3. INP UT: P res s to a cce ss the input so urc e mode . In the MENU/ INP U T scr een , th ese b utt ons se rve a s O K but tons .
4. VOL +/- : Pres s to ad jus t the volume .In t he MENU s cre en, t hes e butto ns serve as left /right bu tto ns.
5. CH+ /- : Pres s to sca n thro ugh c han nels . To sc an quickly through ch anne ls, pr ess and hold down eith er + /- . In the
MENU screen , these butto ns serve as u p/d own button s.
6. Power indicat or
7. Remote Sens or: Rece ive s IR sig nals fr om t h e remote co ntr ol. Do not put an yth ing near the s enso r, which ma y
block th e remot e cont rol sig nal .
Y Pb Pr
1.DC IN:Direct current input.
2.Headphone jack:Headphone audio output terminal.
3.USB input:Connect a USB flash drive to view MPEG2 videos, JPEG images or listen to MP3 songs.
4.Digital Out:Connect various types of digital audio equipment.
5.HDMI In:Connect a HDMI device to receive digital audio and uncompressed digital video.
6.VIDEO In:Connect the video signal from a video device to this jack.
7.Component Input:Connect a component video device to these jacks.
8.AUDIO In:Connect the audio L/R cables from the video signal source to these jacks.
9.AUDIO In:Connect the audio L/R cables from the video signal source to these jacks.
10.PC Audio In:Connect the audio L/R cables from a computer to this jack.
11.AUDIO OUT:Connect the audio L/R cables to your audio equipment.
12.PC Video In:Connect a video cable from a computer to this jack.
13.Antenna Input:Connect cable or antenna signals to the TV
NOTE: Al l ca ble s shown are no t in clu ded wit h the TV.
Choose Your Connection
Th ere ar e sever al ways to co nnect your tele vis ion , depen ding on the com pon ents you w ant to conne ct
and the q uali ty of the sig nal yo u wa nt to a chie ve. Th e foll owi n g are exa m ple s of some dif fer e nt w ays
to co nne ct your TV w ith dif fer ent i npu t sour ces .
VCR connection
To avo id picture no ise (in ter ference ), leav e an ade qua te distanc e betwe en the VCR and TV.
Co nne ction Opti on 1
Se t VCR output s w itch to chann el 3 or 4 an d
then t une the TV to th e same c hannel numb er.
Insta lla tion
Co nne ction Opti on 2
1. Co nne ct the a udi o an d video ca bles fr om the
VC R's ou tpu t ja cks to the T V in put ja cks , as
shown in th e fi gur e.
When c onne cti ng the TV t o VCR, match t he
ja ck c olors (Vid eo = yellow , Au dio Left = white,
and Audio Right = re d).
If you conn ect an S -VID EO o utp ut from VCR t o
the S-VI DEO i npu t, the picture qua lit y is
impro ved ; co mpared to c onne cting a reg ular
VC R to the Vid eo inpu t.
2. Inser t a vide o tape int o the V CR and press
PL AY on the VCR . (Refe r to th e VCR owne r`s
ma nua l.)
3. Se lec t the inpu t source with usi ng t h e
INPUT b utt on on the remo te cont rol , and
then p res s CH +/- butt on t o se lect the sour ce,
press th e OK but ton to conf irm.
External A/V Source Setup
Ho w to conn ect
Co nne ct t he audi o and vide o ca ble s from the exte rna l
equip ment 's o utp ut jack s to the TV inpu t jacks, as show n
in the figu re. When co nnec tin g the TV to ext erna l equi pmen t,
ma tch th e ja ck c olors (Vid eo = yellow , Audio Left = whi te,
and Audi o Right = re d).
Ho w to use
1. Se lec t the inpu t source with us ing IN PUT bu tto n on
the remo te cont rol.
2. Press CH+/- bu tton to se lect the desi red s ource.
3. Press OK button to confirm.
4. Op era te the corr esp onding e xter nal eq uipm ent .
Connection Instructions
Component Setup
Ho w to conn ect
1. Co nne ct t he DVD vide o o utputs (CO MPON ENT) to
the Y P b Pr jacks on the T V and co nne c t the D VD aud io
outpu ts t o the Y Pb Pr Audio IN jack s o n the TV, as
shown in th e figu re.
2. If your DVD only has an S-VIDEO out put jack,
conne ct this to the S -VI DEO i nput on the TV. as sho wn
in the figure.
Ho w to use
1. Turn on the D VD play er, in sert a DVD.
2. Use INP U T but ton on the rem o te c ont rol to sel ect
mo de.
Pb Pr
3. Pres s Play b utt on on exte rna l equip men t for pro gram
pl ay.
4. Refe r to the DVD playe r's ma nual for ope rating
in str uct ion s .
Co mpo nent Input po rts
To get bett er pict ure qua lit y, con nect a DVD play er to the
compo nent input ports a s shown be low.
Co mpo nent ports
on th e TV
Video ou tpu t ports
on DV D player
Insta lla tion
Y Pb Pr
Y Pb Pr
Y Cb Cr
Cable TV Setup
After su bscr ibi ng to a cabl e TV service fr om a local prov ide r
you can watc h cable TV pr ogr a mmi ng. The TV cann ot
di spl ay TV pro grammin g unles s a T V tun er device or cable
TV conve rter bo x is conn ect e d to the TV.
Fo r furt her inform a tio n rega rdin g ca ble TV se rvi ce, c ont a ct
your l ocal ca ble TV service pr ovi der( s).
Co nne ction Option 1
1. S ele ct 3 or 4 wit h chan nel switch on cabl e box.
2. Tun e the TV chan nel to the sam e selec ted out put
chann el o n ca ble box.
3.Sel ect chan nel s at th e ca ble bo x or wi th the c abl e box
remot e contr ol.
Co nne ction Option 1
1. C onn ect the audi o and vide o cabl es from th e Cable
Bo x's ou tpu t ja cks t o the TV inp ut jack s, as show n in the
figur e. W hen c onn ecti ng the TV to a Cab le Box, matc h the
ja ck c olors (Vide o = yel low , Au dio Left = wh ite, and Audi o
Right = r ed).
2. S ele ct the inp ut source by usin g the INP UT bu tton on th e
remot e contr ol o r on the TV.
3.Sel ect your de sired channe l with the rem ote c ont rol for
cable bo x.
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