Seed and Liquid Fertilizer
Rate Charts for the
YP2425 and YP2425F Planters
The following pages are to assist in the proper setting of seeding and
fertilizer rates for the YP2425 and YP2425F 60-Foot Yield-Pro
For volumetric seeds, the rate ranges indicated in the charts are
approximate values. To assure the most accurate volumetric seeding rate it
is recommended that the planter and meters be calibrated for the desired
seed at the time of planting.
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. provides this publication “as is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. While every precaution has been
taken in the preparation of this manual, Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for
damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. reserves the right to revise and improve its products as
it sees fit. This publication describes the state of this product at the time of its publication, and may not reflect the product in the future.
Trademarks of Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. include: Singulator Plus, Swath Command, Terra-Tine.
Registered Trademarks of Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. include:
Air-Pro, Clear-Shot, Discovator, Great Plains, Land Pride, MeterCone, Nutri-Pro, Seed-Lok, Solid Stand,
Brand and Product Names that appear and are owned by others are trademarks of their respective owners.
Printed in the United States of America
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.Table of ContentsAppendix1
This manual covers the following tasks for three-section
60-Foot Yield-Pro® Planters equipped with
Singulator Plus™ or finger pickup meters
• setting and checking seed rate for singulated crops
• applying liquid fertilizer from an optional tank cart.
This manual is your guide to planter adjustments for
achieving specific seed population targets. It also This
manual is your guide to planter adjustments for achieving
specific seed population targets. It also includes
information you may need to properly setup and adjust a
separately provisioned fertilizer tank and pump system.
Covered Models
This manual applies to the following YP24a Planters.
Although some setup/adjustment material herein is
repeated from the Operator’s Manual, you need to be
thoroughly familiar with planter operations and
adjustments before applying this Seed Rate manual and
its table data.
For singulated planting, begin with “Singulated PlantingOverview” on page 2, then get specific data from:
“Finger Meter Planting” on page 15, or
“Singulator Plus™ Meter Planting” on page 8
For volumetric planting, begin at:
“Volumetric Meter Planting” on page 25.
Setting Liquid Fertilizer Rate
This topic is covered beginning at:
“Liquid Fertilizer Rate” on page 37.
a. Seed rates for YP2425A planters equipped with AirPro™ meters are provided in manual 401-626B.
b. Dry Fertilizer rates for the YP2425F-2470 are covered in manual 403-362M.
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2YP2425 & YP2425FTable of ContentsAppendixGreat Plains Manufacturing, Inc.
Singulated Planting Overview
The information in this section covers important setup
and checking information that applies to both:
Singulator Plus™ (wheel, at left in Figure 2) meters and
Finger Pickup meters (at right in Figure 2).
There are additional Sections for each meter. See also:
“Finger Meter Planting” on page 15 and
“Singulator Plus™ Meter Planting” on page 8.
Singulated planting employs the seed monitor in:
• “PLANTER CONTROL” mode with optional hydraulic
drive, or
• “MONITOR ONLY” mode with ground drive.
Population Risk:
If the seed monitor is presently in GRAN SEED mode, follow
the setup instructions carefully. Switching between seeding
modes can cause some planter configuration values to be reset
to defaults that are incorrect for your planter.
Figure 2
Singulating Seed Meters
Singulated Rate Setting Overview
1. For your crop, determine your intended population, in
seeds/acre or seeds/hectare. If you know only the
population, the charts on page 6 and 7 correlate
population to seed spacing for several row spacings.
2. For your crop, population and desired field speed,
verify the suitability and setup of your meter type,
and seed wheel part number or finger count.
For Singulator Plus seed meters and wheels, details
and charts are found in “Singulator Plus™ MeterPlanting” on page 8.
For Finger Pickup meters, details and charts are
found in “Finger Meter Planting” on page 15.
3. Set meter rate. See “Hydraulic Drive Meter Rate”
on page 3.
4. Verify your planting rate per the instructions at:
“Checking Planting Rate” on page 4. If the results
are consistent with your setup, plant the crop.
Row SpacingRow Spacing
14,000 44.8 in 22.4 in 29.9 in14.9 in50,000 12.5 in8.4 in6.3 in
15,000 41.8 in 20.9 in 27.9 in13.9 in55,000 11.4 in7.6 in5.7 in
Seed SpacingSeed Spacing
Note: Adjust Finger Pickup meters for the seed
This only applies to finger pickup meters.
See “Finger Meter Adjustments” on page 18.
Always start with factory settings.
401-406BTable of ContentsAppendix2013-09-23
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.Table of ContentsAppendixSingulated Planting Overview3
Hydraulic Drive Meter Rate
Hydraulic drive meter rate is set directly on the seed
monitor in the tractor. Consult the monitor manual for
detailed instructions, which may vary slightly over time
with firmware updates to the monitor system.
You will need to enter/update your planter configuration
(width/row-count, single-row/twin, meter type, wheel cell
count, etc.). Once entered, you can specify the desired
population directly in seeds per acre or per hectare.
Although the sprocket information in the Seed Rate
Charts of this manual does not apply to hydraulic drive,
recommended planting speeds (in mph or kph) do apply.
Note: For most consistent results, and least wear on the
meters, check the seed rate chart for the crop or
meter type/seed wheel, and do not exceed the
recommended ground speed.
For step 1 through step 4, any needed data not provided
in this manual can be found in one or more of:
Quick Start Guide
Planter Operator Manual
Refer to the DICKEY-john®IntelliAg® Planter/Drill
Control Operator’s Manuals for details on setup items.
Note: The monitor must be in User Level 2 to change
some of these parameters.
1. For a crop not previously planted with this planter,
create a “Material Name” for the crop. Selecting a
named material is a required step in later screens.
