Haier Smart Phone User Manual

Please carefully read and observe the terms below:
use or you mig ht ca us e a di st urbance or dan ger .
Safe transportati on first
Please observe all related local laws and regulations. Do not use your mobile phone while driving. Safe transportati on should be co ns i dered first wh e n
Turn off when in the hospital
Please follow related limitations. Please switch your mobile phone off when near a
medical instrument.
Turn o ff on an airplane Please follow related limitations. Do not use your mobile phone on an airplane.
Turn o ff whe n at a gas oline stati on Do not use your mobile phone at a filling station or around fuel s or ch em i c als .
Turn o ff aro un d ex po s ur e Are a
Please observe related limitations and do not use your mobile phone near an area where explosions
can occ ur.
Remember to mak e a b ac kup or keep a w r i tte n r ecord of all important information saved in your mobile
Use qualified after sales service
Only a qualified technician can install or repair your mobile phone. Ple ase c o ntact the authorized service
center in case of phone failure.
Access or i es and batteri es
Only use th e authorize d acc essories an d batteries and do not connect to incompatible manufacturers or
Your phone
Power Key
Long press to switch the phone on and of f Press to lock or wake up the touch
Earphone Jack
Charge/USB Connector
Connect a charger or a USB
data cable for data transfer
Touch Screen
Menu Key
Open a list of options available in the current screen or
Home Key
Go to Home screen Long press to open recent
application list
Back Key
Go back to the
previous screen
Front Camera
Volume Key
Adjust the
Your phone
Back Camera
Battery Cover & Battery
Removing the Battery Cover
1. Hold the device firmly and locate the cover release latch.
2. Place yo ur fin gernail in the op eni ng and remove the cover according to the arrow direction.
Installing the Battery
1. With the metallic contacts of the battery facing the metallic contacts in the battery slot, press the battery down until it locks into place
2. Ensure the ba tt er y i s insert ed in the phone. To char ge the ba tt er y , plug in the charger connector at your pho ne (USB inter fac e) an d then plug th e oth er en d int o an AC pow er s ocket. The battery symbol indicates the charging status. While charging, the charge indicators will scroll. W hen all the scroll bars are steady, the battery is fully charged. Disconnect the charger from the phone. Disconnect the charger from the AC power socket. Note: If the battery is powerless, the battery icon will reappear after a few minut es of chargin g.
SIM Card & microSD
Installing the SIM Card
Make sure that the clipped corner of the SIM card is facing the correct direction and the metallic contacts are facing the correct direction. Slide the SIM card into the card slot until it stops.
Installing the microSD Memory Card
Slide microSD card i nto t h e SD card s lot with the m etallic pins facing downwards. Push the card until it locks into place.
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