Harbor Freight Tools 3358 User Manual

1,000,000 CANDLE POWER
3491 Mission Oaks Blvd. / Camarillo, CA 93011
Copyright 2002 by Harbor Freight Tools®. All rights reserved. No portion of this manual or any artwork contained herein may be reproduced in any shape or form without the express written consent of Harbor Freight T ools.
For Technical questions and replacement parts, please call 1-800-444-3353.
THANK YOU for choosing a HARBOR FREIGHT T OOLS product. For future reference, please complete the owner’s record belo w:
Model__________ Serial No.___________ Purchase Date______________
SA VE THE RECEIPT , WARRANTY AND THESE INSTRUCTIONS . It is important that you read the entire manual to become familiar with the unit BEFORE you begin assemb ly.
Technical Specifications
T ool Name: Spotlight, 1,000,000 Candle P ower Item Number: 03358
Housing Diameter: 6" Battery: 6 VDC (5AH U .L. Listed) Lens Adapter: 5" Lens Construction: 3/16" Glass Candle Power 1,000,000 Light Source: Quartz Halogen Bulb (115W) Handle: 4" Pistol Grip T rigger: Squeeze T ype with T rigger Hold Po wer Adapter: 120 VAC / 60 Hz<-> 6 VDC Charger: U.L. Listed Car Adapter: Lighter Type with 5-1/2' Cord T ool Weight: 3 LBS.
Warning: The warnings, cautions and instructions discussed in this instruction manual cannot cover all possible conditions and situations that may occur . It must be under stood by the operator that COMMON SENSE AND CAUTION ARE F A CTORS WHICH CANNO T BE BUIL T INT O THIS PRODUCT , BUT MUST BE SUPPLIED BY THE OPERA T OR.
The Operator
PLEASE REMEMBER: Never look directly into the Spotlight. Avoid touching the Lens as it may become hot during operation. Do not dissassemble the Battery or remove any parts from the Battery and surrounding connections. Do not allow the Spotlight to be exposed to fire or high heat as this ma y result in an explosion.
Grounding/V oltage Warning
Common household current is 110-120 volts. As long as the outlet used with the tool is rated from 110-120V there will be no complications using it with household receptacles. Plug the P ower Adapter into a 110-120V properly grounded outlet protected by a 15-amp, dual element time dela y or circuit breaker .
NEVER try to plug a 110-120V tool into a 220-240V circuit or serious complications and possible injury to the operator may occur . The plugs hav e different shapes to pre v ent this .
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