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网址: www. gvmle d.c om
B&H 邮箱: bh @gvml ed. com
GVM 邮箱: su pport @gv mled. com
Amazo n 邮箱: amaz ons uppor t@gvm led.c om
地址: 4301 N D elawa re av e, unit D . PHILA DELPH IA, PA1 9137, U SA
Product introduction Page 1-------------------------------------------
Disclaimers Page 2--------------------------------------------------------
Precautions Page 2-------------------------------------------------------
Product parameter Page 3---------------------------------------------
Product structure analysis Page 4------------------------------------
Installation method Page 5 6------------------------------------------ ,
Light control folding installation Page 7----------------------------
Description of product control keys Page 8-----------------------
Function introduction & instruction for use Page 9,10----------
Use and preservation Page 10-----------------------------------------
Simple faults and troubleshooting Page 11------------------------
Packing list Page 12------------------------------------------------ -------
Welcome to " RG B- T2 0R". Th is product is s pe ci al ly designed f or sen ior
phot og ra ph y en thusiasts. The product is s ui ta bl e fo r live / outdoor / stud io
phot og ra ph y, an d al so for youtube v id eo s ho ot ing. T he main features o f
the pr od uc t ar e:
①②Step-less adjustable RGB color and Bi-Color Temperature feature, color
range 3200K ~ 5600k, with 368 LED bulbs, which is helpful to re sto re and
enrich the color of objects and provide you wit h natural and vivid shooting
It has an OLED display and a stable system, and it is very light and can be
a hand-held fill light, and can also be installed on a light stand. You can
also install foldouts to avoid extra light, and customize the fill light,
allowing you to easily shoot the desired results at will.
The pr o duc t ca n s i mul a te 8 k i nds of sce n e l igh t s: l igh t nin g , c o p c ar,
can d le, TV, ba d b u lb, par t y, d isco , p a par a zzi.
We believe that once using our product correctly, you can make huge progress
when shooting. Before using the product, you are strongly recommended to
read the instructions below carefully.
Be fo re u si ng this p ro du ct , please re ad t he i nstructio ns c ar ef ul ly and ma ke s ur e
us e t he pr od uct corr ec tl y. I f y ou do n’ t obey the i ns tr uc ti on s a nd warni ng s, yo u
ma yb e cau se ha rm to yo ur se lf an d the pe op le ar ou nd , or eve n dam ag e the
pr od uc t an d other t hi ng s ar ound.
2. Once yo u use this produc t, you are de emed to ha ve read th e discl aimer and warning
care fully, understand and acknowledge all the term s and content s of this statement,
and promise to take full responsibili ty for the use of this product and pos sible
cons equences.
① Please use the matc hing power adapter or lith ium battery with th e same
specificati on to power the prod uct. Do n ot use power adapt er with
differen t outpu t voltage parameters.
The product is not waterproof, please use it in rainproof environment.②
The produ ct is not anti- corrosion, th erefore do no t let the pro du ct touch
any corro si ve liquid.
When using the product, make sure the pr oduct is put firmly and prevent
from falling and damage.
If the product will not be used for a long ti me, please switch off the power
to reduce energy loss.
Brand : GVM
Name : photogr aphy li ght
Type : photog raphy fill light
Numbe r : RGB-T 20R
Mater ial : Pla stic & aluminu m alloy
Numbe r of ligh t beads : 368
Color -render ing Ind ex : ≥97
Color Temp erature : 3200K- --560 0K
HUE : RGB 0°~3 60°
Lumin ance : 15 00lux/0.5m, 60 0lux/1m
Light adjust ment method : St epless adjustm ent
Funct ion / Fea ture : High colo r rende ring in dex lig ht beads,
RGB, Special l ight, Portable , Touch
Power : 20W
Power Supply M ode : DC input & Batter y
Voltage : DC9 V
Power specifi cation : DC9V/3A
Batte ry Capa city : 7. 4V-440 0mAh*1
Wei ght : 0.4 7KG
Size ( mm ) : D5 2×567
Cooli ng : Natu ral hea t dissi pation
Origi n : Huizh ou, Chi na
( doe s not in clu de, n eed to be pur cha sed separ ate ly)
1/4 Screw
Glowing surface B
Glowing surface A
OLED display
Battery tank
Power switch
This light has two luminous surfaces on both sides of the AB.
The AB su rf ac e ca nn ot b e li t at t he s am e ti me , an d on e of t he m is l it
according to the mode and scene.
42 3
Control panel
Mode button
Down select key
Adapter interface
1/4 Screw holes
The lamp can be installed and fixed on the bra ck et b y ro ta ti ng t he k no b
clockwise, and unloaded by rotating in th e co un te rc lo ck wi se d ir ec tion.
5 6 7 8 9 10
There are two power supply modes to choose.
① Insert the battery into the battery slot as shown
below, and use the battery to supply power.
