description Remedy
turns toward the cell, it cannot detect the cell position.
16 6 STOP When the reagent probe
turns from the cell side to other position, it does not leave the cell position.
16 7 STOP Before the probe goes down,
the liquid level detector is already turned on.
16 8 STOP In rotation of the reagent
probe, it is not set at the upper dead point.
581 to 593
18 1 STOP The stop position of reagent
disk cannot be detected.
18 2 STOP The reagent disk does not
stop at the specified position.
18 3 STOP The home position of reagent
disk cannot be detected.
621 to 622
22 1 STOP The reagent syringe does not
reach the upper dead point.
22 2 STOP The reagent syringe does not
move down from the upper dead point.
641 ISE
24 1 STOP The sipper nozzle does not
reach the upper dead point (during resetting/ operation).
642 ISE
661 to 662
OK ?
(Note 4)
(Note 4)
(Note 4)
(Note 4)
The sipper nozzle does not leave the upper dead point.
The sipper syringe does not reach the upper dead point.
The sipper syringe does not leave the upper dead point.
The ISE function is stopped due to alarm. (This warning is indicated when restart in the sampling stop status was attempted.)
NOTES: 3. S.STOP may be issued only during operation.
4. Though the photometry assay function works, the ISE function does not work.
Check the home detector.
Same as above
Check liquid level detection.
Check the upper dead point detector.
Check home detection or count detector.
Same as above Check home
detection. Check the upper
dead point detector. Same as above
Check the upper dead point detector of ISE sipper.
Same as above
Check the upper dead point detector of ISE Syringe.
Check alarm log and deal with the alarm.
2 - 7
Alarm Control
Alarm Category
681 TEMP
28 1 WARNING The water temperature of
Level Description Remedy
incubation bath is higher than 45.0°C.
28 2 WARNING The water temperature of
incubation bath is outside a range of 37 ± 0.5°C.
(This is checked only at operation.)
29 1 WARNING The water level of
incubation bath is too low.
701 REF
30 1 WARNING A period of 24 hours has
passed since exchange of incubation bath water.
31 1 STOP The water level of distilled
water tank is too low. (This alarm will not be
issued during initialization and water exchange.)
712 DIST
721 DIST
724 RESER-
31 2 WARNING The water level of distilled
water tank is too low.
32 1 WARNING The water level sensor in
distilled water tank is abnormal.
34 1 WARNING The waste solution reservoir
is full.
771 SIPPER 37 1 STOP The negative pressure of
vacuum pump is too low.
811 to 813
38 1 WARNING Water is accumulated in the
vacuum tank.
41 1 WARNING In passed cell blank
measurement, a value of more than 3.3 Abs is indicated in any one of 4 measurements.
(3 times or less)
41 2 S.STOP
(Restart un­allowable
41 3 S.STOP
(Restart un-
In passed cell blank measurement, a value of more than 3.3 Abs is indicated for all of ADC1,
ADC2 and λ
to λ12.
The above alarm code 41-1 is issued 10 times consecutively.
Check the thermistor or thermostat of heater.
Same as above
Replenish water or check the drain solenoid valve.
Exchange incubation bath water.
Check the water level sensor.
Same as above Check float switch.
Check waste solution tank detection.
Check vacuum level at vacuum suction.
Check SV12 or SV14. (1)Replace light
source lamp.
(2)Check 12 V
power supply.
2 - 8
Alarm Control
Alarm Category
1231 CELL
1241 to 1400
1441 to
ADC1? 47 1 WARNING Any one of I/O error,
45 1 S.STOP
Level Description Remedy
In passed cell blank (Restart un­allowable)
measurement, any one of
ADC1, ADC2, λx and λy
differs from the reference
value (Note 5) by more than
0.1 Abs through 10
consecutive cycles.
(Counting is not made in
use for stopped cell blank
46 1 to 48WARNING In 4 passed cell blank
measurements, any one of
ADC1, ADC2, λx and λy
differs from the reference
value (Note 5) by more than
0.1 Abs twice or more.
(In case any one of those
values differs only once, the
average value of normal
data is treated as a value of
passed cell blank.)
boundary error of parameter
block pointer, I/O device
busy, channel error and I/O
device error (PC board not
mounted, device
inoperable, time-out) has
47 2 WARNING A/D count value remains
at 0.
