Great Plains Universal Acre Meter User Manual

Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. 1

Universal Acre Meter

Installation Instructions

General Information

These Instructions explain how to install the 589-415A Acre Meter Kit Wheel or the 589-427A Gang Mount Acre Meter Kit. The acre meter program chart applies to the meter being mounted on wheel or turbo blade.
• Basic Hand Tools
• Lug Wrench or Air Impact
• Torque Wrench

Models Covered

Turbo-Till Disk Harrow
Turbo-Chopper Plains Plow
Turbo Max Field Cultivator
Turbo Chisel
Discovator DVN
Figure 1
Electronic Acremeter

589-415A Acre Meter Kit Wheel

Part Number
Description Qty.
589-427A Gang Mount Acre Meter Kit
Part Number
589-151D PART ACRE METER 1 589-428H ACRE METER SUB ASSY 1 802-183C RHSNB 1/2-13X1 GR5 2
Description Qty.
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2 Acre Meter Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.
Refer to Figure 2
Note: The wheel mount will bolt on the same for either a 6 or
8 bolt wheel but will use either the 596-594D for6-bolt and the 596-593D for 8-bolt. Mount acre meter on ei­ther outside wing wheel.
1. Bolt the 891-420C acre meter to the appropriate 596-593D or 596-594D hubometer mount with the 1/2 lock nut provided with acre meter.
2. Tighten top lock nut to secure to bracket.
3. Take two of the lug nuts (opposite of the first one) off, slide hubometer mount over lug bolts and re­install lug nuts turned around with flat part of nut against mount.
Note: Torque lug nuts to specs. 1/2”-20 (75-85 ft-lbs), 9/16”-
18 (80-90 ft-lbs), 5/8”-18 (85-100 ft-lbs).
Refer to Figure 3
4. Remove the castle nut bolts from both ends of
5. Remove castle nuts from both ends of gangs.
6. Remove 2 flat washers or 1/4” thickness from opposite end of duratight washer.
7. Leave all washers on duratight end, unless oppo­site end does not have at least 2 washers, then washer may be removed from this end.
Note: When the 589-151D bracket is used on a 1 3/4” gang
bolt, the center knock will need removed to fit over gang bolt.
8. Slide the 589-151D bracket over gang bolt.
9. Re attach castle nuts on both ends and tighten.
Note: Torque 1 3/4”-5 gang bolt to 850 Foot-pounds (165
lbs on 5’ cheater) or 1 1/2-6 750 Foot-pounds (175 lbs on 4’ cheater). Align slot in castle nut with hole in gang bolt.
10. Re attach bolts with a flat washer, one each of cas­tle nut , secure with lock nut.
11. Attach 891-420C acre meter to 589-428H acre meter bracket with 1/2 lock nut provided with acre meter.
12. Attach 589-428H acre meter bracket to 589-151D bracket , secure with 802-183C carriage bolts and 803-342C top lock nuts.
5 9
7 8
Figure 2
Wheel Hub Assembly
Figure 3
Gang Mount Assembly
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Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc. 3

Electronic Hubodometer

To program the electronic hubodometer use the mag­netic programming tool included with the meter. A typical permanent magnet will also work. The tool is used to ini­tialize and configure the hubodometer bu touching it to sensor locations on the face of the meter. The hubome­ter is versatile enough to work with any tire size as well

Programming Mode

Refer to Figure 4
• The unit enters programming mode when the magnetic programming tool is held on the left sensor for 6 seconds.
• The display will turn on and show the serial number for 6 seconds. If the programming magnet is continuously applied during the time the serial number is shown and for an additional 8 seconds, the meter will wait for the magnet to be drawn and then will enter the programming mode.
• Once active, there is a 10 second time-out if no further user input is received and the unit returns to the previous mode.
• The display will show the prompt PROG. Each tap on the left Mode button advances the programming mode to the next mode. While programming the meter each tap on the right sensor changes the current item based on the mode.

