The material contained herein is subject to U.S. export
approval. No export or re-export is permitted without written
Information and descriptions contained herein are the property of
Harris Corporation. Such information and descriptions may not be
copied or reproduced by any means, or disseminated or distributed
without the express prior written permission of Harris Corporation, RF
Communications Division, 1680 University Avenue, Rochester, New
York 14610-1887.
This manual is based on Firmware Version 4.0 (Radio System)
approval from the U.S. Government.
Rev. E
Copyright 1982-2010. QNX Software Systems.
Copyright 2010 by Harris Corporation
All rights reserved.
All Rights Reserved
Important Information About the Administrator Passwords
A password is required in the AN/PRC-117G to access Terminal Mode,
perform radio frequency standard maintenance (Temperature Compensated
Crystal Oscillator [TCXO] tuning), or install software. When the radio is
shipped from the factory, it is Type-1 Initialized and contains the shipping
password A2345678. This password may be used for the above operations,
or it may be changed at any time. Refer to Paragraph for changing
existing passwords.
If Type-1 Initialization is lost, the password will default to H2445830. The user
will be prompted to change the default password to a custom user password
for security purposes. The new password must be 8 to 12 characters in
length, and contain at least one letter and one number character. Refer to
Paragraph 3.5.2 for the complete procedure.
If the user programmed password is lost, send the radio to depot
maintenance for a factory default password reset.
The AN/PRC-117G Multiband Manpack Radio is a tactical transceiver designed for
use by military/agency personnel requiring Type-1, National Security Agency (NSA)
certified, secure voice and data communications. See Figure 1-1. The AN/PRC-
117G provides ground-to-ground, ground-to-air, and Tactical Satellite (TACSAT)
communication links. Over these links, the type of communication traffic includes
voice and data for the purpose of command and control on the battlefield.
The AN/PRC-117G frequency range is continuous from 30.0000 MHz to 1999.9950
MHz. The radio supports AM, FM, and various data waveforms. Supported
waveforms are:
•VHF/UHF Line-of-Sight (LOS) Fixed Frequency FM and AM
- refer to DAMA Waveform Operation Supplement 10515-0319-4030
•(Optional) Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receiver Waveform
•(Optional) Special Communications Mode (SCM)
- refer to SCM Waveform Operation Supplement 10515-0319-4040
1.1.1Document Purpose
This guide is provided as a pocket size field reference for the AN/PRC-117G radio
operator, offering brief descriptions of all radio functions, programming actions, and
reference tables.
It is recommended that first time users become familiar
with the AN/PRC-117G Operation Manual (10515-0319-
4200), which contains complete operating instructions
and additional detailed descriptions.
This guide may contain information about features that are not included in all
radios. Some AN/PRC-117G features are optional and can be added in the future.
Contact Harris for further update information.
It is assumed that the AN/PRC-117G has been type-1
initialized prior to performing the operating procedures.
The radio will need to be re-initialized if it has been
opened or tampered, or the Hold-Up Battery (HUB) has
been depleted. Refer to the Falcon III Application
Programming Manual (10515-0307-4100) for the type-1
initialization procedure. If further information is required,
refer to depot level support or contact Harris
The RF-6650M Communications Planning Application (CPA) contains sample
plans with example nets for each of the radio waveforms. Sample plans provide a
starting point for programming a waveform in the radio. If additional support is
required, contact Harris at (866) 264-8040 or
All acronyms used are contained in the Glossary at the back of this manual.
The following paragraphs discuss the capabilities of the AN/PRC-117G.
