Operating Temp+10 to 40 C (+50 to +104 F)
Storage Temp-30 to +70 C (-86 to +158 F)
*GyroRemote: GyroTools software is Windows only. GyroRemote tool buttons not
supported by Macintosh. Cursor control and left mouse button fully functional on
Keyboard: Internet and Multimedia hot keys not supported by Macintosh or
Windows 98. Standard keyboard keys are functional.
**See inside back cover for international specifications.
T Full functionality on IBM compatible PCs running Windows
2000, ME, XP or higher
T Limited functionality on MAC OS 8.0 and higher and
Windows 98*
T Avail able USB p ort
T CD ROM drive (for GyroTools installation)
T Microsoft or Mac compatible mo u se driver
1.5”H (19.7cm x
5.1cm x 3.8cm)
Up to 100 feet (30.5m) typical with no
line-of-sight requirement**
security addresses**
months of typical
presentation use
12.5”L x 6”W x 1”H
(32cm x 15cm x
includes batteries
and keyboard cover
4 AAA for up to 6
months of typical
presentation use
5”L x 4”W x 2”H
(13cm x 10cm x
4 ounces (124g)
To Set Up and Synchronize the GyroRemote and the
1. Power on your computer and connect the Receiver USB cable int o
an available USB port on your computer.
2. Follow standard USB device installation screens.
3. Insert 4 AAA batteries into Gy ro Remot e handset.
4. Press and hold the LEARN bu tton on the Receiv er for 2 sec onds. The
STATUS light will blink slow ly, indicating that the rec e ive r is in
“Learn Mode.”
5. Press the TEACH button on the GyroRemote handset. The status
light on the Receiver will blink rap idl y for 4 se co n ds , the n will blink
slowly. Push the TEACH button on any additional devices (i.e. key -
board or 2
GyroRemot e ) at this time.
6. OPTIONAL: To exit “Learn Mode,” press the LEARN button on the
Receiver for 2 seconds. Otherwise, after five minutes, Learn Mode
will automatically time ou t.
If more than one Gyratio n re mo te an d/or keyboard is being inst a lle d on the
system, place the Receiver into Lear n M od e (ste p 4 a bove) on ly onc e, then
“Teach” each dev ic e be f ore exiting Learn Mod e. D o n ot push the Learn
button on the re ceiv er f or each dev ic e to b e ad ded. (Al so see “ In sta lli ng 3 o r
More Devices” on page 13.)
When the Receiver is put into L e arn Mode, it erases its memory of lear n ed
devices and looks for new devices. Theref ore, when addin g a new device to a
system it is necess a r y to pu t the Recei ver into Learn Mode the n Teach all
devices that will be used on the system.
Note: After the Teach/L earn sequence is performed, the Receiver and the device will
remain synchronized after powering down and changing channels. It is only necessary
to perform the Teach/Learn sequence when setting a device up for the first time or
when adding additional de vi ce s to t h e sy stem.
GyroTools Software
GyroTools software is a suite of professional p resentation tools that enhance
the functionality of GyroRemote. Assign your favorite tools to buttons 1-4 on
GyroRemote and put advanced presentation techniques at your fingertips.
To install the GyroTools sof tware, insert the Gy roTools disk into your CD
drive and follow the on-screen instructions. Once GyroTools is installed, you
can view complete operating instructions by accessing the on-line help
To Determine Which Cha nnel GyroRemote is Usi n g
GyroRemote has eight individual channels available to it. To determine which
channel a device is currently using:
1. Press and quickly release the CHANNEL button on the GyroRemote
handset. Count the number of times the green LED light on the top
of the handset flashes. The number of flashes indicates the channel
the handset is using.
Note: If GyroRemote’s channel is changed when the computer is powered down or the
receiver is not connected, the devices will become unsynchronized. When the system is
running, click and release the channel button as described above to initiate a “channel
confirm” operation. GyroRemote b roadcasts a message across all eight channels that
informs the receiver what channel it is currently operating on. The receiver then
automatically restores synchronization.
To Change the Channel GyroRemote is Using
When two devices are being used in the same proximity, each device should
be set to operate on a unique channel.
To change the channel:
1. Press and hold the CHANNEL button on the GyroRemote handset for
2 seconds. When you relea s e the bu tt on, Gy roRemote will change
to the next channel and the green LED will flash. The number of
times the green LED flashes indicates the new channel the handset
is using.
