GW Instek APS-9000 User Manual

APS-9301 & APS-9501 & APS-9102 User’s Manual
APS-9301 & APS-9501 & APS-9102 User’s Manual
1. Safety terms and symbols……………………….………. 1
2. Installation
3. Operation
Calibration …………………………………………….….. 11
6. Circuit Principle 7 Block Diagram
8. Specification
9. Maintenance
9.1 Cleaning……………………………………………………..
9.2 Troubleshooting……………………………………………
………………………….……………………….. 2
…………………………………………………….. 4
…………………………………………… 14
……………………………………………... 15
………………………………………………… 16 ………………………………………………… 18
18 18
These terms may appear in this manual or on the product
WARNING:Warning statements identify condition or practices that could result in injury or loss of life.
CautionCaution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in damage to this product or other property.
The following symbol may appear in this manual or on the product
Attention refer to Manual.
APS-9301 & APS-9501 & APS-9102 User’s Manual
APS-9301 & APS-9501 & APS-9102 User’s Manual
2. Installation
1.Before installation, please make sure the AC input voltage is correct.
a.The AC input voltage of APS-9301/9501 is either 115V or 230V,
which can be selected. The select switch is located on the rear panel.
sel ect swi t ch
b. The AC input voltage of APS-9102 is fixed either at 115V or 230V,
For safety reason,Do not make any change by you own to avoid damaging the instrument.
2.Before plugs input power cord to the suitable outlet or connects the input wires, please make sure all the APS-9301/9501/9102’s breakers are turned off. It will avoid the unnecessary accident or damage to APS-9301/9501/9102.
3.Plugs the input power cord to the suitable outlet or connects the input wires/cable to the input terminal block which is located inside panel of APS-9301/9501/9102. Please make sure the connections are very tight which may avoid some problem happening.
4.Please make sure the input tolerance of this APS-9301/9501/9102 is
within ±15% of rated voltage (see figure 1)
Max Output Voltage
5.The size of input wire and output wire.
APS-9301/9501 AWG#14 0.75mm
Input Wire Size
115V 230V
Output Wire Size
APS-9102 A WG#12 2* A WG#18
6.An AC power cord is packaged in the unit of APS-9301/9501 as accessory.
7.The Selection of Output Test Lead:
For safety assurance, please select the adequate output test lead according to the following list:
(CSA) Model
Current A(amp)
24 11/0.16 0.22 0.64 88.6 7.64 22 17/0.16 0.34 0.78 62.5 10.0
20 21/0.18 0.53 0.95 39.5 13.1 18 34/0.18 0.87 1.21 24.4 17.2 16 26/0.254 1.32 1.53 15.6 22.6 14 41/0.254 2.08 2.03 9.90 30.4 12 65/0.254 3.29 2.35 6.24 40.6 10 65/0.32 5.23 3.00 3.90 55.3
1. The ambient temperature of “Permissible Current” is at
40, the withstanding temperature of conductor is at 105 according to the condition of the distributed single wire.
2. The permissible current listed as above is suggested to
be used under 70%.
3. When the current value exceeds above suggestive list,
can select more wires used in parallel according to above list.
Figure 1.
% of Rate
Input Voltage
APS-9301 & APS-9501 & APS-9102 User’s Manual
APS-9301 & APS-9501 & APS-9102 User’s Manual
3. Operation
1.Voltage Setting:
Voltage setting contents ‘110V ’, “ 220V ’, ‘’ and ‘four keys .
a. When any one of the keys mentioned above is pressed, the voltage
display will flash one time, the APS9301/9501/9102 will go to the setting mode and show the voltage setting value.
b. If the ‘110V’ Key is pressed, the output voltage will be adjusted to
110V immediately. Meanwhile, the voltage display will switch back to the reading mode automatically.
c. If the ‘220V’ key is pressed for 0.2 seconds continuously ( for safety
reason, must be), the output voltage will be adjusted to 220V. Meanwhile, the voltage display will switch back to the reading mode automatically.
Note: It would not work if the output voltage is setting on low range.
(0150V output)
d. If either “” or “key is pressed for 0.5 seconds continuously, the
output voltage will be adjusted. If either ” or “ is pressed twice continuously, the output voltage will be adjusted immediately.
e. The adjusting rates are 0.1V/step on fine adjust mode and 1V/step on
coarse adjust mode.
f. The first six steps of adjustment will be spent 0.25 seconds per step. If
the key ” or “ is pressed continuously, it will spend 0.13 second per step for the rest steps. If the key is released, the voltage adjustment would be stopped and go back to the original adjustment speed (0.25 seconds per step) automatically.
g. If the output mode is setting ON ( the indicator ‘OUTPUT’ would light),
the output voltage could follow the setting voltage simultaneously
Caution: When you adjust the voltage at” or “▼” mode, it is
better to switch off the output to avoid unnecessary damage because of accidental voltage adjustment.
h. If any key mentioned above is not pressed for 2 seconds continuously,
APS-9301/9501/9102 would go back to the normal operation and
the voltage display could show the reading value automatically.
2.Frequency Setting:
Frequency setting contents ‘50Hz’, ‘60Hz’, ‘’ and ‘four keys.
a. Either the key ‘50Hz’ or the key ‘60Hz’ is pressed, the frequenc y will be
changed immediately to 50Hz, 60Hz respectively. Meanwhile the output frequency will be changed coincidentally.
b. The frequency ranges from 45Hz to 99.9Hz can be adjusted by 0.1 Hz
per step in fine adjustment mode and 1 Hz per step in coarse adjustment mode. The frequency ranges from 100Hz to 500Hz can be adjusted by 1 Hz per step in fine adjustment and 10Hz per second in coarse adjustment mode.
c. The other setting are same as voltage setting.
3.High / Low Voltage range selection:
Press the key of ‘RANGE’, if the indicator lights, the output voltage would be setting on the high voltage range, otherwise, the system would be setting on low voltage range. The changed range would not cause the setting voltage to change, however, there is a 20ms interruption during the voltage range changing. The non-reasonable range changing (For example, the voltage sets 200V but the range is changed to the low range) is not acceptable by APS-9301/9501/9102.
Note: High range voltage 0 ~ 300V
Low range voltage 0 ~ 150V
4.Instrumentation selection:
a. Press the key of ‘A’, the indicator of current will light and the LED
display will show the value of current.
b. Press the key of ‘W’, the indicator of power will light and the LED
display will show the value of wattage.
c. Press the key of ‘PF’, the indicator of power factor will light and the
LED display will show the value of power factor.
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