Hettich Rotanta 460 Repair manual

Repair instructions
ROTANTA 460 / 460 R
ROTANTA 460 S / 460 RS
09.06 Andreas Hettich GmbH & Co. KG AR5600EN
Andreas Hettich GmbH & Co. KG
Föhrenstraße 12, D-78532 Tuttlingen / Germany
Phone (07461) 705-0
Fax (07461) 705-125
info@hettichlab.com, service@hettichlab.com
© 2002 by Andreas Hettich GmbH & Co. KG
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written prior permission of the copyright owner.
Modifications reserved!
AR5600EN / 09.06
1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................................6
2 Description of the centrifuge ................................................................................................. 6
2.1 Control panel (A4, A5) .................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Supply board (A1) ......................................................................................................... 7
2.3 Frequency converter (A2) .............................................................................................8
2.4 Special features ............................................................................................................ 9
2.5 Braking chopper (A3) / brake resistor (R1) ................................................................... 9
2.6 Motor / tacho system..................................................................................................... 9
2.7 Motor-driven lid lock....................................................................................................10
2.8 Imbalance switch ........................................................................................................ 10
2.9 Key-operated switch (A7, optionally)........................................................................... 10
2.10 Machine concept.........................................................................................................10
2.11 Cooling system ........................................................................................................... 11
2.11.1 Diagram of the cooling version............................................................................ 12
2.12 Ventilator control ......................................................................................................... 13
2.13 Ventilator.....................................................................................................................13
2.14 Offset compensation ................................................................................................... 13
2.15 Safety devices............................................................................................................. 14
3 Troubleshooting procedures ............................................................................................... 14
4 Error messages ..................................................................................................................15
4.1 MAINS RESET............................................................................................................ 15
4.2 Brief description .......................................................................................................... 15
4.3 Description and elimination of errors........................................................................... 18
5 Settings and interrogations ................................................................................................. 37
5.1 Option: program linkage (only for S-control panel) .....................................................37
5.1.1 Linking programs................................................................................................. 37
5.1.2 Changing program links ...................................................................................... 37
5.1.3 Centrifugation run with program linking............................................................... 38
5.1.4 Deleting program linking .....................................................................................38
5.2 Option: optical interface (only for S-control panel)...................................................... 38
5.3 Option: key-operated switch (only for S-control panel) ............................................... 39
5.4 Setting the lid lock mode............................................................................................. 39
5.5 Setting the machine and cooling version .................................................................... 40
5.6 Function of the additional jumper................................................................................ 41
5.7 Initialization .................................................................................................................41
5.7.1 Prerequisites for the initialization ........................................................................41
5.7.2 Initializing the centrifuge with N-control panel..................................................... 42
5.7.3 Initializing the centrifuge with S-control panel ..................................................... 43
5.8 OFFSET compensation .............................................................................................. 46
5.9 Imbalance Mode ......................................................................................................... 48
5.9.1 Setting the imbalance mode on the supply board ............................................... 48
5.9.2 Setting the imbalance mode in the program .......................................................48
5.10 Temp. Average Time .................................................................................................. 49
5.11 Leading time ............................................................................................................... 50
5.12 Parameter for error message °C / *ERROR 58 .......................................................... 51
5.12.1 Temperature monitor until reaching the temperature set value ..........................51 Setting the temperature monitor with the N-control panel........................... 52 Setting the temperature monitor with the S-control panel ........................... 52
5.12.2 Permissible temperature difference after reaching the temperature set value.... 53 Setting the permissible temperature difference with the N-control panel.... 53 Setting the permissible temperature difference with the S-control panel.... 53
5.13 Parameter interrogation .............................................................................................. 54
5.13.1 Parameter interrogation N-control panel............................................................. 54
5.13.2 Parameter interrogation S-control panel ............................................................. 54
5.14 Acoustic Signal ........................................................................................................... 55
5.14.1 Acoustic Signal N-control panel .......................................................................... 55
5.14.2 Acoustic signal S-control panel........................................................................... 55
5.15 Working hours............................................................................................................. 55
5.15.1 Working hours N-control panel............................................................................ 55
5.15.2 Working hours S-control panel............................................................................ 56
5.16 Checking the motor slippage ...................................................................................... 56
5.16.1 Checking the slippage with the N-control panel.................................................. 56
5.16.2 Checking the slippage with the S-control panel .................................................. 57
5.17 Checking the temperatures......................................................................................... 57
5.17.1 Checking the temperatures with the N-control panel .......................................... 57
5.17.2 Checking the temperatures with the S-control panel ..........................................58
