Band Stereo Radio
User Manual
Diagr am locati on of Controls LCD dis play symb ols “icon” description Turning ON /OFF the Ra dio To Select R adio Stat ions Manually AM step s et to 9KHz or 1 0KHz Stati on Preset s Sleep Ti mer Charg e the batte ry Speci ficatio n Cauti on
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User Manual for V-112 AM/FM 2
Band Stereo Radio
This is a A M/FM 2 ban d digi tal tuning stereo r adio, with a built-in lithium batter y and LCD. I t has lon g battery l ife and can store 58 radi o stations. (Each band uses up to 29 radio sta tions ) Accessor ies included: 1 x Stereo ea rphone, 1 x Charging cable, 1 x Lan yard
Diagram Location of Controls
Earphone jack: For pe rsona l stereo listenin g witho ut disturbing othe rs. Charging jack: For charging the lithium batter y from a 5V power sup ply.
LCD: For displa ying th e frequenc y, and mem or y prese ts. Lock key: For l ocking the keys to prevent it turni ng on
operate by i tself. Volu me key: F or turning up and down the vo lume from earphones.
AM/FM band : For switch ing bet ween AM or FM. Power : Fo r turni ng on and off th e radio. Memo/Del: For presetting or deleti ng memo ry presets.
LCD display symbols “icon” description
Turning ON / OFF the radio
Long press the POWER key to turn on or turn off the radio. Press the AM/FM key to enter the oper ation of the radio.
NOTICE: for V-112, the earphone is also u sed as FM antenna. When receiving the rad io stations, please extend t he earphon e cable as far as possi ble f or better effect. For AM, there is aninternal Ferrite bar antenna for to listen to AM broadca sts. To hear AM broadcasts loud and cle ar, ro tate the rad io for be st recepti on.
To Adjust the Volume Keys
During radio broadc ast listening, press VOLUME+ /- to increase /decreas e the volum e level, me anwhile, the LCD display will show “ VOL” icon.
To Select Radio Stations Manually
Short press the AM/FM band key to hear AM or FM radio broadcasts. Short p ress th e key or key, and the radio fre quenc y will inc rease or decrease by 100KHz for the FM broadcast band or by 9/10k Hz for the AM broadcast ban d. If yo u lon g press the key or key, and the fre quenc y will increase or decrease to s earch for radio stations automati cally. Whe n a r adio stat ion is received, the s earch will stop a nd play searched AM or F M radio station.
AM frequency step set to 9KHz or 10KHz
When the po wer is turned off, press and hold the M- key and MEMO key bot h at the same time , after 3 seconds, the screen will display the current AM step value, p ress or key to switch 9KH z and 10KHz. When choosing th e correct A M st ep, wai t un til t he step n umber disappears, w hi ch means the AM s te p is set up successfully.
NOTE: In the Un ited States, Canada and ot her Nor th American a nd Sout h American countr ies mus tset to 10 KHz, other c ountr ies must set to 9 KHz.
Storing Radio Stations Automatically
Long pres s the S CAN k ey a nd t he r ad io c an automati cally search and store ra dio stations. Th e stations are searched and stored from low frequencies to high f req uenci es in ord er, meanwhile, the LCD disp lay will show “S CAN” ic on.
Storing Radio Stations Manually
Pre ss the MEMO key, the radio will store the cur rent radio sta tion, meanwhile, the LCD display will show "MEMO" ic on and the stati on num ber, then pres s M+ or M- key to select st ore d numbe r.
NOTE: Each band can sup port 29 stati on pres ets, if more than 29 is used up, the displ ay will show the “FULL” icon, which means you need to delete some radio stations , especially weak sign al station s to free up memor y.
To Set a Radio Station Preset
Pre ss the M- or M+ ke y to preset a radio station.
To Delete a Radio Station Preset
Long press the DEL key to dele te the curren t r adio station (Before the ra dio has already bee n stored the pre set in memory). The order number of this preset sto red radio station will automati cally give the radio station ran ked behind it, the order numb ers of al l r adio stations ra nked behind this radio statio n wi ll be automati cally arranged forward.
Short press the power switch can make the radio mute. Meanwhile, the LCD display will show “ ” icon .
Keyboard Lock
In orde r to prevent wron g operation, lon g press the LOCK key to lock all keys, mean while, t he “ ” icon will appe ar on the LCD display. Long press the LOCK key again to unlock the key s, the “ ” icon on the LCD display will disa ppear.
