GymnaUniphy Pulson 330 User manual

1. Contents
1. Contents ..........................................................1
2. Preface ...........................................................1
3. Introduction ......................................................3
4. Important remarks .................................................4
5. General technical data. ...........................................6
6. Block diagram. ....................................................7
7. Operation panel ...................................................8
8. Right side panel. ................................................10
9. Power supply. ....................................................11
10. Microcontroller circuits. .......................................13
10.1 The microprocessor (µp).......................................13
10.2 Microprocessor guard components...............................13
10.3 I²C bus.......................................................13
10.4 Relay 4 (RLY4)................................................14
10.5 Microprocessor (µp) pin description...........................14
11. Keyboard. .......................................................17
12. US power and output stage. ......................................19
13. US output stage .................................................23
13.1.1 Voltage measurement. ......................................24
13.1.2 Current measurement. ......................................24
14. The display circuit. ............................................28
15. Error codes. ....................................................30
16. Measuring points. ...............................................31
17. Replacement procedures. .........................................32
18. Repairing PC boards. ............................................34
19. Storage and transport. ..........................................35
20. Microprocessor versions and upgrades. ...........................36
21. The ultrasound heads. ...........................................37
22. Returning defective parts. ......................................39
23. PCB layouts. ....................................................42
24. Spare parts. ....................................................46
2. Preface
As in every field, technology moves fast in the area of electro­medical equipment. Both electronically and medically, immense progress has been made over the last couple of years.
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It goes without saying that comprehensive technical knowledge of the product is needed more than ever. This manual aims to meet this ever increasing need by giving you a complete and accurate picture of the pulson 330, an advanced micro­computer controlled ultrasound apparatus. In doing so, it will hopefully help you to reach your goal: to form a correct diagnosis and to solve the client’s problem as thoroughly as possible.
If you have any questions or if you need additional information about this manual or about the use of the pulson 330, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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3. Introduction
The Pulson 330 is a modern micro-controlled apparatus, intended for ultrasound therapy. It is a member of the Gymna family, and thus built according to the newest requirements concerning the European security standards.
The unit is portable and can therefore be used for in-house treatments as well as for domestic use.
The unit provides following possibilities: continuous and pulsed ultrasound at frequencies of 1 Mhz or 3 Mhz.
Combination therapy is possible and useful with following Gymna apparatus:
Interdia 200 Interdia NST Duo 400 Duo 410
Two different or equal treatment heads can be connected at the same time, with the possibility to switch between. Following heads are available:
1 Mhz head 5 cm² 3 Mhz head 0.8 cm²
The heads are insulated against parasitic side radiation and waterproof, which makes them suitable for underwater treatments. Thanks to a built in efficiency resistor, the heads are fully interchangeable, without the need of recalibration of the output stage. The treatment heads are also interchangeable with the Combi 410 unit .
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4. Important remarks
4.1 Safety aspects
To understand and practice all procedures described in this manual a good technical background is a must. Gymna will not be held responsible for any actions executed on the unit by unauthorized persons, or for executing any procedures not prescribed in this manual.
All information in this manual has a Gymna copyright.
4.2 Data registration.
The distributor must be able to provide the following data for each unit:
Instrument data: Part and serial number. Gymna has the original configuration of each unit. The Pulson 330 has following critical parts:
Main board: part number: 10555 Display board: part number: 10578 Output stage board: part number:10558 Main power transformer: part number:9677
Inlet filter: part number:8552
These parts have a serial number which has to be filed in case of a configuration change.
Customer data: Name, full address and date of delivery.
Service activities: All service activities must be filed.
If any critical parts are changed, we also expect the distributor to file the new serial numbers of these part(s).
To file this data, a data registration document is available on next page.
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Data registration document
Distributor name Distributor address
Customer name Customer address
Instrument name: Pulson 330 Serial number: Date of delivery:
Service activities
Date: Error complaint:
Service action
Critical spare parts exchange list
Critical part name Old serial number New serial number
PCB Display. PCB Main. PCB.Ultrasound Power transformer. Ac inlet.
Date: Error complaint:
Service action
Critical spare parts exchange list
Critical part name Old serial number New serial number
PCB Display. PCB Main. PCB.Ultrasound Power transformer. Ac inlet.
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5. General technical data.
