Code +050004036 Rel. 1.0 – 11/03/2008
MASTERLOG 4 “Version 2”
The default parameter settings for the MASTERLOG 4 (bn1) are selected for operation with chilling evaporators
equipped with an air defrost system. For a different operating mode one of the following programs may be
‘bn1’= chilling with air defrost
‘bn2’= chilling with electrical defrost
‘bn3’= refrigeration with electrical defrost
‘bn4’= ambient chilling with air defrost
‘bn5’=‘bn2’ with 2 evaporators
‘bn6’=‘bn3’ with 2 evaporators
”DO NOT USE ‘bn0’”
Proceed as follows to select one of these programs:
1. Switch off the Masterlog4.
2. Switch the Masterlog4 back on again while simultaneously
pressing the “prg” button until the value ‘bn0’
3. Select the program required using the “up” and “down” keys
4. Press “set” to confirm the selection.
”Set” Key ”prg” Key “Up/Down” Keys
¾ The defrost parameters [‘dI’: interval between 2 defrosts, ‘dT’: temperature at end of defrost (electrical) and ‘dP’:
maximum defrost duration] are factory-set values. Depending on use of the cold storage room, these parameters
must be modified to ensure correct defrosting of the evaporator.
¾ To carry out a manual defrost cycle, press the “defrost” key
for more than 5 sec.
¾ The MASTERLOG 4 relays are “potential-free” contacts. To supply these contacts, it is essential to connect
terminals 1, 4, 7 and 10 as well as aux. terminals 13 and 16 if necessary (refer to the electrical wiring diagram
enclosed with the products).
¾ The MASTERLOG 4 possesses three configurable inputs (terminals 22/23, 24/25 et 26/27). Input n°1
(terminals 22 and 23) may be set as an external alarm coming from the unit (parameter A4=1, except
application 2 evaporators). Some units are equipped with a standard ‘fault contact’ (refer to wiring diagram).
We recommend you connect this alarm contact to the MASTERLOG 4.
¾ If the keypad is locked, modify the parameter H2 (H2=1).
IMPORTANT: Standard and modified parameters are saved in case of an electrical power failure. When
downloading a program, these values are reset in compliance with the basic parameter setting chart.