GVM GVM - LT50S, GVM-LT100S Installation Manual

N ame
Main Machine
Power Cord
Light Board
Backup Battery
Supply Line
User Manual
Q uantit y N otes
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GVM-LT-50S / GVM-LT-100S
Product introduction Page 1-------------------------------------------
Disclaimers Page 2--------------------------------------------------------
Precautions Page 2-------------------------------------------------------
GVM-LT-50S Product parameter Page 3----------------------------
GVM-LT-100S Product parameter Page 4--------------------------
Product structure analysis Page 5------------------------------------
Installation method Page 6~8-----------------------------------------
Description of product control keys Page 8-----------------------
Function introduction and instruction for use Page 8,9--------
APP control and APP on-line control Page 10,11----------------
Use and preservation Page 13----------------------------------------
Simple faults and troubleshooting Page 12-----------------------
Packing list Page 14------------------------------------------------------
Welcome to "Lens l ight series". This product is specia lly designed for senior
pho tography lovers. The product is suitable for live broadcast / outdoor /
stu dio photography, etc. It can also be used for YouTube video sho oting.The
mai n features of the product are:
①②Steplessly adjustable dual color temperature characteristics,and the color
temperature range is 3200K ~ 5600K. Has 144 LED bulbs, helps to restore
and enrich the color of the object. It is equipped with high-quality lens and
has strong focusing ability, providing you with natural and vivid shooting
APP intelligent control system, which can be controlled by your smart mobile
Equipped with cooling fan for fast cooling.
It has LCD screen and stable system, allowing 360°rotation, with four leaf
baffle, to control the light effectively, avoiding of redundant light, custom
control the fill light, in order to get the desired results in a casual way.
We believe that once using our product correctly, you can make huge progress
when shooting. Before using the product, you are strongly recommended to
read the instructions below carefully.
1 3 14
Be for e usi ng this p rod uct , please rea d the instructi ons c are ful ly and ma ke su re
us e th e pr oduct correc tly. If y ou d on’ t obey the ins tru cti ons and warni ngs , yo u
ma ybe ca use ha rm to you rse lf and th e peo ple aro und , or eve n damage the
pr odu ct an d other t hin gs around.
2. Once yo u use this prod uct, you are de emed to have re ad the discl aimer and warning
care fully, understand and acknowledge all the terms and contents of this sta tement,
and promise to take ful l responsibil ity for the use of this product and possible
cons equences.
Please use the matching power ad apter or lithium battery with the same
specificati on to power the product. Do no t use power adapt er with
different output voltage par ameters.
The product is not waterproof, please use it in rainproof enviro nme nt.
The prod uct is not anti- corrosion, therefore do no t let the produc t touch
any corr osi ve liquid.
When usin g the product, make sure the product is put firmly and prevent
from falling and damage.
If the product will not be used for a long time, please switch off the power
to reduce energy loss.
2 4 5
Product mode l : GVM-LT-50S
Brand : GVM
Product Name : Photography li ghts
Product Type : Photogra phy Fill Light
Features / Fea tures : APP, Join t control, High color render ing index
Color render ing index : ≥97
Color temper ature : 3200K~5 600K
Brightness : 18000l ux/0.5m, 6500 lux/1m
Light adjust ment method : Ste pless adjustm ent
Lamp beads qua ntity : 144
Product Weight : 2.2KG
Product Size ( mm ) : 406*318* 70
Cooling : Fan heat dis sipatio n
Product mate rial : Plastic
Power : 50W
Voltage : AC: 100-240 V/DC:15 V
Power supply : DC15V/4A
Power supply m ode : Adapter&Battery
Battery capa city : No battery provided
Commodity or igin : China. Hui zhou
Product mode l : GVM-LT-100 S
Brand : GVM
Product Name : Photography li ghts
Product Type : Photogra phy Fill Light
Features / Fea tures : APP, Join t control, High color render ing index
Color render ing index : ≥97
Color temper ature : 3200K~5 600K
Brightness : 29000l ux/0.5m, 9000 lux/1m
Light adjust ment method : Ste pless adjustm ent
Lamp beads qua ntity : 144
Product Weight : 2.7KG
Product Size ( mm ) : 406*318* 70
Cooling : Fan+ Aluminum heat s ink heat dissip ation
Product mate rial : Plastic
Power : 100W
Voltage : AC: 100-240 V/DC:15 V
Power supply : DC15V/7A
Power supply m ode : Adapter&Battery
Battery capa city : No battery provided
Commodity or igin : China. Hui zhou
Light stand
fixed button
Cooling fan
Indicator light
Power interface
Adapter interface
adjustment knob
V buckle battery/
Battery gusset
Angle fixing knob
Power interface
Light frame interface
Mode selection button
Mode/WIFI button
Color temperature adjustment knob
Electronic display
The lamp can be installed and fixed on the bra cke t by ro tat ing t he kn ob
clockwise, and unloaded by rotating in the coun ter clo ckw ise d ire cti on.
6 7 8 9 10 11
Insert the Subdued light board from the top of the light panel.
Lo os en t he adj us tm en t kn ob s on b ot h si de s of the U-brack et , ad ju st
th e an gl e of the panel yo u need, and then ti gh te n th e ad justment
kn ob s on both sides of the U- bracket.
There are two power supply modes to choose from:
Connecting lamp and adapter. Plug in the adapter power cord for power supply.
② Plug in the battery, connect the lamp and the D-TAP port of the battery
with the battery connection line, and use the battery to supply power.
