4 Installing MotionTools
Download MotionTools Software at
choosing either Windows
or OS
version. While not required for
basic desktop and In Air operation,
MotionTools unlocks the real
power of your Air Mouse
Assignable Keys, Gestures and
Voice Commands.
5 Testing Basic Operation
Your Air Mouse® Voice operates
effectively in three distinct modes:
Desktop, In Air and Voice. To test
each of the modes, follow the
simple steps below:
Desktop Mode With installation
steps 1,2 and 3 above completed,
your Air Mouse
Voice should now
be functioning normally: providing
Desktop and In Air cursor control,
mouse Left and Right Click, and
Scroll Wheel functions. To adjust
cursor sensitivity, use the Windows
Control Panel or OS X
Preferences utility.
In Air Mode Picking up your Air
Voice, depress and hold the
In Air Activation Trigger (9) on the
underside of the mouse. You now
have handheld control of the cursor,
guiding its direction with simple
wrist movements. Mouse Left Click
and Right Click buttons also control
Previous and Next Slide functions
in PowerPoint
and Keynote®
Voice Mode With MotionTools
Software running, pick up your
Air Mouse
Voice, depress the
Microphone Activation Key
and, speaking clearly into the
microphone at the top of the
mouse, say the words “Stamp
Tool,” releasing the Key. A stamp
icon should appear on your screen,
confirming proper Voice Mode
operation. Press any of the three
assignable mouse buttons to
remove the icon.