After A/D conversion, interruption is impossible.
The command or parameter given to A/D PC board is abnormal.
A/D conversion cannot be completed.
(Time-out occurs.) (Reference voltage is
47 3 WARNING The number of A/D starts
cannot be reset to 0.
(This is checked at reaction
(1)Carry out cell
(2)Replace the cell.
Same as above
Replace ECPU230 or EMIO100 PC board.
(1)Replace Log Amp
PC board.
(2)Check 2 V and
6 V reference voltages.
Same as above
2 - 9
Alarm Control No.
1441 to 1444
1451 to 1453
1461 to 1462
1471 to 4506
Alarm Category
ADC1? 47 4 WARNING A/D count for 2 V is
Level Description Remedy
Same as above
A/D count for 6 V is
abnormal. Normal count for 2 V
(7547 < count value <
8341) Normal count for 6 V (22460 < count value <
25023) (This is checked at measurement of reference voltage.)
ADC2? 48 1 WARNING Refer to alarm code 47-1. Replace ISE AMP PC
48 2 WARNING Refer to alarm code 47-2. Same as above 48 3 WARNING Refer to alarm code 47-4.
Reference voltage for
ISE: 2 V and 8 V
Normal count for 2 V
(7547 < count value <
Normal count for 8 V
(30184 < count value <
Normal offset value
(22811 < count value <
ADC3? 49 1 WARNING Refer to alarm code 47-2. Replace EMIO100
49 2 WARNING A/D count for 2 V is
Same as above
PC board. Same as above
A/D count for 6 V is
Normal count for 2 V
(12452 < count value <
Normal count for 6 V
(37356 < count value <
BARCODE1 50 1 to 35WARNING Data reception from the
barcode reader has not been completed before ID reception time-out.
(Sub-code indicates the
position No. on disk.)
Replace the label or barcode reader.
2 - 10
Alarm Control
Alarm Category
1801 to
BARCODE2 54 1 to 5WARNING An error has occurred in
1931 to 1971
2231 to 2271
2781 to 2830
TS OVER 67 1 WARNING Because 400 samples are
Level Description Remedy
communication with the barcode reader. (Parity error, framing error or overrun error)
Sub-code indication
1:Unassigned 2:Unassigned 3:Sample disk barcode
reader 4:Unassigned 5:Unassigned
57 1 to 40WARNING The volume of reagent to
be sipped from a reagent bottle is inadequate.
The reagent volume is a total amount of one kind of reagent for each test item.
(1)Sub-code indicates
position No.
(2)Positions 37 and 38
are used for ISE.
(3)Position 40 is used for
(4)Position 39 is used for
59 1 to 40WARNING Reagent volume is smaller
than the remaining reagent check value specified with system parameter.
registered in routine sample test selecting information, new test selecting information cannot be registered from the host.
68 1 WARNING Because 400 samples are
registered in routine sample test selecting information, a new routine sample cannot be analyzed.
Check the communication cable of barcode reader.
Set new reagent.
Set reagent newly.
After completion of analysis, register TS again.
Same as above
2 - 11
Alarm Control No.
2891 to 2894
Alarm Category
DC POWER 71 1 STOP 15 V DC power supply is
Level Description Remedy
Replace the ±15 V
power supply module.
71 2 STOP -15 V DC power supply is
Same as above
71 3 WARNING 12 V lamp power supply is
abnormal. 71 4 STOP 5 V power supply is abnormal. 71 11 E.STOP 24 V DC
Replace the 12 V power supply.
5 V for other than CPU board
2911 FUSE 72 1 E.STOP AC fuse has blown. Replace the F3
2921 POWER
2941 to 2973
73 1 WARNING Power supply to the
instrument is interrupted 75 1 to 18 STOP Data cannot be written into
the motor controller.
Check power supply.
Replace ECPU230.
2991 to 3023
76 1 to 18 E.STOP Motor operation was
abnormal. Error has been
detected in the time-out check
of motor controller.
