Hameg HM1000x, HM1008x, HM1500x, HM1508x, HM2005-2 Programmers Manual

Programmers Manual
for: HM1000x
HM1008x HM1500x HM1508x
for Firmware Version: 05.500-02.014
and later
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664
Table of content
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 What is SCPI............................................................................................................................................4
1.1.1. Common Commands...................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.2. Program Commands....................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.3. Query ............................................................................................................................................. 4
1.1.4. Instruction termination....................................................................................................................5
1.2. Construction of the SCPI Command Syntax.......................................................................................... 5
1.2.1. Syntax............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2.2. Colon ..............................................................................................................................................6
1.2.3. Semicolon....................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2.4. Parameter........................................................................................................................................ 6
1.2.5. Comma............................................................................................................................................6
1.2.6. Data Formats...................................................................................................................................7
1.3 SCPI Commands - Examples...................................................................................................................9
1.4. State and Event..................................................................................................................................... 10
2. SCPI Commands........................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1. Common Commands............................................................................................................................ 14
*CLS....................................................................................................................................................... 14
*ESE ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
*ESR?..................................................................................................................................................... 14
*IDN? .....................................................................................................................................................14
*LRN? ....................................................................................................................................................14
*OPC ......................................................................................................................................................14
*RST ...................................................................................................................................................... 14
*SRE....................................................................................................................................................... 14
*STB?..................................................................................................................................................... 14
2.2. Program Commands..............................................................................................................................15
2.2.1. Survey – Command Groups..........................................................................................................15
2.2.2. ADD - Commands........................................................................................................................ 15
2.2.3. Acquire - Commands.................................................................................................................... 15
2.2.4. Calibrate - Commands.................................................................................................................. 16
2.2.5. Channel - Commands....................................................................................................................16
2.2.6. Display - Commands.................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.7. FFT - Commands.......................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.8. Hardcopy- Commands.................................................................................................................. 17
2.2.9. Horizontal - Commands................................................................................................................18
2.2.10. Instrument - Commands..............................................................................................................18
2.2.11. Logic - Commands......................................................................................................................19
2.2.12. Mathematic - Commands............................................................................................................19
2.2.13. Measure - Commands................................................................................................................. 20
2.2.14. Pod - Commands ........................................................................................................................20
2.2.15. System - Commands................................................................................................................... 20
2.2.16. Trace - Commands......................................................................................................................21
2.2.17. Trigger - Commands...................................................................................................................23
3. SCPI Commands (detailed)...........................................................................................................................24
:ADD?.......................................................................................................................................................... 24
:ACQuire?.................................................................................................................................................... 24
:CALibrate................................................................................................................................................... 26
:CHANnel<n>?............................................................................................................................................ 26
:DISPlay?..................................................................................................................................................... 30
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664
:FFT<n>?..................................................................................................................................................... 32
:HCOPy?...................................................................................................................................................... 33
:HORizontal?............................................................................................................................................... 34
:INSTrument?.............................................................................................................................................. 38
:LOGic<n>?................................................................................................................................................. 39
Example: Measuring the power consumption of a load......................................................................... 44
:MEASure?.................................................................................................................................................. 46
:SYSTem?.................................................................................................................................................... 49
:TRACe?...................................................................................................................................................... 52
:TRIGger?.................................................................................................................................................... 57
4. Measure – Error Messages............................................................................................................................ 63
List of tables
Table 1: BNF - Symbols................................................................................................................................... 16
Table 2: Command groups ............................................................................................................................... 18
Table 3: Add - Commands................................................................................................................................ 18
Table 4: Acquire - Commands.......................................................................................................................... 18
Table 5: Calibrate - Commands........................................................................................................................ 19
Table 6: Channel - Commands..........................................................................................................................19
Table 7: Display - Commands...........................................................................................................................20
Table 8: FFT - Commands................................................................................................................................ 20
Table 9: Hardcopy - Commands....................................................................................................................... 21
Table 10: Horizontal - Commands....................................................................................................................21
Table 11: Instrument - Commands....................................................................................................................21
Table 12: Logic - Commands............................................................................................................................22
Table 13: Mathematic - Commands..................................................................................................................23
Table 14: Measure - Commands....................................................................................................................... 23
Table 15: Pod - Commands...............................................................................................................................23
Table 16: System - Commands......................................................................................................................... 24
Table 17: Trace - Commands............................................................................................................................24
Table 18: Trigger - Commands......................................................................................................................... 26
Table 19: Mathematical Operation....................................................................................................................46
Table 20: Measure – Error Messages................................................................................................................66
List of figures
Figure 1: SCPI-rot (tree-structure)...................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 2: Event handling ..................................................................................................................................15
Figure 3: Power consumption measurement..................................................................................................... 47
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664

