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Trademarks of Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. include: Singulator Plus, Swath Command, Terra-Tine.
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Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.ContentsAppendix1
This manual is your guide to planter adjustments for
achieving specific seed population, fertilizer density and
treatment density targets.
Although some setup/adjustment material herein is
repeated from the planter Operator Manuals, you need to
be thoroughly familiar with planter operations and
adjustments before applying rate data from this manual.
Models Covered
This manual covers the following Great Plains 16-row
planter models. Not all models are available in all locales.
YP1630F-1630ND 30 inch, Narrow, Single row hopper
YP1630F-1630NS 30 inch, Narrow, Single row hopper
YP1630F-1630WD30 inch, Wide, Dual row hopper
YP1630F-1630WS 30 inch, Wide, Single row hopper
YP1630F-1670ND 70 cm, Narrow, Dual row hopper
YP1630F-1670NS 70 cm, Narrow, Single row hopper
YP1630F-1670WD70 cm, Wide, Dual row hopper
YP1630F-1670WS 70 cm, Wide, Single row hopper
Setting Material Rates
Refer to Figure 1
The YP1630F has three ground drive systems ( , , )
and three metering systems. Two of the metering
systems share a drive system. Details for rate settings,
and rate charts, are found in this manual. This page
provides an overview of the systems.
Planting (Seed) Rate (page 2)
Seed rate is controlled by Range and Transmission
sprocket pairings ( , ) on each of two separate wing
ground drive systems ( , ) and by seed meter
configuration at each row ( , hidden by hopper). The
seed monitor console reports field rates for most seed
4 5
1 2
Fertilizer Rate (page 17)
Dry fertilizer rate, from the central hopper, is controlled
by a variable rate gear box under the left side of the
hopper. The associated ground drive, under the right
side, has no adjustments. Fertilizer is delivered by the air
system, with blockage detection at the rows. The air
system must be adjusted to optimal pressure, but does
not adjust rate.
1 2 3
Figure 1
Planter Drive Systems
Treatment Rate (page 26, Option)
Planters with the optional second row hopper can deliver
a variety of granular materials with this system. Rate is
controlled by a knob and dial at each row. The
treatment meters have an agitator roller which shares the
seed drive system, but changes in seed rate sprockets
have only a minor effect on treatment rate.
About the Charts
The rate charts are independent of planter width and row
spacing. All charts except treatment are relatively
insensitive to ground speed.
Note: Units of Measure:
This manual provides most values in dual units of
measure (metric and U.S. customary).
Rates are set separately for seed, fertilizer (page 17) and
treatments (Option, page 26).
Seed rate is determined by:
1. consulting the seed rate charts,
2. installing the correct meter (in the case of finger
meters, the appropriate finger sets, inserts and
brushes, and in the case of the brush meter, the
appropriate seed plates),
3. setting the Range and Transmission driving/driven
sprocket combinations on each wing, and
4. checking the rate.
There are separate charts for brush and finger pickup
meters. If you are unfamiliar with the charts, see
“Reading a Brush Meter Chart” below or “Reading aBrush Meter Chart” on page 4.
To change meters, see “Exchanging Meters” in the
Operator manual.
Figure 2
Brush and Finger Pickup Meters
About Finger Meter Charts
The charts are for meters with 12-fingers, and apply to
both Corn and Sunflower configurations.
Some sizes of sunflower seeds meter more reliably with
the corn finger set, insert and brush. See the table below.
See the Operator manual (401-832M) for meter
reconfiguration instructions.
c. These components are included in the standard 890-856C Corn meter.34573
s. These components are included in the standard 890-912C Sunflower meter, and the 403-659A Conversion Kit.
brush block)
(long, narrow, XL)
~6600 seeds/kg
(~3000 seeds/pound)
for XL
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.ContentsAppendixSeed Rate3
For Round Corn optimum meter speed is 45 to 75 RPM
Reading a Finger Meter Chart
Note: Actual charts begin on page 8.
Images at right are excerpts.
Seed Rate: Population
1. Find the chart (Low or High range) which covers your
2. Find the desired seed population or seed spacing.
Seed Rate: Meter rpms
3. Note the range of meter rpms suitable for that
Inconsistent Population Risk:
The shaded rpms are the recommended rpms for most
consistent results. Use the recommended driving speed if
possible. The unshaded rpms are acceptable. Blank cells are
outside the range of reliable meter operation.
Seed Rate: Sprocket Combinations
4. Configure the Range and Transmission sprockets.
The numbers in the Driving/Driven columns are the
number of teeth (T) stamped on the sprockets
Seed Rate: Planting Ground Speed
5. Observe the recommended planting speed. Speed
directly controls meter rpm.