5.18 Setting the date and time (only in S-control panel) ..................................................... 58
5.19 Centrifugation data displayed after switching on (only in S-control) ........................... 59
5.20 Immediate display of the centrifugation data after switching on (only in
S-control panel)........................................................................................................... 59
5.21 Logging (only in S-control panel) ................................................................................ 59
5.21.1 Error messages................................................................................................... 60
5.21.2 Imbalance messages .......................................................................................... 60
5.21.3 Modification logs ................................................................................................. 61
5.21.4 Note on the display of date and time................................................................... 61
5.22 Setting the display contrast......................................................................................... 61
5.23 Imbalance switch-off ................................................................................................... 63
6 Functional check after a repair ...........................................................................................64
7 Mounting and removing components.................................................................................. 64
7.1 Removing the front panel............................................................................................ 64
7.2 Removing the support sheet of the electronic components ........................................ 65
7.3 Removing the upper part of the centrifuge housing .................................................... 65
7.4 Motor (M1) .................................................................................................................. 66
7.5 Rubber-metal bearings ............................................................................................... 67
7.6 Vibration dampers....................................................................................................... 67
7.7 Speed sensor.............................................................................................................. 67
7.8 Motor-driven lid lock.................................................................................................... 68
7.8.1 Removing the motor-driven lid lock..................................................................... 68
7.8.2 Replacing the motor-lock unit.............................................................................. 69
7.8.3 Replacing the angle support on the left............................................................... 69
7.8.4 Replacing the eccentric disc ...............................................................................70
7.8.5 Replacing the sliding blocks................................................................................ 70
7.8.6 Replacing the plastic rollers and discs ................................................................ 70
7.8.7 Replacing the microswitch ..................................................................................71
7.9 Control panel (A4, A5) ................................................................................................ 71
7.9.1 N-control panel (A4) ............................................................................................ 71
7.9.2 S-control panel (A5) ............................................................................................ 71
7.10 EPROM in the control panel ....................................................................................... 71
7.11 Battery (only in S-control panel).................................................................................. 71
7.12 Supply board (A1) ....................................................................................................... 72
7.13 Frequency converter (A2) ...........................................................................................72
7.14 Braking chopper (A3) .................................................................................................. 73
7.15 Radio interference suppression filter (Z1)................................................................... 73
7.16 Brake resistor (R1)...................................................................................................... 73
7.17 Temperature sensors (only in centrifuges with cooling).............................................. 73
7.17.1 Temperature sensor at the top of the centrifuge chamber (T1) ..........................73
7.17.2 Temperature sensor at the bottom of the centrifuge chamber (T2) ....................74
7.17.3 Temperature sensor on the condenser (T3) .......................................................74
7.18 Imbalance switch (S2)................................................................................................. 74
7.19 Mains switch ............................................................................................................... 75
7.20 Appliance plug with overvoltage protection................................................................. 75
7.21 Gas spring................................................................................................................... 75
7.22 Sealing ring (between the upper part of the centrifuge housing and the lid)............... 76
7.23 Key-operated switch (A7; only in S-control panel) ...................................................... 76
7.24 Optical interface (A6; only in S-control panel)............................................................. 77
8 Designation of the components .......................................................................................... 79
9 Technical documents.......................................................................................................... 82
9.1 Tachometer code configuration of the rotors .............................................................. 82
9.1.1 Centrifuge without cooling................................................................................... 82
9.1.2 Centrifuge with cooling........................................................................................ 83
9.2 Cooling diagram.......................................................................................................... 84
9.3 Connecting diagrams .................................................................................................. 85
9.3.1 Abbreviations of the cable colours ...................................................................... 85
9.3.2 Connecting diagram centrifuge ........................................................................... 86
9.3.3 Transformer connection ...................................................................................... 88 Centrifuge without cooling system............................................................... 88 Centrifuge with cooling system.................................................................... 88
9.4 Technical specifications .............................................................................................. 89
1 Introduction
Repairs must only be carried out by personnel authorised to do so by the
Interventions and modifications at centrifuges, which have been conducted by persons not authorized by the HETTICH company, are at their own risk and entail the loss off all guarantee and liability claims. In such an event any guarantee claim or liability claim against the HETTICH company expire.
Only original spare parts and original accessories licensed by the Hettich company
are allowed to be utilised.
If no original spare parts or no original accessories are used, any guarantee claim or liability claim against the HETTICH company ceases to exist.
Information about the operation of the centrifuge please see operating instructions.
We reserve all rights for these technical documents.
