Double Barrel Foot Pump
Max pressure: 100psi
Operating Instructions
1. Unclip hose from base of unit.
2. With pump on ground, compress the pedal.
With pressure applied to pedal, remove storage
clips and slowly release the pressure on the
3. Attach the thumb
lock connector
(opposite) to the
valve or adaptor
(ensure that the
thumb lock is
pushed on rmly).
4. You can now use the pedal to pump air into
your tyre/inatable product (such as footballs,air
beds and inatables).
Footpump Closure / Storage Instructions
After use, place footpump on the ground and
depress the pedal. Hook storage clips over frame
to hold closed.
Argos Ltd, 489-499 Avebury Boulevard,
Milton Keynes, MK9 2NW
TEL:0345 6400800 www.argos.co.uk