AMCA & Greenheck
for Vektor Laboratory Exhaust
About AMCA
The Air Movement and Control Association International, Inc. (AMCA) is a notfor-profi t international association of the world’s manufacturers of related air
system equipment — primarily, but not limited to: fans, louvers, dampers, air
curtains, airfl ow measurement stations, acoustic attenuators, and other air system
components for the industrial, commercial and residential markets.
AMCA International, backed by almost 80 years of standards development, is the
world’s leading authority in the development of the science and art of engineering
as relates to air movement and air control devices. AMCA international publishes
and distributes standards, references, and application manuals for
specifi ers, engineers, and others with an interest in air systems to use in the
selection, evaluation, and troubleshooting of air system components.
AMCA International, with member companies and laboratories in many
industrialized countries around the world, is active on the technical
committees of the International Standards Organization (ISO), and
participates in the development of international standards for the industry.
A. Laboratory Exhaust (Effl uent)
B. Entrained Air
C. Total Flow
AMCA 260 Standard
In 2005, at the request of industry consultants and laboratory end
users, AMCA initiated an AMCA standard and certifi cation committee
to quantify the air entrained and total air discharged from high plume
dilution, induced fl ow fan blowers.
Both the Greenheck Vektor-MD and Vektor-CD fans have AMCA
certifi ed performance and are licensed to bear the AMCA label.
Summary of AMCA Standards and Certifi cation Programs
AMCA 210 - Fan Performance Test Standard
AMCA 211 - Certifi ed Fan Performance Ratings Program
AMCA 260 - Induced Flow Test Standard & Certifi ed Fan Performance Ratings Program
AMCA 300 - Sound Testing Standard
AMCA 311 - Certifi ed Sound Ratings Program
AMCA Specifi cation & Clarifi cation
How your specifi cations are written is critical to ensure you receive AMCA certifi ed equipment on your projects.
Incorrect: “Laboratory exhaust fan systems shall be tested in accordance with AMCA
This statement basically states that fans shall be tested in accordance with an AMCA standard, but
does not state that the performance be certifi ed and the fans are AMCA Licensed.
Correct: “Laboratory exhaust fan systems shall be tested in accordance with AMCA
This statement states that fans shall be tested in accordance with an AMCA standard, performance be
AMCA certifi ed and bear the AMCA Ratings Seal.”
Standard 210 or 260.”
Standard 210 or 260, and are licensed to bear the AMCA Certifi ed Ratings Seal.”

Model Comparison
U.S. Patents:
7048499; 7320636
Mexico Patent:
243465, 258949
China (PR) Patent:
Singapore Patents:
124106, 124135
Other Patents
Family of Lab
Exhaust Systems
Singapore Patent:
Other Patents
Vektor-H Vektor-MD Vektor-CD
Housing Style Inline Centrifugal Inline Mixed Flow Centrifugal
Stack Style High Plume Nozzle High Plume Dilution Nozzle High Plume Dilution Nozzle
Drive Options Belt Drive Belt and Direct Drive Belt and Direct Drive
Listed for Electrical 705
(File no. E 40001) and
Grease Removal 762
Power Ventilators
for Restaurant
Listed for Electrical 705
(File no. E 40001)
Listed for Electrical 705
(File no. E 40001)
Exhaust Appliances
(File no. MH11745)
Sound and Air Performance
Induced Flow Fan Air and
Sound Performance
Induced Flow Fan Air and
Sound Performance
Warranty 1 Year 3 Years 3 Years
Our Warranty
Greenheck warrants this equipment to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period
of one year (Vektor-H) or three years (Vektor-MD, Vektor-CD) from the purchase date. Any units or
parts which prove defective during the warranty period will be replaced at our option when returned
to our factory, transportation prepaid. Should motors furnished by Greenheck prove defective during
this period, they should be returned to the nearest authorized motor service station. Greenheck will
not be responsible for any removal or installation costs.
As a result of our commitment to continuous improvement, Greenheck reserves the right to change
specifications without notice.
Prepared to Support
Green Building Efforts
P.O. Box 410 • Schofield, WI 54476-0410 • Phone (715) 359-6171 • greenheck.com
AMCA and Greenheck Rev. 2 January 2009 RG
Copyright © 2009 Greenheck Fan Corp.