2. Verify, and as necessary setup or update the
“Material” record for the singulated seed to be
The table at right lists the parameters that need to be
reviewed or set. Values in <angle brackets> are at
your choice or preference.
3. Verify, and as necessary setup or update the
“Channel” assigned to the planter’s hydraulic drive.
If the monitor resets to defaults, Gear Ratio may be
Count rows individually for “# Seed Rows”. A twin
pair (if both openers are in use) counts as 2 rows.
“Channel Width” is swath.
4. In the Material Library screen, makes sure that the
Material (SOYBEANS in our example) is assigned to
the Channel (CH 1 in our example) which controls
the planter’s hydraulic drive.
5. Perform a Valve Calibration for the control channel.
6. Switch the seed monitor from Setup/Configuration
mode to Operate mode. Load seed. Move the planter
to the field.
Figure 3
Control Setup Screen
MaterialData Required
Material Name<crop name, such as “SOYBEANS”>
Channel“CH 1” (typically, can be 1-4)
Preset Method“Disabled” unless populations vary
Target Rate<your election>
Max Rate<110% of Target> is suggested
Min Rate<90% of Target> is suggested
Inc/Dec“1.0%” is suggested
Seeds Per Rev<seed wheel cell count or finger count>
Disc Low Limit<from Rate Range or Wheels chart>
Disc High Limit<from Rate Range or Wheels chart>
High Pop Alarm<“20%”> is suggested
Low Pop Alarm<“20%”> is suggested
Prod Level Alarm 0
ChannelData Required
CHANNEL 1(must be channel specified above)
Material Name(must be material name specified above)
Control ModeAuto
Drive TypePWM 2
Drive Freq.100 Hz
Input Filter50%
Gear Ratio1.900
Sensor Constant360
# Seed Rows48 (twin row) or 24 (single row)
Channel Width720
Precharge Time0
Delay Time0
Flush EnableDisabled
2013-09-23Table of ContentsAppendix401-406B
4YP2425 & YP2425FTable of ContentsAppendixGreat Plains Manufacturing, Inc.
Checking Planting Rate
Singulated seed charts are based on cleaned and sized
seed singulated with the recommended meter and wheel
or finger count. Extreme seed size variations, foreign
material and tire pressure can affect the planting rate.
Any material difference between chart and field rates
implies a mechanical malfunction, a planter setup error,
unsuitable planting conditions (such as excessive tire
slippage) or extremely worn planter components. You
can verify your setup and planter performance by
measuring seed placement and spacing over a relatively
short distance.
The columns to the right provide example data for a rate
check, in U.S. customary units and a similar example
metric units.
Checking Singulated Rates
1. Determine the sample distance to check. Find your
row spacing in the table at right.
2. Note the number of rows to sample. Adjust the
planting depth to a shallow setting on one or two
outside rows (per table). Tie up the press wheel
arms with wire or bungee to prevent furrow closure.
3. Decide whether to use1⁄
hectare as the sample size.1⁄
accurate sample.
4. Configure the planter for the chart rate, either using
the chart settings for sprockets, or, with hydraulic
drive, selecting the rate on the seed monitor.
of an acre or
provides a more
Figure 4
Furrow Check
US Example:
Planter: YP2425-2430
Crop: Soybeans
Density: 3000 seeds/lb.
Meter Wheel: 403-124D
Target Population:
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.Table of ContentsAppendixSingulated Planting Overview5
5. Plant at the desired planting speed for slightly more
than the computed sample run length.
6. Measure off the sample distance, balanced in
between where seeding started and stopped.
7. Count the number of seeds over the distance
measured. Also note the consistency of the seed
8. Compute the rate for a full acre or hectare.
For a1⁄
sample, multiply the counted seeds by
For a1⁄
sample, multiply the counted seeds by
9. If the sample size is near 100 seeds it is likely that at
least 1% of any error is due to the small sample. A
higher seed count provides higher confidence. Even
errors up to 3% or more may require no action, as
the speed change for a single sprocket re-pairing
can be that much.
10. If the field and chart rates vary by more than a few
percent, re-check planter setup, including meter
wheel or finger count, air system, tire size, tire
pressures, sprocket or hydraulic drive setup, chain
slack, etc. If seed spacing is irregular, this suggests
a seed delivery problem, and not a rate setup
11. If the planter is correctly set up, you may want to
adjust the setup slightly to achieve the desired field
rate. If any adjustments are made, be sure to
perform another furrow check on the new setup.
12. While planting, pay attention to the seed monitor. In
addition to confirming the single-row furrow check, it
will also provide field rate data on all the other rows,
and alert you to any irregularities or stoppages.
Note: For most consistent results, and least wear on the
meters, check the seed rate chart for the crop or
meter type/wheel, and do not exceed the
recommended ground speed.
USc Example:
Sample size:
Plant for approximately:
25 feet
Measure the central:
17 feet 5 inches
USc Example:
Seeds counted:
Computed for full acre:
121 x 1000 = 121,000
This differs from chart by:
Metric Example:
Sample size:
Plant for approximately:
20 meters
Measure the central:
14.29 meters
Metric Example:
Seeds counted:
Computed for full hectare:
300 x 1000 = 300,000
This differs from chart by:
2013-09-23Table of ContentsAppendix401-406B
6YP2425 & YP2425FTable of ContentsAppendixGreat Plains Manufacturing, Inc.
Singulated Seed Spacing
Singulated Spacing: U.S. Customary Units
For Singulator Plus wheels, and finger pickup meters.
30 inch
Crop15 inch20 inch70 cm30 inchCrop15 inch20 inch70 cm30 inch