Mode 1: Set Unit of Measure

• The display shows “UNITS” and the current measure­ment unit of measure. All other display features are off. To change unit of measure tap the right sensor to toggles through each unit of measure mode (HECTARES, MILES, KILOMETERS, and back to ACRES). Tapping left mode button again changes to Mode 2.

Mode 2: Set Counter Ratio

Note: To find the correct ratio value for your machine see
the Acre Meter Conversion Chart on next page.
• This mode is used to set the counter ratio for the unit of measure that is currently displayed. All display fea­tures are off except the ratio number (showing the cur­rent ratio value). The left most digit of the ratio will be flashing. To change the digit value, tap the right sen­sor. The digit will then incrament. Continue to tap the right sensor to increment to the desired value.
• To select a different digit tap the left program sensor to sequence through the digits and then tap the right sensor when the desired digit is flashing to increment the value as above/ When programming each digit a change from 9 to 0 does not affect the next digit. Tap­ping the left mode button again advances to the next digit. Once the right most digit has been passed the
as to be adjusted for applications with the unit of mea­sure in miles, kilometers, acres and hectares. Use the Acre Meter Conversion Chart (for working width and tire size) along with the Programming Mode instructions to program the Acre Meter.
Use left mode button to enter and toggle through the programming modes
Figure 4
Use right mode but­ton to toggle through selection settings in the individual modes
Meter Display
display shows the entered value. Tapping the left mode button again changes to Mode 3.

Mode 3: Preset

• At this point the user can set the meter to the desired starting count. This does affect non-resettable back ground total. The factory default is “000000” if this fea­ture is not needed, tap the left target repeatedly and leave the digits set to zero. Tapping the right target will increment the digit. Tapping the left target once will move it to the next digit to the right. When all the digits are set, tapping the left target once more will make the display show: Example: set to 125750.

Mode 4: Security Lock

• This is where the user will turn on or off the security lock feature. Tapping the right target will toggle it between “ON” and “OFF”. Warning-If the Security lock feature is set to “ON” when the units leave the program
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mode, the unit will never enter the program mode again. If an error was made, the unit will need to be replaced. The serial # and the background total how­ever are still viewable by holding the magnet on the left target as described above.
• If the security feature is left off, tapping the left target once more will make the display show PROG.
• PROG will be display for about 10 seconds. If a pro­gramming error was made, tapping the left target once more before the 10 seconds has elapsed will send the RT1000 back to the beginning of the program mode where the error can be corrected if need be. At this point leaving the RT1000 untouched will allow it to leave the programming mode and after 10 seconds the display will show: Example: 125750.0 (or preset value).
• If the security feature is turned on, tapping the left tar­get once more will make the display show y n. The unit is now asking you to confirm that you want the security feature on. Tap the left target for YES, the right target for NO. Tapping the left target (y) will make the display exit the program mode and lock the unit. The display will show: Example 125750.0 (or preset value).
• Tapping the right target (n) will return the display to SEC OFF.

Exiting Program Mode

• When the PROG prompt is displayed and there is no input activity for 10 seconds, the unit will return to the previous state prior to entering programming mode.

Normal Operation

Idle (Wheel has not been turning)
• The electronic hubodometer waits in a low power con­sumption mode. The unit will go into active mode if motion is detected or into programming mode if acti­vated by a programming tool. The meter display is on during idle mode and displays the current total. If the meter is in idle mode for more than 1 hour the display turns off until it is activated. To reactivate the display after it has gone off, but before starting to turn again touch the programming magnet to the left sensor.

Active Mode: Wheel starting to turn

• The display turns off once the wheel is turning. The hubodometer monitors the wheel position by polling the 2 Hall-Effect motion sensors at a sample rate that is based on current speed of wheel.

Active Mode: Wheel stops turning

• When the meter is at rest for a minimum of 15 sec­onds, the display is enabled and shows the total count and measurement units. The meter will enter idle mode and after 1 hour of no activity the display will turn off.
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