Grundig VLC2004-DVD, 19-2940T, 22-2940 Schematic

TV Service Manual
Service Manual
Chassis DB
VLC 2004 DVD GBI0822, GBJ0322
Vision 2
19-2940 T DVD GBH4020, GBH4024 22-2940 T DVD GBH4023, GBH4027
Zusätzlich erforderliche Unterlagen für den Komplettservice Additionally required Service Documents for the Complete Service
Materialnr./Part No.
Materialnummer / Part Number 720100553000 Änderungen vorbehalten / Subject to alteration
TCC 0710 0112 MP • Prepared in Germany
GRUNDIG Service Chassis DB
Es gelten die Vorschriften und Sicherheitshinweise ge­mäß dem Service Manual "Sicherheit", Materialnummer 720108000001, sowie zusätzlich die eventuell abwei­chenden, landesspezifischen Vorschriften!
Allgemeiner Teil
Allgemeine Hinweise .....................................................................1-2
Ausbauhinweise Geräte- und Display-Varianten Technische Daten Bedienhinweise Service- und Sonderfunktionen
.................................. 1-2…1-20
Platinenabbildungen und Schaltpläne
Chassisplatte YTS190R-5 .............................................................2-1
– Netzteil / LVDS ...........................................................................2-8
– Tuner ..........................................................................................2-9
– COFDM Demodulator ................................................................2-9
– Interface DVD, AV, Hotel, USB .................................................2-10
– SCART, VGA ............................................................................2-10
– HDMI........................................................................................2-11
– Common Interface ...................................................................2-11
– Scaler.......................................................................................2-12
– Scaler-RAM .............................................................................2-14
– Verstärker .................................................................................2-14
– Power .......................................................................................2-15
– MPEG/Prozessor .....................................................................2-15
– USB .........................................................................................2-16
– Memory / Servo .......................................................................2-17
– Audio / Video ............................................................................2-18
Netzteil - Inverter YTF194 Netzteil - Inverter YVL193 Keyboard YSU192, YSW192
.................................. 2-1…2-28
The regulations and safety instructions shall be valid as provided by the "Safety" Service Manual, part number 720108000001, as well as the respective national deviations.
Table of Contents
General Section
General Notes ...............................................................................1-2
Disassmbling Hints Product and Display Variants Technical Data Operating Hints Service and Special Functions
.................................. 1-2…1-20
Layout of the PCBs and Circuit Diagrams
Chassis Board YTS190R-5 ............................................................2-1
– Power Supply / LVDS .................................................................2-8
– Tuner ..........................................................................................2-9
– COFDM Demodulator ................................................................2-9
– Interface DVD, AV, Hotel, USB .................................................2-10
– SCART, VGA ............................................................................2-10
– HDMI........................................................................................2-11
– Common Interface ...................................................................2-11
– Scaler.......................................................................................2-12
– Scaler RAM..............................................................................2-14
– Amplifier ...................................................................................2-14
– Power .......................................................................................2-15
– MPEG/Processor .....................................................................2-15
– USB .........................................................................................2-16
– Memory / Servo .......................................................................2-17
– Audio / Video ............................................................................2-18
Power Supply - Inverter YTF194 Power Supply - Inverter YVL193 Keyboard YSU192, YSW192
......................... 2-1…2-28
Ersatzteillisten .................................... 3-1…3-10
Allgemeiner Teil
Allgemeine Hinweise
