Florida Product Approval No: FL4825.1
Miami-Dade NOA No.: 08-1107.04
Miami-Dade Qualifi ed
Severe Duty Louver Enclosure
Application and Design
SDLE is a gravity intake or exhaust penthouse designed to meet the stringent performance requirements established by the
Florida Building Code (Miami-Dade County) test protocols TAS 201 (Large Missile Impact Test), TAS 202 (Uniform Static Air
Pressure Test) and TAS 203 (Cyclic Wind Loading). Design incorporates Greenheck model ESD-603D (Miami-Dade qualified
louver). Model SDLE is Miami-Dade County tested. No field assembly is required as all units are fully assembled. The severe
duty steel curb is supplied by Greenheck only.
Standard Construction
Louvered perimeter: 0.125 in. thick 6063-T5 extruded aluminum, 6 in. deep of screwed/welded construction.
Louver support: 10 ga. x 3 in. deep painted steel
channels at perimeter and 10
ga. painted steel Zee with
aluminum blade support
brackets at midpoint for throat
opening greater than 32 1/2 in.
Structural support: 1/4 in. x 2 in. x 2 in. steel frame
Birdscreen: Aluminum or steel mesh on
inside of louver (non-structural)
Outside Hood Dim.
Finish: Mill
Maximum curb dim.: 57 1/2 in. either direction
Maximum height: 52 in. without curb
Maximum throat size: 54 in. wide x 54 in. long x 24 in. high
Hood: Reinforced 0.100 in. thick aluminum, hinged for access and anchored at perimeter with 1/4-20
stainless steel screws, two per side and at minimum 23 in. spacing. One piece for throat <32 1/2
in.; two piece for larger throat sizes.
Fastening to curb: 3/8-16 plated steel screws through curb cap, one each corner, 12 in. max. spacing
Corner covers: 0.125 in. thick formed aluminum angle, fastened with #10 stainless steel screw on 12 in. max.
Curb: 12 ga. painted steel with 1 3/4 in. lip at top and 4 in. flange at bottom. Available in 12 in., 18 in., or
24 in. height. Heights greater than 12 in. are reinforced at interior with 12 ga. x 2 in. x 2 in. angles,
leg out.
Anchorage: Intent to have anchorage substantiated by others due to the many possible substrates. Qualified as
Hilti 3/8-16 x 3 Kwik Bolt II, 2 1/2 in. embed on 12 in. maximum centers into 3000 psi concrete,
OR Hilti #12-14 Kwik-Flex self-drilling screw, #3 point, on 4 1/2 in. maximum spacing, 3 screws per
Qualified substrates: 12 ga. steel, 3000 psi concrete
Maximum design load: 140 psf (6.8 kPa)
1.75 in.
Outside Curb Dim.
Options (at additional cost)
• A variety of bird and insect screens
• A variety of architectural finishes including:
Clear anodize
Integral color anodize
Baked enamel
• Motorized dampers
1.75 in.

Florida Product Approval No: FL4825.1
Size and Performance Chart
Max Intake/
Model Throat Dimension Roof Opening
SDLE-12 12 x 12 12 x 12 15.5 x 15.5 23.5 1.7 1.0 800,800 476 0.07 0-800 300
SDLE-18 18 x 18 18 x 18 21.5 x 21.5 29.5 2.5 2.3 1800, 800 725 0.08 801-1900 400
SDLE-24 24 x 24 24 x 24 27.5 x 27.5 35.5 5.7 4.0 3200, 800 563 0.06 1901-3300 500
SDLE-30 30 x 30 30 x 30 33.5 x 33.5 41.5 10.1 6.3 5000, 800 496 0.06 3301-5100 700
SDLE-36 36 x 36 36 x 36 39.5 x 39.5 47.5 15.6 9.0 7200, 800 461 0.05 5101-7400 900
SDLE-42 42 x 42 42 x 42 45.5 x 45.5 53.5 22.3 12.3 9800, 800 439 0.05 7401-10,000 1100
SDLE-48 48 x 48 48 x 48 51.5 x 51.5 59.5 30.2 16.0 12,800, 800 423 0.05 10,001-13,000 1300
SDLE-54 54 x 54 54 x 54 57.5 x 57.5 65.5 39.2 20.3 16,200, 800 413 0.05 13,001-16,500 1500
Outside Curb
Outside Flange
Louver Free Area
(Sq. ft.)
Throat Free Area
(Sq. ft.)
Exhaust Volume
(CFM), Throat
Velocity (FPM)
Louver Free Area
Intake Velocity
Miami-Dade NOA No.: 08-1107.04
Volume Range
(CFM) Unit Weight (Lbs.)
Louver Airfl ow
October 2008 Rev. 2
Copyright © 2008 Greenheck Fan Corporation
Greenheck Fan Corporation reserves the right
to make product changes without notice.