Multi-Blade Manual Balancing Damper
Application and Design
Model MBD-M15 is a manual balancing damper designed to regulate the flow of air in a HVAC system. They are not
intended to be used in applications as a positive shut off or for automatic control. Design incorporates heavy gauge
galvanized steel construction for durability and longevity. MBD-M15 meets SMACNA’s recommended construction
requirements for manual balancing dampers.
Pressure: .5 kPa - 1 kPa pressure differential.
Velocity: 10.16 m/s
Temperature: 82ºC
Standard Construction
Frame: 127 mm x 25mm 1.5mm galvanized
steel hat channel with reinforced corners.
Blades: 1.5mm galvanized steel reinforced
with three longitudinal structurally
designed vee's.
Linkage: Concealed in jamb.
Axles: 13mm dia. plated steel.
Bearings: Synthetic (acetal) sleeve type.
Control Shaft: 13mm dia. plated steel extends 152mm
beyond frame. Comes with 38mm
standoff bracket for external insulation
(see back page).
Operator: 13mm dia. locking manual quadrant.
Size Limitations
Minimum Size:
Two blades 203mm W x 254mm H
Maximum Size: Single section 1219mm W x 1524mm H
Multiple section 2438mm W x 2438mm H
One blade 203mm W x 152mm H
*W&H dimension furnished approximately 6mm undersize.
• Oilimpregnatedbronzebearings.
(at additional cost)
Opposed Blade Parallel Blade

Performance Data
1524mm Max
2438mm Max
1219mm Max
2438mm Max
Duct Insulation
Greenheck Kunshan Co Ltd.
17 Qunyi Minying District • Kunshan Economic &
Technical Development Zone
Kunshan, Jiangsu, China 215300
Tel: 0512-573-66666 • Fax: 0512-573-78633
Maximum Maximum
Damper Width System System
Pressure Velocity
1219mm 498 Pa 10.16m/s
914mm 623 Pa 10.16m/s
610mm 747 Pa 10.16m/s
305mm 996 Pa 10.16m/s
Maximum Size and Installation Information
NOTE: Maximum recommended system
pressure and velocity ratings are conservative
to prevent misapplication. Dampers are
structurally capable of withstanding higher
limits, however it is recommended that
Greenheck be contacted for an engineering
evaluation before exceeding these limits.
Temperature: Applications above 82ºC may
require special considerations.
Maximum size for a MBD-M15 is 2438mm W x
2438mm H. Dampers over 1219mm wide and/
or 1524mm high are shipped as 2 equal
sections (requiring field assembly). For
dampers larger than 2438mm x 2438mm, use
Greenheck model VCD-M20 series.
Standoff Bracket
38mm standoff bracket is standard.
It is used to extend the manual quadrant away
from the ductwork to accommodate external
Manual balancing dampers meeting the following
specifications shall be furnished and installed where shown
on plans and/or as described in schedules. Dampers shall
consist of: a 1.006mm galvanized steel hat channel frame with
127mm depth; triple V type blades fabricated from 1.5mm
galvanized steel; 13mm dia. plated steel axles; external (out of
the airstream) blade-to-blade linkage. Damper manufacturer's
printed application and performance data including pressure,
velocity and temperature limitations shall be submitted for
approval showing damper suitable for pressures to 996 Pa,
velocities to 10.16 m/s and temperatures to 82°C. Testing and
ratings to be in accordance with AMCA Standard 500. Basis
of design is Greenheck model MBD-M15.
NOTE: Temperatures in excess of 82ºC require special
Copyright © 2008 Greenheck Fan Corporation
MBD-M15 Rev 3 May 2008