1.2.1Self Test
The AN/PRC-117G has Built-In Test (BIT) capability that includes:
•BIT is run on all hardware modules during power up
•Operator initiated BIT on all hardware modules (under options menu)
•Transmission or reception of Bit Error Rate Test (BERT) patterns on the
narrowband portion of the radio
•Optional tests on the Global Positioning System (GPS) or Receiver
Exciter Synthesizer (RES) Flash
•Wideband transmit or receive tests on the high-band portion of the radio
•A Software (SW) validation that runs the entire red and black file systems
through the Crypto to verify that the software has not been changed since
it was first installed
•Keypad Test that allows the user to verify front panel keypad operation
•Memory Test that validates integrity of the radio’s volatile memory
•Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) test to check display segments
1.2.2VULOS Fixed Frequency Plain Text (PT)
•Operating Frequency Bands (refer toTable 1-1):
- VHF Low Band – 30.0000 MHz to 89.9999 MHz
- VHF High Band – 90.0000 MHz to 224.9999 MHz
- UHF Band – 225.0000 MHz to 511.9950 MHz
- SATCOM Band – 243.0000 MHz - 270.0000 MHz receive and
291.0000 MHz - 318.3000 MHz transmit
Table 1-1. LOS Fixed Frequency Operation
Squelch OFF X XXXX
Noise Squelch X XXXX
Table 1-1. LOS Fixed Frequency Operation (Continued)
150 Hz Tone SquelchXXX
Continuous Tone Coded
Squelch System (CTCSS)
Continuous Digital Coded
Squelch System (CDCSS)
TX FM Squelch (SQL) ToneXXX
AM Analog VoiceXX
FM Analog VoiceXXX
Amplitude Shift Keying
(ASK) 16 kbps Voice/Data
Frequency Shift Keying
(FSK) 16 kbps Voice/Data
SimplexX XXXX
Half DuplexX XXXX
5 kHz DeviationXXX
6.5 kHz DeviationXXX
8 kHz DeviationXXX
25 kHz AM SpacingXX
1.2.3VULOS Fixed Frequency Cipher Text (CT)
The following are the AN/PRC-117G LOS fixed frequency CT operating capabilities
and limitations:
•ANDVT – Advanced Narrowband Digital Voice Terminal (ANDVT) is
used for Dedicated SATCOM operation (243.0000 MHz - 270.0000 MHz
RX and 291.0000 MHz - 318.0000 MHz TX) and UHF band (225.00000
MHz to 511.9950 MHz RX/TX) LOS operation.
•VINSON PT Override – Alerts an operator that a receiving transmission
from an AN/PRC-117G in PT mode is being received.
•KG-84C – (Data only) Supports secure data transmission in FM mode
from 30.0000 MHz to 511.9950 MHz and AM mode from 90.0000 MHz to
511.9950 MHz. Also used for UHF SATCOM and HPW operation.
•Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) – AES is used for VHF/UHF
Line-of-Sight (VULOS) operation. Support for Cipher Feedback (CFB)
and Counter (CTR) crypto modes (unclassified keys only).
•FASC INATOR – Enables interoperability with FED-STD 1023 Type-1
Fascinator encryption. Supports voice only using a 12 kbps data rate in
FM on the VHF-High and UHF bands (90.0000 MHz to 511.9950 MHz).
Support for both Standard (STD) and Alternate (ALT) modes.
transmission encryption keys used to secure voice and data
•COMSEC Fill – TEKs and Key Encryption Keys (KEKs) can be filled from
various devices as shown in Ta b le 3 -5 .
1.2.4SINCGARS Operation
The AN/PRC-117G can operate in SINCGARS FH mode and SC mode from 30.000
MHz to 87.975 MHz. SINCGARS operates in VINSON COMSEC mode using a
TEK. An AN/CYZ-10 Data Transfer Device (DTD) or Simple Key Loader (SKL) Fill
Device is required to load SINCGARS FH data to the radio. The following are
SINCGARS capabilities:
•Net Master/Member – Master station is responsible for establishing and
maintaining a net of member stations; normally is the Net Control Station
•VINSON - Required when using SINCGARS for secure voice and data
from 30.000 MHz to 87.975 MHz.
•Transmission Security Key (TSK) – TSK is used in SINCGARS
operations to establish the pseudo-random hopping pattern of frequency
hopping of the SINCGARS net.
•Hopset – The set of frequencies on which a SINCGARS radio net hops.
There are 2320 25-kHz channel assignments between 30.000 MHz to
87.975 MHz.
•Lockout Set – A set of frequencies that are excluded during frequency
hopping operations.
•Frequency Hopping Sync Time – Global Time-Of-Day (GTOD) is used
to synchronize SINCGARS frequency hopping communications. This is
usually Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) from a GPS receiver. An
AN/PRC-117G set as the net master is responsible for maintaining
accurate GTOD for the net.
•Two-Digit Date – SINCGARS GTOD uses the last two digits of the Julian
date as part of the sync time. This is the joint United States (US)
standard. Refer to Table G-2 and Ta b le G - 3.
•Local Fill – The procedure used to load SINCGARS TSK, hopset, and
lockout set information from the front panel with an Electronic CounterCounter Measures (ECCM) fill device such as the AN/CYZ-10 or SKL.
