1. TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................................2
2. GENERAL INFORMATION ...........................................................4
Bilzen, 2008..................................................................................................4
3. Specifications ..........................................................................5
4. Yearly checkup procedure..........................................................6
5. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION .............................................................7
5.1 General block diagram........................................................................... 7
5.2 µC core................................................................................................7
5.3 Ultrasound ...........................................................................................8
5.3.1 Ultrasound Block diagram .................................................................8
5.3.2 Theory of operation..........................................................................8
6. Detailed circuit description for single frequency units.....................9
6.1 Power supply........................................................................................9
6.2 µC Core............................................................................................... 9
6.3 DISPL. & KEYBOARD INTERFACE.............................................................9
6.4 E2PROM ...............................................................................................9
6.5 Ultrasound ...........................................................................................9
6.5.1 Frequency Generator...................................................................... 10
6.5.2 Ultrasound Output ......................................................................... 10
6.5.3 Ultrasound Contact Control ............................................................. 10
6.5.4 Ultrasound Head Size Check............................................................10
7. Detailed circuit description for multi frequency units....................11
7.1 Power supply...................................................................................... 11
7.2 µC Core............................................................................................. 11
7.3 DISPL. & KEYBOARD INTERFACE........................................................... 11
7.4 E2PROM ............................................................................................. 11
7.5 Ultrasound ......................................................................................... 11
7.5.1 Frequency Generator...................................................................... 12
7.5.2 Ultrasound Output ......................................................................... 12
7.5.3 Ultrasound Contact Control ............................................................. 12
7.5.4 Ultrasound Head Size Check............................................................12
8. System settings menus...........................................................14
8.1 System settings menu 1: stop time if bas US .......................................... 14
8.2 System settings menu 2: automatic frequency tuning .............................. 14
8.3 System settings menu 3: hardware code................................................ 15
8.4 System settings menu 4: software version.............................................. 16
8.5 System settings menu 5: power factor (Pconst)....................................... 16
9. Service menus.......................................................................17
9.1 Service settings menu 10 : power adjustment of 1cm² us heads................17
9.2 Service settings menu 11 : power adjustment of 4cm² us heads................17
9.3 Service settings menu 12: measurement of output signals (only test function)18
9.4 Service settings menu 13: measurement of output signals........................ 19
10. Ultrasound heads................................................................. 21
10.1 Different models ................................................................................. 21
10.1.1 Phyaction Ub model Ub4 single frequency....................................... 21
10.1.2 Phyaction Ub model Ub1 single frequency....................................... 21
10.1.3 Pulson 100 model US104 ............................................................. 21
10.1.4 Pulson 100 model US101 ............................................................. 21
10.2 US head evolution............................................................................... 21
10.2.1 Prototype series (only 4cm² heads)............................................... 22
Service manual Pulson 100_Phyaction Ub V0.1
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10.2.3 Followed production series 1......................................................... 22
10.2.4 Followed production series 2......................................................... 22
10.2.5 Waterproof USH.......................................................................... 23
10.3 US head calibration ............................................................................. 23
First production series (only 4cm² heads).......................................22
11. Replacing main pcb..............................................................25
11.1 Type of unit........................................................................................ 25
11.2 Calibration data .................................................................................. 26
12. Error codes......................................................................... 27
13. Hardware and software evolution........................................... 28
13.1 Single frequency units ......................................................................... 28
13.1.1 Original configuration .................................................................. 28
13.1.2 Hardware version 1ABA ............................................................... 28
14. Spare parts......................................................................... 29
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This Performa + repair guide will help you to recognize and solve most of the problems..
However, in addition to this manual, an intens ive service training is a must. Please
contact our service department for more information:
GymnaUniphy service department
Pasweg 6a
3740 Bilzen, Belgium
General Fax number service dept: 0032/89.510.561
Technical questions:
Tel: 0032/89.510.563
Bilzen, December 2008
Service manual Pulson 100_Phyaction Ub V0.1
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3. Specifications
• Frequency0.95….1.05MHz
• ERA 4.0cm² und 1.3cm²
• Intensity 0…2.0 W/cm² (contin.)
• 0…3.0 W/cm² (pulsed)
• Pulsed Mode
• Pulse frequency 100 Hz
• Duty cycle 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%
• Treatment time 1…30 min
• Mains voltage 100…240VAC, 50/60Hz
• MDD-Class IIb
• Electrical Class I/BF
• Weigth incl. accessories 4,15kg
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5.1 General block diagram
LCD Display
LCD driver
The cent r e o f t he main bo a r d i s t h e m icro cont r o ller cor e controlling the entire device.
The ultrasonic part consists of the frequency generation, the amplifier and measuring
Power Supply
Treatment Head
5.2 µC core
The micro controller core mainly exists of a micro controller, E²PROM and a peripheral
interface. The micro controller which are contained the software is the heart of the
system it controls and drives all the other circuits and signals. It also controls the
keyboard and the LCD display.
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5.3 Ultrasound
5.3.1 Ultrasound Block diagram
Figure 3-1 Ultrasound Block diagram
5.3.2 Theory of operation
The frequency generator is controlled by the micro controller and it contains a
voltage controlled oscillator and a PLL (phase locked loop) who generate a stable
1 MHz symmetrical block wave signal.
The modulator mixes the
pulse signal with the ultrasound frequency. An amplitude
modulation with 100% modulation depth (the signal being switched on and off) is the
result of this mixing.
Voltage controller
A down voltage converter is used to convert the +24V to the desired ultrasound voltage.
The micro controller measures the values of output voltage
U_out and output current
I_out of the end stage and calculates the output power. Thus the micro controller can
adjust the ultrasonic power by setting
Power stage
The power stage is a switched end stage. The power MOSFET is used as switching
element. The MOSFET is driven by buffer.
Ultrasound treatment head
The ultrasound treatment head is of course a very important part of the apparatus. It
converts the electric signal into ultrasound using a piezo crystal. This crystal, with a
diameter depending on the desired head size, is glued in an aluminium cup that
minimises electromagnetic radiation and enables the crystal to be used on to operating
frequency. The ultrasound crystal is mainly a capacitive load. Its impedance differs,
among other things, with the size of the crystal and its operating frequency. For this
reason in the ultrasound treatment head is integrated a network to convert the
impedance of crystal in the optimal load resistance of output stage.
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6. Detailed circuit description for single frequency units
Photo of main PCB for single frequency units
6.1 Power supply
A Switch Mode Power Supply board supplies the PCB with +24V.
IC204 regulates the +24V down to a +15V supply of buffer IC205. IC207 regulates the
+15V down to a +5V supply of logic IC’s, ultrasound contact LED and Display PCB.
µC Core
IC208 is the micro controller with a Flash Memory that c o n t ains the software. The µC
has integrated RAM memory, timers and A/D converter.
CN201 is the serial LCD display interface that is connected with driver IC on the
Display PCB. SCL is the system clock for synchronisation of the data SDA from and to
the device and is controlled by the
The keyboard matrix is connected over CN205.
6.4 E
IC203 is a serial E
PROM th a t s t ores pa r a meters o f ul trasound treatment head. SC L i s the
system clock for synchronisation of the data SDA from and t o the de vice and is controlled
by the
6.5 Ultrasound
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