Sleep Timer
In the OFF state , press POWER button, the screen will show 90 continues , then press again will show 80 continues, it show as the f ollow ing: 90 -80-7 0-60-50-40­30-20-10 -off, after set it succ essfully, w hen arrive d the time, it wil l turn off aut omatically.
NOTE: This sett ing is only effective in one tim e, if tur n off the radio, turn on it ag ain, th is setting disappear.
To Charge the Battery
When the batter y ic on on the disp lay flashes, it mea ns that p ower of th e batter y i s l ow. Please charge the bat tery as soon as possibl e. When the battery is being charged, the bat tery icon will f lash, which indicates that is charging. When the battery icon stop flashing , it indicate s that the ba ttery has bee n fully cha rged, a t that time, please unpl ug the US B cables.
NOTE: You can use a USB cable to charge the batter y with two choices, connect an ordi nary DC5V adapter, or to computer, to charge to V-112. ( the charging current should not exceed 1A)
Specifications for the V-112
Fre quenc y Range: AM: 522 - 1710 KHz FM: 64 M Hz or 87-108 MHz FM Antenna : Earphone Wire Antenna AM Antenna : Internal AM Ferri te Bar Anten na Radio Sensitivi ty: AM: < 2 0mV/m FM: < 8 uV Dimension: 84 x 48 x 12 mm
This devi ce complies w ith Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subj ect to the followin g two condit ions: (1) This device may n ot caus e harmful interference , and (2) This device must accept any interference received , including inter feren ce that may cause undesired operation. Warnin g: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible f or compliance coul d void t he user's a uthor ity to operate the eq uipment.
NOTE: This eq uipme nt has been teste d and found to comply with the l imits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limit s are designed to provide reasonable protectio n again st
harmful in terference in a res ident ial installation. This equi pm en t ge ne ra te s us es and can r ad ia te r ad io fre quenc y energy and, if not insta lled and used in accordance w ith the instructions, may cause harm ful inter ference to r adio co mmuni cations. However, there is no guarant ee that inte rfere nce wil l not occur in a par ticular installati on. If t his e quipment d oes c ause harmful interference to radio or television re cepti on, which can be determined by turning the equ ipmen t off and on, the us er is enc ouraged to try to correct the inter ference by o ne or more of the followin g measu res:
Reorient or relocate the receiving an tenna.
Increase t he separat ion between the equ ipmen t and
rec eiver.
Connect th e equip ment in to an outlet o n a circuit
differen t fro m that to which the receiver is con nected.
Cons ul t t he deale r o r a n e xp erie nc ed r a dio/ TV
tec hnici an for help.
RF warning statement: The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. The device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction.
Avoid Choking Hazard
Small Pa rt s. Not fo r children u nder 3 years.
Turn off your radio power in the following conditions:
Use the lowe st volume necessary to do
your job.
Turn up the v olume only if you are in
Turn up the v olume only if you are in
noisy surroundings.
Turn down t he volume before ad ding
headset or e arpie ce.
Limit the amount of time y ou use
headsets o r earpi eces at high volume .
When using the radi o without a headset
or earpiece, do not p lace the radio's speaker direc tly against your ea r Note: Expo sure to loud n oises f rom any source for extended pe riods of tim e may tempor arily or permanently affect you r heari ng. The louder the radio's volu me, the l ess tim e is req uired befo re your hear ing cou ld be affecte d. Hearing damage from loud noise i s somet imes undetect able at first and can have a cumulati ve effe ct.
Int roduc tion du b outon LCD éc ran All umer/ Étein dre la ra dio Régle r manue lleme nt Régla ge le pas d ’incrém ent AM de 9K Hz à 10KH z
Régla ge préala ble des s tatio ns
Temps d ’éteind re auto matiq uemen t Rec harge r la batt erie Spéci ficat ion Ave rti sse men t
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Mode d’emploi pour V-112 Radio
stéréo de 2 bandes AM/FM
C’est une radio stéréo de syntonie numérique électrique de 2 bandes AM/FM,avec une batterie de lithium d’une durée de vie longue et un écran LCD. La radio peut stocker 58 stations émettrices. (Chaque bande 29 stations émettrices) Accessoires: écouteur stéréo (1), câble de charge (1), cordon(1)
Schéma d'Apparence et de Bouton
+ 30 hidden pages