The AN/PRC-117G supports fill modes 2 and 3 (which load all sections
of the loadset automatically).
•Hot Start Net Opening – Passive method of entering a SINCGARS FH
net by locally filling all necessary FH data and obtaining accurate time
from a GPS source. Member stations can instantly communicate with the
master station if within ± two seconds of each other. Members can use
Late Net Entry (LNE) function if time accuracy is still within ± one minute.
•Cold Start Net Opening – Method used by the Master AN/PRC-117G to
initially open a net of member radios by transmitting Over-The-Air (OTA)
hopset and GTOD data. All Member stations need basic ZULU Julian
initialization of their GTOD prior to receiving a cold start from the net
•Single Channel – A separate fixed frequency channel used to
coordinate actions, selectable on each preset from the radio’s keypad.
•LNE Mode – LNE is a receive function that permits a member
SINCGARS radio to enter a SINCGARS net when its Time-of-Day (TOD)
clock has drifted away from the net TOD by more than ± four seconds,
but not more than ± one minute, or when an AN/PRC-117G must join an
existing net using hot start procedures. The entering transceiver must be
loaded with the proper TEK, TSK variable, hopset, and lockout set.
•Cue Channel – A predesignated LOS fixed frequency in the SINCGARS
operational frequency range of 30.000 MHz to 87.975 MHz that enables
an AN/PRC-117G not in a FH net to contact the NCS of a FH net. This
mode can be enabled or disabled by the user. 150 Hz tone squelch
operation on the Cue channel frequency activates the signal in all
SINCGARS radios monitoring the Cue frequency.
•Copy/Rename Hopset – Support for up to 25 independent FH nets is
provided, allowing improved monitoring of SINCGARS communications.
Each FH Net Identification (ID) can be renamed (000 - 999) on-the-go to
improve FH Net access when mission plans change.
•Data/Voice Handling – This feature ensures seamless traffic reception
over both Frequency Hopping and Single Channel nets. Automatic
detection is included in Enhanced Data Mode (EDM) data rates.
Selectable traffic routing is supported in SINCGARS Data Mode (SDM)
via monitor button control.
•Retransmit – Retransmission supported for both voice and data.
1.2.5HQ Frequency Hopping
The AN/PRC-117G is capable of HAVEQUICK frequency hopping in the UHF AM
band of 225.000 MHz to 399.975 MHz. The following are HAVEQUICK Frequency
Hopping capabilities:
•TOD – TOD allows for synchronization of all AN/PRC-117Gs in a
HAVEQUICK net. The TOD message includes the operational date.
•Word of Day (WOD) – WODs configure the frequency hopping pattern
and rate and may vary in length from one to six segments.
•Single Word of Day (SWOD) Mode – SWOD is a HAVEQUICK
frequency hopping mode that allows AN/PRC-117Gs with identical TOD,
WOD, and net number to synchronize and communicate.
•Multiple Word of Days(MWOD) Mode – HAVEQUICK frequency
hopping mode that allows AN/PRC-117Gs with identical TOD, WOD, and
net number to synchronize and communicate, and provides for automatic
multiple day operation. Up to 31 MWODs can be loaded. The MWOD
elements are entered into memory locations 1 – 31. The MWOD contains
a date and is only valid on the date assigned to it.
•Frequency Management Training (FMT) – HAVEQUICK training mode
of operation that allows operation on a selectable set of 16 training
frequencies. FMT frequencies must be in the operational range of
225.00000 MHz to 399.97500 MHz. FMT frequencies remain in the radio
after zeroizing. Uses specific FMT designated HAVEQUICK frequencies.
•Net Numbers – A five digit code that programs the entry point in the
WOD frequency hopping pattern allowing communication between
multiple AN/PRC-117Gs with a common WOD and TOD.
