Hanna instruments HI 98280 User Manual

Instruction Manual
HI 9828
Multiparameter Meter
with GPS
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing a HANNA instruments
product. Please read this instruction manual carefully before using the instrument. It will provide you with the necessary information for correct use of the instru­ment, as well as a precise idea of its versatility. If you need additional technical information, do not hesitate to e-mail us at tech@hannainst.com or see the back cover for our worldwide contact list. This instrument is in compliance with the
HANNA instruments® reserves the right to modify the design,
construction and appearance of its products without advance notice.
4.6 ORP Calibration .......................................................................................... 38
4.7 Temperature Calibration ...............................................................................39
1.1 Preliminary Examination ................................................................................. 7
1.2 Model Identification ....................................................................................... 7
1.3 General Description....................................................................................... 8
1.4 Power Supply ............................................................................................... 10
1.4.1 Battery Installation .................................................................................. 10
1.4.2 Charging Batteries .................................................................................. 10
1.5 Probe Description & Installation ...................................................................... 11
1.5.1 Sensor Description .................................................................................. 11
1.5.2 Specifications of Sensors .......................................................................... 12
1.5.3 DO Sensor Activation.............................................................................. 13
1.5.4 Installation............................................................................................. 13
1.6 Specifications ............................................................................................... 14
1.7 Display & Keyboard Description ...................................................................... 18
1.8 Help function ...............................................................................................19
CHAPTER 2 - MEASUREMENT MODE ............................................................. 20
3.1 Measurement Setup ...................................................................................... 21
3.2 System Setup ................................................................................................ 23
3.3 Table of Measurement & Setup Items................................................................ 27
4.1 Quick Calibration ........................................................................................ 29
CHAPTER 5 - GPS MENU (optional) ............................................................... 40
6.1 Logging ...................................................................................................... 43
6.1.1 Logging Options ....................................................................................43
6.2 Log Data Setup ............................................................................................45
6.2.1 Lots ...................................................................................................... 45
6.2.2 Delete All Lots ........................................................................................ 46
6.2.3 Remarks ................................................................................................ 47
6.2.4 Delete All Remarks .................................................................................. 47
6.2.5 Tags...................................................................................................... 47
7.1 Probe Information .........................................................................................50
7.2 pH ............................................................................................................. 51
7.3 Dissolved Oxygen .........................................................................................51
7.4 Conductivity ................................................................................................ 52
7.5 Atmospheric Pressure .................................................................................... 52
7.6 ORP ........................................................................................................... 53
7.7 Temperature ................................................................................................. 53
8.1 Software Installation ...................................................................................... 54
8.2 PC Connection ............................................................................................ 54
CHAPTER 9 - ERROR MESSAGES .................................................................... 56
4.2 pH Calibration ............................................................................................. 31
4.2.1 Preparation ........................................................................................... 31
4.2.2 Procedure.............................................................................................. 31
4.2.3 Error List ................................................................................................ 33
4.3 Dissolved Oxygen Calibration ........................................................................ 34
4.4 Conductivity Calibration ................................................................................ 35
4.5 Atmospheric Pressure Calibration ................................................................... 38
A - PROBE MAINTENANCE................................................................................ 59
B - ACCESSORIES .............................................................................................. 61
C - WARRANTY ................................................................................................. 63
Remove the instrument from the packing material and examine it carefully to make sure that no damage has occurred during shipping. If there is any notice­able damage, notify your Dealer or the nearest HANNA Customer Service Cen­ter immediately.
HI9828 is supplied complete with:
- Multisensor probe (pH/ORP, Conductivity, DO, temperature)
- HI9828-25 quick calibration standard solution, 500 mL
- Calibration beaker
- Probe maintenance kit
- 4 rechargeable C size, Ni-MH batteries
- Power adaptor and cable
- Cigarette lighter cable
- 5
iButton® with holder
- HI7698281 USB interface cable
- HI929828 Windows® compatible software
- Instruction manual
- Rugged carrying case
Note Save all packing materials until you are sure that the instrument func-
tions correctly. Any damaged or defective items must be returned in their original packing materials together with the supplied accessories.
Different models are available according to the following scheme:
Note: Probes with different cable length are
available upon request.
Windows® is a registered Trademark of “Microsoft Co.”
HI9828 is a multiparameter system that monitors up to 13 different water qual-
ity parameters (6 measured, 7 calculated). The microprocessor based multisensor probe allows to measure all the param-
eters necessary to evaluate the water quality, as dissolved oxygen saturation per­centage, conductivity, seawater specific gravity and other parameters that en­sure life in water as pH and temperature. The same probe can be used with different meters without needing any recalibration.