Vor dem Öffnen des Gehäuses den Netzstecker ziehen!
Achtung: ESD-Vorschriften beachten
Bevor Sie die Leitungen und insbesondere die Masseleitungen lösen, muss die Leitungs ver legung zu den einzelnen Baugruppen beachtet werden. Nach erfolgter Reparatur ist es notwendig, die Leitungsführung wieder in den werkseitigen Zustand zu versetzen um evtl. spätere Ausfälle oder Störungen zu vermeiden.
Durchführen von Messungen
Bei Messungen mit dem Oszilloskop an Halb leitern sollten Sie nur Tast köpfe mit 10:1 - Tei ler verwen den. Außerdem ist zu beachten, dass nach vorheriger Messung mit AC-Kopp lung der Koppelkondensator des Oszillo skops auf geladen sein kann. Durch die Ent ladung über das Messobjekt können Bau teile beschä digt werden.
Messwerte und Oszillogramme
Bei den in den Schaltplänen und Oszillogrammen angegebenen Messwerten handelt es sich um Näherungswerte!
Mit folgenden Master-Kennwörtern bekommen Sie Zugriff zum Ändern verlorener Kennwörter: Kindersicherung-TV: 2356 DVD-Passwort: 1369
Spare Parts Lists ................................ 3-1…3-10
General Section
General Notes
Before opening the cabinet disconnect the mains plug!
Attention: Observe the ESD safety regulations
Before disconnecting any leads and especially the earth connecting leads observe the way they are routed to the individual assemblies. On completion of the repairs the leads must be laid out as originally fitted at the factory to avoid later failures or disturbances.
Carrying out Measurements
When making measurements on semi-con duc tors with an oscillo scope, ensure that the test probe is set to 10:1 dividing factor. If the previous measurement was made on AC input, please note that the coupling capacitor in the oscilloscope will be charged. Discharge via the item being checked can damage the components.
Measured Values and Oscillograms
The measured values given in the circuit diagrams and oscillograms are approximates!
Parental Control
Following Matser Passwords will gett access to change a lost pass­word: Parental Control TV: 2356
1 - 2
GRUNDIG Service Chassis DB
Bei aktivierter Funktion ist die maximale Lautstärke begrenzt und das Menü "INSTALLATION" ist nicht mehr anwählbar. Aufruf: MENU –> 8500 –> 3 / 4 "OPTION 1" –> OK –> 3 / 4 "HOTEL" –> 1 / 2 "AVAIL". Maximale Lautstärke: MENU –> 8500 –> 3 / 4 "OPTION 1" –> OK –> 3 / 4 "HOTEL VOLUME" –> 1 / 2 Wert 0…100.
Aktivierten Hotel-Mode kurzzeitig ausschalten
Bei dieser Funktion ist der Hotel-Mode bis zum nächsten Ausschalten (Standby) des Gerätes deaktiviert. Aufruf: MENU –> 4658 –> MENU
Cloning-Funktion für Programmtabelle
Mit dieser Funktion ist die Übertragung der Programmtabelle von einem Gerät auf ein weiteres gleicher Serie möglich.
Programmtabelle auf USB-Stick kopieren: Gegebenenfalls Hotel-Mode kurzzeitig ausschalten (s.o.) –> leeren USB-Stick anschließen –> / - "Nein" –> OK –> M –> / - "IN-"IN­STALLATION" –> 9 "Programmtabelle" - –> 8500 –> / - "DTV", "ATV" oder "All" –> 9 "Save" –> OK.
Programmtabelle in anderes Gerät gleicher Serie übertragen:
Gegebenenfalls Hotel-Mode kurzzeitig ausschalten (s.o.) –> USB­Stick anschließen –> "Nein" –> OK –> M –> / - "INSTALLATION" –> 9 "Programmtabelle" - –> 8500 –> / - "DTV", "ATV" oder "All" –> 9 "Load" –> OK.
Rückwand abnehmen
– 2 Schrauben A im Gerätefuß (Fig. 1) herausschrauben und Fuß
abnehmen. – 4 Schrauben B / C (Fig. 2) herausschrauben. – Rückwand nach oben klappen und abnehmen (dabei lösen sich die
Hotel Mode
Maximum volume is limited and there is no access to Menu "CHAN­NEL Setup" at activated hotel mode. Call up: MENU –> 8500 –> 3 / 4 "OPTION 1" –> OK –> 3 / 4 "HO- TEL" –> 1 / 2 "AVAIL". Maximum volume: MENU –> 8500 –> 3 / 4 "OPTION 1" –> OK –>
3 / 4 "HOTEL VOLUME" –> 1 / 2 Value 0…100.
Switching off the activated Hotel Mode temporarily
At this function the activated hotel mode is deactivated until the set is switched off (standby). Call up: MENU –> 4658 –> MENU
Cloning Function for Programme Table
It is possible to clone the programme table with this function from one TV set to further TV set of same series.
Copy programme table to USB stick: If necessary switch off Hotel Mode temporarily (see above) –> con­nect emty USB stick –> / - "No" –> OK –> M –> / - "CHANNEL SETUP" –> 9 "Programme Table" - –> 8500 –> / - "DTV", "ATV" or "All" –> 9 "Save" –> OK.
Copy programme table into further TV set of same type series:
If necessary switch off Hotel Mode temporarily (see above) –> con­nect emty USB stick –> / - "No" –> OK –> M –> / - "CHANNEL SETUP" –> 9 "Programme Table" - –> 8500 –> / - "DTV", "ATV" or "All" –> 9 "Load" –> OK.
Disassembling Hints
Removing the Rear Cabinet
– Undo 2 screws A fitted in the stand (Fig. 1) and remove the
stand. – Undo 4 screws B / C (Fig. 2). – Fold up and remove the rear panel (thereby disengage the lat-
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