Connecting light
and adapter
Connect the lamp after inserting the battery
8 9
DC15V power input interface
Power switch
Mode button/WIFI reset button: Modes include host mode and slave
mode; WIFI username and password reset button
Channel addition and subtraction key: adjust chann el ( 0~ 11 )
Brightness indicator: when adjust the brightness knob, the indi cat or
is on
Color temperature indicator: when adjust the color tempera tur e kno b,
the indicator is on
Note: in dic ator and in dicatorw ill be on sim ult aneousl y when in sla ve mo de
Nixie tube: show value including lightness, color tempe rat ure a nd
Brightness adjustment button: adjust the brightness ( 1 0%~99% )
Color temperature adjustment button: adjust the color ( 3 200K~56 00K )
Mode selection
The mode is divided into master mode and slave mode. Tap the mode key to
switch (default master mode for startup).
MODE:Mast erAd just brightness , col or temperatu re an d channel through
knobs and buttons , an d ca n al so connect APP. These parame ters of lamp
can be controlled thr ough APP, and sl ave com puters of the same chan nel
can also be adj usted synchrono usl y.
MODE:SlaveBrightness and color temperature cannot be adju ste d, on ly
channel values can be set.
Regulation channel : range 0~11
MODE:SlaveBrightness and color temperature cannot be adju ste d, on ly
channel values can be set.
Adjus t brightne ss (BRG): range 10%~99%
In the host mode, brightness can be adjusted by rotating brightness level knob
or APP.
Adjus t color temperature (CCT): range 3200K~5600K
In the host mode, brightness can be adjusted by rotating brightness level knob
or APP.
⑤ Indicator light
Host mo de: when the brightness is ad jus ted by brightness le vel knob or
APP, the brightness indicator light is on and t he co lor temperature
indicator light is off; Wh en the color temperature is adjuste d by th e col or
temperature adjusti ng k nob or APP, the color temperature in dic ato r will
be on and the brightness ind ica tor w ill b e off.
Sla ve mod e: co lor te mpe rat ur e i ndi cat or an d b r ig htn ess in di c at or
are al way s o n.
On-li ne control ( Joint cont rol betwee n lamps and la nterns):
Prepare more than two photographing lights, set one to the master mode, set
the rest to the slave mode, and set the channel of the master / slave through
the add / subtract key. When the channels of the master and the slave are the
same, the brightness and color temperature of the slave in the same channel
can be controlled synchronously by adjusting the brightness and color
temperature knobs of the master.
Scan the QR code on the back of the manual to downl oad the APP
Set host mode for the photography ligh t ( auto matic ally as host mode whe n
switch on the machine ), open “GVM Easily” APP on the mobile phon e
( meanwhile turn on WIFI on the phone ), in the main menu in the APP----switch
the devices---select “single and double photography light”,the n in the
main menu in APP-----set----select “switch WIFI”, and connect photography
light ( WIFI initial username: GVM_ LED, pass word: gvm_adm in ), once it shows
“ succ essfully connected GVM_LED”, return back to the main interface,
after it shows “double c olor temperature LED light ( succe ssful ly connected )
in the main interface , it is allowed to co ntrol the lightnes s, color temperatu re,
channel value or switch on and off through the contr ol key in APP, and also
the slave machines.
main men u
12 13
WIFI us ername and password resetting
It is able to reset the WIFI username and password if long press the WIFI reset
button for over 5 seconds. After resetting, the username and the password will
return to the initial ( WIFI username: GVM_LED, WIFI password: gvm_admin ).
Do n ot pu t the p rod uct in highly humid, s trong el ect rom agn eti c fiel d, di rec t sun lig ht,
hi gh te mpe rat ure e nvi ron men t. If n ot us e the product for a l ong t ime , dis con nec t the
po wer a nd ta ke ou t the battery.
Cl eanB efore clea n, di sco nne ct the po wer p lug . And use we t clo th rather th an an y
Cl ean
de ter gen t or soluble l iqu id, a voi ding of d ama gin g the surface lay er.
PowerMake sure the power is in the demanded range, not too high or too low. Correctly
load the battery, in order not the damage to machine.
RepairingIf the re is fault or performance d egradatio n, do not unpack th e shell by
you rsel f, avoiding d amage the mac hine and lose the righ t of maintena nce. When the re
is fa ult, do not hesitat e to contact us, and we will do our best to de al the pr oble m.
Ac ces sor iesPlease use the accessories provided by manufacturer and approved
Ac ces sor ies
on es, i n ord er to m axi miz e the p erf orm anc e.
GuaranteeD o not m odify the p roduct, o r you will lo se th e right of ma intenan ce.
The switch
indicator does
not light up
The knob of
lightness and
color temperature
are out of control
The screen and
the light are off
when the
product is in
the state of
Check the product
Check th e mat ching pow er adapte r
indica tor l ight up or no t.
When usi ng li thium bat tery, ma ke
sur e th er e’ s no “ lo w po wer ”
protec tio n.
Check if th e mode were set as slave
mode, lightness and colo r temperature
of the products cannot be controlled
in slave mode
Check if the pro duct is “sw itch off”
becaus e of th e APP of mobil e pho ne.
Make sur e the a dapter
is wel l contact ed with
the powe r plu g
Charge t he ba ttery
before u sin g it
P ress t he “ mode”
button f or on ce, switc h
the mo de from slave
mode to ho st mo de
Press the “ON/OFF”
button once again