1. Introduction

1.1 What is SCPI

SCPI (standard commands for programmable instruments) is an international standard (IEEE-488.2) for external control of measuring instruments etc. It allows you to network complex test setup with host (PC) control. This allows enormous time and manpower reduction.
The SCPI standard contains the programming syntax as well as the main functions of measuring instrument etc. This enables the exchange of comparable instruments from different producers without the need to reprogram the test procedure, as long as these functions and commands have been implemented identically.
If your HAMEG instrument is equipped with an interface, it can be remote controlled. You get access to nearly all functions that can be called manually via the front panel.
HAMEG-Instruments offers instrument control via GPIB- (IEEE-488), RS232- , USB- and Ethernet-interfaces.

1.1.1. Common Commands

Common commands always start with a prefixed (*).They are special system commands and are used without path declaration. They can also be present in command strings and are separated like other commands with semicolon e.g. ' *IDN? '.

1.1.2. Program Commands

The program commands contain all instrument specific control commands and must be used with path declarations in accordance with the SCPI syntax.

1.1.3. Query

A command forcing the instrument to a direct reply is called a query. They can be used to query system states, parameters and possible border functions.
Parameter read out is carried out by question mark (?). Path and parameters have to be specified additionally. Common commands are read without path declaration.
Example: Query for the current time base setting by the command ' :HOR:MAIN:SCAL? '
Query for instrument identification ' *IDN? '
Query for the minimum possible time base setting ' :HOR:MAIN:SCAL? MIN '
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664

1.1.4. Instruction termination

The SCPI standard contains so called PMTs (program message terminators) used during instrument control to enable the identification of the end of a command or query by decoding the message bytes. Differentiation is made between ‘new line’ (NL) and ‘end’ (END). NL (defined as ‘ h0a’ ) will e.g. be transmitted as termination of a command string. Any combination of NL and END is possible. However an instrument has to treat NL, NL+END and END semantically equivalently.

1.2. Construction of the SCPI Command Syntax

SCPI commands are based on a hierarchical order like a root (tree structure). Each command consists of the declaration of paths, different functions, keywords etc. and the optional allocation of parameters.

1.2.1. Syntax

Always pay attention that correct spelling is used when composing SCPI commands. All forms of spelling are forbidden except the exact short and long form of a command. Upper and lower case writing can be used. In this document upper case is used for short form, followed by lower case for the long form.
Example: 'Horizontal' menu selection
short form :HOR long form :HORizontal
acceptable spelling :HOR
unacceptable spelling :Horizont
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664
Figure 1: SCPI-rot (tree-structure)

1.2.2. Colon

A colon serves as a separator for several key words in the path declaration. Based on the current path a ‘:‘ selects a lower hierarchy level. A ‘:‘ at the beginning of a command indicates that the following declaration is an element at the ‘ ROOT’ level. The ‘:‘ is not applicable if access is to be made to several elements of the same path. The multiple use of a path is forbidden if the following command skips to a lower hierarchical level .

1.2.3. Semicolon

A semicolon is used to separate commands from one another.

