GrimmSpeed Install Guide Series
Installing the GrimmSpeed TMIC Splitter
Updated 8/30/13
Introduction: This guide will illustrate the installation of the GrimmSpeed Top
Mount Intercooler Splitter on your 02-07 Subaru. This install is pretty
straightforward, so take your time and enjoy it!
Tools: The tools listed below are suggested for this task (figure 1). Optional tools
are noted.
- 8mm socket
- Ratchet
- Philips
- Pliers (optional, if you need to remove a tree clip)
Figure 1: Tools
Tips: Avoid dumping the bag of tree clips onto your work bench. They have a
tendency to run away!
1. Begin by collecting your tools and popping your hood.

2. The first step will be to remove your stock splitter. Use your 8mm ratchet to
remove each of the fasteners holding the scoop to your hood. You’ll also need
to remove a single plastic Philips-head screw.
3. Next, use the supplied gasket material along with the push clips to secure the
gasket to the GrimmSpeed splitter. One of the short sides of the splitter has
four laser cut holes. You will start and finish there, in the center as shown
below. The gasket wraps around the outside of the splitter flanges. You’ll
notice that along the back side, it’s extremely difficult to get the push clips
into the splitter from the outside. Here, you’ll use the 2-piece clips and fasten
the gasket from the inside.
Figure 2: Start and finish points on the splitter gasket
4. Lastly, install your new splitter using the OEM hardware. If necessary, based
on the fitment of your particular TMIC, you may find that trimming the
gasket material with scissors creates a better fit and seal.