HI9828 is also provided with a built-in 12 channel GPS receiver and antenna, that guarantee a position accuracy of 10 m (30 ft). Measurements from specific locations are tracked with detailed coordinate in­formation that can be viewed immediately on the display. GPS information can be transferred to a PC using HANNA’s HI929828 soft­ware. GPS information can also be viewed using a GPS mapping software such as Google™ Maps. Clicking on visited locations using a mapping software such as Google™ Maps displays measurement information. For measuring points within a 10 meter range or where GPS signal is not avail­able, HI9828’s Fast Tracker™ is invaluable for associating measurements with their locations. HANNA’s exclusive Fast Tracker™—T.I.S. (Tag ID System) moni­tors and records data using
iButton®s that can be installed at any number of
sampling sites. HI9828 features a graphic, backlit display that automatically sizes the digits to fit the screen and allows full configuration of each parameter measured along with on-screen graphing capability. Designed for outdoor environments, waterproof, resistant and easy to use, HI9828 is the ideal solution for field measurements of lakes, rivers and sea. The meter meets IP67 standards (30 minutes immersion under 1 m of water); the multi sensor probe can be left underwater (IP68 standard). The setting menu can be protected by password to avoid not authorized modifi­cations and the help function is always available to explain the selected function, operation or message.
Main features of the HI 9828 system:
• Simultaneously displaying of up to 12 parameters
• Tracking of measurement locations with GPS (optional)
• IP67 waterproof protection for meter and IP68 for probe
• Exclusive Fast Tracker™—T.I.S. (Tag ID System)
• Graphic LCD with backlight
• Built-in barometer for DO compensation
• Quick Calibration feature
• Measurement check to eliminate any erroneous readings
• Auto recognition of pH and pH/ORP probe
• Logger function to record the data of all connected sensors
• Log-on-demand and automatic logging (up to 60,000 samples)
• Logged data can be displayed as graphs
• USB interface for PC communication
• Auto-range of EC and TDS readings
• Good Laboratory Practice feature with recording of last 5 calibrations
• Field replaceable sensors
• Meter can be powered with both alkaline and rechargeable batteries
GOOGLE™ is a registered trademark of Google, Inc. HANNA instruments® has no affiliation with Google™, Inc. iButton® is a registered trademark of Maxim/Dallas Semiconductor Corp.
Cigarette lighter supply
HI9828 is supplied with 4 rechargeable C size, Ni-MH batteries. The battery symbol on the LCD shows the remaining battery charge. When the
symbol starts blinking, batteries should be charged or replaced with new ones. When the batteries are completely rundown the meter automatically shuts off to avoid erroneous readings.
1.4.1 Battery Installation
Battery replacement must only take place in a nonhazardous area.
Remove the 4 screws on the rear of the instru­ment and insert the batteries while paying at­tention to the correct polarity.
If using rechargeable batteries, move the switch down toward the probe connector. Move the switch upward for not rechargeable alkaline bat­teries.
Not rechargeable batteries can explode or leak if attempting to charge them with the switch set to down position.
1.4.2 Charging Batteries
HI9828 is supplied with two cables for charging batteries: HI710045 and HI710046.
Mains power supply In order to charge batteries from the mains, use the HI710045 cable and the
supplied 12 Vdc adapter.
• With the meter OFF, disconnect the probe.
• Connect the HI710045 to meter connector and power adapter, then con-
nect the adapter to the mains.
• The message “Battery charging in progress” will appear on the LCD, followed by the bat­tery symbol.
• A complete battery charging will last about 14 hours.
To charge batteries from a vehicle cigarette lighter supply, use HI710046 cable.
• Simply connect the cable to the meter and to the cigarette lighter plug.
• The message “Battery charging in progress” will appear on the display, fol­lowed by the battery symbol.
• A complete battery charging will last about 14 hours.
Note Batteries can also be charged with the meter ON; if the auto-off fea-
ture is enabled, the meter turns off automatically after the set time.
HI9828 is supplied with a multisensor probe for dissolved oxygen, temperature, conductivity, pH and redox measurements.
1.5.1 Sensor Description
The galvanic DO sensor allows to obtain stable readings in a few seconds. The thin permeable membrane isolates the sensor elements from the testing solution, but allows oxygen to enter. Oxygen that passes through the membrane causes a current flow, from which the oxygen concentration is de­termined. Before installing the probe, it is necessary to acti­vate the DO sensor; see paragraph 1.5.3 for details.
The conductivity sensor uses the 4-ring technology that al­lows stable and linear readings without any interference in the whole range.
The pH/ORP sensor features a glass membrane for pH read­ings and a Pt sensor for redox measurements. To avoid clogging problems and ensure a fast response, the pH bulb must be kept moist at any time. Store the electrode with a few drops of HI70300 storage solution in the pro­tective cap.
The EC sensor also works as matching pin and must be always mounted to have cor­rect pH readings.
For correct redox measurements, the surface of the elec­trode must be clean and smooth, and a pretreatment pro­cedure should be performed to ensure quick response.