1.2.4. Parameter

The transmission of parameters to the instrument is made with the declaration of path and the respective value. The latter is separated from the path by a space character. Please note the different data formats in which values can be assigned.

1.2.5. Comma

If several values can be allocated to a function, they must be separated by commas.
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664

1.2.6. Data Formats Float
At the input of floating point numbers a ‘.‘ is used as a decimal separator. Floating point numbers can be delineated in the following ways:
- integer 123
- positive real number 12.34
- negative real number -12.34
- with exponent
1. 2⋅10
, 1.2E-3
- without leading zero (0.012) .012
The input of the positive leading sign ‘+‘ is optional. INF, NINF, NAN
To adapt an infinite range of values to the 32 bit floating point numbers (IEEE-754) the terms INF, NINF and NAN are implemented. They are delineated as follows:
INFinity - positive infinity - 9.9E37 NINFinity - negative infinity - -9.9E37 NAN -not defined1, 'not a number' - 9.91E37 String
When designating strings as parameters, the string to be transferred is set in quotation marks (“”). The string is defined as a whole value and therefore is separated from the path by a space character. Character
Character data are text characters which are not set in “” . For example, the activation of channel 1:
In this case ON is the value the function can take over.
e.g. at division by zero, operation with etc.
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664 Block
This format is especially used for outputting great amounts of data , e.g. when a signal trace or the current system settings are read out. The structure of a data block is as follows:
<#><ln><n><l bytes data>
# - marking a special data format ln - length of the number that contains the number of data bytes n - number of data bytes data - data bytes ( 1 .. n )
Example for the data stream caused by a query
#3456abcd .. ef
# - start of block data 3 - the number containing number of databytes consists of 3
characters 456 - number of subsequent data ( 456 bytes ) a - value of 1st data byte b - value of 2nd data byte f - value of 456th data byte Special number formats
#H - description in hexadecimal form ' #Hxxxxxxxx ' #B - description in binary form ' #Bxxxxxxxx ' #Q - description in octal form ' #Qxxxxxxxx '
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664

1.3 SCPI Commands - Examples

Example a) : Deactivation of channel 1 (OFF) and vertical scaling of channel 2 to 1V/DIV
:CHAN1 - selects root element 'Channel 1' :STAT OFF - allocates 'OFF' to the parameter 'State' of 'CHAN1' ; - separates two commands :CHAN2 - selects root element 'Channel 2' :SCAL 1 - allocates '1' (V/DIV) as deflection coefficient of
'Channel 2'
Example b): Setting main time base to 1µs/DIV and query the setting
alternative 1: Explicit declaration of both commands
:HOR:MAIN - ‘ time base’ path selection :SCAL 1e-6 - assigning 1µs to the time base :SCAL? - query for the current time base
(delivers 1.00E-6 in this example)
alternative 2: Use of already existing paths
This command has the same effect as alternative 1, but uses the fact that the path ‘ :HOR:MAIN’ is present, so that the time base can be read with ‘ SCAL? ’.
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664
Example c): Use of existing paths
Note: The multiple use of existing paths is only possible, if access to several end-elements of the path will be made one after another. It is not possible to change into same or higher levels and simultaneously use existing paths.
The elements Coupling and Level are located in the same path.
unacceptable: :TRIG:A:EDGE:COUP DC;VID:FIEL?
The element VID uses the path ‘ :TRIGger:A’ but is not in the same level as EDGE and not in a sub level of EDGE. Thus the path must be input again.
As the element LPAS also uses the path ‘ :TRIGger:A:Edge’ it also can use the existing path.

1.4. State and Event

The SCPI standard contains an event handling system for all available interfaces that can be used to be informed about the processes within the oscilloscope. According to the standard the oscilloscope replies only after receiving a query but the event handling enables the device to inform the user that
an extraordinary event took place.

