side vent
(AH features not on alU modds)
'J° Thermostat
This allows you to adjust the temperature of the ain
The lower the sobbingthe coder the air temperature
with this you can set the temperature to your
desired comfort levd Youcan setthe temperature
behueen 61 _ F and 86 ° F
2. Fan Speed
With this you can contrd the fan speed as ",veil as
the A/C (coding) speed
You have 3 levels of A/C Speed for you to setat
your desired levd LO will chdate air at the
lowest vdoci_y, MED at medium vdocity and HUGH
will cirdate at the maximum
You have 2 lords of Fan Speed to setat your
desired comfort levd MED and LO
Auto Fan allows the room temperature to set the fan
speed When the function is set, fan speed is to be
determined according to the difterence belween the
s_ttemperature and the temperature inside the
room Once the set temperature is reached the fan
will run at the LQ Setting
3. Function.
Your air conditioner has3 Functions
Here the air conditioner will operate the compressor
and the desired fan speed set to give you chilled
cold air for your comfort
b) Dehumid
This enables your air conditioner to operate as a
dehumidifier as we[[ Jtwi[[ remove the excess
moisture from the air to keep your room at a
comfortabJe dry stage You can use this feature
alone in case you do not desire to use the air
c) Fan Only
You can run the fan only on not so hot days The
fan can be set to run at 2 speeds (rned fan, low fan)
as desired by you
4° Energy Saver
\_Vhenturned "ON" the fan "will shut off 3 rnlnutes
after the compressor cycle off. This will not only
save you electrical and energy costs but also shuts
off the unnecessary noise of the fan motor running
In the "OFF" position the fan will not shut off when
the compressor cycles off The fan will keep running
at the set level
5o Timer
Your air conditioner can Be set to go on or off at
your deske This can be done up to 12 hours in