If a Teach/Learn sequence has already been performed, it will not be
necessary to re-synchronize the devices after a channel change.
Tip: If you are installing three or more devices on a single receiver, see “Installing 3 or
More Devices” on page 13.
Using GyroRemote
GyroRemote provide s gr e a t fle xib il ity in how
you control your computer. GyroRemote has
no line-of-sight requirements. This means it’s
not necessary to point th e device at the
computer, receiver, or TV scr ee n. Fi n d a
comfortable, relaxed position and move the
cursor with easy wrist movements.
The following instructions assu me you h ave
already set up and synchronized GyroRemote
and the Receiver (see set up steps above).
1. Hold GyroRemote in a comfortable,
relaxed position with your index finger on the ACTIVATION TRIGGER and your thumb on the SELECT
buttons (see illu st ratio n above ).
2. Press and hold the ACTIVATION TRIGGER with your index finger.
While holding the ACTIVATION TRIGGER, flex your wrist up, down,
sideways, in a manner similar to using a flashlight. The mouse cursor tracks the motions of your hand.
Note: It is not necessary to point GyroRe m ote at the screen so be sure to
place your hand in a relaxed, comfortable position in your lap or by your side.
3. Use your thumb to press the left/right SELECT buttons . These
buttons serve the same func tio ns as the le ft/right mouse button of
a standard computer mouse.
4. Double-click the ACTIVATION TRIGGER to keep the cursor continuously active. To stop the cursor, click the ACTIVATION TRIGGER
once. Another way to keep the cursor continuously active is to click
the crescent shaped GYRO LOCK button.
GyroRemote uses standard Windows and Mac mouse drivers. Cursor tracking
speeds, mouse doub le-click speeds, and other options can be customized
using the Mouse Control Panel under Windows 98, 2000, ME, NT, XP or Mac
OS 8 and above (see operating system documentation for further information about customizing mouse properties).
Powering Off GyroRemote
After 3 minutes of non-use, GyroRemote enters a Sleep Mode that conserves
battery life. In Sle ep Mode th e uni t only uses bat tery po wer when a butt on is
pushed. It is not necessary to power down the unit when it is idle unless the
unit will be traveling and may encounter inadvertent button presses.
1. To power down GyroRemote, simultane ou s ly pre ss a nd re le a s e the
CHANNEL button and TEACH button on the side of unit. GyroRemote
will immediately en ter de ep sleep mod e and will be unres ponsiv e to
button clicks. The unit will confirm it is powering off by flashing its
LED three times.
2. Repeat this sequence to powe r the unit back on. The unit will
confirm it is powering on by flashing its LED for 1 second.
Note: It may be necessary to power off the unit when traveling on commercial airlines
due to FCC regulations regarding radio-emitting devices.
Installing or Replacing the Batteries
GyroRemote operates on four standard or alkaline
AAA batteries. Wh en GyroRemote’s batte rie s reac h
20% of a full charge the Status LED will blink when
it normally lights so lid. For instance, clicking and
holding a button on a fully charged remote causes
the Status LED to light solid. Clicking and holding a
button on a remote with low batteries will cause the
Status LED to blink intermittently. To replace the
1. From the bottom of the remote, slide the
battery cover open by pu s hing firmly
downward with your thumbs.
2. Remove the battery holde r.
3. Insert four new AA A ba tt er ie s int o battery cradle and retur n cra dle
into GyroRemote. When replacing the cradle into the remote, align
the positive (+) labels. See Illustration for proper cradle alignment.
4. Replace battery cover.
Four alkaline AAA batteries will generally provide up to six months of use in a
typical presentation environment.
Fine-tuning Cursor Control
GyroRemote uses your standard Windo ws mouse driver. Any settings that
are available to a st andard desktop mouse are also av ailable t o GyroR emote.
Multiple factors will determine how you adjust your mouse to suit your
preference including screen resolution, mouse driver version and overall
personal pref er e n ce .
While becoming fami lia r with your Gyr oRemo te an d ge tti ng a feel fo r the
GyroPoint method of cursor control, Gy ratio n re co m m en d s ad ju st in g your
mouse driver to the following se tti ngs :
TPointer Speed – Average. Some new us ers prefer this setting to be
slightly slowe r tha n averag e. A dvanc e d us ers will increase the
speed so that less wrist movement gives them more screen
coverage with the cursor.
TAcceleration – Low or Off.
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