Hurricane and High Wind Fans
March 2010

Third-party Certified High Wind and Hurricane Fans
As the first fan manufacturer to certify products to
hurricane standards, Greenheck is committed to offering
the widest selection of hurricane rated ventilation
products in the industry. From fans and laboratory
exhaust systems to louvers and louvered penthouses,
Greenheck's hurricane products are all third-party
certified and designed to out-perform the competition.
Greenheck fans are engineered and constructed to
withstand severe conditions. These durable fans are
easy to mount and install and will provide years of
reliable, worry free service in high wind environments.
At Greenheck, we provide just what you need to meet
the challenges for high winds and hurricanes.
Product Features include:
All standard models are hurricane certifies
Highest industry rating
Fans are certified for static and cyclic wind loading and missile impact
Designed to withstand wind loads of up to 150 mph
No tie downs are needed
Installation/mounting details are provided

Fan Models
Model G and GB
Centrifugal Roof Exhaust
The Greenheck models G (direct drive) and
GB (belt drive) are centrifugal roof exhaust fans
designed specifically for high wind applications, such
as hurricanes, tornadoes and other high wind areas.
The downblast design is ideal for general clean air
applications where air is discharged directly onto the
roof surface. Models are tested to all three Miami-Dade
test protocols for static loading, missile impact, and
cyclic loading.
Standard Construction
• Drawn shroud with integral rolled bead for consistent
material thickness and strength.
• High strength internal support structure and bracing.
• Motor and drive frame are isolated from the airstream,
mounted on true vibration isolators and sized for
150% of maximum driven horsepower.
• Bearings are pillow block design selected for a
minimum basic L10 life of 100,000 hours (average
L50 life in excess of 500,000 hours) at maximum
cataloged speed.
• NEMA-1 disconnect is mounted and
wired from the factory.
• High wind load roof curb is available for flat
and pitched roofs.
For full performance listings refer to the
G and GB catalog.
• Air performance is AMCA licensed up to
14,000 cfm
• Pressure range from 0-2.75 in. wg (700 Pa).
• Models G and GB are licensed to bear the AMCA Seal
for Sound and Air.
(24,000 m3/hr).
and USGF
Centrifugal Upblast Exhaust
The Greenheck models CUE (direct drive), CUBE,
S-CUBE and USGF (belt drive) are upblast roof exhaust
fans designed specifically for high wind applications
such as hurricanes, tornadoes and other high wind
areas. The upblast design is ideal for restaurant (grease
laden), general clean air, smoke and mild contaminates
(fume hood) where air is discharged away from the
mounting surface. Models are tested to all three MiamiDade test protocols for static loading, missile impact,
and cyclic loading.
Standard Construction
• One piece windband with integral rolled bead,
100% welded to an aluminum curb cap (steel with
non-stick material for USGF).
• High strength internal support structure and bracing.
• Motor and drive frame are isolated from the airstream,
mounted on true vibration isolators and sized for
150% of maximum driven horsepower.
• Bearings are pillow block design selected for a
minimum basic L10 life of 100,000 hours (average
L50 life in excess of 500,000 hours) at maximum
cataloged speed.
• NEMA-1 disconnect is mounted and wired
from the factory (NEMA-3R for USGF).
• High wind load roof curb is available for flat
and pitched roofs.
For full performance listings refer to the
CUE, CUBE, S-CUBE and USGF catalog.
• Air performance AMCA licensed from
400-15,000 cfm (25,000 m
• Pressure range from 0-5 in. wg (1,250 Pa).
• Models CUE, CUBE, S-CUBE and USGF are licensed
to bear the AMCA Seal for Sound and Air.

Fan Models
Models R and RB
Hooded Propeller Roof Fans
Hooded propeller roof fans include both belt and direct
drive fans with fabricated steel, fabricated aluminum
or cast aluminum blades. A variety of model
configurations are available to handle exhaust and
supply requirements. Belt drive fans offer the ability
to adjust fan speed for system balancing if necessary.
Direct drive fans are often preferred for jobs where
maintenance access is difficult.
They can operate from general ventilation up to
industrial duty applications with airstream temperatures
up to 130°F
Miami-Dade test protocols for static loading, missile
impact, and cyclic loading.
Standard Construction Features
• Motors are heavy-duty ball bearing type.
• Fasteners are corrosion-resistant.
• Galvanized steel hood and base with galvanized
• Galvanized steel with one piece drawn venturi.
• Level 1 and 2 galvanized and riveted steel blades.
• Level 3 heavy-duty welded and reinforced steel blades.
• Bearings are pillow block design selected for a
minimum basic L
L50 life in excess of 500,000 hours) at maximum
cataloged speed.
• Hood is precision formed locked rib construction.
• Available in aluminum or galvanized steel construction.
• Heavy-gauge galvanized steel support members.
(54˚C). Models are tested to all three
life of 100,000 hours (average
Model FGI and FGR
Fabra Hoods - Gravity Intake/Relief
The low silhouette Fabra Hoods are designed for
intake (model FGI) or relief (model FGR) applications.
In appearance, load bearing strength, weather
resistance and dimensional flexibility, the Fabra Hood
design is superior. Models are tested to all three
Miami-Dade test protocols for static loading, missile
impact, and cyclic loading.
Standard Construction Features
• Hood is precision formed locked rib construction.
• Available in aluminum or galvanized steel
• 0.5 in. (13 mm) galvanized steel mesh birdscreens.
• Heavy-gauge galvanized steel support members.
Refer to models FGI and FGR gravity ventilators catalog
for detailed information.
• The rounded inner surfaces promote smooth
uninterrupted flow of air.
• Cataloged performance data is assured on both
ducted and non-ducted installations with standard
• Intake and relief units differ in size and performance.
• Large “free area” (opening surrounding the throat)
for intake hoods limits entry of airborne debris and
moisture with lower intake air velocities.
• Relief units are not affected by velocity
considerations, free area is equal to throat area
resulting in lower cost.
Refer to the Hooded Roof Propeller Fans catalog for
specific information.
• Performance capabilities range from 580 cfm to
28,000 cfm and up to 1.5 in. wg (374 Pa) of
static pressure.