SESR - Standard Event State Register

bit 7 bit 0
PON - Power On - The instrument was switched on URQ - User Request - unused (0) CME - Command Error - Error during the analysis of a command EXE - Execution Error - Error during command execution DDE - Device Dependend Error - An instrument error has appeared QYE - Query Error - Data got lost or are not available during a query RQC - Request Control - unused (0) OPC - Operation Complete - all current operations have ended
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664

SESER - Standard Event State Enable Register

bit 7 bit 0
The SESER determines which events are evaluated.
1 - Event will be evaluated 0 - Event will be ignored

SBR - State Byte Register

/ RQS / MSS ESB MAV / / / /
bit 7 bit 0
RQS - Request Service - instrument requests to send MSS - Master State Summary - logical sum of ESB and MAV bits ESB - Event State Bit - an event message is available MAV - Message Available - an output is available

SRER - Service Request Enable Register

/ / ESB MAV / / / /
bit 7 bit 0
SRER determines which outputs may ask for permission to send
1 - output permitted 0 - output prohibited
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664
The GPIB interface is the only interface with a hardware implemented line for request-to-send queries (RQS bit) directly available for the operator. The line state shows the appearance of an event. The other interfaces (RS232, USB and Ethernet) have no functions like this.
When event handling is used, the operator must check the instrument state periodically. This method is called polling. The polling result shows whether an event was present or not.
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664
Figure 2: Event handling

2. SCPI Commands

Symbols Description
< > variable ,predefined element
= equality, .. is identical with ..
| or
( ) arrangement of elements, commentary
[ ] optional elements
{ } set of several elements
' ' example
Table 1: BNF - Symbols
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664

2.1. Common Commands


*CLS - resets state and error list and deletes the OPC state


*ESE - sets SESER (Standard Event State Enable Register) content as a decimal number
*ESE? - reads SESER content


*ESR? - reads SESR (Standard Event State Register) content and resets it thereafter
e.g.: ' 32 '


*IDN? - returns the instrument identification
e.g.: ' HAMEG,HM1508,000000000,HW10030000,SW05.100-02.005 '


*LRN? - returns all read- and writeable parameters. These are separated by semicolon and
quoted with a header path (system and instruments parameter).


*OPC - sets the Operation Complete Bit in the Standard Event State Register active, if
dependent operations are finished
*OPC? - if all dependent operations are finished, the OPC bit will not be set, but the output will
be directly output as "1".


*RST - causes a new start with the factory default settings


*SRE - writes into SRER register (Service Request Enable Register) *SRE? - reads SRER


*STB? - returns SBR (State Byte Register) content
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664

2.2. Program Commands

2.2.1. Survey – Command Groups

Command group Description
:Add math. Hardware operations
contains signal acquisition elements
instrument calibration functions
:Channel contains all channel related settings
:Display display control
fast fourier transformation
:Horizontal contains time base settings
:Instrument contains instrument operation modes
:Logic logic settings
:Math mathematics functions, formula sets
:Measure measuring function
:Pod logic groups
:System system settings
:Trace signal curve readout functions
:Trigger trigger options
Table 2: Command groups

2.2.2. ADD - Commands

Command Write Read Description
:ADD - x Survey of Add functions
:ADD:STATe <state> x x <state> = { ON | OFF }
Table 3: Add - Commands

2.2.3. Acquire - Commands

Command Write Read Description
:ACQuire - x Summary of aquisition settings
:ACQuire:AVERage:COUNt <count> x x
<count> = {2 | 4 | .. | 512} ,
:ACQuire:PEAKdetect <state> x x <state> = {AUTO | OFF}
:ACQuire:REALtime <state> x x <state> = {ON | OFF}
:ACQuire:STATe <state> x x <state> = {RUN | STOP}
:ACQuire:TYPE <type> x x <type> = {REFResh | ROLL | ENVelope | AVERage}
Table 4: Acquire - Commands
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664

2.2.4. Calibrate - Commands

Command Write Read Description
x x On request a self calibration is made and the state is returned
Table 5: Calibrate - Commands

