Florida Product Approval No: FL11350.2
Miami-Dade NOA No.: 08-0505.05
Miami-Dade Qualifi ed
Drainable Blade Louvered Penthouse
Application and Design
ESD-635PD is a gravity intake or exhaust louvered penthouse. Model ESD-635PD incorporates high performance horizontal
drainable style blades. Meets the performance requirements established by the Florida Building Code and Miami-Dade
County. Tested in accordance with and passes TAS 201 (Large Missile Impact), TAS 202 (Uniform Static Air Pressure) and TAS
203 (Cyclic Wind-Loading). This system should be installed in a location where the enclosed area/room inside the penthouse
is designed to drain water penetrating into the area/room, and the area/room will house water resistant/proof equipment,
components and/or supplies. Roof curbs specifically designed for model ESD-635PD may be supplied by Greenheck as an
option. Qualified for installation onto concrete/masonry, steel stud, structural steel or wood substrate. Model ESD-635PD may
also be supplied as an equipment enclosure without hood members.
Standard Construction
Frame . . . . . . . . .Heavy gauge extruded 6063-T5 aluminum,
6 in. x 0.081 in. nominal wall thickness
Blades . . . . . . . . .Drainable blade design, heavy gauge extruded 6063-T5 aluminum,
0.081 in. nominal wall thickness, positioned at 37º angles on approximately
4 in. centers
Construction . . . .Welded and mechanically fastened
Birdscreen . . . . . .3/4 in. x 0.051 fl attened expanded aluminum removable frame, inside mount (rear)
Finish . . . . . . . . . .Mill
Throat Size . . . . .12 in. W x 12 in. L
Throat Size . . . . .84 in. W x 108 in. L
Louver Height . . .12 in.
Louver Height . . .84 in.
Maximum Wind-load: 115 PSF
Options (at additional cost)
• A variety of bird and insect screens
• Blank-off panels
• Filter racks
• Hood
• Hood insulation
• Roof curb-flat or pitched
• Security bars
• A variety of architectural finishes including:
Clear anodize
Integral color anodize
Baked enamel

Florida Product Approval No.: FL11350.2
Miami-Dade NOA No.: 08-0505.05
Maximum Wind-load: 115 PSF
Performance data shown herein is a result of in-house airflow resistance testing procedures in an AMCA Accredited
Laboratory. The static pressure drops shown at given throat velocities include the pressure drop through the throat of the
product as well as through the louvers themselves. The recommended height shown herein allows for equal to or greater than
effective louver free area to that of the penthouse inside throat area. Increasing the product height will have minimal affect on
the static pressure drop. The static pressure drops shown do not include the effects of bird screen, insect screen or any other
Intake CFM Exhaust CFM
Total Pressure Drop in inches wg* Total Pressure Drop in inches wg*
0.067 0.152 0.268 0.030 0.068 0.120 0.187
Throat Velocity (ft./min.) Throat Velocity (ft./min.)
W x L
Louver Height
12 x 12 12 1 400 600 800 400 600 800 1000
12 x 24 16 2 800 1200 1600 800 1200 1600 2000
24 x 24 16 4 1600 2400 3200 1600 2400 3200 4000
24 x 48 20 8 3200 4800 6400 3200 4800 6400 8000
36 x 36 20 9 3600 5400 6400 3600 5400 6400 9000
36 x 72 24 18 7200 10,800 14,400 7200 10,800 14,400 18,000
48 x 48 24 16 6400 9600 12,800 6400 9600 12,800 16,000
48 x 96 32 32 14,400 21,600 28,800 14,400 21,600 28,800 36,000
60 x 60 28 25 10,000 15,000 20,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000
60 x 108 36 45 18,000 27,000 36,000 18,000 27,000 36,000 45,000
72 x 72 32 36 14,400 21,600 28,800 14,400 21,600 28,800 36,000
72 x 96 40 48 19,200 28,800 38,400 19,200 28,800 38,400 48,000
84 x 84 40 49 19,600 29,400 39,200 19,600 29,400 39,200 49,000
84 x 96 40 56 22,400 33,600 44,800 22,400 33,600 44,800 56,000
84 x 108 44 63 25,200 37,800 50,400 25,200 37,800 50,400 63,000
Throat Area
(sq. ft.)
400 600 800 400 600 800 1000

Florida Product Approval No.: FL11350.2
Miami-Dade NOA No.: 08-0505.05
Maximum Wind-load: 115 PSF