② Purchase a suitable power cord and adapter
separately and connect them to supply power.
Batter y
instal la tion slot
Adapter in te rface
(Adapter sold separately)
Only some s ets are equip pe d with the fo ll owing acces so ries, subje ct t o the
actual pu rc hase of produ ct kit.
Light control folding:
As shown in the figure below, directly put the folding on the downlight, you
can install the folding on the downlight.
As sh ow n i n the fi gur e b elo w, dir ect ly pu ll th e f old ing b ack t o r em ove th e
fo ldi ng in sta lle d on the d own lig ht .
By adjusting the left and right blades, the angle of
light can be effectively controlled.
Power switch: dial up to turn on the
power, dial down to turn off the power.
OL E D d isp l ay: di s pla y s t he cur r ent
me n u a nd par a met e rs.
Do wn wa rd s election ke y: Tou ch t his
ke y,the opt ion box wil l jump t o t he
ne xt l ev el.
Mod e s w itc h ke y : Touc h t h is k ey to
s w i t c h m o d e s .T h e re a r e t h r ee
mod e s: CCT, HS I , S CENE .
Control panel: Touch and slide to adjust
the parameters in the current option.
This l ight has two lu minous s urfaces on bot h sides of the AB . The AB
surface c annot be li t at the same t ime, and one of them is li t according
to the mo de and scene.
⑥ Adj ust Scene :
Touch the M key t o switch the mo de t o SCENE touch th e ▼ key to select →
MOD slide the ro und c on trol pa nel t o selec t scene touch the ▼ key → →
to select i te m t o be adjusted sl id e the round cont ro l p anel to adjust t he →
parameter s of c urrent option .
① Mode s election:
There are three switching modes by touching the M key:
Bi-Color Temperature(CCT): Adjustable brightness and color temperature;
Bi-Color Temperature(CCT):
Multicolor(HSI): Adjustable brightness, hue and color purity;
Scene Mode(SCENE): There are 8 kinds of scene light: lightning, cop car,
Scene Mode(SCENE):
candle, TV, bad bulb, party, disco, paparazzi.
② Adj ust brigh tness (BRG) : range 0%~ 100%
Touch the ▼ key to select BRG slide th e round control panel to adju st th e →
parameters of curren t option.
③ Adj ust color t emperatur e (CCT): ra nge 3200K ~5600K
Touch the M key to switch the mode to CCT touch the ▼ key to select CCT →
slide the round control panel to adjust the parameters of current option. →
④ Adj ust HUE: ra nge 0° ~ 360°
Touch the M key to switch the mode to HSI touch the ▼ key to se lect HUE →
slide the round control panel to ad just the parameters of cu rrent option. →
⑤ Adj ust SAT: ra nge 0%~100%
Touch the M ke y to sw itch th e mode to HSI touch the ▼ key to select SAT →
slide the ro und con trol pa nel to ad just the parameters of current option. →
Do not put t he product i n a high ly humid, str on g electroma gn et ic field,
dire ct s un li ght, high-tempe ra tu re e nvironment. If no t us e th e pr oduct for a
long t im e, d isconnect the pow er a nd t ak e out the battery.
Cl ea n:Be fore clea n, d is co nn ec t the pow er p lu g. And use w et c lo th r ather tha n an y
Cl ea n:
de te rg en t or soluble li qu id , av oi ding dama gi ng t he s ur face laye r.
Power:Make sure the power is in the demanded range, not too high or too low. Correctly
load the battery, in order not the damage to machine.
Repa iring:If there is f aul t or perfor man ce degradation, do n ot unpack the sh ell by
Repa iring:
you rself, avoiding dama ge th e mac hine and lose the right of m ain ten ance. When there
is a fau lt, do not hesitate to contact us , and we will do our bes t to deal with the pr oblem.
Acce ss or ie s:Pl ea se u se t he a cc es so ri es p ro vi de d by m an uf ac tu re r an d ap pr ov ed
Acce ss or ie s:
on es , in o rd er t o ma xi mi ze t he p er fo rmance.
Gua ran tee:Do doe s not mo dif y the product, or you wi ll lo se the righ t of maintenan ce.
Gua ran tee:
Turn on the
switch, the light
is off
Color can not
be adj ust ed
Check the product
Wheth er t he c onnec ti on
between t he l ight an d th e
power sup pl y is norm al .
When usin g li thium b at tery,
make sur e ther e's no "low
power" pr ot ectio n.
Check whether the color purity
SAT value is too low or 0; the
color purity value is 100, the
color difference is most obvious.
Make sure the adap ter is well
contact ed w ith the p ow er plug.
Charge th e ba ttery b ef ore using
Inc rease the value o f col or pu re
N a m e Q u a n t i t y N o t es
Photography lights
Lith ium batte ry
Batt ery charg er
Carr ying Case
User M anual
11 12