2 Description of the centrifuge
These microprocessor controlled centrifuges mainly consist of the following electrical components:
Control panel, microprocessor controlled
N-control panel, (without control knob)
S-control panel, (with control knob)
Supply board, microprocessor controlled
for centrifuges with cooling
for centrifuges without cooling
Frequency converter (motor control), microprocessor controlled
Motor with speed sensor (speedometer) and imbalance switch
Braking chopper with brake resistor
Lid lock
2.1 Control panel (A4, A5)
The control panel is the brain or the master of the centrifuge. This MASTER controls its SLAVES via a serial data bus system. These SLAVES are the following components:
supply board
frequency converter
The control panel carries out the following tasks:
Managing operator entries and controlling the LCD display
Saving run programs:
N-control panel: 3 programs
S- control panel: 89 programs
Controlling the components:
supply board via the serial interface
frequency converter via the release line and the serial interface
Evaluating the speed sensor (speedometer)
Evaluating the imbalance switch
Evaluating the frequency converter error message line
Evaluating the message line lid lock open/closed
Triggering the relay for the voltage supply of the lid lock when the rotor has standstill
Temperature measurement and evaluation of the temperature sensor at the top of
the centrifuge chamber
Routine for input, saving and transmitting temperature offset values (offset values
are transmitted to the supply board each time the mains supply is switched on)
Type of serial interface:
N-control panel:
5 Volt interface with three wires (16-pole flat ribbon cable, pole 6, 8 and 11)
S-control panel:
RS 485 interface via two wires (26-pole flat ribbon cable, pole 19 and 20)
The voltage supply for the control panel is provided by the supply board via the flat
ribbon cable:
N-control panel: + 15...20 Volt: pole 1, 2 and GND: pole 15, 16
S-control panel: + 15...20 Volt: pole 1, 2, 25, 26 and GND: pole 15, 16, 17, 18
2.2 Supply board (A1)
The supply board carries out the following tasks:
Current supply 18 V DC and 5 V DC for the supply board
Current supply 18 V DC for the control panel
Temperature measurement and evaluation of the temperature sensor at the bottom
of the centrifuge chamber
Evaluating the overtemperature switch in the centrifuge chamber
Temperature measurement and evaluation of the temperature sensor on the
Evaluating the overpressure switch (not in ROTANTA 460 series)
Evaluating the message line lid lock open/closed
Evaluating the overtemperature switch on the brake resistor (when the overtempera-
ture switch opens, the frequency converter will be switched off)
Voltage supply for the speed sensor (speedometer)
Slot for speed sensor cable and transmission of the speed pulses to the control
Evaluating the speedometer pulses with regard to standstill
Triggering the relay for the voltage supply of the lid lock when the rotor has standstill
Slot for imbalance switch and direct transmission of the imbalance signal to the
control panel
Processing the individual sensor temperatures:
calculating the ACTUAL temperature
controlling the cooling units
controlling the heating
controlling the solenoid valve
controlling the condenser ventilator
SLAVE behaviour (the requests and commands of the control panel are transmitted
via the serial interface):
N-control panel:
5 Volt interface with three wires
S-control panel:
RS 485 interface with two wires
The 5 Volt interface with three wires is transferred to a RS 485 interface with two
wires. Interface for the frequency converter: RS 485 interface via two wires
Transmitting the main enable signal control panel frequency converter
Transmitting the error line frequency converter control panel
Evaluating the switching statuses of the key-operated switch (e.g. LOCK 1) and
transmitting the information to the control panel via the serial interface (only with centrifuge with key-operated switch)
Evaluating the jumper assignment and transmitting the information to the control
panel via the serial interface
Machine version
Cooling version
Service mode
If the processor of the supply board detects an error, it switches off automatically. The control panel continuously checks the status of the supply board via the serial interface.
The control panel defines the SET temperature and OFFSET temperatures via the serial interface. The control panel inquires the ACTUAL temperature.
2.3 Frequency converter (A2)
The frequency converter carries out the following tasks:
Generating the motor current supply
(three-phase current with variable frequency and voltage)
Functional description: The supply voltage is rectified, smoothened and
chopped into a pulse width pattern in three bridge elements with a microprocessor.
Monitoring the motor current
Evaluating the overtemperature switch in the motor
SLAVE behaviour (the requests and commands of the control panel are transmitted
via the serial interface): RS 485 Volt interface with two wires (5-pole flat ribbon cable, pole 2 and 3)
Evaluating the main enable signal for the frequency converter
(5-pole flat ribbon cable, pole 1)
Evaluating possible errors and handling the error line
(5-pole flat ribbon cable, pole 4)
The following are defined by the control panel via the serial interface:
Starting and brake levels
Control commands START, BRAKE, STOP
LED status displays:
In the standby status the red LED illuminates In the run status the green LED illuminates In the error status the red LED flashes
If the frequency converter processor detects an error, it switches off automatically and sets the error line. Then the control panel inquires the type of error via the serial interface.
2.4 Special features
The voltage supply of the motor-driven lock is switched via a relay on the supply
board. This relay can pick up only if the control panel and the supply board have detected a standstill.
The N-control panel and the S-control panel are interchangeable.
Multiprocessor concept:
If a processor stops working, the other two processors still continue monitoring their area. If there is a control panel failure, the frequency converter automatically switches off the drive if no inquiries are made via the interface for longer than 60 seconds.
Interface concept:
The information transmission is monitored with an additional check sum.
Hardware concept:
All safety related switches are break contacts. This also ensures that loose contacts and cable rupture can be detected.
2.5 Braking chopper (A3) / brake resistor (R1)
The braking chopper transfers the electrical energy produced during braking, from a
voltage of approx. 390 Volt, to the brake resistor in a controlled manner.
An overtemperature switch protects the brake resistor against fire. If the braking
chopper has a short circuit, the brake resistor becomes hot due to the high current, the overtemperature switch opens the circuit and two relays on the supply board separate the frequency converter from the mains supply.
2.6 Motor / tacho system
The motor is a three-phase asynchronous motor with four pairs of poles.
A speed sensor (speedometer) which is screwed onto the motor receives
the rotor code information and
the speed information (6 pulses per revolution)
from the magnets of the tacho ring attached to the rotor.
The control panel monitors and regulates the ACTUAL speed.
Double safety:
In addition, the frequency converter has been programmed in such a way that it is not possible to set a speed value which is higher than the permissible rotor speed.
The control panel and the supply board monitor the rotor standstill.
