The PVTV XSWITCH is a routing switch that fac ilitates switching of all communication, v ideo, and audio
signals, as well as PC controllers and mo nitors. The switch is pe rformed between all pe ripheral devices
(cameras, VTRs, VCRs, etc.) and two complete PVTV NEWS systems. The XSwitch facilitates redundancy by providing a means to simultaneously rerout all pertinent signals with the push of one button.
The Master is a 6 Rack Unit rackmount module. It contains a backplane PCB that incorporates plug-in connections for 10 switch ca rd s o f any co mbi na tion, a microprocessor c ard an d one KVM module. The micr oprocessor controls the swi tch cards and KVM module. It also pr ovides user interface via the fron t panel
mounted LCD and button field. A menu driven set-up facility allows the sw
itching configurati on to be prog ramme d. Five di fferent con figurati ons ca n be pro grammed . A sing le butto n
press can assert any one of the configurations.
Switch Cards
The Master comes pre-loaded with:
•1 CPU Card
•6 Communication Switch Cards
•2 SDI (Video) Switch Cards
•2 Audio Switch Cards
•1 KVM Module
Each switch card is designed to p erform switchin g of a specific si gnal type, i.e. Com munications, Video,
Audio, etc. All of the switch cards c ontain circuitry, which communicates with the microprocessor on th e
CPU card over a common bus. With the exception of the KVM module, these circuits are all identical.
The Comm Switch Card is a passive switching dev ice. There are no active electronics (semiconductor
devices such as ICs or discrete transistors) in the signal paths. The communication signal paths are
switched by relay contact. The I/O connectors on this card are 9-pin D type. Input (control source) connectors are female. Output (peripheral) connectors are male.
As a passive switch ing devi ce, the Comm S witch Card does not si gnific antly alte r or in any wa y affect th e
electrical character istic s of th e s ign al paths be ing switched. However, signal paths on the open s ide of th e
switch are not terminat ed. This car d empl oys a "for m C" conf igurati on and c an switch two sets of com munication ports. The typical topology would consist of one peripheral device and two control systems per set.
Both sets are switched simultaneously. Due to the passive switching ci rcuitry, the communication signals
can be of virtually a ny type such as RS232, RS422, RS48 5, etc. This card does not supp ort extremely
high-speed signal s wi tch in g s uc h as E the rn et. The ac tual c on tact e xcha nge oc c ur s within 6mS maximum ,
including settling tim e.
The SDI Switch Card is also a passive swit ching dev ice. Ag ain, relay contacts are used. The I/O connectors are standard BNC type. T his card is a cross switch. Two digital video signal sourc es are switched
between two receiving dev i ces. F o r ex amp le, an S DI s ig nal fr om di gital c am era A is fed to the s wi tch c ar d
and from there to digital mon itor A. A n SDI s ignal fr om di gital cam era B is fed to the swit ch card a nd f rom
there to digital monitor B. When the switch is thrown, camera A is connected to monitor B and camera B is
connected to moni tor A. No signal paths are left withou t termination except during the ac tual switching
event. The actual contact exchange, including settling time, consumes a maximum of 6mS.
The Audio Switching C ar d is an a ctiv e sw itc hi ng de vi c e. It fu ll y bu ffers al l si gnal s and i s a "pop free" cross
switch. It uses active balanc ed inputs and outp uts. The I/O connec tor s ar e 3 pin XLR ty pe. The y are wi re d
with pin one at circuit ground, pin 2 hi and pin 3 lo. The input impedance is 2K Ohm. The output impedance
is 600 Ohm. In a typical application audio source A is input at input A and taken from output A to a receiving device. A second audio source is input at input B and taken from output B to a second receiving device.
When the switch is thrown, source A is connecte d to receiving device B and so urce B is connected to
receiving device A. The actual audio channel switching consumes a maximum of 50 mS.
PV Audio "X"
Source A
Source B
Normal Path
Switched Path
Source A
Source B
Certain installations may require VGA switching capabili ty beyond that offered by the KVM Mod ule. An
auxiliary VGA switching card is available for such instances. This card is very similar to the Communication
Switch Card described ea rlier. Again, the signal pat hs are swi tched by passive rel ay co ntact. Signal paths
on the open side of the switch are not termin ated. It is a For m C type switc h with two inputs and one output. The connectors are high density 15 pin D type connectors for VGA interface (female inputs, male output). Contact exchange occurs within 6mS maximum, including settling time.
The KVM module contains bo th active and passive s witching. It is a dual c ross switch. It can h andle two
systems, each comprised of 2 keyboards, 2 mouse-type pointing devices and 4 VGA monitors. Each of the
two KVM systems can be switc hed independ ently of the other. The I/O connectors consist of high-density
15 pin D type connectors for VGA interface (female inputs, male outputs) and female MINI-DIN connectors
for keyboard and mouse interface.