Since the Pt/PtO system depends on the pH, the pretreatment of the electrode may be determined by the pH and the redox potential values of the solution to be measured.
As a general rule, if the ORP (mV) reading corresponding to the solution pH value is higher than the values in the table below, an oxidizing pretreatment is necessary; otherwise perform a reducing pretreatment.
pH mV pH mV pH mV pH mV pH mV pH mV
0 990 1 920 2 860 3 800 4 740 5 680
6 640 7 580 8 520 9 460 10 400 11 340
12 280 13 220 14 160
1.5.3 DO Sensor Activation
The DO probe is shipped dry. To hydrate the sensor and prepare it for use, pro­ceed as follows:
• Remove the black & red plastic cap. This cap is used for shipping purposes only and can be thrown away.
• Insert the supplied O-ring in the membrane.
• Rinse the supplied membrane with some electrolyte solution while shaking it gently. Refill with clean electrolyte. Gently tap the membrane over a surface to ensure that no air bubbles remain trapped. To avoid damaging the membrane, do not touch it with your fingers.
• With the sensor facing down screw the cap clockwise to the end of the threads. Some electrolyte will overflow.
For reducing pretreatment: immerse the electrode for a few minutes in HI 7091.
For oxidizing pretreatment: immerse the electrode for a few minutes in HI 7092.
1.5.2 Specifications of Sensors
HI769828-0 HI769828-1 HI769828-2 HI769828-3
Description pH pH/ORP DO EC
Measure Type pH, mV (pH) pH, mV (pH), mV DO (% sat. & conc.) EC, TDS,
resistivity, salinity
Measure Range 0.00 to 14.00 0.00 to 14.00 0.0 to 500.0 % 0.000-200.000 mS/cm
±600.0 mV (pH) ±600.0 mV (pH) 0.00 to 50.00 mg/L 0-400000 mg/L
±2000.0 mV 0 to 1.0000 MΩ*cm
0.00 to 70.00 PSU
Color Code Red Red White Blue
Materials Tip: glass (pH) Tip: glass (pH); Pt (ORP) Cat/An: Ag/Zn Rings: Stainless steel
Junction: cloth Junction: cloth Membrane: PTFE AISI 316
Body: PEI Body: PEI Body: PVC Body: PVC
Electrolyte: gel Electrolyte: gel
Reference: double Reference: double
Maintenance HI 70300 HI 70300 HI 7042S - Solution (storage) (storage) (membrane refilling)
Dimensions 100 x 14 Ø mm 100 x 14 Ø mm 101 x 16.5 Ø mm 111 x 14 Ø mm
1.5.4 Installation
The multisensor probe can support 3 different sensors: DO, EC, pH or pH/ORP. To make easier the installation, the sensors are color coded.
Temperature sensor
EC probe
EC probe
Probe with
Probe with protection sleeve
pH/ORP probeDO probe
pH/ORP probeDO probe
protection sleeve
Probe with
Probe with calibration beaker
calibration beaker
For a correct installation, proceed as follow:
• Grease the O-ring gaskets.
• Insert the sensor while paying attention to the correct alignment with the corre­sponding colored connector. Fix the sensor by screwing the locking nut with the supplied tool.
• When all sensors are mounted, screw the protection sleeve for taking mea­surements or the transparent beaker for calibrating.
• With the meter off, connect the probe to the DIN socket on the bottom of the instrument by aligning the pins and push­ing in the plug. Tighten the nut to ensure good connection.
