We are delighted that you have chosen the LUMIStox 300 measuring instrument by Dr.
Bruno Lange GmbH, and wish to thank you for the confidence you have shown in us.
This measuring instrument embodies the technology of the future. LUMIStox 300 is the
product of many years of experience in the field of analysis with the luminescent
bacteria test.
LUMIStox 300 was developed so that it could be operated simply and without any need
for considerable previous study. Nevertheless, you should read this operating manual
carefully before you use the instrument. This will help you to avoid operating errors and
If you have any questions that are not answered in this operating manual, please ring
our technical advice service in Düsseldorf:
Dr. Elmar GrabertTel.:++49/(0)211-5288-241
Margret LinkTel.:++49/(0)211-5288-126
Dr. Bruno Lange GmbH
D-40549 Düsseldorf, Germany
PS: Which language do you prefer?
The language presetting of LUMIStox 300 is German. To change the language please
follow the next steps:
1. Switch on the instrument as decribed in the manual.
2. Follow the description on page 7 to get the menu LUOptEnde à
3. Press the key under <Opt>. You will getFarb100ßà
4. Press the key under <à> four times until you will reach Spra ßà
5. Press the key under <Spra> to get the language selection menu
6. Select your language by pressing the key under
D: German; GB: English; I: Italian; E: Spanish
7. After changing you will reach the main menu by pressing the key under <ß>.
We reserve the right to make any changes in the interests of improving the instrument.
The LUMIStox 300 is a measuring instrument that has been developed as a measuring
and evaluation unit for the luminescent bacteria test. In combination with the
LUMIStherm incubation block it conforms to the technical requirements of DIN 38412
L34 and L341 and the international standard ISO DIS 11348.
In addition the Dr. Lange luminescent bacteria tests for operational analysis LUMISmini
(LCK484) and TOX cuvette test (LCK488), as well as the luminescent bacteria test for
chronic toxicity, LUMIS·24·tox (LCK486), can be evaluated with this instrument.
The LUMIStox 300 combines computer technology with the technology of measuring
instruments (in this case a luminometer). Just like a computer, the LUMIStox 300 has
its own operating system. This is externally apparent from the built-in diskette drive. A
diskette, on which all the data and programs needed to operate the LUMIStox 300 are
stored, starts ("boots") the instrument just like a computer when it is switched on. Future
program extensions or updates can therefore simply be read into the instrument from a
new diskette.
The LUMIStox 300 has a built-in photometer function and an automatic measuring and
evaluation routine, which enable it to recognize colour effects in the luminescent
bacteria test and to take account of these in the test result. The photometer function
also allows the colour effect to be estimated in advance, and can be used to determine
the extinction (as OD - optical density) of bacteria suspensions for the purpose of
assessing growth inhibition in the luminescent bacteria test for chronic toxicity,
LUMIS·24·tox (LCK486).
The LUMIStox 300 has an automatic reference control system, with which it checks the
functioning of the whole measuring path before each luminescent bacteria test is
carried out.
If necessary, connect the LUMIStox 300 to a printer through the 35-pin parallel (par)
interface, or with a computer through the 9-pin serial (ser) interface. Connect all the
devices to the mains power supply. Make sure that the LUMIStox 300 system diskette
is in the diskette drive.
Switch on the peripheral devices first, then the LUMIStox 300. In the same way as a
PC, the LUMIStox 300 starts up by displaying a series of messages on the screen.
Eventually <Temp: XY.Z °C Bitte warten> appears.
Layout of the LUMIStox 300
1 Mains power connection6 25-pin parallel interface (par)
2 Main switch with cutout7 3.5" diskette drive
3 Liquid crystal display8 Nameplate
4 Numeric keyboard9 Cuvette shaft
5 9-pin serial interface (ser) F1-F4 Function keys
You should take account of the following advice to ensure that your LUMIStox 300
works correctly and reliably.
The system diskette must be inserted into the drive before
the instrument is switched on! Whenever the instrument
is moved, the diskette must first be removed from the
The LUMIStox 300 measuring instrument should not be
operated in an ambient temperature below 16°C or above 29°C,
otherwise problems may occur with the cooling of the
measuring shaft.
Do not operate the instrument in direct sunlight!
Soiling impairs the functioning of the cuvette lowering system. For
this reason, do not pipette reagents into measuring cuvettes inthe measuring shaft. The measuring shaft should also be closed
in the <exit > mode when the measurements have been
completed. When the LUMIStox 300 is in use, the measuring shaft
is automatically closed after a 10-minute idle period. It can be
opened again by pressing any key.