Treatment unit Mains voltage: 115/230 Vac +- 10%
Frequency: 50/60 Hz Mains fuses: 1A type L Current consumption: maximum 500 mA
Dimensions 413 ✕ 280 ✕ 100 mm Weight: 5 kg. Labels Hazard warning label Serial number label Type identification label Fuse value label Bauartzulassungs Nr. Manufacturer, mains, Voltage Frequency and power consumption
Class according to IEC601-1: I Type according to IEC601-1: BF Limits test values according to IEC 601-1:
Earth leakage current: IEC requirement < 500 µA Earth leakage single fault: IEC requirement < 1 mA
Enclosure leakage current normal: IEC requirement < 100 µA Enclosure leakage single fault: IEC requirement < 500 µA
Patient leakage normal: IEC requirement < 100 UA Patient leakage single fault: IEC requirement < 500 µA
Patient leakage mains on applied part sfc: IEC requirement < 5
Patient auxiliary current normal: IEC requirement < 10 µA Patient auxiliary single fault: IEC requirement < 50 µA Earth resistance: typical 0.12
Number of channels: 2 Continuous use: Yes Useable in explosive environment: No
Treatment heads 1 Mhz, large: Surface: 5 cm²
Max output power: 10 W 3 Mhz, small: Surface: 0.8 cm²
Max output power: 1.6 W
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6. Block diagram.
Reference list: Microcontroller circuits: page 13
Guard components: page 13 Display: page 27 Keyboard: page 16 ADDA-convertor: page 19 Amplitude generation circuit: page 18 Frequency generation: page 20 Output stage: page 22 Output relays: page 23 Harmonic filter: page 22 Treatment heads: page 37 Voltage info: page 23 Current info: page 23 Efficiency factor info: page 18 Cable fraction info: page 24
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7. Operation panel
1. US- power display. The intensity is displayed in W/cm².
2. Treatment time display.
Displayed in Min & Sec. Maximum treatment time is 30 minutes. The timer runs only when the contact control is sufficient.
3. Intensity up key. Maximum intensity is 2 W/cm•.
4. Intensity down key. Minimum intensity is 0.1 W/cm•
5. Output mode switch. There are 4 output modes
1 continuous 3 pulsed
The modulation frequency is fixed at 100 Hz for all pulsed US­outputs. There is only a difference in duty cycle.
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6. 1/3 MHz head selection key. Is a key to switch from the 1MHz to the 3MHz head and back.
For a good understanding, some important notes have to be taken into consideration:
The right side panel has 2 US-output connections, CON2 and CON3. The pulson 330 is designed in such a way that it always detects which head is connected to which output gate. In other words, both heads can be connected to both outputs, and it is of no importance whether one ore two heads are connected.
The following examples may illustrate this:
If both heads are connected and you switch on the instrument, it will always select the 1MHz head. If only the 3MHz head is connected, there is no other choice, so this one will be selected.
If you want to switch from 1MHz to 3MHz, there are two possibilities:
The 3MHz is connected. Press the 1/3 MHz and the switch is made.
The 3MHz is not connected. The instrument doesnít find the other head. The 3MHz led flashes for 10 sec. after which the 1MHz is selected again.
If only the 1 MHz is connected, and you pull out this head, both leds start flashing for about 10 sec., after which they extinguish.
If two heads are connected and you pull ot the 1MHz while using it for a treatment, the instrument will immediately switch off the US-power and select the 3MHz head.
7. Timer down switch.
8. Timer up switch. The treatment time can be changed in steps of a min. if time > 1 min. If the treatment time < 1 min. the timer can be changed in steps of a sec.
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8. Right side panel.
7. Output connector 1 (CON 1). Can be connected to a 1/3 Mhz. head.
8. Output connector 2 (CON 2). Can be connected to a 3/1 Mhz head.
9. Mains entrance. The pulson 330 must be connected to a wall socket with a earth contact. Use only the original cable that is supplied with the apparatus in the accessories package. Check whether the required supply voltage, mentioned on the serial number plate, corresponds with the available mains supply ratings.
10. Serial number plate. On this plate the serial number, as well as the required supply voltage and frequency are mentioned. Also the mains fuses ratings are mentioned.
11. Plug for combination therapy. Via this plug, the pulson 330 can be linked with another GYMNA apparatus in order to perform combination therapy.
12. Power switch. Will light up when the power is switched on.
13. Mains fuses. 2 Fuses of 1 A type L.
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9. Power supply.
Main fuses are inserted in the main entrance ( F1 and F2, 1A fast ). The transformer contains a thermic fuse . It will cut off the primary winding, when the inside temperature exceeds 120 °C. To switch on again, transformer temperature has to go below about 60 °C. For this reason, there is no need for secondary fuses anymore. The ringcore transformer can be fed either with an incoming voltage of 230V/50Hz ( CON 6 ) or with 115V/60Hz ( CON 5). There are 2 secondary windings. Output voltage of winding 1 is 22V, winding 2 produces 8V.