(1) Replace
(2) Check the
mechanism which caused
Sub-code Motor
1 Reaction disk
2 Sample disk 3 Reagent disk 4 Rinsing mechanism
5 Sample arm
6 Sample arm
7 Reagent arm
8 Reagent arm
rotation 9 Stirrer up/down 10 Stirrer rotation 11 ISE sipper up/down 12 (Unassigned) 13 Serum syringe 14 Reagent syringe 15 ISE syringe 16 (Unassigned) 17 GMCNT 18 (Unassigned)
2 - 12
Alarm Control No.
3101 to 3189
3251 to 3291
3401 to 3438
Alarm Category
STANDARD? 83 1 to 40
84 1 to 40
CALIB.SD? 85 1 to 36
Level Description Remedy
WARNING <<Photometry assay>>
(1) In calibration, the
STD absorbance data is indicated with alarm.
(2) In calibration, data
calculation is disabled.
(Photometry assay)
Replace STD sample.
Check the concentration parameter.
(ISE assay)
Same as above
<<ISE assay>>
(1) In calibration, the
potential data of standard or internal standard solution is indicated with ADC error, insufficient sample alarm, noise alarm or level alarm.
(2) In calibration, data
calculation is disabled.
(The result of calibration is not updated nor saved onto FD.)
WARNING <<Photometry assay>>
The factor value 'K'
determined in calibration
(Photometry assay) (ISE assay)
Same as above differs from the previous value by more than ±20%.
<<ISE assay>>
The calibrator concentration value and slope value determined in calibration differ from the previous values by more than the compensation limit (%).
WARNING The mean error determined
in multi-point calibration is
Replace STD and
check again. larger than the SD limit (input value).
2 - 13
Alarm Control No.
3551 to 3588
Alarm Category
86 1 to 36
Level Description Remedy
WARNING In linear (with 2 to 6 points) or
nonlinear calibration, a difference between the mean STD (1) absorbance and the mean STD (N)
(Note 7 )
The result of calibration is not updated nor saved onto FD.
absorbance is smaller than the sensitivity limit (input value).
7.N:=2 for linear (2points)
=2 to 6 for nonlinear
and linear (3 to 6 points)
(Span point input value)
8.If either STD (1) or STD
(N) alone has been measured, the absorbance value of the other STD is checked using the previous data.
4151 to 4153
4161 to 4163
ISE LEVEL 90 1 WARNING The mean potential value
(EAV) at three out of five measurement points of internal standard solution is outside the following range.
(Internal standard)
Na:-90.0mV EAV -10mV
90 2 WARNING K:-90.0mV EAV -10mV
90 3 WARNING Cl:100.0mV EAV
ISE NOISE 91 1 WARNING A difference (FIV) between
maximum and minimum potential values at three of five measurement points of internal standard solution is outside the following range.
(Internal standard, sample)
Na:0.7mV < FIV(2) - FIV(4)
91 2 WARNING K :1.0mV < FIV(2) - FIV(4) Same as above
(1)Replace STD
and carry out calibration.
(2)Replace the Na
(1)Same as above (2)Replace the K
electrode. (1)Same as above (2)Replace the Cl
electrode. Carry out reagent
priming and check for bubble formation.
91 3 WARNING Cl:0.8mV < FIV(2) - FIV(4) Same as above
2 - 14
Alarm Control No.
4171 to 4173
Alarm Category
Level Description Remedy
ISE PREP. 92 1 WARNING Upon calibration, the slope
value is within the following range.
Na : 45.0mV ≤ Slope value
49.9mV or
68.1mV ≤ Slope value
92 2 WARNING K : 45.0mV ≤ Slope value
49.9mV or
68.1mV ≤ Slope value
92 3 WARNING Cl : -39.9mV ≤ Slope value
-35.0mV or
-68.1mV Slope value
Make sure that the standard solution and reagent are set properly.
Make sure that the standard solution is free from concentration or deterioration.
Make sure that the electrodes (Na, K, Cl) are within their guaranteed life.
4181 to 4183
4191 to 4193
ISE SLOPE 93 1 WARNING (1) In the result of
calibration, the slope value is within the following range.
(2) The response
characteristic of electrode is poor (in case carry-over rate (A) is as indicated below).