Double safety:
The lid can be opened only when the control panel and
supply board have detected a standstill.
2.7 Motor-driven lid lock
The lid can be opened only if the motor of the lid lock is triggered. To do so, press
the key when the rotor is not moving and mains voltage exists. The jumper for the lid lock must be plugged to the position "Mot" on the supply board.
The motor locks the lid only if both lid brackets have actuated both switches in the lid
You can start the centrifuge only if the lid is closed. A microswitch on the lid lock
detects the lid lock position.
2.8 Imbalance switch
A switch (break contact) detects imbalance.
Imbalance is detected only in running mode (starting, centrifuging and braking).
If imbalance is detected, the drive is brought to a standstill.
2.9 Key-operated switch (A7, optionally)
With the key-operated switch different program locks can be select, see chapter
"Option: key-operated switch (only for S-control panel)". The key position will be displayed.
If the key is removed, the selected program lock is locked and can be changed no
2.10 Machine concept
The machine version is set with jumper assignment A.4, A.5 and B.7 on the coding
strip of the supply board, see chapter "Setting the machine and cooling version".
This machine version must comply with the control panel:
N-control panel: correct EPROM
S-control panel: correct initialization
This machine version must comply with the installed and initialized frequency
The machine version has a binary code:
Jumper /
Version Machine A.4 A.5 B.7
1 2 16
19 ROTANTA 460 230 V / 115 V X X X
2.11 Cooling system
The cooling version is set with jumper assignment A.0 to A.2 on the coding strip of
the supply board, see chapter "Setting the machine and cooling version".
This cooling version must comply with the control panel:
N-control panel: correct EPROM
S-control panel: correct initialization
The cooling version has a binary code:
Jumper /
Version Cooling System A.0 A.1 A.2
1 2 4
0 No cooling system 1 1 compressor X 2 1 compressor, heating/cooling X 7 No cooling system, laboratory thermostat X X X
Hardware control:
If the lid is opened, the cooling or heating system switches off.
If the overtemperature switch is opened, the heating system switches off.
Software control:
If the condenser temperature is higher than 58°C, the cooling system switches off.
The processor on the supply board controls the cooling system.
The control panel sets the nominal temperature and the temperature of the
temperature sensor T1 on the supply board via the serial interface.
The control panel inquires the ACTUAL temperature via the serial interface.
Temperature sensor:
T1 Temperature sensor at the top of the centrifuge chamber This temperature is processed in the control panel.
T2 Temperature sensor at the bottom of the centrifuge chamber This temperature is processed on the supply board. The T2 temperature sensor housing also includes an overtemperature switch. It switches off the drive in cooling centrifuges when the temperature is > 60°C and in heating/cooling centrifuges if it is > 80°C.
Temperature determination:
During centrifugation the temperature is determined on the basis of the relationship between T1 and T2. This occurs in different ways depending on the speed range (see chapter "Diagram of the cooling version, sensor evaluation"). During standstill, the temperature is determined only with the T2 temperature sensor. The switching temperatures depend on the cooling version, see chapter "Diagram of the cooling version“
T3 Temperature sensor on the condenser This temperature is used for controlling the ventilator speed.
2.11.1 Diagram of the cooling version
set value -2,5°K
If the set temperature is >= 20° C, the cooling system
improvement of the displayed temperature
(can b e deac tivated by setting a j umper o n position B.3)
OFF at
set value -1°K
set value -0,5°K
ON at
switched off
remains switched off during standstill!
switched off
-1 +1 +2-2
OFF at
Set value
OFF at set value -0,5°K
OFF at
set value +1°K
ON at set value +0,5°K
ON at set value +0,5°K
ON at set value +2°K
OFF at set value +4°K
5/5 to 4/5 of n-max
4/5 to n-min
5/5 to n-min
5/5 to n-min
only sensor T2 only sensor T2
cooling cooling
ON a)
at set value +5°K
+6 +7
at set value +7°K
ON b)
sensor evaluation
temperature sensor temperature sensor
speed range 5/5 to 4/5 of n-max rotor speed range 4/5 to 3/5 of n-max rotor speed range 3/5 to 2/5 of n-max rotor speed range 2/5 to 1/5 of n-max rotor speed range 1/5 to n-min
T1 : temperature sensor at the top of the centrifuge chamber T2 : temperature sensor at the bottom of the centrifuge chamber
T1 : T2
1 : 1 2 : 1 3 : 1 4 : 1 5 : 1
Explanation on:
The cooling will only be switched on 15 s after start
ON a) = cycle time 60 s ON / 6 min OFF ON b) = cycle time 90 s ON / 6 min OFF
2.12 Ventilator control
The ventilator control is a temperature-dependent phase control.
If the cooling system switches on, the ventilator runs with a fixed start speed.
When the condenser temperature rises, the ventilator runs faster.
At 32 °C, or at the latest after 60 seconds, the ventilator speed regulation is
activated and the ventilator speed is regulated to achieve a constant temperature of 34°C at the condenser.
If the cooling system is switched off and the condenser temperature falls, the
ventilator speed is reduced until minimum speed is achieved.
If the temperature is lower than 28 °C, the phase control is not triggered, the
ventilator comes to a standstill.