1.2.6Dedicated UHF SATCOM
The AN/PRC-117G operates in UHF SATCOM mode using MIL-STD-188-181B
modulation. It supports encrypted voice and data communications using wideband
25 kHz and narrowband 5 kHz satellite channels., 5 kHz, and 25 kHz UHF SATCOM Features
The AN/PRC-117G in UHF SATCOM mode (243.0000 MHz - 270.0000 MHz and
291.0000 MHz - 318.0000 MHz) is compatible with VINSON KY-57 (wideband 25
kHz), ANDVT KY-99/99A, and KG-84C cryptographic equipment:
•ANDVT, KY-99 - Compatible encryption used on 5 kHz SATCOM
channels providing 2400 bps CT voice and secure data at rates of 1200
and 2400 bps. ANDVT referenced data option codes provide backwards
compatibility to 181A-only AN/PRC-117Fs on narrowband 5 kHz
•KG-84C - Compatible encryption used for data-only encryption on data
rates of up to 9600 bps for 5 kHz channels, and up to 56 kbps on 25 kHz
•AES - Compatible encryption is supported for CFB and CTR crypto
•FASC INATOR - Compatible encryption allows interoperability with FED-
STD 1023 Type-1 Fascinator encryption. Supports voice only using a 12
kbps data rate in FM. Support for both STD and ALT modes.
•Frequency Code – All UHF SATCOM channels have been indexed to a
common Department of Defense (DOD) satellite channel listing to ease
programming of uplink and downlink frequencies. Operating frequencies
are selected by entering the three-digit frequency code. Refer to
Ta bl e G -6 for a listing of current codes. To manually enter non-standard
uplink and downlink frequencies, enter 999 as the frequency code.
•Data Option Code – Depends on frequency code selected and
COMSEC type programmed. Data rate and applicable modulation is
selectable by option code for ease of programming and operation. Refer
to Table G-4 and Table G-5 for currently available data option codes.
•Continuous Phase Modulation (CPM) – Modulation mode for data
operation under KG-84C. Allows autobauding on receive end to the
speed selected by the sending station when both stations have a net
preset set to CPM data option.
•Adjustable Power Output – Power output adjusts from +27 dBm (0.5
watts) to +43 dBm (20 watts) to allow for proper output within authorized
Effective Isotropically Radiated Power (EIRP) levels.
•SATCOM Ping Test – Available under the Call button in SATCOM net
presets to test satellite link quality. Provides the operator with a relative
score from 000 to 100 to aid in antenna pointing and troubleshooting. A
COMSEC mode providing 1200 or 2400 baud must be used to perform
a Ping Test.
1.2.7HPW SATCOM Data Waveform
HPW is a SATCOM modulation waveform that uses KG-84C encryption in
Redundant Mode 1 synchronization for increased data rates over UHF satellite
links. Refer to Table 1-2 for HPW UHF Follow On Satellite (UFO) data rates. Built-
in Automatic Repeat reQuest (ARQ) data modem reduces COMSEC overhead by
providing black side ARQ processing with automatic speed adjustment. A separate
TSK and TOD synchronization (±30 seconds) are also required when using HPW.
HPW only supports data communications and is used in conjunction with Harris
Wireless Message Terminal (WMT) software.
The following COMSEC capabilities are supported in HPW mode:
•KG-84C – (Data only) Supports secure data transmission in from
•TEK – Electronically loaded 128-bit transmission encryption key used to
secure data communications.
•TSK – Electronically loaded key used in HPW operations for
transmission security.
Table 1-2. Dedicated UHF SATCOM HPW Data Rates
Channel TypeHPW Using UFO SatelliteHPW Using Non-UFO Satellite
25 kHz WIDEBAND56 kbps
5 kHz
37 kbps
18 kbps
8.5 kbps
4.2 kbps
42 kbps
21 kbps
1.2.8Scan List
The AN/PRC-117G can scan up to 10 LOS fixed frequency or dedicated SATCOM
radio voice operation nets in the modes listed in Table 1-3. In CT operation, only
VINSON mode is scannable (KG-84C and ANDVT are not scannable). The radio
does not scan HAVEQUICK or SINCGARS frequency hopping nets. Digital squelch
cannot be used.
When the AN/PRC-117G is keyed in scan mode, it transmits on one of the following
•The net currently paused on (if actively receiving traffic or still in the
return-to-scan hang time).
•The priority transmit net if the radio is actively scanning.
The following are AN/PRC-117G scan operating capabilities and limitations:
•Priority Transmit Channel - The net on which the AN/PRC-117G
transmits if the Push-To-Talk (PTT) button is pressed when the radio is
actively scanning.
•Hold Time - The length of time the AN/PRC-117G dwells on a net before
returning to scan even with a signal present. Useful for monitoring
multiple active nets by using a value long enough to determine receiver
of call. It also allows it to continue scanning automatically.
•Hang Time - The length of time the AN/PRC-117G dwells on a net after
a signal ends before returning to scan. Helpful if occupied with other
tasks while monitoring the radio.
