GW Instek APS-1102 User Manual

Programmable AC/DC Power Source
November 2009
This manual contains proprietary information, which is protected by copyrights. All rights are reserved. No part of this manual may be photocopied, reproduced or translated to another language without prior written consent of Good Will company.
The information in this manual was correct at the time of printing. However, Good Will continues to improve products and reserves the rights to change specification, equipment, and maintenance procedures at any time without notice.
Good Will Instrument Co., Ltd. No. 7-1, Jhongsing Rd., Tucheng City, Taipei County 236, Taiwan.
Thank you for purchasing the APS-1102 programmable AC/DC power source.
The APS-1102 LabVIEW Driver is a LabVIEW measuring instrument driver dedicated to the
To read this manual
This operation manual is a PDF file. Acrobat Reader Ver. 5 or higher of Adobe Systems, Inc. is
required to read this manual.
This manual has the following chapter organization.
Presents an overview of the APS-1102 LabVIEW Driver.
Describes each operation vi.
──── Disclaimer ────
The APS-1102 LabVIEW driver (hereinafter, “this software”) was shipped after having undergone
full testing and inspection by the Good Will company.
Should this product fail due to a manufacturing flaw or due to a mishap during shipping, contact Good
Will or a Good Will authorized distributor.
Good Will takes no responsibility for any damage caused by use of this software. In addition, we
assume no obligation to modify the software or provide support in case this software contains flaws.
Please use this software under your responsibility.
Preface ·············································································································
Disclaimer ·········································································································· ii
1. OVERVIEW ········································································································ 1-1
1.1 General ······································································································· 1-2
2. OPERATION VI ··································································································· 2-1
2.1 About vi ······································································································· 2-2
2.2 vi Tree ········································································································ 2-2
2.3 Sample ······································································································· 2-2
2.4 VISA Initialization ·························································································· 2-3
2.5 VISA Close ·································································································· 2-3
2.6 SOURce Subsystem ······················································································ 2-4
2.7 MEASure subsystem ····················································································· 2-13
2.8 DISPlay Subsystem ······················································································· 2-18
2.9 STATus subsystem ······················································································· 2-19
2.10OUTPut Subsystem ······················································································· 2-22
2.11INPut Subsystem ·························································································· 2-23
2.12TRACe subsystem ························································································ 2-24
2.13SYSTem subsystem ······················································································ 2-25
2.14PROGram subsystem ···················································································· 2-27
2.15Common commands ······················································································ 2-28
1.1 General ································································ 1-2
APS-1102 LabVIEW Driver Manual
1.1 General
The APS-1102_LabView driver.llb is a LabVIEW measuring instrument driver for the GW Instek
APS-1102 programmable AC/DC power source.
This driver allows application configuration without bothering with details of the APS-1102 program
* During creation of this driver, operation under the following environments was confirmed:
OS: Windows 2000 and Windows XP
LabVIEW: Ver. 6.1, 7.1, 8.0
VISA: Ver. 3.5 or higher
With some versions of LabVIEW, vi may automatically be changed for inter-version consistency. In
such a case, follow the instructions shown on the computer screen.
2.1 About vi ································································ 2-2
2.2 vi Tree ·································································· 2-2
2.3 Sample ································································· 2-2
2.4 VISA Initialization ···················································· 2-3
2.5 VISA Close ···························································· 2-3
2.6 SOURce Subsystem ················································ 2-4
2.7 MEASure subsystem ············································· 2-13
2.8 DISPlay Subsystem ·············································· 2-18
2.9 STATus subsystem ··············································· 2-19
2.10 OUTPut Subsystem ·············································· 2-22
2.11 INPut Subsystem ················································· 2-23
2.12 TRACe subsystem ················································ 2-24
2.13 SYSTem subsystem ·············································· 2-25
2.14 PROGram subsystem ··········································· 2-27
2.15 Common commands ·············································· 2-28
APS-1102 LabVIEW Driver Manual
2.1 About vi
Error input and output are provided in each APS-1102 operation vi. Error cluster chains are
generated by connecting an error output to the error input of the next vi. This allows a natural error
I/O for the LabVIEW data flow architecture to be obtained. An application can monitor the
intermediate error status as required.
APS-1102 operation vi, except for Close, has a VISA session input and a duplicated VISA session
output. Use chain connections for these as well. Close has a VISA session input only, so the
application forms a chain from Initialize to Close.
Vi, of which input items contain Read, can output the contents set in the APS-1102. When
outputting, set the bool controller to ON (True). The default setting is OFF (False).
Parentheses ( ) at the end of an item name indicate default setting. For example, “Read (F)”
indicates that the default setting is “False”. In the same way, square brackets [ ] for numerical
controllers or the display device indicate quantity units.
See the sample application for actual connections.
The following sections describe error I/O, VISA session and I/O terminals except Read.
2.2 vi Tree
GW APS-1102 VI
The vi included in this driver is allocated in a diagram.
2.3 Sample
GW APS-1102 Sample
Output-related items can be set. Initialize and Close can be optionally executed.
<Setting items>
Range Wave f o rm Mode Output voltage Frequency
GW APS-1102 Sample
Limit-related items can be set. Initialize and Close can be optionally executed.
<Setting items>
Maximum/minimum values of output peak current Maximum/minimum values of output
voltage Maximum/minimum values of frequency
2.4 VISA Initialization
GW APS-1102 Sample
The APS-1102 status can be checked continuously. Initialize and Close can be optionally executed.
<Output items>
Output current Apparent power Power factor Reactive power Active power Output
2.4 VISA Initialization
GW APS-1102
Performs initialization. Internally executes the APS-1102 Reset to return the various settings to
those at memory initialization.
Specify whether to check the ID. The default setting is “Yes (True)”.
Specify whether to execute resetting. The default setting is “Yes (True)”.
2.5 VISA Close
GW APS-1102
Stops using the APS-1102 operation vi and closes the VISA session.
APS-1102 LabVIEW Driver Manual
2.6 SOURce Subsystem
GW APS-1102 SOUR Curr
This sets the upper limit of the output average current.
Average_Rn100V [A]
This sets the upper limit of the output average current in the 100 V range. The default
setting is “10.5”.
Average_Rn200V [A]
This sets the upper limit of the output average current in the 200 V range. The default
setting is “5.3”.
This specifies the range to be set. The default setting is “100 V (False)”.
Output [A]
When Read = True, outputs the upper limit of output average current set for the APS-1102.
When Read = False, “99.9” is set.
GW APS-1102 SOUR Curr
This sets the upper limit of the output peak current (positive polarity).
High_Rn100V [A]
This sets the upper limit of the output peak current (positive polarity) in the 100 V range.
The default setting is “42.0”.
High _Rn200V [A]
This sets the upper limit of the output peak current (positive polarity) in the 200 V range.
The default setting is “21.0”.
This specifies the range to be set. The default setting is “100 V (False)”.
When Read = True, outputs the upper limit of output peak current (positive polarity) set for
the APS-1102. When Read = False, “99.9” is set.
GW APS-1102 SOUR Curr
This sets the upper limit of the output peak current (negative polarity).
Low_Rn100V [A]
This sets the upper limit of the output peak current (negative polarity) in the 100 V range.
The default setting is “–42.0”.
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