2.2.5. Channel - Commands

Command Write Read Description
:CHANnel<n> - x <n> = { 1 | 2 }
:CHANnel<n>:BWLimit <limit> x x <limit> = {ON | OFF} (BW= Bandwidth)
<n> = { 1 | 2 }
:CHANnel<n>:COUPling <coupling> x x <coupling> = {AC | DC | GND}
<n> = { 1 | 2 }
:CHANnel<n>:IMPedance <impedance> x x <impedance> = {50 | 1000000}
<n> = { 1 | 2 } 50 OHM termination only for HM2005-2, HM2008.
:CHANnel<n>:OFFSet <offset> x x <offset> = {MINimum | MAXimum | floating point value in V}
<n> = { 1 | 2 } HM2008 only
:CHANnel<n>:POLarity <polarity> x x <polarity > = {NORMal | INVerted}
<n> = { 1 | 2 }
:CHANnel<n>:PROBe <gain> x x <gain > = {1 | 0.1 | 0.01 | 0.001}
<n> = { 1 | 2 }
:CHANnel<n>:PROBe:AUTO <state> - x <state> = {ON | OFF}
<n> = { 1 | 2 }
:CHANnel<n>:POSition <position> x x <position> = {MINimum | MAXimum | floating point value in DIV}
<n> = { 1 | 2 }
:CHANnel<n>:SCALe <scale> x x <scale > = {MINimum | MAXimum | floating point value in V/DIV}
<n> = { 1 | 2 }
:CHANnel<n>:STATe <state> x x <state> = {ON | OFF}
<n> = { 1 | 2 }
Table 6: Channel - Commands
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664

2.2.6. Display - Commands

Command Write Read Description
:DISPlay - x Summary od Display settings
:DISPlay:FORMat <format> x x <format> = {YT | XY}
:DISPlay:STYLe <style> x x <style> = {DOTS | VECTors | OPTimal}
:DISPlay:TEXT:INTensity <intensity> x x <intensity> = {MINimum | MAXimum | floating point value in % }
DISPlay:TEXT:STATe <state> x x <state> = {ON | OFF}
:DISPlay:TRACe:INTensity <intensity> x x
<intensity> = {MINimum | MAXimum | floating point value in % }
:DISPlay:TRACe:ZOOM:INTensity <intensity>
x x
<intensity> = {MINimum | MAXimum | floating point value in % }
Table 7: Display - Commands

2.2.7. FFT - Commands

Command Write Read Description
:FFT - x Summary od FFT settings
:FFT<n>:POSition <position> x x <position> = {MINimum | MAXimum | floating point value in DIV}
<n> = {1 | 2}
:FFT<n>:SCALe <scale> x x
<scale > = {MINimum | MAXimum | floating point value in V/DIV}
<n> = {1 | 2}
:FFT<n>:STATe <state> x x <state> = {ON | OFF}
<n> = {1 | 2}
:FFT<n>:UNIT <unit> x x <unit> = {V | DB}
<n> = {1 | 2}
Table 8: FFT - Commands

2.2.8. Hardcopy- Commands

Command Write Read Description
- x
Survey of Hardcopy settings
- x
query delivers screenshot in block format
:HCOPy:FORMat <format>
x x <format> = { bmp }
- x
query delivers picture width in pixel
- x
query delivers picture height in pixel
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664
Table 9: Hardcopy - Commands

