GymnaUniphy Phyaction Supporta User manual

PHYACTION SUPPORTA Quick Service Reference Guide
This document gives an overview of the most important service issues of the Phyaction supporta based on daily experience. For more detailed information we refer to the service manual.
List of most important error codes:
2. Error 420-10-xx: defective main board: replace board
3. Error 500-10-xx: short circuit in keyboard (xx is in relation to defective key) / Very often water of sponges has leaked into the keyboard and caused a malfunction.
4. Error 820-10-xx: battery low indication. Has been replaced by message ‘BAT LOW’ starting from SW 2.02
5. Error B00-10-xx: US potentiometer defective (most of the time)
6. Error B00-11-xx: problem on ET potentiometer
7. Error B00-20-xx: value of US potentiometer is wrong: replace
Other problems:
1. US head housing is cracked: replace when necessary. No extended warranty! The 4 cm² US heads are improved starting from SN: 492-22698 The 1 cm² US heads are improved starting from SN: 491-21580
2. Unit doesn’t start-up. The battery is fully charged: probably the unit was switched on. Switch off and wait 1,5 minute. Now switch on again.
3. US head connection has loosened: replace the connector Ref 131.525: US OUTPUT CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY 490
2/07/2003 Phyaction Supporta Quick ref guide V0.1
Facts about the use of the battery of the phyaction supporta:
The Phyaction supporta now has a NiMh battery. Before 05/1999 a NiCad battery was used. The charging time for an empty battery is about 15 Hrs The customer can easily replace the battery (ref 139.902) New batteries first need to be charged. When a charger or a powersupply is connected: the charging LED must go on. When only the powersupply is used, it is recommended to remove the battery. The normal life cycle of the battery is between 3-5 years.
Battery power indications:
Battery voltage below 11V: flashing ‘battery empty’ led. Battery voltage below 10.6V : ‘battery empty’ led remains ‘ON’ Battery voltage below 10V : message ‘LOW BAT’ or error 820-10
Hardware modifications:
Torsion spring of standard becomes loose: bend the end of the spring (see technical bulletin released in 1998) Install 2 zener diodes (18V, 5%, 400mW) in order to avoid problems with the FET’s (see technical bulletin released in 1998)
Software evolution (starting from version 2.01)
Version 2.01.
Previous version V1.03 Release date: 27/01/1998 Specifications: indication menu, indication value potentiometer when adjusting,
Version 2.02
Previous version V2.01 Release date: 15/12/1998 Specifications: indication LOW BAT instead of error 820-10, messages potentiometer on when switched on and key pressed when switched on are not stored in memory anymore. Improved contact control on US head.
We recommend an upgrade of each unit with the latest software version.
2/07/2003 Phyaction Supporta Quick ref guide V0.1
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