•Priority Receive Channel - The AN/PRC-117G can scan a designated
priority receive net. It samples the priority receive net every other net. For
•If Channel 4 = Priority receive net, and
•1 through 10 = AN/PRC-117G nets selected for scanning, then
•Manual Scanning - Pressing [CLR] while the AN/PRC-117G is scanning
puts the radio in a manual scan mode, where the radio stays on one
channel until the operator chooses to go to another channel.
Table 1-3. Scan Modes
Mode Description
FM (PT, CT) Voice
Wideband SATCOM (CT) Voice
AM (PT, CT) Voice
Narrowband SATCOM (CT) Voice, ANDVT
1.2.9Beacon Mode
Beacon mode sets the AN/PRC-117G to transmit a beacon signal for supporting
direction-finding efforts. Output signal is modulated by an audio tone swept from
300 Hz to 3300 Hz. The operational frequency in Beacon mode is 90.0000 MHz AM
by default, but the frequency can be changed by the user. The power level of the
radio can be adjusted along with the transmit period to extend battery life in Beacon
ANW2 is a high-speed high-bandwidth waveform in the 225 - 1999.9950 MHz highband portion of the radio that allows simultaneous voice and high-speed data
capabilities. The high-speed data is multidirectional traffic that operationally
appears as full-duplex. BATON or MEDLEY encryption is used for both voice and
data channels. TEKs and TSKs are both loaded for this waveform. Refer to
Ta bl e 1 - 4 for data rate capabilities.
ANW2 supports:
•Ad-Hoc Networking
•Network Forms Automatically - No preassigned net master or
infrastructure is needed
•Self Healing - Tolerates loss of any node in the network
•Relay - Any radio is able to relay data packets between two
radios not within range of each other
•Simultaneous Voice and Data - Voice and data over network at the same
•Conventional Half-Duplex Voice - One station talks as is the case with a
conventional digital voice channel
•Multiple Data Transmissions - Multiple data exchanges are supported
between radios at the same time
•Flexible Waveform - Each connection can use a different auto-negotiated
data rate, if needed, and only for as much time as needed to transmit the
data. This provides improved performance in varying channel conditions
(i.e. mobile communications or local noise).
•Transport Standard Internet Protocol (IP) Packets - Supports IPv4
protocol and any application that sends unicast or multicast traffic over
IP such as Command and Control Personal Computer (C2PC) or
Tactical Chat (TacChat) IP (via Ethernet interface).
•Encryption - Voice encryption using MEDLEY TEK, AES based
Transmission Security (TRANSEC), and Type-1 IP security for user IP
data utilizing the BATON or MEDLEY encryption algorithms with either a
Pre-Placed Key (PPK) or a key generated via Internet Key Exchange
(IKE). IKE is dependent on the communicating stations to have
compatible vectors loaded.
sends IP-based position reports based on user configuration for location
or time/periodic reports. Packet formats include Harris or Cursor on
Target (CoT).
•Simultaneous ANW2, Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN), Black
Local Area Network (LAN) and Associated IP Network Topologies
•Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Acceleration - Space
Communications Protocol Standard Transport Protocol (SCPS-TP)
Table 1-4. ANW2 Data Rates
BandwidthData Rates
1.2 MHz50 kbps to 2.8 Mbps
5 MHz200 kbps to 5 Mbps
The AN/PRC-117G is capable of Over The Air Rekey (OTAR). The AN/PRC-117G
•VINSON Manual Key (MK) in transmit
•Cooperative VINSON MK in receive
•Cooperative VINSON Automatic Key (AK) in receive
•Non-Cooperative VINSON AK in receive
To receive a TEK using AK, both the receiving AN/PRC-117G and the fill device
attached to the transmitting AN/PRC-117G must have the same KEK. For AK the
KEK must be loaded into the AN/PRC-117G by an external fill device. Refer to
Paragraph 3.6.3.
Remotely Operated Video Enhanced Receiver (ROVER) operation from the
AN/PRC-117G is the reception of ROVER video feeds over the high-band portion
(1000.00 MHz to 2000.00 MHz) of the radio in PT only.
The AN/PRC-117G provides 5 kHz and 25 kHz DAMA UHF Satellite
Communications (SATCOM) operation as well as MIL-STD-188-181B dedicated
SATCOM. Refer to the DAMA Supplement (10515-0319-4030) for a complete
description of the DAMA waveform, its operation and programming.
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