CD/DVD aus Laufwerk entfernen
(Fig. 3) – 2 Schrauben D herausschrauben,
Halter E und Zahnrad F entfernen. Zahnstange G wird auf Grundstel­lung zurückgezogen.
– Hebel H so in Mittelstellung halten,
dass die DVD nicht blockiert wird.
– CD/DVD vorsichtig entfernen.
Fig. 3
1 - 3
Removing a CD/DVD from the Drive mechanism (Fig. 3)
– Undo 2 screws D and remove holder
E and gear wheel F. Gear rack G
will be pulled backwards to its home position.
– Position lever H to center position so
that the DVD is no longer blocked.
– Carefully remove the CD/DVD.
GRUNDIG Service Chassis DB
Geräte- und Display-Varianten
Display- und Product Code
Je nach Verfügbarkeit werden Displays verschiedener Hersteller eingebaut. Dies führt zu unter­schiedlichen Chassis-Bestü­ckungen, sowie zu Änderungen in der Software. Bei Ersatzteil­bestellungen und Software­Updates achten Sie bitte auf das eingebaute Display, sowie auf den "Product Code". Angaben dazu finden Sie auf der Geräterück­seite. Sollte in der Ersatzteilliste des Service Manuals Ihr "Product Code" oder Ihre Display-Variante nicht aufgeführt sein, können Sie eine aktualisierte Version auf dem GRUNDIG Service-Portal "" fin­den.
Überprüfen Sie vor Platinen­Tausch, ob die Aufkleber der Platinen identisch sind (z.B. PCB Code).
Product Code
Display Type
Display Code
Product and Display Variants
Serialnummer / Serial Number
PCB Code
Display- und Product Code
Depending on availability displays of different manufacturer are built in. This results in different chassis mountings as well as a different software. On spare parts orders as well as software updates take care of the fitted display as well as of the "Product Code". Therefore you can find information on the labels on the rear side. If your "Product Code" or display vari­ant is not mentioned in the spare parts list of the service manual, please look for a current version at the GRUNDIG service portal "".
Before changing any board please check whether the labels on the boards are identical (eg. PCB Code).
1 - 4
Technische Daten / Technical Data
22 VLC 2004 DVD Vision 2 19-2940 T DVD Vision 2 22-2940 T DVD
Order No. Approbations
Destination Remote control EAN Color DISPLAY Panel Wide-screen format Response time Brightness Contrast ratio (Panel) Dynamic contrast plus Viewing angle approx. ° Physical display resolution max. pixel PICTURE Motion Picture Improvement Motion Adaptive Deinterlacing Natural view HD Reference Full HD Line Flicker Reduction Digital Color Transition Improv. (DCTI) Digital Combfilter Digital Luminance Transition Improv. (DLTI) Picture Noise Reduction Preset picture modes Aspect ratios (Format switching) Blackline detection PIP Multifold Tuner scan (Mosaic Picture) PAT: Split screen (PICTURE + TEXT) PAP: Double Window (PICTURE + PICTURE) P²AT: Double Window + TXT POP: PICTURE on PICTURE Picture freezing Zoom with point function Auto 16:9 selection via Scart Sharpness control Blue Background CHASSIS TV-Chassis Progressive Tuner Scaler Keyboard ELECTRONIC Stand by indicator EPG (Electronic Programme Guide) Easy Dialog Megalogic Manual & autom. labeling of prog. Programmable off timer Programmable on timer Intelligent channel search (Zapping funct.) Programme Edit Intelligent Programme Switch Programme memory TV/AV (opt.) Teletext/Fasttext/Toptext Teletext options Childlock Menue languages OSD OSD-style Service mode Game mode Hotel mode TUNING Autom. Tuning System with country selection Frequency Based Auto Search Automatic Micro-search Automatic Programming Manual fine tuning Direct channel selection Direct frequency selection PAL/SECAM/BG/DK/I/L'/L NTSC-Playback via Scart (3,58/4,43) Cable TV / Hyperband (S1-S41) AUDIO Mono/Stereo/Nicam AV Stereo Loudspeaker SRS Dolby Digital Virtual Dolby Magic Fidelity Sound System Sound Projector Matched Sound Delay (Lip synchronous) Subwoofer Dynamic Bass DSP (Digital Sound Processor) Balance Adjustment AVL (Audio Volume Level) PIP listening via Headphone.jack Equalizer Space Sound Effect Audio mode Audio amplifier USB part Screen saver File Browser Video file resolution (max.) Supported files Supported subtitles DVD DVD -R/+R/-RW/+RW CD -R/+R/-RW/+RW SVCD Supported files Supported subtitles
GBI0822 / GBJ0322
GBH4020 / GBH4021/ GBH4024
GBH4025 / GBH4023 / GBH4027
GKQ,HHA,HHC for BG3 , HJF for BG5
GKR,HHD,HHB for BG3 , HJG for BG5
RC 23
40 13833-62506 3/ -62606 0
RC 23
40 13833-62064 8/ -62082 2/ -62083 9
Glossy Black black glossy
21.6" / 56cm Active Matrix TFT-LC-Display 18.5" / 47cm Active Matrix TFT-LC-Display
ca. 5ms
ca. 5ms
RC 23
40 13833-62084 6/ -62065 5/ -62085 3
black glossy
21.6" / 56cm Active Matrix TFT-LC-Display
ca. 5ms
ca. 350cd/m²
ca. 1.000:1
ca. 250cd/m²
ca. 1.000:1
ca. 2.000:1
ca. 3.000:1
80/80 80/80
WXGA 1366 x 768 WXGA 1366 x 768
3D DeInterlacer
3D DeInterlacer
ca. 350cd/m²
ca. 1.000:1 ca. 2.000:1
WXGA 1366 x 768
3D DeInterlacer
 