Centrifuge type Start speed Maximum speed Minimum speed
230 V / 50 Hz
230 V / 60 Hz
The ventilator runs in a temperature-controlled manner also if the lid is open.
If there is condenser overtemperature (overpressure in the system) i.e. temperature
sensor T3 indicates a temperature > 58 °C (3.31 V), the cooling system and the drive are switched off, but the condenser ventilator continues running.
2.13 Ventilator
approx. 2000 RPM approx. 2700 RPM approx. 900 RPM
approx. 1900 RPM approx. 2950 RPM approx. 820 RPM
The ventilator cools down the refrigerant which flows through the condenser.
The ventilator speed is controlled with the temperature sensor T3.
This speed control keeps the pressure in the cooling system constant as far as
2.14 Offset compensation
The offset compensation is carried out to balance the tolerances of the temperature
sensors and the electronic system.
After replacing: Offset compensation:
a temperature sensor
the supply board
the control panel
the control panel EPROM
Compensation of the concerned temperature sensor.
Compensation of the temperature sensors T2 and T3.
Compensation of the temperature sensor T1 and read out the old offset values of T2 and T3 and enter them in the new control panel.
Compensation is not required
2.15 Safety devices
Mains input
Mains switch
Radio interference suppression filter
Frequency converter
Cooling system
PE connection
3 Troubleshooting procedures
Fuses in installation in which centrifuge is installed are intact.
Supply voltage present at (see circuit diagram):
Connecting cable
Appliance plug
Overvoltage protection (F4)
Mains switch (Q1)
Supply board, plugs X21 and X29.
Look for the displayed error code in the chapter "Error messages".
Remedy the error according to the instructions.
Carry out a functional check after every repair and whenever a component is
replaced, see chapter "Functional check after a repair".
overvoltage protection
with thermal overload protection
between supply board and frequency converter
electronically protected
overtemperature switch > 135 °C
overtemperature switch in the centrifuge chamber,
software monitoring of the temperature sensor T3 on the condenser
additional earthing of the device (only with 115 V model)
4 Error messages
Switch off the mains switch.
Wait for 10 seconds and then switch on the mains switch again.
4.2 Brief description
Error designation No. Brief description Page
TACHO-ERROR 01 Speedometer pulses break down during rotation 18
TACHO-ERROR 02 No speedometer pulses after start command 18
IMBALANCE (03) Imbalance on motor axle 19
CONTROL-ERROR 04 Lid lock error, lid opened without recognizing that
motor had stopped
N > MAX 05 Excessive speed error, 250 RPM above n-max of
CONTROL-ERROR 06 Lid lock - error
Message: from control panel lid lock open from supply board lid lock closed
CONTROL-ERROR 07 Lid lock - error
Message: from control panel lid lock closed from supply board lid lock open
CONTROL-ERROR 08 Standstill error
Message: from control panel standstill from supply board no standstill
CONTROL-ERROR 09 Standstill error
Message: from control panel no standstill from supply board standstill
ROTORCODE 10 Invalid rotor code 21
MAINS INTERRUPT (11) Mains interruption 21
VERSION-ERROR 12 Error in initialization 21
N < MIN 13 Speed error, slippage is too great 22
Error designation No. Brief description Page
CONTROL-ERROR 21 N-control panel - error: speed 22
CONTROL-ERROR 22 N-control panel - error: I²C-bus 22
CONTROL-ERROR 23 N-control panel - error: display memory 22
CONTROL-ERROR 24 N-control panel - error: clock timeout 22
CONTROL-ERROR 25 N-control panel - error: EEPROM 22
CONTROL-ERROR 27 N-control panel - error: EPROM defective 23
N > ROTOR-MAX --- N-control panel - error: nominal speed is higher
than permitted rotor speed or nominal RCF is higher than permitted rotor RCF
CONTROL-ERROR 26 Incorrect feedback, control panel input do not
recognize the expected signal
SER I/O-ERROR 30 No connection between control panel and serial
SER I/O-ERROR 31 No connection between frequency converter and
serial interface
SER I/O-ERROR 32 No connection between supply board and serial
SER I/O-ERROR 33 Data incorrectly transmitted from the componentry 24
SER I/O-ERROR 34 Data incorrectly transmitted between control panel
and frequency converter
SER I/O-ERROR 35 Data incorrectly transmitted between control panel
and supply board
SER I/O-ERROR 36 No acknowledgement (NAK) from frequency
converter to control panel
SER I/O-ERROR 37 No acknowledgement(NAK) from supply board to
control panel
°C / *-ERROR 50 Overpressure in cooling system 25
°C / *-ERROR 51 Overtemperature on condenser 26
°C / *-ERROR 52 Overtemperature in centrifuge chamber 26
°C / *-ERROR 53 Temperature sensor at the bottom of the centrifuge
chamber is defective
°C / *-ERROR 54 Temperature sensor at the top of the centrifuge
chamber is defective
°C / *-ERROR 55 Temperature sensor on the condenser is defective 28
LOCK-ERROR 57 Program locking is defective 28
°C / *-ERROR 58 Temperature deviation too high 29
Error designation No. Brief description Page
FU/CCI-ERROR 60 Faulty release signal to frequency converter 29
FU/CCI-ERROR 61 Frequency converter - error: computing section 30
FU/CCI-ERROR 62 Frequency converter - error: undervoltage 30
FU/CCI-ERROR 63 Frequency converter - error: overcurrent 30
