sc Sensor Plug and sc Sensor Coupling
Installation instructions

Installation Sheet
sc Sensor Plug and sc Sensor Coupling
These installation instructions describe how to mount the sc Senosor Plug (LZX971, LZX987)
and/or the sc Sensor Coupling (LZX972, LZX986).
Important Note: Only qualified personnel should conduct the tasks described in this
Installation Sheet.
Accident and trouble-free operation of the instrument can only be assured by adhering strictly
to the instructions.
General information
Operating temperature –40 to +85 °C (–40 to 1085°F)
Enclosure rating IP67
Conformity Sensor Plug and Sensor Coupling are RoHS-conformal
Items supplied
Items supplied include
• Installation Sheet
• sc Sensor Plug and/or sc Sensor Coupling
Items supplied are subject to change without notice.