Hampton Bay Hblg1803r Owner's Manual

Please read the operating instru,ctions and safety precautions
carefully and th,oroughly before installing and operating your room air conditioner,
Por favor lea las instrucciones de operaci6n y las precauciones de
seguridad cuidadosa y totalmente ,antes de instalar y operar su acondicionado, r de aire de ventana,
Manufactu red by LG Elle_ro,nics
Wr_e the m,od_ and _ria] nur_rs here: Mode| #
_rial # You can find them on a label on the side of each unit.
_aler's Name Date Purc_sed
[] Stap,_eyou_ _eceipt to this pa_ i_°_the e_e_t you need
it to prove date of purcha_ or for waffan|y issue.
_nside 'you wilJ fir_ many helipfui hints on how to use
and maintain your air coi_t_oi_r Ip,rof_r[y. Just a Ifflie preventive care on your part can save you a great dea_
of tim and money over the lile of your air oo,nditioner, You'H find many answers to common prob]e_ in the
cha_ of troub,lest_ling tips. ifyou review our chart ,of Troub_esh_tJng Tips first, you may not need to calil
for _rv_e at al_
Contact the a_hori_d _vice technician_or repair o_ _|nt_,an_ .ofth|s unit,
.,Contact the insta|_r for instal_tion of this unit.
_e al_ cond|tio.ner is not inten_d for u_ by young chi_ren or invalids w_hout su_rv_m
=Young children should be su_rvi_d to ensure that
t_y _ _ot p|ay with the _i_conditioner,
When t_ power cord is to. i_ r_laoe_,, replacement wo_ sh_ll _ _rfot_ by _thorized _tsonne_ on_ _ng only _nuir_, mp,la_nt part&
_ns_l_tion work mu_ _ perto_d in a_ordance with
e Na|io_l El_ric C:o_ b,y qua_it_d _d _thori_ _onne_ o_|y_
To prevent iniu _ to tihe user or other people ar_ pr_erty damage, the following inst_ctions, must
be fo,l!owe& i incorrect c_,erati,on due to ignoring instruction wi_ cause harm or _mage. The senousness, is,
classified by the fo!lowing i_iications,
[] Meanings d symbols u_d in this manual are, as shown below.
I ..o oot,ooo. rl!
[] Installation
° No installation maycause fire and electric
sh_k accident:,
Be sure to follow' the instruction.,
_tmay cau_ fire and electric shock
° It may _u_ explos,ion or fire, ° it may cau_, failure and electric s,h_k,.
m Operation
° _herwi_, it wi]] muse
ele_fic shock or fire due to, heat _nerat[,on or electric
It will cause electdc shock or fire due to heat generation,
Itwil!lcause el_ric shock or fire due to heat ,germration.
It willcause e!_ric shock or fire due to heat gereration,
° I!twill!cau_ electric shock or
° No groundi_ may cause
e]e_ric sh_k (_e
installation Manual).
° Otherwise it may cau_ fire
_d e]e_ric shock a_ident,.
° It may _u_ fire and ,electric
° lit will cause electric s_ck,
It will cau_ failure of machine or elect_ficsP#ck.,
I Installation
It is not deigned to,_l Me entire ho,u_.
° It may cau_. explosi,on,fire,
_iiii,i_iillii ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii!ii_ii!iiiiiiiii!!_:
They are sharp ,andmay cause iinju_.
It may _use inju%
° it may cause failure of
applian_, or a_ident,,
> /
I Operation
° it may cause ele_ric shock
a_ diamage.
ff _eaving appliance damaged, there is concern of damage due to,the f_ling of product,
° Prevent acciden_l sta_up
,andthe,pos,sibili_ of injury,.
iiii_:;:i!i!iii!i!!!!!_!iiiii;_i_!;iilf!l_Jii_!?ii!!_!i_!_!!iiii!¸iiiii;;;ii!i!iiiiii!;!i!i!;iiiiiiilliiiiiiii;iii iiii;iiii!iiiiiiiii;;iiii:iilli!!!!iiiiiiiii;iiiiiilliiilliiililiiiiiiiiiiiii!?i!ii!iiiiliilliiiliiiiii!iliiiii!i:i!i!iiliiii!i!i;i
_ere is danger of fire or ele_ic shock,
Sin_ tb_ fan rotates at high speed ,during operation, it: may cause injuri,
Water may enter the unit and degrade the insulation, _tmay
cau_ an electric shock
i!!!!!!!t_iiii!i!!_i!i!_!iii__!iliiiiiii!_!i!iiii_!i!_!ii!iiiiii_!_!!!!ii!ii!ii!!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!i!iiiiiil¸_il;;_i!_iiii!i!iii!_iiiiii!!iiii!iill!_!ii_iiii_!iiiii!iili_iii_!ili!if!i_ii!ii_ii!!ii!!_!ii_!i!ii_iii__i:iii!i_iiiii:i:!_i:_!_i_!ii_!ii_!_i_ii;_:_iii!i_i_i:_i_iii?i_iiii_ii!i!:!iiiiiiiiiiiiii!_ii?;i;_!;ii!_i_!i!i!iilD_i!iiii!i!i!iiiiii!iiiii!iliiiiii_i!iiiiiiiiiiii!iiiii_iiiii_:ili;_i_iii!ili_jli_iiiii!!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii!iii!!ii_i_!ii_;__ __: _ _:__' :_ _:_ _ iiiii!ii_!!!!!!!i_
:_i_iii!!!i ii:iii:i_i¸!!!!!!:i ii!illii ! :! !!iiiiiiii!ii!!iiiiiii!iiiiiiiilliiiii!i!i_i!i:i!:!ii!i:!ii!i:!¸ iii!iii!i: i_!!;_i;: i!i!ii:!!i!ii!_i_i!
This could injure the pet o_ ° it is _ air conditioner not a
plant precision refrigeration system.
Operation without filte,rs will _use failure,
The appearance d t_ air _ndi :loner
t_ may deteriorate,
change c_or, or develop
suda_ flaws,
_tcontorts containments and wilil make you sick. / This
could damage, your health.
_ C_ct an instalillati_ s_cialist for installation.
PI_ in the p_ser piug pretty.
_Do notshare the same outlierwithother applianc_
_Do not we an extension _rd.
Do net staWstop operation _ _uggin_unpluggin,g the pow_ cad. _ cord/_ug is ,_mag_, replace only with an authorized _rt.
Being ex_sed to direct _fflow for an exter_i_ _ri_ of time could _ hazardous 'to your health, IDono€
expose,occupant, _ts, or plan_ to di_t aiff!_ fo_"ext:end,_ _d_s of time,,
Due to the _ssibil_y of oxygen defic_ncy,, ventJlia_ethe room when usi_ t_ether with st_Jes or other
heating devices°
Do not:_e this air conditioner for non-specked Sl_Cial purpo_ (e,g, prese_ing precision de.vice,
food, pets_pla_s., .andart objects), Usage in such a manner _uld harm such pro_y,
Do not we water to cle.aninsMe the .airco_itioner, Exp_ure to water can des.troy_e insu_flon, leading
possible _ectric sh_k,
When cleaning the unit, fir_ make sure that the power and b_eaker areturned off. The fan rotates at a
ve_ high sp_ during o_ration. There is a p_siibili_ _ injury ift:l_ un_°s_w_ is accidentally
#iggered on while clleaning inner [pa_sof the unit.
F_ repair _d maintenance, con_ct your authorized _tvice dealer
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