HID ProxPass Installation Guide

HID ProxPass Vehicle Identification Tag
Introduction: HID ProxPass Tag
The HID ProxPass tag is used for identification purposes to control access to and from a parking facility. The tag attaches to and identifies a vehicle.
Advantages of using ProxPass
The ProxPass tag provides the user with “hands-free” a ccess. Wit h an average read r ange of six feet, it adds convenience for users who need to gain access into a parking facility, especially during extreme weather or in a hostile environment.
Company vehicles utilized by multiple employees can be tracked separately from the employees themselves, providing such information as whether the vehicle is on the lot, when it arrived and when it departed.

Description of ProxPass

The ProxPass tag is “active,” requiring a battery to operate. The battery provides the necessary power to extend the read range for hands-free access. Battery life is two to five years, depending on usage.
ProxPass adheres to the inside of the vehicle windshield. The tag is used with the MaxiProx reader, which is typically installed on a gooseneck pedestal with the face of the reader parallel to the controlled lane. As a v ehicle approaches the MaxiProx reader, the information from the tag is transmitted to the reader and forwarded to the host system for user access confirmation.
The ProxPass tag’s discrete design and ease of installation inside the vehicle minimizes the risk of theft and damage inherent with other manufacturers’ tags and mounting locations.

HID Card Formats Used with ProxPass

The ProxPass tag is programmable for all HID formats.

Installation of ProxPass

Install ProxPass in upper or lower corner of the front windshield on the side of the vehicle adjacent to the MaxiProx reader. The unit should be mounted securely and not allowed to shift positions within the vehicle. This will protect the unit and maximize the consistency of read range parameters.
Refer to the installation instructions provided for further guidelines on using and installing the ProxPass tag.
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Installation of the HID MaxiProx Reader

Install the MaxiProx reader on a gooseneck pedestal or stanchion. HID recommends using the Falcon S1R1235 stanchion. Because the stanchion is metal, use the Falcon MC5375-1CR MaxiProx reader acrylic spacer kit to buffer the reader from metal. The MaxiProx reader and stanchion should be installed far enou gh back from the vehicle lan e so that vehicles driving by the reader will not damage it by striking it with side mirrors, bumpers, etc.
Care should be taken when setting up control lanes that vehicles entering can communicate with the ENTRY reader but will not pass through the read range zone of the EXIT reader. The inverse is also true. If you have a pr e-existing installation where this is occurring, contact your controller manufacturer to setup a delay time for “same tag” reads on multiple readers.
Refer to the installation instructions provided for further guidelines on using and installing the MaxiProx reader.

End-User Instructions for the HID ProxPass Tag

The vehicle must be positioned so that the ProxPass tag enters the read zone as the vehicle approaches the MaxiP rox reader. This m ay require the driver to slow or even stop completely in order for the tag to be read. It may be helpful to create lane controls to stage vehicles in the proper position for effective tag detection.

Other Considerations When Using the ProxPass Tag

Loop detectors may cause interference with MaxiProx readers and cause reduced read ranges. If this occurs, first consult the manufacturer of the loop detector to see if the frequency can be adjusted. HID utilizes 125khz to excite and transfer data. If the loop detector can be tuned, try to maximize the difference between the loop frequency and the HID reader frequency.
The average read range of the ProxPass tag (with the MaxiProx reader) is six feet . The maximum read range is up to eight feet. This should be considered when choosing a parking space. If you park within the re ad ran ge of t he M ax iP rox reader, t he Prox P ass tag will continually try to communicate with it. This will drain the ProxPass batteries in a short period of time.
The ProxPass tags will try to intercommunicate, and are shipped in special packaging to avoid this. Once they are removed from the shipping materials and a ctivated, the y should be kept at least six inches apart. This distance should not cause probl ems with vehicles parked close together.
The batteries inside the ProxPass tag are not replaceable. When the battery life has expired, the tag needs to be replaced.
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