FlexFusion™ combi oven
Space$aver™ Plus
Henny Penny FlexFusion combi
ovens combine different cooking
methods into one piece of equipment
with the flexibility to cook nearly
everything on your menu to perfection.
The FlexFusion Space$aver Plus
combi incorporates powerful yet
highly energy-efficient boilerless
steam generation into a compact
tabletop unit less than 22 inches wide
with racking for full-size steam table
pans. Perfect for lower cost, lowervolume operations. This system
instantly adds or eliminates the
precise amount of moisture needed
to maintain desired cooking
conditions… all while saving more
energy and water than ever through
an improved heat exchange design.
What really sets FlexFusion apart
is its ease of use. The Space$aver
Plus features Chef’sTouch, an
intuitive control system with a durable
Chef’sTouch control: Just tap and swipe to
run automated cooking and operating apps
7-inch touch/swipe screen that
makes cooking with FlexFusion as
FSE 610 Electric
Popular FlexFusion built-in Apps:
• PerfectHold—Automatically
switches to Hold when done cooking
• TimeToServe—Tells you when to
load different items so they are all
done at the same time
• FamilyMix—Shows which items
can be cooked together
• GreenInside—Displays energy and
water use for each cooking program
• CombiDoctor—Runs system self-
nostics and displays results
easy as using a smart phone! Just tap
the app for everything from cook-andhold to cleaning and trouble-shooting.
multi-sensor core temperature probe
and USB port are standard.
Removable tilt-resistant rails accept
full-size steam table pans or half-size
sheet pans and grids.
self-cleaning system,
Standard Features
• Chef’sTouch™ Control System for
Automatic or easy manual cooking
Durable 7-inch high resolution
capacitive touch screen
Full-color touch/swipe display
Create and select from up to 350
custom cooking programs of 20
steps each
Select and use apps for cooking,
serving convenience, cleaning,
diagnostics and more
Use ClimaSelect Plus to set and
maintain humidity levels at 10%
increments from 0% to 100% RH
Adjust individual settings before
or during cooking
Core temperature probe
Temperature in °F or °C
Choose language for operations
• 5 or 6-level removable pan rack
with tilt-resistant rails
• DynaSteam2 precision boilerless
steam generation with built-in
energy-saving heat transfer
• 5-speed auto-reverse fan for fast,
even cooking throughout the
• Powerful high-efficiency motor
uses up to 15% less energy
• Improved WaveClean® self-
cleaning system uses 36% less
• 316S11 stainless steel interior
cabinet with coved corners
• 1 mm stainless steel exterior
• Full perimeter door seal
• Filterless grease extraction
and service diagnostics
• Energy efficient triple-pane glass
• USB port for convenient download
of programs, diagnostic messages
or HACCP data
Options, accessories*
Multi-point temperature probe
Barcode scanning app
Stands and wall bracket
Left-hinged door
Alternate voltages
Choose rail configuration:
5 rails
6 rails
*See separate accessories data sheets for details
© 2015 Henny Penny Corporation, Eaton, O H 45320 USA Revised 10/20/2015

FlexFusion™ combi oven
Space$aver™ Plus
31.38 in (796 mm) to top of stack
29.88 in
(758 mm)
21.63 in (550 mm)
Height 29.88 in (758 mm)
Electric 7.8 kW connected load
31.38 in (796 mm) top of stack
Width 21.63 in (550 mm)
Depth 30.83 in (783 mm)
Length 36 in (920 mm)
Depth 25 in (620 mm)
Height 34 in (860 mm)
Volume 18 ft
(0.5 m3)
Weight 176 lb (80 kg)
0.75 in standard cold water connection
0.75 in soft water connection
1.5 in (40 mm) drain
• 5 full-size 2.5 in (65 mm) steam table pans
• 6 half-size sheet pans 13 x 18 x 1 in
Required clearances
Left 20 in (500 mm) service access
Right 2 in (50 mm) air flow
Back 2 in (50 mm) air flow, utilities
Front 28 in
700 mm) door open
Volts Phase Hertz kW Amps Wire
208 3 60 7.4 22.2 3+G
Laboratory certifications
30.88 in (783 mm)
Add 2.25 in (56 mm) for door handle
Max temperature 572°F (300°C)
(330 x 457 x 25 mm)
FSE 610 Electric
Cooking mode profiles
Steaming/moist heat
86-266°F (30-130°C)
Low and high temperature steaming
Convection cooking/dry heat
86-572°F (30-300°C) electric
Active humidity reduction
Combination/dry + moist heat
86-482°F (30-250°C)
Manual or automatic humidity control
between 0 and 100% RH
Rethermalizing/dry + moist heat
86-356°F (30-180°C)
Special fan speed function, banqueting
Bidding specifications
Provide Henny Penny FlexFusion Space$aver™ Plus
model FSE 610 electric combi oven, designed to cook
with steaming/moist heat, convection/dry heat, or a
combination of dry and moist heat, and holding up to 5
full-size steam table pans 2.5 in (65 mm) or 6 half-size
sheet pans 1 in (25 mm) pans or grids on removable
tilt-resistant rails.
Unit shall incorporate:
• Chef’s Touch Control System featuring protected
full-color capacitive touch screen with automatic
and manual cooking capability, ClimaSelect Plus
humidity control and designated pre-loaded apps
• Boilerless DynaSteam2 Technology with precise
humidity generation and heat exchange
• Variable speed, auto reverse fan that moves air in
alternating directions for more even heating
• Automated WaveClean® self-cleaning system
• Seamless stainless steel cooking chamber, full-
perimeter door seal and triple-pane glass for
energy efficiency
• Cabinet interior: 316S11 stainless steel
cabinet exterior: 1 mm stainless steel
Utility locations
A Electrical
B Water connections
C Drain
D Exhaust air
Continuing product improvement may subject specifications to change without notice.
24 Hour Technical Support:
Henny Penny Technical Service
© 2015 Henny Penny Corporation, Eaton, O H 45320 USA Revised 10/20/2015
Henny Penny Corporation
PO Box 60 Eaton OH 45320 USA
+1 937 456.8400 800 417.8417
+1 937 456.8434 Fax 800 417.8434 Fax