Hewlett Packard NW239AA Quick Start Guide

HP 10bII+ Financial Calculator
Quick Start Guide
HP Part Number: NW239-90201
Ed ition 1, Ap ri l 2010

Legal Notice

This manual and any examples contained herein are provided “as is” and are subject to change without notice. Hewlett-Packard Company makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this manual, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, non-infringement and fitness for a particular pur­pose. In this regard, HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained in the manual.
Hewlett-Packard Company shall not be liable for any errors or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual or the examples contained herein.
Copyright © 2010 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Reproduction, adaptation, or translation of this manual is prohibited without prior written permission of Hewlett-Packard Company, except as allowed under the copyright laws.
Hewlett-Packard Company Palo Alto, CA 94304 USA

Keyboard Legend

Number Primary Functions
112 digit, 7-segment LCD
2 Time Value of Money
(orange functions on
Amortization, payments per year/Interest conversion
key bevel)
(blue functions above
3 Input key/margin, cost,
4 Memory register,
5 Change sign, recall and
6 SHIFT Up (blue) SHIFT Down (orange)
7 Numbered keys: 1, and
8 Clear Clear all Clear selected memory
9On Off Operating mode
10 Numbered keys: 0 and
11 Mathematical functions Common mathematical
12 Annunciators
price and markup
percent, cash flow entry, statistics entry, backspace
2-3, decimal
Date and number of days, IRR per year, NPV, beginning/end of payment period
Swap, percent change, cash flow count, delete statistics, round
Scientific notation, exponent, store, clear statistics, parentheses
Statistical functions and estimation
Common mathematical functions
functions, parentheses
Calendar and coupon payment schedules, settlement and maturity dates (bonds)
Depreciation, hyperbolic and inverse functions
Statistical functions and regression modes
Z and T probability and combination/ permutation functions
Trigonometric functions

Table of Contents

Legal Notice.........................................................................ii
Keyboard Legend.................................................................iii
Power On and Off ............................................................... 1
Basics of Key Functions ......................................................... 1
Shift Keys ............................................................................ 2
Boxed Key Functions............................................................. 4
Percentages......................................................................... 5
Memory Keys ...................................................................... 7
Time Value of Money (TVM) ................................................ 10
TVM What if...................................................................... 11
Amortization...................................................................... 13
Depreciation...................................................................... 15
Interest Rate Conversion ...................................................... 17
Cash Flows, IRR/YR, NPV, and NFV..................................... 18
Date and Calendar............................................................. 21
Bonds ............................................................................... 23
Break-even ........................................................................ 26
Statistical Calculations ........................................................ 27
Probability......................................................................... 30
Trigonometric Functions .......................................................32
Replacing the Batteries ........................................................33
Customer Care ...................................................................34
Product Regulatory and Environmental Information ..................37
HP Limited Hardware Warranty and Customer Care ...............38
Limited Hardware Warranty Period .......................................38
General Terms....................................................................38
Exclusions ..........................................................................39
Getting Started
This guide is intended to get you started with your new 10bII+ financial calcula­tor. It includes basic information about the many features available on the 10II+ along with example problems. If you require more information about the con­cepts presented here, refer to the HP 10bII+ Financial Calculator User’s Guide on the CD included in the package along with your calculator. For more information about HP calculators, please refer to the training materials available at:

Power On and Off

To turn on your HP 10bI I+, press =. To turn the calculator off, press the orange
shift key,
\, then >. To change the brightness of the display, hold down
= and then simultaneously press 1 or A.
Since the calculator has continuous memory, turning it off does not affect the information you have stored. To conserve energy, the calculator turns itself off after five minutes of inactivity. The calculator uses two CR2032 coin batteries. If
you see the low-battery symbol See the section below titled, Replacing the Batteries for more information.

