Document 474680
Model SP and CSP
Ceiling Exhaust and Inline Fans
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
Please read and save these instructions for future reference. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install,
operate or maintain the product described. Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure
to comply with these instructions will result in voiding of the product warranty and may result in personal injury
and/or property damage.
Direct Drive
Ceiling Exhaust Fan
Designed for clean air applications where
low sound levels are required. Many
options and accessories are available
such as lights, motion detectors, ceiling
radiation dampers and speed controls.
To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons,
observe the following:
• Suitable for use with solid state speed controls.
• Use this unit only in the manner intended by the manufacturer. If
you have questions, contact the manufacturer.
• Before servicing or cleaning unit, switch power off at service panel
and lock service disconnecting means to prevent power from
being switched on accidentally. When the service disconnecting
means cannot be locked, securely fasten a prominent warning
device, such as a tag, to the service panel.
• Installation work and electrical wiring must be done by qualified
person(s) in accordance with all applicable codes and standards,
including fire-rated construction.
• Sufficient air is needed for proper combustion and exhausting
of gases through the flue (chimney) of fuel burning equipment
to prevent back drafting. Follow the heating equipment
manufacturer’s guideline and safety standards such as those
published by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
and the American Society for Heating, Refrigeration and Air
Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and the local code authorities.
• When cutting or drilling into wall or ceiling, do not damage
electrical wiring or other hidden utilities.
• Select models are acceptable for use over a bathtub or shower
when installed in a GFCI protected branch circuit. (Up through
size SP-A390)
• Never place a switch where it can be reached from a tub or
• Ducted fans must always be vented to the outdoors.
• These fans are not recommended for cooking exhaust
applications. They are designed primarily for low temperature,
clean air applications only. The diagram shows the minimum
distance these fans should be placed in relation to cooking
• Fan/Light
insulated to a value greater than R40.
• For general ventilating use only. Do not use to exhaust
hazardous or explosive materials and vapors.
combination not to be installed in a
ceiling thermally
Direct Drive
Inline Exhaust Fan
Designed for clean air
applications where low
sound levels are required.
Pour réduire le risque d’incendie, de choc électrique ou de
blessure corporelle, respecter cd qui suit:
Appareil pouvant être utilisé avec un régulateur de vitesse à semiconducteurs.
• Utiliser cet appareil exclusivement comme prévu par le fabricant. En
cas de questions, communiquer avec le fabricant à l’adresse ou au
numéro de téléphone figurant dans la garantie.
• Avant tout entretien ou nettoyage de l’appareil, couper l’alimentation
sur le tableau électrique et verrouiller le dispositif de sectionnement
pour empêcher toute mise sous tension accidentelle. Si le dispositif
de sectionnement ne peut pas être verrouillé, attacher un moyen
de mise en garde bien visible, tel qu’un panonceau, au tableau
• La pose et le câblage électrique doivent être effectués par des
personnes qualifiées en conformité avec les codes et normes en
vigueur, y compris pour la résistance au feu du bâtiment.
• Une quantité d’air suffisante est nécessaire pour la bonne
combustion et l’extraction des gaz brûlés par le conduit d’évacuation
(cheminée) d’appareils à combustible afin d’éviter le refoulement.
Veiller à suivre les indications du fabricant du matériel de chauffe,
les normes de sécurité telles que celles publiées par la National Fire
Protection Association (NFPA) et l’American Society for Heating,
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) et la
réglementation en vigueur.
• Lors de la découpe ou du perçage de murs ou plafonds, ne pas
endommager les câbles électriques et autres conduites masquées.
• Certains modèles (jusqu’au modèle SP-A390 inclus) sont approuvés
pour une installation au-dessus d’une baignoire ou d’une douche
sous réserve d’être raccordés à un circuit de dérivation protégé par
un DDFT.
• Ne jamais placer d’interrupteur à un emplacement à portée d’une
baignoire ou d’une douche.
