Hitachi Travelstar
40GB, 30GB, and 20GB | 4200 RPM | ATA-6
Hard drive artistry — the continued refinement of an industry-leading design
> Based on proven technology of
Travelstar 80GN and Travelstar 4K80
> Industry’s highest operating shock of 300Gs
> Doubling of industry standard load/unload
cycles to 600,000
> Optimized for single disk design
> Enhancements to mechanical and
electrical design
Craftmanship o f d e s i g n
The Hitachi Travelstar 4K40 series continues to
redefine state-of-the-art storage for mobile
computing. With industry-leading shock
characteristics, efficient power consumption,
outstanding acoustics, and a range of capacities,
the Hitachi Travelstar 4K40 raises the standard
for ruggedness. Designed to address the most
demanding applications this drive offers customers a stable design platform for even the
most advanced portable devices.
The Travelstar 4K40 is based on an industry
leading design that has been made even better.
Simply put, it is hard drive artistry!
Features a n d B e n e f i t s
Feature / Function Benefits
Reliability 300Gs operating shock Exceptional ruggedness to withstand tougher
1000Gs non-operating shock handling and improve portability
600,000 load/unload cycles Double the industry standard specification
Reduces disk wear
Protects user data
Fewer electrical components Additional design robustness
Enhanced Error Correction Code (ECC) Improved data integrity
Optimized single disk design Results in improved shock rating
Acoustics Fluid Dynamic Bearing Motors (FDB) Quiet operation
Power Enhanced Adaptive Battery Life Leading low power for longer notebook battery life
Extender™ (ABLE)
Pe r f o r m a n c e , quality and r e l i a b i l i t y
Designed with mobile life styles in mind, the Travelstar 4K40 leverages proven technologies
such as True Track Servo, which eases system integration, enhances hard disk drive reliability,
and adds robustness against vibration and disk shift, Drive Fitness Test™ (DFT), Self-Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology (S.M.A.R.T.) to enable a hard drive to predict
impending catastrophic failure, and an adaptive control algorithm to help maintain high
performance and fast seek times at high environmental temperatures.
> Notebook systems
> Digital audio
> Multi-media
> External storage
> Portability applications
Hitachi q u a l i t y a n d s e r v i c e
The Hitachi Travelstar mobile hard disk drives are designed with the highest quality standards and contain field-proven components to provide superior quality hard drives backed
by Hitachi warranty. Hitachi provides worldwide technical support and services to enable
customers to quickly bring their products to market globally.
Hitachi is dedicated to providing a breadth of hard disk drive solutions to satisfy all of
today’s data storage needs.

H i t a c h i T r a v e l s t a r 4 K 4 0
Pro d u ct Travelstar 4K40
Model names HTS424040M9AT00 / HTS424030M9AT00 / HTS424020M9AT00
Spe c i fic a t ion s
Interface ATA-6
Capacity (GB)1 40 / 30 / 20
Sector size (Bytes) 512
Recording zones 24
Data heads (physical) 2 / 2 / 1
Data disks 1
Max. areal density (Gbits/sq. inch) 70
Data buffer (MB) 2
Rotational speed (RPM) 4200
Latency average (ms) 7.1
Media transfer rate (Mbits/sec, max) 370
Interface transfer rate (MB/sec, max) 100 MB/sec (mode-5)
PIO 16.6 MB/sec (mode-4)
Seek time (read, typical)
Average (ms) 12
Track to track (ms) 2.5
Full track (ms) 23
Error rate (non-recoverable) < 1 per 1.0 E 13 bits transferred
Load/Unload cycle 600,000
Requirement +5VDC(+-5%)
Startup current (peak, max.) 4.7W
Seek (avg.) 2.3W
Read (avg.) 2.0W
Write (avg.) 2.1W
Performance idle (avg.) 1.85W
Active idle (avg.) 0.85W
Low power idle (avg.) 0.65W
Standby (avg.) 0.25W
Sleep 0.1W
Power consump. efficiency index (W/GB) 0.016 / 0.022 / 0.033
Physical Size
Height (mm) 9.5
Width (mm) 70
Depth (mm) 100
Weight - typical (g) 95
Environmental characteristics
Ambient temperature 5° to 55° C
Relative humidity (non-condensing) 8% to 90%
Max. wet bulb (non-condensing) 29.4° C
Shock (half sine wave) 300 G / 2ms
Vibration (random (RMS)) 0.67 G (5 - 500 Hz)
Swept sine 1 G 0-P (5 - 500 Hz)
Ambient temperature -40° to 65° C
Relative humidity (non-condensing) 5% to 95%
Max. wet bulb (non-condensing) 40° C
Shock (half sine wave) 1000 G / 1 ms
Vibration (random (RMS)) 3.01 G (5 to 500 Hz)
Acoustics (A-Weighted Sound Power (Bels))
Idle (typ.) 2.1
Op (typ.) 2.4
Idle (max.) 2.4
Op (max.) 2.6
GB equals one billion bytes when referring to hard drive capacity; accessible capacity may be less.
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies
For m o r e inf o r mat i o n:
> www.hitachigst.com (Main Web site)
> www.hitachigst.com/vpp (Reseller Web site)
Technical Support E-mail:
> support_usa@hgst.com (N. America)
> support_ap@hgst.com (Asia Pacific)
> support_uk@hgst.com (EMEA and UK)
Technical Support Phone Numbers:
> 1 888 426-5214 (N. America)
> 65 6840 9595 (Asia Pacific)
> 44 20 7133 0032 (EMEA and UK)
> 49 6929 993601 (Germany)
How t o R e ad th e T rav e l sta r M o del N u mber
HTS424040M9AT00 = 40GB/2MB
H = Hitachi
T = Travelstar
S = Standard (vs C for Compact, for example)
42 = 4200 RPM
40 = Full capacity - 40GB
40 = Capacity this model 40 =40GB
(30 =30GB, 20 =20GB)
M = Generation code
9 = 9.5mm z - height
AT = ATA interface
0 = Reserved
0 = Reserved
© 2007 Hitachi Global Storage Technologies
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies
3403 Yerba Buena Road
San Jose, CA 95135 USA
Produced in the United States 3/04, revised 4/07
All rights reserved.
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies (GST) trademarks
are intended and authorized for use only in countries and
jurisdictions in which Hitachi GST has obtained the rights to
use, market and advertise the brand. Contact Hitachi GST for
additional information. Hitachi GST shall not be liable to third
parties for unauthorized use of this document or unauthorized
use of its trademarks.
References in this publication to Hitachi Global Storage
Technologies products, programs, or services do not imply that
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies intends to make these
available in all countries in which it operates.
Product specifications provided are sample specifications and
do not constitute a warranty. Information is true as of the date
of publication and is subject to change. Actual specifications
for unique part numbers may vary. Please visit the Support
section of our website, www.hitachigst.com/support, for additional information on product specifications. Photographs may
show design models.