FU/CCI-ERROR 64 Frequency converter - error: overvoltage 31
FU/CCI-ERROR 67 Frequency converter - error: overtemperature in
FU/CCI-ERROR 68 Frequency converter - error: overtemperature in
FU/CCI-ERROR 69 Frequency converter - error: EEPROM 33
CONTROL-ERROR 90 S-control panel - error: EPROM 33
CONTROL-ERROR 91 S-control panel - error: RAM 33
CONTROL-ERROR 92 S-control panel - error: difference between EEPROM
CONTROL-ERROR 94 S-control panel - error: Watchdog 34
CONTROL-ERROR 95 S-control panel - error: inadmissible operative state 34
N > ROTOR - MAX 96 S-control panel - error: nominal speed is higher
Frequency converter - error: I t switch-off for motor Frequency converter - error: I t switch-off of
frequency converter
motor (external)
frequency converter
and RAM
than permitted rotor speed or nominal RCF is higher than permitted rotor RCF
CONTROL-ERROR 97 S-control panel - error: EEPROM 35
CONTROL-ERROR 99 S-control panel - error: hardware failure in error
INDEFINITE S-control panel - error: not specified error 36
BATT Battery is empty 36
4.3 Description and elimination of errors
Error During centrifugation the speedometer pulses are interrupted.
of the error
Cause of error/ measurements
Delete error
Error After starting the centrifugation the control panel receives no
The rotor slows down until it stops. After the rotor stops, there is a DC braking for 30 sec. A MAINS RESET during slowing-down causes a DC braking for 3 minutes. After the DC braking, the “open the lid” release takes place. Further cooling until the SET temperature is achieved.
Speed sensor (speedometer) is defective or loose contact in the
plug. Measure the speedometer pulses on the supply board (A1) at plug X5, pin 4 - pin 2.
Flat ribbon cable to the control panel (A4, A5) or flat ribbon cable to
the frequency converter (A2) is defective.
Supply board (A1) or control panel (A4, A5) or frequency converter
(A2) is defective.
Open the lid. Turn the rotor by hand and carry out a MAINS RESET while the rotor is rotating.
In the S-control panel, CONTROL - ERROR 08 could appear in the
display after TACHO - ERROR 01 is deleted.
speedometer pulses.
of the error
Cause of error/ measurements
Delete error
The rotor slows down until it stops. After the rotor stops, there is a DC braking for 30 sec. A MAINS RESET during slowing-down causes a DC braking for 3 min. After the DC braking, the “open the lid” release takes place. Further cooling until the SET temperature is achieved.
Start implemented without rotor
Motor is not connected
Motor is defective
Speed sensor (speedometer) is defective or loose contact in the
plug. Measure the speedometer pulses on the supply board (A1) at plug X5, pin 4 - pin 2.
Flat ribbon cable to the control panel (A4, A5) or flat ribbon cable to
the frequency converter (A2) is defective.
No enable signal at the frequency converter (A2) (after a start, the
green LED on the frequency converter must illuminate), also refer to FU / CCI – ERROR 60.
Supply board (A1) or control panel (A4, A5) or frequency converter
(A2) is defective.
Open the lid. Turn the rotor by hand and carry out a MAINS RESET while the rotor is rotating.
Error Imbalance on the motor axle.
of the error
Cause of error
Delete error
Error Lid lock was opened during centrifugation.
of the error
Cause of error
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs. Further cooling until the SET temperature is achieved.
Weight difference in the rotor components
Supporting lugs are not lubricated
Wrong IMBALANCE MODE has been set (see chapter "Imbalance
Imbalance switch (S2) is not connected
Imbalance switch (S2) is defective
Loose contact in the cable or in the plug
Flat ribbon cable to the control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Control panel (A4, A5) or supply board (A1) is defective
Open the lid or carry out a MAINS RESET.
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs. Further cooling until the SET temperature is achieved.
Lid lock (Y1) is defective and can be opened during centrifugation.
Loose contact in the cable or in the plug
Flat ribbon cable to the control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Control panel (A4, A5) or supply board (A1) is defective
Delete error
N > MAX 05
Error Overspeed. The speed detected by the speed sensor is 250 RPM
of the error
Cause of error
Delete error
Open the lid and close it again or carry out a MAINS RESET. In the S-control panel, CONTROL – ERROR 06 or CONTROL – ERROR 08 could appear in the display after CONTROL – ERROR 04 is deleted.
higher than the maximum rotor speed (n-max rotor).
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs. Further cooling until the SET temperature is achieved.
The insulation of the speed sensor cable is defective
Loose contact in the speed sensor cable
Speed sensor is defective
Flat ribbon cable to the control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Control panel (A4, A5) or frequency converter (A2) or supply board
(A1) is defective
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
Error Lid lock message is faulty.
Control panel indicates: lid lock open Supply board indicates: lid lock closed
of the error
Cause of error
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs. Further cooling until the SET temperature is achieved.
