A microchannel plate (MCP) is a secondary electron multiplier
consisting of an array of glass capillaries (channels) fused into
the form of a thin plate. Each channel has an internal diameter
of 6 µm to 25 µm and works as an independent electron
multiplier, making possible the detection and amplification of
two-dimensional information.
In addition to previously available circular-type MCPs,
Hamamatsu has available seven types of rectangular MCPs. Of
these, three standard types include demountable assemblies
which have electrode leads and read-out devices. Using these,
it is possible to alleviate dimensional limitations encountered
when building the MCPs into instruments as compared with
circular types, greatly facilitating the effective use of these
devices. The demountable assembly can be selected as combinations of MCPs (1 to 3 stage) and a read-out device (singleanode, multi-anode or phosphor screen). Making possible the
selection of the most suitable configuration for your application,
while facilitating replacement as well.
Subject to local technical requirements and regulations, availability of products included in this promotional material may vary. Please consult with our sales office.
Information furnished by HAMAMATSU is believed to be reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for possible inaccuracies or omissions.
Specifications are subjected to change without notice. No patent rights are granted to any of the circuits described herein. © 1999 Hamamatsu Photonics K. K.
• Convenience of use due to fewer leads
• Choice and interchangeability of MCP and read-out
• High gain and low noise
• Two-dimensional image intensification
• Fast time response
• Immunity to magnetic fields
• Sensitive to electrons, ions, VUV lights, X-rays and
• Stable in air
• Low power consumption
• Small size and light weight
• Can be baked in vacuum at up to 350°C
Detection and imaging of electrons, ions,
VUV lights, X-rays and γ-rays
• Mass spectroscopy
• Energy spectroscopy
• High-speed response CRTs