ActivIdentity® Web Soft Token Option
for Citrix
Integration Handbook
Document Version 1.2 | Released | May 31, 2012
ActivIdentity Web Soft Token Option for Citrix® XenApp™ | Integration Handbook
External Use | May 31, 2012 | © 2012 ActivIdentity
1.0 Introduction
This handbook describes how to add the ActivIdentity® Web Soft Token option to Citrix® XenApp™, a thin client
product that enables you to connect to corporate applications. Citrix XenApp hosts applications on central servers
and allow users to interact with the applications remotely. It also enables the streaming of applications to user
devices for local use.
1.1 Prerequisites
1. Configure Citrix XenApp for RADIUS authentication. Please refer to the handbook named: ActivIdentity
4TRESS Authentication Server: Configuring Citrix XenApp for Two-Factor Authentication, published by
ActivIdentity in May 2012.
2. Create a backup of the file. The default location is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Web Interface\5.3.0\languages
2.0 Add the ActivIdentity Web Soft Token Option to Citrix XenApp
1. Edit the file. Add the following code to the end of the file:
<h1>Token Type</h1>\
<dd>Select <strong>Standard</strong> this option to use a standard token that you have in your
possession such as a mobile token on your phone or a hard token on your keychain.</dd>\
<dt>Web Soft Token</dt>\
<dd>Select <strong>Web Soft Token</strong> if you wish to use a registered web soft token on this site.
After picking this option you need to populate your username to launch the web soft token.</dd>\
2. Create a backup of the file. The default location is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\Web Interface\5.3.0\languages)
3. Edit the file. Add the following code to the end of the file.
#ActivIdentity strings
ActivIdentity Web Soft Token Option for Citrix® XenApp™ | Integration Handbook
External Use | May 31, 2012 | © 2012 ActivIdentity
AITokenType=Token Type:
AIWebSoftToken=Web Soft Token
AINeedUsername=Please enter your user name before clicking the Web Soft Token button so we can generate
your softoken.
AITokenLoadFailure=Unable to load the web soft token (or it took too long).
AITokenLocked=Your web soft token is currently locked. Please contact the help desk.
AITokenNotEnabled=Your web soft token is not enabled or unable to load properly.
4. Create a backup of the file. The default location is:
5. Edit the file. At approximately line 282, look for the following text (it is after the End NDS
Tree comment).
if (viewControl.getShowPasscode() && viewControl.getShowPassword() ) { //only display the passcode field here
if the password field is displayed above
6. Insert the following code after the line above and before the <tr><td> on the next line:
// ActivIdentity Web Soft Token Additions BEGIN
<script type="text/javascript">
<!--#include file="~/app_data/clientscripts/aiwebsofttoken.js" -->
<label id='lblUseWebToken' for='TokenType'
ActivIdentity Web Soft Token Option for Citrix® XenApp™ | Integration Handbook
External Use | May 31, 2012 | © 2012 ActivIdentity
<% if(Include.isCompactLayout(wiContext)){%>
<% }%>
<input style='width: auto' type='radio' name='TokenType' id='TokenTypeStd' value='STD' Checked='1'
onclick='AITokenStandardChecked();' class='loginEntries<%=viewControl.getExplicitDisabled()?"
loginEntriesDisabled":""%>' <%=viewControl.getExplicitDisabledStr()%>>
<% if(!Include.isCompactLayout(wiContext)){%>
<%=UIUtils.generateHelpLinkMarkup(wiContext, "Help_AI_TokenType", "inlineHelpLink")%>
<div id='<%=UIUtils.getPopupId("Help_AI_TokenType")%>' class="wiPopup"
<% }%>
<% if(Include.isCompactLayout(wiContext)){%>
<% }%>
<input style='width: auto' type='radio' name='TokenType' id='TokenTypeWST' value='WST'
class='loginEntries<%=viewControl.getExplicitDisabled()?" loginEntriesDisabled":""%>'
ActivIdentity Web Soft Token Option for Citrix® XenApp™ | Integration Handbook
External Use | May 31, 2012 | © 2012 ActivIdentity
<% if(!Include.isCompactLayout(wiContext)){%>
<% }%>
<!-- Token Section -->
<% if(Include.isCompactLayout(wiContext)){%>
<% }%>
<div id="AITokenArea">
<% if(!Include.isCompactLayout(wiContext)){%>
<% }%>
// ActivIdentity Web Soft Token Additions END