Flat ribbon cable to the control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Control panel (A4, A5) or supply board (A1) is defective
Delete error
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
Error Lid lock message is faulty.
Control panel indicates: lid lock closed Supply board indicates: lid lock open
of the error
Cause of error
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs. Cooling system is switched off.
Flat ribbon cable to the control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Supply board (A1) or control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Delete error
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
Error Standstill message is faulty.
Control panel indicates: standstill Supply board indicates: no standstill
of the error
Cause of error
Braked slow-down. Further cooling until the SET temperature is achieved.
Flat ribbon cable to the control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Control panel (A4, A5) or supply board (A1) is defective
Delete error
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
Error Standstill message is faulty.
Control panel indicates: no standstill Supply board indicates: standstill
of the error
Cause of error
Braked slow-down. Further cooling until the SET temperature is achieved.
Flat ribbon cable to the control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Control panel (A4, A5) or supply board (A1) is defective
Delete error
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
Error An invalid rotor code was read in during start-up.
of the error
Cause of error
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs. Further cooling until the SET temperature is achieved.
Magnetic code on the rotor is defective
Speedometer system is defective
Loose contact in speed sensor plug
Motor is rotating in the wrong direction
Delete error
Open the lid or carry out a MAINS RESET.
Error Mains interruption during centrifugation
of the error
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs.
Switching on the mains during centrifugation causes slowing-down
until the “open the lid” release occurs.
Switching on the mains when the rotor has stopped brings about
the “open the lid” release
Cause of error
Power failure
Loose contact in the electrical connections
Flat ribbon cable to the control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Delete error
Open the lid and press the
The error cannot be deleted with a MAINS RESET.
Error Differences in the initialization of supply board (jumper assignment
A.0 – A.7, B.7), control panel (EPROM) or frequency converter.
In the S-control panel, VERSION – ERROR 12 also appears after
CONTROL – ERROR 92 is displayed
Further operation is not possible.
of the error
Cause of error
Incorrect jumper assignment (A.0 – A.7 and B.7) on the coding strip
of the supply board Plug the jumper A.0 – A.7 and B.7 as described in chapter "Setting the machine and cooling version".
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
Plug the service jumper at B.1 on the supply board, carry out a
MAINS RESET and re-initialize the machine
A wrong EPROM is plugged in the control panel
Supply board (A1) is defective
Delete error
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
N < MIN 13
Error Insufficient speed, motor slippage is too large.
The centrifuge control can readjust the speed by max. 5 % (control limit). This error is displayed if the rotor speed (ACTUAL speed) is lower than the SET speed - 5%.
of the error
Cause of error
Delete error
Error Internal error in the N-control panel
of the error
Cause of error
Delete error
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs. Further cooling until the SET temperature is achieved.
Motor is not running smoothly (bearing damage)
Motor is defective
Motor has a short-circuited coil (coil is defective)
Loose contact in the electrical connections
Frequency converter (A2) is defective
Enable signal to the frequency converter (A2) was interrupted
during centrifugation (also see FU / CCI - ERROR 60).
Open the lid and carry out a MAINS RESET.
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs.
N-control panel (A4) is defective.
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
Error Incorrect feedback, control panel input does not recognize the
expected signal.
of the error
Cause of error
Delete error
The centrifuge stops with error message.
Control panel (A4, A5) is defective.
Supply board (A1) is defective
Flat ribbon cable between supply board (A1) and control panel (A4,
A5) is defective.
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
Error Error in the EPROM of the N-control panel
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs.
of the error
Cause of error
Delete error
EPROM is defective
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
Error Error in the entered program
Further operation is not possible.
of the error
Cause of error SET speed or SET RCF is higher than the permissible rotor speed or
permissible rotor RCF.
Delete error
Open the lid. Reduce the speed or RCF in the entered program to the permissible rotor speed or permissible rotor RCF.
Error The control panel has no connection to the components supply board
and frequency converter via serial interface.
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs.
of the error
Cause of error
Flat ribbon cable to the control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Supply board (A1) or control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Delete error
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
Error The control panel has no connection to the component frequency
converter via the serial interface.
of the error
Cause of error
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs. Further cooling until the SET temperature is achieved.
Flat ribbon cable to the frequency converter (A2) is defective
No voltage at the frequency converter (A2)
Overtemperature switch (F2) on the brake resistor has opened or is
not connected
Supply board (A1) or control panel (A4, A5) or frequency converter
(A2) is defective.
Plug X5 on the frequency converter (A2) is not plugged or plugged
at the wrong position
Delete error
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
Error The control panel has no connection to the component supply board via
the serial interface.
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs.
of the error
Cause of error
The false machine or cooling version is set on the supply board (A1).
Supply board (A1) or control panel (A4, A5) is defective.
Delete error
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
Error The control panel does not receive correct data from the connected
components (supply board, frequency converter).
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs.
of the error
Cause of error
Flat ribbon cable to the control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Supply board (A1) or control panel (A4, A5) or frequency converter
(A2) is defective.
Delete error
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
Error The control panel does not receive correct data from the frequency
of the error
Cause of error
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs. Further cooling until the SET temperature is achieved.