Basics of Key Functions

Table 1-1 Basics of key functions
Keys Display Description
= ] [blue]
() in the display, replace the batteries.
0.00 Turns calculator on.
Getting Started 1
Displays shift
annunciator .
Table 1-1 Basics of key functions
Keys Display Description
\ [orange]
12_ Erases last character.
Displays shift
annunciator .
STAT CLR (message flashes, then
12 P _ Y r (message flashes, then
BOND CLR (message flashes,
BR EV CLR (message flashes, then
TVM CLR (message flashes, then
CFLO CLR (message flashes, then

Shift Keys

Most keys on the HP 10bII+ have three functions:
• a primary function printed in white on the key.
• a secondary function printed in orange on the bevel of the key.
• a tertiary function printed in blue above the key on the keyboard (see Figure 1).
0.00 Clears display.
Clears statistics
then disappears)
Clears all memory.
Clears bond memory.
Clears break-even memory.
Clears tvm memory.
Clears cash flow memory.
Turns calculator off.
2 Getting Started
Figure 1
When you press
indicate that the shifted functions are active. For example, press
2 to multiply a number in the display by itself. To turn the shift annuncia-
tors off, simply press
In this guide, key symbols are used to indicate the key presses used in the exam­ple problems. These symbols vary in appearance according to whether they indi­cate the primary, secondary, or tertiary functions required for the problem. For
example, the functions associated with the equals key,
text as follows:
primary function (equals):
secondary function (display): \5
tertiary function (random): ]6
\ or ], a shift annunciator or is displayed to
\ followed
\ or ] again.
4, are illustrated in the
Getting Started 3

Boxed Key Functions

There are three shifted key functions on the calculator that are used to change the
operation of another key's function. These three tertiary functions,
]o and ]r, are bound by blue boxes to show that they oper-
ate differently. These special functions require subsequent key presses to operate.
For example, the functions associated with the clear key,
Table 1-2 Clearing functions
Keys Associated Function
For more information on the calculator’s keys and basic functions, refer to chapter 2, Getting Started in the HP 10bII+ Financial Calculator User’s Guide.
Clear display.
Clear all memory.
Clears bond memory.
Clears break-even memory.
Clears TVM memory.
Clears cash flow memory.
M, include:
4 Getting Started


Table 1-3 Keys for percentage calculations
Keys Description
\¨ À
Add 15% to $17.50.
Table 1-4 Calculating the price
Keys Display Description
Percent change
17.50 Enters number.
2 0 .13 Ad d s 15 %.
Getting Started 5
Find the margin if the cost is $15.00 and selling price is $22.00.
Table 1-5 Finding the margin
Keys Display Description
15.0 0 E n te rs co s t .
If the cost is $20.00 and the markup is 33%, what is the selling price?
Table 1-6 Calculating the price
Keys Display Description
For more information on percentages, refer to chapter 3, Business Percentages in the HP 10bII+ Financial Calculator User’s Guide.
22.00 Enters price.
31. 8 2 Ca l cu l a tes m a rg i n .
20.00 Enters cost.
33.00 Enters markup.
26.60 Calculates price.
6 Getting Started

Memory Keys

Table 1-7 Memory keys
Keys Description
Stores a constant operation.
ª s p m \w
Stores a value in the M register (memory location).
Recalls a value from the M register.
Adds a value to the number stored in the M register.
When followed by a number key, : to d, or 7 and
: to d, stores a number in the display into a numbered
data storage register. There are 20 storage registers,
designated 0-19. Press through d to access registers 10-19.
When followed by a number key, : to d, or 7 and
\w7 followed by :
: to d, recalls a number from a storage register.
v7 followed by : through d to access
registers 10-19.
Getting Started 7
Multiply 17, 22, and 25 by 7, storing ‘× 7’ as a constant operation.
Table 1-8 Storing ‘x 7’ as a constant
Keys Display Description
7.0 0 St o r e s ‘× 7’ as a constant operation.
119.00 Multiplies 17 × 7.
Store 519 in register 2, then recall it.
Table 1-9 Storing and recalling
Keys Display Description
8 Getting Started
154.00 Multiplies 22 × 7.
175.00 Multiplies 25 × 7.
519. 0 0 St o r e s 519 in re g i st e r
0.00 Clears display.
519. 0 0 Re c al ls r e g i s t e r 2.
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