The charts are for plates by cell count, and apply to any
seed compatible with the plate.
Reading a Brush Meter Chart
For brush meters, the chart has separate columns based
on the cell count of the seed plate installed. For plate
selection see “Seed Plates” in the Options section of the
Operator manual. To change plates, see “InstallingBrush Meter Plates” in the Operator manual.
Note: Actual charts begin on page 14.
Images at right are excerpts.
Seed Rate: Cell Count
1. Use the chart columns for your seed plate, based on
the cell count.
60 Cell48 Cell
:30High Rate Milo/High Rate
MaximumGrain SorghumAcid-delinted Cotton
Soybean orSpecialty Soybean or
123 853
70 cm Rows
99 083
Seed Rate: Population
2. Find the desired seed population or seed spacing.
Seed Rate: Sprocket Combinations
3. Configure the Transmission sprockets.
The numbers in the Driving/Driven columns are the
number of teeth (T) stamped on the sprockets
Note: Brush meter charts use a single Range sprocket
Range provides fine seed rate control, and uses only
pairings from Sprocket sizes:
17T, 19T, 23T, 24T, 25T, 26T, 27T, 28T
Pairings are always unequal except for 23T:23T
To change Range drive:
1. Consult the seed rate chart for your crop, meter, and
finger or cell count.
2. For your desired seed population, find the Range
sprocket pairing at the top of the chart.
3. Loosen the tensioning idler to obtain chain slack.
4. Remove the lynch pins at each Range sprocket
that needs to be changed.
5. Exchange sprockets with those required from the
storage trees. Re-install pins.
6. Engage the idler for 13 mm (
at longest chain span.
7. Repeat for other wing.
⁄2inch) of chain slack
Figure 6
Transmission Drive
Checking Planting Rate
Singulated seed charts are based on cleaned and sized
seed singulated with the recommended meter and wheel
or finger count. Extreme seed size variations, foreign
material and solid conditions can affect the planting rate.
Any material difference between chart and field rates
implies a mechanical malfunction, a planter setup error,
unsuitable planting conditions (such as excessive wheel
slippage) or extremely worn planter components.
You can verify your setup and planter performance by
measuring seed placement and spacing over a relatively
short distance.
The columns to the right provide example data for a rate
check, in metric units and similar example in U.S.
customary units.
Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.ContentsAppendixSeed Rate7
Checking Singulated Rates
1. Determine the sample distance to check. Find your
row spacing in the table at right.
2. Note the number of rows to sample. Adjust the
planting depth to a shallow setting on one or two
outside rows (per table). Tie up the press wheel
arms with wire or bungee to prevent furrow closure.
3. Decide whether to use 1/1000th or 1/200th of a
hectare or acre as the sample size. 1/200th provides
a more accurate sample.
4. Configure the planter for the chart rate, either using
the chart settings for sprockets, or, with hydraulic
drive, selecting the rate on the seed monitor.
5. Plant at the desired planting speed for slightly more
than the computed sample run length.
6. Measure off the sample distance, balanced in
between where seeding started and stopped.
7. Count the number of seeds over the distance
measured. Also note the consistency of the seed
8. Compute the rate for a full acre or hectare.
For a 1/1000th sample, multiply the counted seeds
by 1000.
For a 1/200th sample, multiply the counted seeds by
9. If the field and chart rates vary by more than a few
percent, re-check planter setup, including meter
wheel or finger count, air system, tire size, tire
pressures, sprocket or hydraulic drive setup, chain
slack, etc. If seed spacing is irregular, this suggests
a seed delivery problem, and not a rate setup
10. While planting, pay attention to the seed monitor. In
addition to confirming the single-row furrow check, it
will also provide field rate data on all the other rows,
and alert you to any irregularities or stoppages.
Rows to SampleLength of Sample Run
70 cm1ha: 14.29 m71.45 m
30 inches1ac: 17 ft. 5 in.87 ft. 1 in.
Metric Example:
Sample size:
1/1000th ha
Plant for approximately:
20 meters
Measure the central:
14.29 meters (1429 cm)
Metric Example:
Seeds counted:
Computed for full hectare:
82 x 1000 = 82 000
This differs from chart by
less than 1%
to Count
USc Example:
Sample size:
1/1000th ac
Plant for approximately:
25 feet
Measure the central:
17 feet 5 inches
USc Example:
Seeds counted:
Computed for full acre:
31 x 1000 = 31,000
This differs from chart by
less than 1%