  
 
user, vivid, natural, movie, sports
user, vivid, natural, movie, sports
   
 
user, vivid, natural, movie, sports
Auto (WSS), 4:3 / 14:9 / 16:9 / Panorama / Cinema Zoom / Sky Top
  
  
  
     
  
  
 
    
PLL frequency synthesizer tuning
PLL frequency synthesizer tuning
4 Volume/Programm, ± keys, stand-by 4 Volume/Programm, ± keys, stand-by
blue LED
7 days via DVB-T
blue LED
7 days via DVB-T
 
PLL frequency synthesizer tuning
4 Volume/Programm, ± keys, stand-by
blue LED
7 days via DVB-T
  
  
  
99 Analog / 400 Digital / AV
/  /
99 Analog / 400 Digital / AV
/  /
     
99 Analog / 400 Digital / AV
/  /
1000 pages
1000 pages
24 languages, D, GB, F, I, E, P, NL, DK, S, FIN, N, TR, GR, PL, CZ, SK, SLO, H, RUS, RO, BG, HR, LT, EE
OEM-style with Grundig look OEM-style with Grundig look
presets (user changeable) for sound and picture in HDMI-, Component- and PC-mode
Simple hotel mode possible via service adjustment Simple hotel mode possible via service adjustment
1000 pages
OEM-style with Grundig look
Simple hotel mode possible via service adjustment
full automatic sorting
full automatic sorting
  
  
  
full automatic sorting
     
  
 
/  / 
/  /
2 wide band at the front side
2 wide band at the front side
 
 
/  /
2 wide band at the front side
  
  
  