2.2.9. Horizontal - Commands

Command Write Read Description
:HORizontal - x Summary of horizontal settings
:HORizontal:MAIN:SCALe <scale> x x <scale> = {MINimum | MAXimum | (floating point value in s/DIV)}
:HORizontal:B:SCALe <scale> x x <scale> = {MINimum | MAXimum | (floating point value in s/DIV)}
:HORizontal:B:STATe <state> x x <state> = {ONLY | SEARch | OFF}
:HORizontal:DELay:TIME <time> x x <time> = {MINimum | MAXimum | (floating point value in s)}
:HORizontal:ZOOM:POSition <position> x x <position> = {MINimum | MAXimum | (floating point value in %)}
:HORizontal:ZOOM:SCALe <scale> x x <scale> = {MINimum | MAXimum | (floating point value in s/DIV)}
:HORizontal:ZOOM:STATe <state> x x <state> = {ONLY | SEARch | OFF}
:HORizontal:FFT:CALCulate <type> x x <type> = {NORMal | ENVelope | AVERage}
:HORizontal:FFT:CALCulate:AVERage:COUNt <no> x x
<no> = {2 | 4 | .. | 512}
:HORizontal:FFT:CENTer <center> x x <center> = {MINimum | MAXimum | floating point value in Hz)}
:HORizontal:FFT:SPAN <span> x x <span> = {MINimum | MAXimum | (floating point value in Hz)}
:HORizontal:FFT:WINDow <window> x x <window> = {RECTangular | HAMMing | HANNing | BLACkman}
:HORizontal:FFT:ZOOM <zoom> x x <zoom> = {NONE | TWICe | FIVefold}
Table 10: Horizontal - Commands

2.2.10. Instrument - Commands

Command Write Read Description
:INSTrument:SELect <select> x x <select> = {DSO | AO | CT | FFT}
Table 11: Instrument - Commands
Bank Info: Commerzbank Frankfurt • Bank Code Number: 500 400 00 • Bank Account: 58 58 535 • VAT-ID: DE 178572772
Executive Board: Dipl.-Ing. Holger Asmussen, Dipl.-Ing. Roland Steffen • Distruict Court: AG Offenbach am Main
Commercial Register No.: HRB 41200 • WEEE Reg.-Nr. DE 12659664

2.2.11. Logic - Commands

Command Write Read Description
:LOGic<n> - x <n> = { 1 | 2 } - für HM1508, HM1508-2 ( CH3, CH4 )
<n> = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 - für HM2008 ( LC0 | LC1 | LC2 | LC3 )
:LOGic<n>:PROBe <gain> x x <gain > = {1 | 0.1 | 0.01 | 0.001}
<n> see :LOGic <n> Note: HM2008 query only
:LOGic<n>:PROBe:AUTO <state> - x <state> = {ON | OFF}
<n> see :LOGic <n> Note: HM2008 query only
:LOGic<n>:POSition <position> x x <position> = {MINimum | MAXimum | floating point value in DIV}
<n> see :LOGic <n> Note: HM2008 query only
:LOGic<n>:SIZE <size> x x <size> = {SMALl | MEDium | LARGe}
<n> see :LOGic <n> Note: HM2008 query only
:LOGic<n>:THReshold <threshold> x x <threshold > = {TTL | CMOS | ECL | USER1 | USER2 | USER3}
<n> = see :LOGic <n>
USER3 only for HM1508/HM1508-2
:LOGic<n>:THReshold:UDLevel<u> <threshold>
x x <threshold > = {MINimum | MAXimum | (floating point value in V)}
<n> = see :LOGic <n> <u> = { 1 | 2 | 3 } <u> = {3} only for HM1508/HM1508-2
:LOGic<n>:STATe <state> x x <state> = {ON | OFF}
<n> = see :LOGic <n>
Table 12: Logic - Commands

2.2.12. Mathematic - Commands

Command Write Read Description
:MATH - x Summary of math settings
:MATH:EXPRession<n> <expr> x x <expr> = “MA<f> = <function> ( <operand> [ , <operand> ] ) [<expr.unit>]”
<f>, <n> = {1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5} (<f> and <n> must be identical) <function> = {ADD | SUB | MUL | DIV | SQ | INV | 1/ | ABS | POS | NEG} <operand> = {CH<c> | MA<m> | <constant> }
<c> = {1 | 2} <m> = {1 | 2 | 3 | 4} <constant> = positive floating point value [<unit>]
<unit> = { dB | Hz | VA | Pa | etc. } <expr.unit> = [<unit>]
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