Before any measurements the LUMIStox 300 should have been
switched on for the least 30 minutes so that the photomultiplier
2 Operation of the LUMIStox 300 measuring instrument
2.1 Switching on
After the LUMIStox 300 has been switched on, the following displays are shown:
LUMIStox 300
Version 2,21
LUMIStox 300
temp.: 14.7°C
please wait
scrn EC GLtest OD chroniLU opt exit
abbreviations in the main menus have the following meanings:
Scrn= Screening
EC= Determination of EC values
GL= Determination of GL in conformity with DIN 38412 L34/341
test= LUMISmini luminescent bacteria test and TOX cuvette test
OD= Determination of extinction at 485 nm
Chroni= Determination of chronic toxicity
Date and time
being brought
to required
Main menu
LU= Determination of relative luminescence
opt= Setting the instrument parameters
exit= Closing the measurement compartment
Lsoft= Working with the LUMISsoft Calculation software
→= Go forward in this menu
←= Go back to previous menu
The operator action that must or can be carried out in connection with a given display is
indicated with the function keys under the display field. In this context
n= Press this function key
The reference check on the measurement path is carried out automatically after a
measurement program is selected.
Depending on the program and the requirements, the LUMIStox 300 offers the user a
variety of options for selecting and modifying programs and settings, which are listed
and whose operation is described here.
5 6
Entries are made with the function keys F1 to F4 below the
screen or with the numeric keyboard, for example:
The function key located below a required program is
s c r n E CG L
d i l u t i o n s t e p s
?4o k
c o l .c o r r . : v a r
p e r m o f f v a r
b i t / s =9 6 0 0
+-o k
d a t a b it s =8
78o k
pressed to load the program.
Numeric values can be changed with the help of the
numeric keyboard or confirmed by pressing the function
key located below <ok>.
The setting shown at the top right can be changed by
pressing the function key located below the required new
setting. The new setting must be confirmed by pressing the
function key located below <←>.
The setting at the top right can be changed by pressing the
function key located below <+> or <->. The new setting
must be confirmed by pressing the function key located
below <ok>.
The setting can be changed by pressing the function key
located below the required setting. The new setting must be
confirmed by pressing the key located below <ok>.
2.3 Initial settings for luminescent bacteria tests for determining GL
and EC
Initial settings have to be entered for the luminescent bacteria test to enable the GL or
EC value to be calculated. The necessary settings are requested by the LUMIStox 300
after the evaluation mode <GL> or <EC> has been selected. Their significance and the
method of entering them are explained below.
<N> indicates that all the current settings are to be adopted.
change ? JN
dilution steps
pre dilution: no
yes nook
The LUMIStox 300 then switches to the start of the
measurement procedure. If <Y> is chosen, the following
settings are requested in sequence.
The length of the dilution series can be entered with the
numeric keyboard (at least 3 and no more than 9 dilution
stages) or the current setting can be confirmed with <ok>.
Preliminary dilution of a toxic sample is rejected with <no >.
The current setting is adopted with <ok>.
After confirmation with <yes >, the required preliminary dilution
Only preliminary dilutions from the dilution series referred to in the DIN standard
are therefore allowed for GL determinations.
<DIN> confirms the dilution series referred to in the DIN
standard, while <2> confirms the simple geometrical
series. <ok> indicates that the current setting should be
The unit for the sample concentration is specified here.
For environmental samples of unknown composition, e.g.
waste water, <%> should be confirmed.
In this case the current setting can be adopted with <ok>
or a new value, corresponding to the concentration of the
original sample without preliminary dilution, can be
entered with the numeric keyboard. For example, for the
time of incub. 1
? 15ok
time of incub. 2
? 30ok
time of incub. 3
? 0ok
analysis of waste water you can enter 100 here.
In this case <ok> indicates that the current setting should
be adopted. Otherwise a new value can be entered with
the numeric keyboard, e.g. 5, 15 and 30 minutes. If <0> is
entered as the incubation time 2, incubation time 3 is not
requested. Take account of the speed with which youwork and, depending on the length of the dilution series,
do not set incubation time 1 to too small a value.
Screening is the simpliest way of determining the toxicity of a sample. The result is
expressed as the percentage inhibition of the luminescence in the test solutions relative
to a control solution. With a LUMIStherm, double determinations of 9 samples or single
determinations of 14 samples can be carried out in one sequence.
Work steps:
1.Prepare sample(s).
2.Pipette 1.5 ml (for double determinations) or 1 ml (for single determinations) into
each measuring cuvette and bring to the correct temperature in the LUMIStherm.
3.Bring 1.5 ml or 1 ml of the control solution (2% NaCl solution) to the correct
temperature in position A1 of the LUMIStherm.
4.Reactivate the preserved bacteria by following the instructions in the package
5.Pipette 0.5 ml bacteria suspension into measuring cuvettes.
6.Quickly add 0.5 ml control solution or sample to the bacteria suspensions.
7.Wait for the incubation period, e.g. 5, 15 or 30 minutes, to elapse.
8.Select evaluation mode <scrn> on the LUMIStox 300.
9.Measure the control and test solutions and record or print the results.