• Les caissons d’extraction à gaine doivent toujours être évacués vers
• Ces caissons ne sont pas conseillés pour les applications
d’aspiration de vapeurs de cuisson. Ils sont conçus essentiellement
pour l’aspiration d’air propre à basse température. Le schéma
indique la distance minimale de placement de ces caissons par
rapport à l’équipement de cuisson.
• Le combiné ventilateur/luminaire ne devra pas être installé dans un
plafond ayant une isolation thermique d’une valeur supérieure à R40.
À utiliser pour la ventilation générale uniquement. Ne pas utiliser pour
l’aspiration de matières et vapeurs dangereuses ou explosives.
Ceiling Exhaust and Inline Fans 1

Typical Installation
The ducting from this fan to the outside of the building has a strong effect on the air flow, noise and energy use of
the fan. Use the shortest, straightest duct routing possible for best performance, and avoid installing the fan with
smaller ducts than recommended. Insulation around
the ducts can reduce energy loss and inhibit mold
growth. Fans installed with existing ducts may not
achieve their rated airflow.
Rigid metal duct is recommended for optimal fan
Ensure duct joints and exterior penetrations are
sealed with caulk or other similar material to create
an air-tight path and to minimize building heat loss
and gain and reduce the potential for condensation.
Place/wrap insulation around duct and/or fan to in
order to minimize possible condensation buildup
within the duct, as well as minimize building heat
loss and gain.
round and over Fan Housing.)
Seal gaps
around Housing.
rchase separately.
Seal duct joints
with tape.
Keep duct
runs short.
(with built-in damper)
Other Installation Considerations
Ductwork and Noise
Fiberglass ductboard is a better choice than metal
ductwork for reducing fan noise and is highly
recommended for low sound applications. Where metal
duct is used, sound transmission can be reduced with
flexible duct connections between the fan and the duct.
Sound and Location
The location of these fans must be taken into
consideration before installation. In critical sound
installations, insulated ductwork, flexible duct
connections or placing the fan in a remote section of
ductwork are solutions to meeting the required fan
sound levels.
The addition of an intake filter is highly recommended
for these fans, even in clean air environments excess
dirt can accumulate on wheels and motors causing
reduced performance and imbalance.
Filters, once installed, should be checked and cleaned
periodically to maintain performance.
Washable aluminum mesh filters specifically designed
for these fans are available, please consult your
representative for more information.
Energy Star® Certified
Fan Model/Size
SP-A70, SP-A90, SP-A50-90-VG, SP-A90-130-VG,
SP-B70, SP-B80, SP-B90
Duct Dimensions
6 inch round
SP-A110, SP-A125, SP-A190 8 x 6 inch rectangular
SP-A200, SP-A250 8 x 8 inch rectangular
Fan Converted
to Inline
Correct Low
Sound Installation
Fan Mounted
Directly Overhead
Ceiling Exhaust and Inline Fans2

Prepare the Fan
Power Assembly
If power assembly (motor, wheel, and scroll) is not
installed in housing, insert the electrical plug into fan
socket, then slide scroll end of power assembly into
fan housing. Attach by using two sheet metal
screws provided.
A Model
B Model
Fan Rotation
To rotate from horizontal to vertical discharge
A Models Only
Remove Wiring Knockout
Remove either top or side wiring knockout,
depending on wiring
direction, by
bending it back
and forth to
break tabs.
Check ductwork to see if the fan’s discharge requires
rotation from horizontal to vertical discharge.
A50-510, 710, 780 Models
Remove the two screws holding the power assembly
in and pull power assembly out. Rotate power
assembly 180 degrees and put back into fan. Use
the same screws to reattach power assembly to fan
housing. Flip fan over and remove the four screws
holding the discharge duct and damper assembly.
Exchange the assembly with plate mounted on top of
fan, as shown in these illustrations.
A700, 900-1500 Models
Remove the eight screws
holding the access panel or
collar as shown in picture.
Rotate the fan housing so
the discharge is facing up.
Replace access panel or
collar and screws.
Ceiling Exhaust and Inline Fans 3