Range -5.00 to 55.00 °C;
23.00 to 131.00 °F; 268.15 to 328.15 K
Resolution 0.01 °C; 0.01 °F; 0.01 K Accuracy ± 0.15 °C; ± 0.27 °F; ±0.15 K Calibration Automatic at 1 custom point
pH Range 0.00 to 14.00 pH; ± 600.0 mV Resolution 0.01 pH; 0.1 mV Accuracy ± 0.02 pH; ± 0.5 mV Calibration Automatic 1, 2 or 3 points with 5 memorized
standard buffers (pH 4.01, 6.86, 7.01, 9.18, 10.01)
or 1 custom buffer
Range ± 2000.0 mV Resolution 0.1 mV Accuracy ± 1.0 mV Calibration Automatic at 1 custom point
Range 0.0 to 500.0 %
0.00 to 50.00 mg/L
Resolution 0.1 %
0.01 mg/L
Accuracy 0.0 to 300.0 %: ± 1.5 % of reading
or ± 1.0% whichever is greater;
300.0 to 500.0 %: ± 3% of reading
0.00 to 30.00 mg/L: ± 1.5 % of reading or 0.10 mg/L whichever is greater;
30.00 mg/L to 50.00 mg/L: ± 3% of reading
Calibration Automatic 1 or 2 points at 0, 100 % or 1 custom point
Range 0.000 to 200.000 mS/cm
(actual EC up to 400 mS/cm)
Manual 1 μS/cm; 0.001 mS/cm; 0.01 mS/cm; 0.1 mS/cm; 1 mS/cm Automatic 1 μS/cm from 0 to 9999 μS/cm
0.01 mS/cm from 10.00 to 99.99 mS/cm
0.1 mS/cm from 100.0 to 400.0 mS/cm
Automatic mS/cm 0.001 mS/cm from 0.000 to 9.999 mS/cm
0.01 mS/cm from 10.00 to 99.99 mS/cm
0.1 mS/cm from 100.0 to 400.0 mS/cm
Accuracy ±1 % of reading or ±1 μS/cm whichever is greater Calibration Automatic at 1 point with 6 memorized standards
(84 μS/cm, 1413 μS/cm, 5.00 mS/cm, 12.88 mS/cm,
80.0 mS/cm, 111.8 mS/cm) or custom point
Range 0 to 999999 Ω·cm;
(depending on measurement setup) 0 to 1000.0 kΩ·cm;
0 to 1.0000 MΩ·cm
Resolution Depending on resistivity reading Calibration Based on conductivity or salinity calibration
Range 0 to 400000 mg/L or ppm;
(the maximum value depends on the TDS factor)
Manual 1 mg/L (ppm); 0.001 g/L (ppt);
0.01 g/L (ppt); 0.1 g/L (ppt); 1 g/L (ppt)
Automatic 1 mg/L (ppm) from 0 to 9999 mg/L (ppm)
0.01 g/L (ppt) from 10.00 to 99.99 g/L (ppt)
0.1 g/L (ppt) from 100.0 to 400.0 g/L (ppt)
Automatic g/L (ppt) 0.001 g/L (ppt) from 0.000 to 9.999 g/L (ppt)
0.01 g/L (ppt) from 10.00 to 99.99 g/L (ppt)
0.1 g/L (ppt) from 100.0 to 400.0 g/L (ppt)
Accuracy ±1 % of reading or ±1 mg/L (ppm) whichever is greater Calibration Based on conductivity or salinity calibration
Range 0.00 to 70.00 PSU (extended Practical Salinity Scale) Resolution 0.01 PSU Accuracy ±2% of reading or ±0.01 PSU whichever is greater Calibration 1 custom point
Range 0.0 to 50.0 σt, σ0, σ Resolution 0.1 σt, σ0, σ Accuracy ± 1σt, σ0, σ
Calibration Based on conductivity or salinity calibration
Range 450 to 850 mmHg;
17.72 to 33.46 inHg;
600.0 to 1133.2 mbar;
8.702 to 16.436 psi;
0.5921 to 1.1184 atm;
60.00 to 113.32 kPa
Resolution 0.1 mmHg; 0.01 inHg; 0.1 mbar
0.001 psi; 0.0001 atm; 0.01 kPa
Accuracy ± 3 mmHg within ± 15 °C
from the temperature during calibration
Calibration Automatic at 1 custom point
Temperature Compensation automatic from -5 to 55 °C (23 to 131 °F) Logging Memory(*) Up to 60,000 samples with 13 measurements each;
up to 45,000 samples with 15 measurements each (w/GPS)
Logging Interval 1 second to 3 hours PC Interface USB (with HI 929828 software) Waterproof Protection Meter IP67, Probe IP68 Environment 0 to 50 °C (32 to 122 °F); RH 100 % Power Supply 4 x 1.5 V alkaline, C size batteries
(approx. 150 hours of use, w/out backlight and GPS);
4 x 1.2 V rechargeable C size, Ni-MH batteries
(approx. 70 hours of use, w/out backlight and GPS)
Meter 221 x 115 x 55 mm (8.7 x 4.5 x 2.2”) Probe L = 270 (10.6”), dia = 46 mm (1.8”)
Meter 750 g (26.5 oz.) Probe (w/out cable) 750 g (26.5 oz.)
* Without remarks. When using remarks the maximum number of samples decreases.
HI9828 features a context sensitive HELP, which provides useful information regarding the displayed screen.
Simply press the HELP key to access this function, then use the arrow keys if you need to scroll long messages.
To escape from the HELP window, press HELP key again or ESC.
1. Graphic LCD
2. Battery level indicator
3. Softkey functions
4. Left softkey: function defined on display
5. On/off key: to turn the meter on and off
6. Lamp key: to turn the backlight on and off
7. Alphanumeric keyboard: to insert alphanumeric codes
8. HELP key: to obtain information about the displayed screen
9. Arrow keys: to scroll the displayed options/message
10. ESC key: to return to the previous screen
11. Right softkey: function defined on display
12. Indicator of GPS signal strength (optional)
13. Tag reader
+ 23 hidden pages