Part #474117
Fan Plenum Curb Assembly
Vektor™ ERS-MD Fan Plenum Curb Assembly Instructions
Greenheck VK-ERS curb is shipped in sections for field assembly. All required hardware is provided. Attachment
to roof or structural members and building weather protection by others.
Curb Section Parts List
ERS Plenum Section Fan Bypass Air Plenum (BAP) Section*
Description Quantity
End Panel 2
Corner Bracket 4
Side Panel 4
Side Bracket 2
Corner Bracket
Side Bracket
End Panel
Side Panel
Description Number of Fans Quantity
End Panel 2
Corner Bracket 4
Side Panel one fan
two fans
three fans
Center T-Bracket one fan
two fans
three fans
M-Wall Bracket one fan
two fans
three fans
Center Support Bracket one fan
two fans
three fans
Corner Bracket
Side Panel
Center T-Bracket
Shipping with these assembly instructions are
parts and subassembly drawings which provide
dimensions and quantities required.
Fan Plenum Curb for Vektor™
M-Wall Bracket
Center Support Bracket
* Image shown is a representative drawing. Actual curb for bypass air
plenum section may have additional pieces, depending on quantity of
fans. Image is for a two fan system.
End Panel

The side and end panels, and corner brackets
between the two sections are differentiated from
each other by the overall height. The panels and
brackets are 1-1/2 inches (38mm) higher for the
bypass air plenum section than ERS plenum section.
Hardware and Miscellaneous Items
• 5/16 x 1-1/2 316 SS bolt, lock and at washer
• 1/2 x 1-1/2 316 SS bolt, 1/2 at (qty 2) washer, 3/4
flat (qty 2) washer, lock washer and nut assemblies
• 5/16 x 1-inch moly coat 316 SS bolts, rubberized
washer and lock washer assemblies
• Caulk
• Foam insulation
• Insulation clips
Assembly Instructions for ERS
Plenum Curb
Curb for the ERS plenum consists of four sides with
the fourth side support against the Vektor fan bypass
air plenum.
End Panel to Side Panel(s) Assembly
With side panel assembly complete, take either end
panel and set in an upright position, resting on roof
flashing, with mitered edge butted up against side
panel assembly corner miter. Take one corner bracket
and insert into side panel. Then insert into the end
panel. Secure to each panel piece using 1-inch moly
coat SS bolt assemblies and same method as used in
attaching the side brackets as before.
Repeat the procedure connecting remaining end panel
to the assembly using remaining corner brackets and
fastener assemblies.
Side Panel(s) Assembly
Examine the four side panel pieces. Two panels have
additional bolt holes at the corner end. Only matching
side panels are to be secured together. Location of
holes depends on size and quantities of fans for this
ERS Side Panel without
additional corner holes
ERS Side Panel with
additional corner holes
With two matching side panel pieces, set in an upright
position resting on roof flashing. Butt flat edges of
side panels together with mitered edge towards
outside. Take one side bracket and slide into each
side panel. Secure the pieces together using the
1-inch moly coat SS bolt assemblies. Bolts are to be
tightened into the nut zerks. The insulation in all of
the brackets (side, corner and center T-bracket) has
not been fully secured so that it can be removed to
make fastening the moly coat bolt assemblies easier.
After tightening bolts, and replacing insulation if it
was removed, secure insulation in place using the
insulation clips.
Take the two remaining matching side panels and
connect using same procedure.
Jib Crane Assembly InstructionsFan Plenum Curb Assembly for Vektor™