  
      
  
 
5 Band
5 Band
cinema, music, sport, speech, user
2x 3W (RMS)
cinema, music, sport, speech, user
2x 3W (RMS)
5 Band
cinema, music, sport, speech, user
2x 3W (RMS)
 
1920 x 1080
1920 x 1080
  
 
1920 x 1080
Micro DVD (sub,txt),SubRip(srt),Sami(smi,sami),Sub-Station-Alpha(ssa),Advanced Sub-Station-Alpha(ass)
Chassis DBGRUNDIG Service
1 - 5
22 VLC 2004 DVD Vision 2 19-2940 T DVD Vision 2 22-2940 T DVD
DVB reception
 
   
/  - ATS type sorting & LCN type sorting
/  - ATS type sorting & LCN type sorting
/  - ATS type sorting & LCN type sorting
177 - 862 VHF & UHF /
177 - 862 VHF & UHF /
177 - 862 VHF & UHF /
Chassis DBGRUNDIG Service
1 - 6
Fully compliant to Autmatic/manual channel search EPG (SI based)
7 Day Electronic Programme Guide
now/next scheduled Exdended Event Info
Short Event Info TV/Radio programmes OSD languages Parental control Teletext VBI insertion VPS - VBI insertion Programme table Factory station list DVB-T Front end Tuner inputs (Hyperband) Input frequency (MHz) / Loop through Input level / Impedance Modulation FEC Hierarchical modulation Activ antenna support Embedded Conditional Access Common Interface Smart Card Reader Video Decoder MPEG profiles Resolution OSD colors Picture formats Audio Decoder Profiles AC 3 Decoding AC 3 Output Modes Software Service information processing DVB subtitling Over air download (OTA) Navigator API Last station memory Favourite mode Timer / Sleep timer Clock Volume Mute function Swap function FRONT PANEL CONNECTIONS HDMI Headphones Cinch-AV socket S-Video POWER SUPPLY / CABINET Power voltage Range of regulation Power switch Integrated supply Plug-in AC adaptor Power consumption Cabinet (WxHxD, cm) / Weight REAR PANEL CONNECTIONS Euro-AV-Socket AV1 Euro-AV Socket AV2 Euro-AV Socket AV3 S-Video Camera-AV Wireless YUV input / progressive PC-input PC-Audio in DVI HDMI HD ready including HDCP Common Interface Headphones Digital Audio out coaxial (SPDIF) Video out Audio out USB Antenna for terrestrial reception DC-connector Power supply plug SUPPLIED ACCESSORIES Remote control (incl. battery) Power cord Cables Instruction manual Circuit diagram Wall fixture Stand Warranty info Cleaning tissue
EN 300 744 & revided NorDig II spec (regarding DVB-T front end performance)
  
If broadcasted If broadcasted If broadcasted
Same as analogue languages
-80,0dBm to -20dBm (at 16 QAM 2/3) / 75 COFDM 2/8 QPSK 16/64 QAM
4:3, 16:9, pan scan, letter box
Mono, Dual Mono, Stereo, Joint Stereo Mono, Dual Mono, Stereo, Joint Stereo
230V, 50Hz; in accordance to IEC 65
50W, standby <1W in accordance to IEC 62087-200235W, standby <1W in accordance to IEC 62087-2002
52.3x35.6x6.9cm / 52.3x38.0x16.0cm with stand / ca. 5kg 45.8x31.5x6.5cm / 45.8x34.3x16.5cm with stand / ca. 3.5kg
1 x Coaxial-socket for TV-tuner-in, according to DIN 45325
RC YE1187R. 2x Battery AAA size
Prepared for VESA standard adaptor 100 x 100
or decoding PDC based
full automatic sorting
1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
    
576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i
Fitting to TV-OSD
 
Dynamic PMT
DVB enhanced profile
via menu
from stand-by, as TV
4x free
On/Off timer
   