Na : (1)SLOPE < 45.0mV
(2)0.232 < A
93 2 WARNING K : (1)SLOPE < 45.0mV
(2)0.160 < A
93 3 WARNING Cl : (1)SLOPE < -35.0mV
(2)0.490 < A
ISE I.STD 94 1 WARNING The concentration of internal
standard solution (C(IS)) is within the following range. Na : C(IS) < 120.0mEq/L or
160.0mEq/L < C(IS)
94 2 WARNING K : C(IS) < 3.0mEq/L or
7.0mEq/L < C(IS)
94 3 WARNING Cl : C(IS) < 80.0mEq/L or
120.0mEq/L < C(IS)
Refer to alarm codes 92-1 to 3.
Same as above
Same as above
(1) Replace STD
and carry out calibration again.
(2) Replace t he
internal standard solution.
Same as above
Same as above
2 - 15
Alarm Control
Alarm Category
4201 to 4203
4211 TWLN
Level Description Remedy
95 1 Unassigned
(Liquid level detection for IS/DIL solution)
95 2 Unassigned (Same as
95 3 WARNING The volume of reference
electrode solution is 30 mL or less.
96 1 to 36
WARNING (1) when analyzing two
tests at a time, the assigned method for the corresponding test is inadequate.
(2) Assignment of the
corresponding test is being done or not being done when analysis for two tests is not being made at the same time.
(3) When analyzing two
tests at the same time, the analytical parameters are not identical. Sub-codes (1 to 36) signify the channel numbers.
Replace the reference electrode solution with new one. Check the ISE reagent volume.
Start setting in order from the tests that are designated by the Measured Point of the first half of the 1 channel 2 Test Analysis Method (3 Point, 1 Point and Rate, Rate B)
When not analyzing two tests at the same time, do not designate 'Two Test Analysis' for the Analysis Parameter.
With the Analysis Parameter screen for the applicable test, unify all the parameters below for the Simultaneous 2 Test Analysis Test.
Analytical Method
Reaction Time
Sample Volume
Pipetting volume (R1-R3)
Calibration Point
Standard solution
Standard solution
2 - 16
Alarm Control No.
4511 to 4548
4661 to 4698
Alarm Category
98 1 to 36
99 1 to 36
Level Description Remedy
WARNING(1)The relationship
between assay code and
Correct the
parameter. photometric point is improper.
(2)The assigned
photometric point lags behind the specified reaction time. (Operation is impossible.)
WARNING (1)The relationship
between assay code and
Check parameter
and input it again. calibration type is improper.
(2)Necessary calibration
points for calibration type are not input.
(3)Necessary standard
positions for calibration are not input.
(4)The relationship
between calibration type and calibration method is improper.
(5)The standard
concentration values are not set in ascending order. (Except for STD (3) and (4) for isozyme)
(6)Concentration value is
not zero when '99' is entered for POS. of STD (1).
1.The photometry assay data in other than manual mode is checked.
2.Operation is unallowable.
3.Check in (4) is made with regard to specifications of time­out calibration, lot-to-lot calibration, bottle-to­bottle calibration and test selecting information.
2 - 17
Alarm Control No.
4811 to 4848
Alarm Category
100 1 to 36
Level Description Remedy
WARNING (1)The total reagent
volume up to the last photometric point is more than 250 to 500 µL.
(2)The volumes of
reagents 1 to 3 are all
Check parameter. If the improper condition indicated by alarm can be detected, correction and reentry are required.
(3)The reagent volume
having a timing behind the reaction time is not zero.
(4)The total liquid volume
of sample and reagent is less than 250 µL.
1.When '999' (stirring only) is specified for reagent volume, 0 µL is taken for the volume.
However, when '999' is specified for the reagent volume having a timing behind the reaction time, an error occurs.
2.Operation is unallowable.
3.The final liquid volume is a total volume of sample and reagent within 250 to 500 µL.
5261 CMP. TEST 103 1 to 8 WARNING The setting of formula
number corresponding to the relevant code is improper.
(1)An unmeasurable test is
specified for compensation.
(2)A compensated test is
not included in the formula.
(3)In photometry assay for
compensated test, the electrolyte parameter is specified.
2 - 18
Call up calculation item screen and check the compensation formula on it.
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