Flat ribbon cable to the control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Flat ribbon cable to the frequency converter (A2) is defective
Supply board (A1) or control panel (A4, A5) or frequency converter
(A2) is defective.
Delete error
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
Error The control panel does not receive correct data from the supply board.
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs.
of the error
Cause of error
Flat ribbon cable to the control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Supply board (A1) or control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Delete error
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
Error The frequency converter cannot acknowledge a command and sends
the NAK signal to the control panel. NAK (no acknowledge).
of the error
Cause of error
Delete error
Error The supply board cannot acknowledge a command and sends the
of the error
Cause of error
Delete error
°C / * - ERROR 50
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs. Further cooling until the SET temperature is achieved.
Flat ribbon cable to the control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Flat ribbon cable to the frequency converter (A2) is defective
Frequency converter (A2) is defective
Supply board (A1) or control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
NAK signal to the control panel. NAK (no acknowledge)
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs.
Flat ribbon cable to the control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Supply board (A1) is defective
Control panel (A4, A5) or frequency converter (A2) is defective
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
Error Overpressure in the cooling system (only in centrifuges with an
overpressure switch on the plug X11) No overpressure switch has been integrated in the ROTANTA 460 series. On the supply board, pin 2 and pin 3 on plug X11 are connected with each other.
of the error
Cause of error Plug X11 on the supply board (A1) is not plugged or has a loose
Delete error
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs. Cooling system is switched off.
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
°C / * - ERROR 51
Error Overtemperature in the condenser, temperature > 58 °C.
of the error
Cause of error/ measurements
Delete error
°C / * - ERROR 52
Error Overtemperature in the centrifuge chamber
of the error
Cause of error/ measurements
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs. Cooling system is switched off.
Measurement on the supply board (A1) at plug X1, pin 1 - pin 2
(plug X1 plugged) Voltage at 25 °C : 2.98 V (± 20 mV)
at 58 °C : 3.31 V (± 20 mV)
Condenser is dirty
Ventilator is defective
Cable of the temperature sensor on the capacitor (T3) is defective
Loose contact in the plug
Supply board (A1) is defective
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs. Cooling system is switched off.
Measurement on the supply board (A1) at plug X2, pin 1 - pin 2
(plug X2 plugged) Voltage : 0 V (overtemperature switch closed) Voltage : 18 V (overtemperature switch open)
Cable of the overtemperature switch is defective
Loose contact in the plug
Supply board (A1) is defective
Delete error
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
°C / * - ERROR 53
Error The temperature sensor at the bottom of the centrifuge chamber has a
short circuit or has opened the circuit. Voltage < 0.50 V = short circuit
Voltage > 4.50 V = circuit has been opened
of the error
Cause of error/ measurements
Delete error
°C / * - ERROR 54
Error The temperature sensor at the top of the centrifuge chamber has a
of the error
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs. Cooling system is switched off.
Measurement on the supply board (A1) at plug X2, pin 4 - pin 5
(plug X2 plugged) Voltage at 25 °C : 2.98 V (± 20 mV) A temperature change of 1 °K causes a voltage change of 10 mV.
Temperature sensor at the bottom of the centrifuge chamber (T2) is
Sensor cable is defective
Loose contact in the plug
Supply board (A1) is defective
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
short circuit or has opened the circuit. Permissible range: 2.50 V = -23 °C to 3.77 V = +104 °C
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs. Cooling system is switched off.
Cause of error/ measurements
Delete error
Measurement on the control panel (A4, A5) at plug X100 or X2, pin
1 - pin 2 (plug X100 or X2 plugged) Voltage at 25 °C : 2.98 V (± 20 mV) A temperature change of 1 °K causes a voltage change of 10 mV.
Temperature sensor at the top of the centrifuge chamber (T1) is
Sensor cable is defective
Loose contact in the plug
Control panel (A4, A5) is defective
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
°C / * - ERROR 55
Error The temperature sensor on the condenser has a short circuit or has
opened the circuit. Voltage < 0.50 V = short circuit Voltage > 4.50 V = circuit has been opened
of the error
Cause of error/ measurements
Delete error
Error The analogous value in the program locking plug X27 indicates that
of the error
The centrifuge slows down until the “open the lid” release occurs. Cooling system is switched off.
Measurement on the supply board (A1) at plug X1, pin 1 - pin 2
(plug X1 plugged) Voltage at 25 °C : 2.98 V (± 20 mV) A temperature change of 1 °K causes a voltage change of 10 mV.
Temperature sensor on the capacitor (T3) is defective
Sensor cable is defective
Loose contact in the plug
Supply board (A1) is defective
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
the voltage is outside the voltage range. Permissible voltage range: 0.9 V - 3.8 V.
Further operation is not possible.
Cause of error/ measurements
Delete error
Measurement on the supply board at plug X27, pin 1 - pin 2 (plug
X27 plugged) Key-operated switch position 1 (LOCK1) 1.4 V 2 (LOCK2) ≈ 2.1 V 3 ≈ 3.3 V
Key-operated switch board is defective
Cable to the key-operated switch board is defective
Loose contact in the wire layout
Supply board (A1) is defective
Carry out a MAINS RESET.
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