   
140V - 265V / 50-60Hz
  
Full wired
 
via Scart
3x Cinch socket in
via VGA
 
via HDMI
1 slot
3.5mm jack
  
USB 2.0
 
non grounded
  
  
MPEG4, MPEG 1 layer I & II,AC3(Dolby dijital)AC3+Dolby dijital plus)
1 x Coaxial-socket for TV-tuner-in, according to DIN 45325
Same as analogue languages
-80,0dBm to -20dBm (at 16 QAM 2/3) / 75 COFDM 2/8 QPSK 16/64 QAM
4:3, 16:9, pan scan, letter box
230V, 50Hz; in accordance to IEC 65
12V DC (11 - 14.5V, current consumptionApprox. 4A)
RC 23 incl. 2x Battery AAA size
Prepared for VESA standard adaptor 100 x 100
  
If broadcasted If broadcasted If broadcasted
or decoding PDC based
full automatic sorting
1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
   
576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i
Fitting to TV-OSD
 
Dynamic PMT
DVB enhanced profile
via menu
from stand-by, as TV
4x free
On/Off timer
   
 
140V - 265V / 50-60Hz
 
Full wired
 
via Scart
3x Cinch socket in
via VGA
 
via HDMI
1 slot
3.5mm jack
  
USB 2.0
non grounded
  
 
  
If broadcasted If broadcasted If broadcasted
Same as analogue languages
-80,0dBm to -20dBm (at 16 QAM 2/3) / 75 COFDM 2/8 QPSK 16/64 QAM
4:3, 16:9, pan scan, letter box
Mono, Dual Mono, Stereo, Joint Stereo
230V, 50Hz; in accordance to IEC 65
50W, standby <1W in accordance to IEC 62087-2002
52.3x35.6x6.9cm / 52.3x38.0x16.0cm with stand / ca. 5kg
1 x Coaxial-socket for TV-tuner-in, according to DIN 45325
RC YE1187R. 2x Battery AAA size
Prepared for VESA standard adaptor 100 x 100
or decoding PDC based
full automatic sorting
1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8
    
576i, 576p, 720p, 1080i
Fitting to TV-OSD
 
Dynamic PMT
DVB enhanced profile
via menu
from stand-by, as TV
4x free
On/Off timer
   
   
140V - 265V / 50-60Hz
  
Full wired
 
via Scart
3x Cinch socket in
via VGA
 
via HDMI
1 slot
3.5mm jack
  
USB 2.0
 
non grounded
  
Bedienhinweise Dieses Kapitel enthält Auszüge aus der Bedienungsanleitung. Weitergehende Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der gerätespezifischen Bedienungsanleitung, die Sie unter, Menüpunkt Downloads/Bedienungsanleitungen herunterladen können.
Chassis DBGRUNDIG Service
1 - 7
Chassis DBGRUNDIG Service
1 - 8
Chassis T5GRUNDIG Service
1 - 9
Chassis DBGRUNDIG Service
1 - 9
Chassis T5GRUNDIG Service
1 - 10
Chassis DBGRUNDIG Service
1 - 10
Hinweis – Kindersicherung:
Mit dem PIN-Code 2356 können Sie die Einstellungen ändern.
Chassis T5GRUNDIG Service
1 - 11
Chassis DBGRUNDIG Service
1 - 11
Chassis T5GRUNDIG Service
1 - 12
Chassis DBGRUNDIG Service
1 - 12
Hinweis – Kennwort: Mit dem PIN-Code 1369 können Sie die Einstellungen ändern.
Operating Hints This chapter contains excerpts from the operating instructions.
For further particulars please refer to the appropriate user instructions which can be downloaded by, submenu Downloads/Manuals.
Chassis DBGRUNDIG Service
1 - 13
Chassis T5GRUNDIG Service
1 - 14
Chassis DBGRUNDIG Service
1 - 14
Chassis T5GRUNDIG Service
1 - 15
Chassis DBGRUNDIG Service
1 - 15
Chassis T5GRUNDIG Service
1 - 16
Chassis DBGRUNDIG Service
1 - 16
Note – Parental control:
Instead of the PIN Code 2356, you can enter a new personal code.
Chassis T5GRUNDIG Service
1 - 17
Chassis DBGRUNDIG Service
1 - 17
Chassis DBGRUNDIG Service
1 - 18
Note – Password:
Instead of the PIN Code 1369, you can enter a new password.
+ 40 hidden pages