Power supply output voltages:
1. VCC: Is a 5V stabilised voltage, with a maximum output current of 700 mA. D22 protects U12 during switch off.
2. VEE: Is a -5V stabilised voltage, with a maximum output current of 100 mA. D21 protects U13 during switch off.
3. V27: Is a non stabilised power supply of approximately 27V.
VLK3: analog ground, connected to the metal cover-shield of pcb 2. VLK4: analog ground, not connected and can be used for service. RV1: Varistor. Filters out spikes on the incoming voltage.
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10. Microcontroller circuits.
10.1 The microprocessor (µp).
The pulson 330 uses a Z86E21, a One Time Programmable (OTP) microcontroller which controls all sequences necessary for the apparatus to function. It has on board ROM (8K), and RAM. Clock speed is defined by an external crystal, which runs at 12 MHz.
10.2 Microprocessor guard components.
To monitor the proper functioning of the µp, some external components are added.
1. U2 (MAX1232): µp supervisor IC. Does constant monitoring of VCC. When it goes below 4.75 V, a pulse with a fixed length is produced, to assure a good reset
of the µp. R7 is a pull-up resistance and C3 filters out burst signals
which may possibly disturb the µp. U2 also monitors the watchdog output of the µp. In case of
processor hang-up, the same reset pulse is given.
2. U6 (74HC4538): output circuit protection IC. In case of processor hang-up, the output stage has to be switched off immediately. When the output VUS_EN goes low/high, Q10 switches and AMP_US goes to zero. This IC is also controlled by the watchdog output of the
10.3 IC bus
The combination of outputs SCK and SCD forms a serial bus which follows the I•C protocol. A maximum of 10 components, each having their own address, can be connected.
In this case 3 components are connected.
1. U10 (24C16) This is a 2K eeprom, which can be written during the special service routine. It contains the calibration data of the output stage and a
copy of the checksum from the µp ROM. Each time the instrument is switched on, the µp calculates
the ROM checksum and compares it to the value in the eeprom. In case of difference an error code will be displayed. Refer to error codes:
2. U15 (PCF8591) ADDA IC. Data coming from and going to this IC are sent by the I•C bus. For more information refer to US power circuits, page
3. Display. Connection to the display pcb is made by CON7. All display data arrive via this bus.
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10.4 Relay 4 (RLY4).
After the instrument has been switched on , or the 1/3 MHz-key has been pressed, the µp checks the head sizes of all heads connected.
RLY4 closes the HEAD_SIZE line, and reads the size of all heads connected to the apparatus. After reading, RLY4 opens again. This is done in order to obtain a galvanic separation of the outputs in case of combination therapy.
10.5 Microprocessor (µp) pin description.
USD_UP_KEY Input signal. Switches to logic low level when
the ultrasonic density up key is pressed.
USD_DOWN_KEY Input signal. Switches to logic low level when the ultrasonic density down key is pressed.
SELECT_LEFT_KEY Input signal. Switches to logic low level when the left output mode key is pressed.
SELECT_RIGHT_KEY Input signal. Switches to logic low level when the right output mode key is pressed.
N.U. Not used.
FREQ_ 1_3_MHZ_KEY Input signal. Switches to logic low level when
the 1/3 MHz. key is pressed.
TIME_DOWN_KEY Input signal. Switches to logic low level when the time down key is pressed.
TIME_UP_KEY Input signal. Switches to logic low level when the time µp key is pressed.
WATCH_DOG Output signal. In case of µp hang up, this signal is at logic high level.
KEY_SELECT Output signal. Logic low enables hardware information to
be read in the µp. Logic high level disables hardware
information and connects the keyboard to the µp.
VUS_EN US voltage enable. Low/high active. Disables output stage
in case of µp hang up.
SCK Serial clock. Clock signal for I•C- bus.
SDA Serial data. Data signal for I•C- bus.
SCK_ADDA Clock signal for I•C -bus, connected only to U15
SDA_ADDA Data signal for I•C-bus, connected only to U15(ADDA)
HEAD_SIZE Input signal. This line is read during initialising, to let the µp
know the head sizes of the heads connected.
SERVICE_REQUEST High active. When a jumper is placed on CON1 , this line switches to logic high level and the service routine is activated.
ON/OFF Output signal: When this signal is at logic high level, the 1/3 MHz signals are cut off, which results in 0 W output. This signal will switch on/off at 100 Hz in case of combination therapy.
1/3 MHZ Output signal. When this signal is at logic high level, the 3 MHz base frequency is selected.
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SIZE_DET Output signal, high active. Activates RLY4 during start-up in order to detect head size of all heads connected to the instrument.
US 1/3 Output signal. In case of logic high level, RLY1 is activated. At this time, RLY 3 , which is always in opposite position, is inactivated.
CON 1/2 Output signal. High logic level selects output connector 2 ( CON2 ).
RESET Low active. In case of µp hang-up, or VCC­failure, U2 creates a reset pulse.
BUZZER Buzzer sounds when the output is at logic high
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