In a typical application, the KVM module is used to switch VGA, keyboard and mouse connections
between two PVTV NEW S systems. I t can simultane ously and ind ependently sw itch two SCR IPT Viewer
systems, which emplo y the same co mponents. The switching func tions for the two PVTV NE WS systems
are independent of the switching functions for the two SCRIPT Viewer systems.
Looking at the KVM mo dule connec tor panel from the bac k of the rack, all PVTV NEWS connection s are
provided on the left-han d si de of the panel and a ll SCRIPT Viewer conne ct ion s ar e o n the rig ht- ha nd side .
On the STUDIO side, one VGA source (call it Left) is connected to "STUDIO A IN" in the "VGA LEFT" connector group. The second VGA sourc e from the same compu ter (R ight) is connected to "STUD IO A IN" in
the "VGA RIGHT" c onnector group. The (L) VGA monitor is conne cted to "STUDIO A O UT" in the VGA
LEFT connector group. T he ( R) VGA monito r is co nnecte d to "S TUDIO A O UT" in the "VGA RIG HT" c onnector group.
The keyboard from the sa me PVTV NEWS sy stem is connec ted to the up per MIN I-DIN co nnecto r lab eled
"K" in the "STUDIO A" connec tor group. The mous e plugs into the upper MINI-DIN conn ector labele d "M"
in the "STUDIO A" connector group. Connections from the lower MINI-DIN connectors labeled "K" and "M"
are taken back to the keyboard and m ouse ports respecti vely of the associa ted computer.The same connections are repeated for the second PVTV NEWS system at the "STUDIO B" I/O connector group.
The SCRIPT Viewer systems are connect ed on the right-hand side of the conn ector panel, in the same
manner as the PVTV NEWS sy stems. Switchin g of the RGB portion of the V GA signal groups is handled
actively, while all other signals in this grou p are switch ed passively. This is done to maintain integrity and
cable drive capability of the RGB signals. Independent, active buffering and switching channels, which provide proper termination and standard 75 Ohm impedance characteristics, processes all video signals. Typical RGB video signal switching time is 5 nS. This is an insignificant time span relative to the switching time
of the VGA signal groups as a whole.
The keyboard and mouse switching is primarily passive, but does employ some semiconductor based
power coupling circuitry. Contact closure times do not exceed 6 mS for any portion of the KVM Module.
The XSWITCH can also b e expanded v er tica ll y by a ddi ng u p to 3 Ex pansion M odu les to a ny Master M odule. The Expansion Mo dule is 4 Rack Units and holds up to 10 switch cards. The indiv idual Expansion
Modules communi cate with each other throug h a SCSI connection. The Master Module still controls the
entire switching syst em, and com munic ates wit h the Expansion Mod ules through an RS232 connec tion. If
you need an Expansion Module, please contact ParkerVision Customer Support.
The following list indic ates the items tha t should have bee n shipped with the X SWITCH. If any items are
missing, contact ParkerVision immediately for the missing items.
The Master Module comes pr e-loaded with Switch Cards, however, it is important to note how cards are
installed in case a replac ement card or alte rnate card is ever nee ded. The informatio n below is for r eference in such cases.
The CPU card occupies the slot in the upper right hand co rner of the card cage, as viewed form the back .
Before the CPU card is installed, check to be sure the program/run switch is in the RUN position. To install
the CPU card, align the top and bot tom edges of the CIRCUIT BOARD (not the metal shee t to which the
board is mounted) with the nylon card guides inside the card cage. Slide the card all the way back until the
DIN connector on the card mates securely with the DIN connector on the backplane. The metal panel
should fit snugly aga inst the mountin g bars at t he back (th e side ne arest ins taller) of the card c age. Install
and tighten the two #4 machine screws to fasten the connector panel to the mounting bars.
There is only one slot in the Master Module for the CPU card.
All other switch c ards are installed in the same manner as des cribed for the CPU c ard. Unlike the CPU
card, these cards can oc cupy any position in the upper half of the card cage. With the excep tion of the
Audio switch card, the re are no program ming jumpe rs or adjustm ents to be made on any of these switch
The KVM Module connects to the backplane via a 34 conductor ribbon cable. The cable is terminated with
keyed 34 pin connector s. One end of the cable plugs into the backplane at J13 and the other end plugs
into the KVM module a t J11. The module then fastens to t he Master Mod ule chassis u sing 6 #4 mac hine
The Expansion Module basically duplicates the upper half of the Master Module. It can hold up to 10 switch
cards in any order. Switch Cards are installed in exactly the same manor as in the Master Module. An eleventh slot, at the far right-hand end, holds the Expansion Card. It is installed in the same manor as the CPU
card in the Master Module. The Expansion Card p rovides c onnec tion poi nts for cab ling between the Ma ster Module and the Expansion Mod ule. It also provide s connection points for cabling between Expans ion
Modules. Up to 3 Expansion Modules can be ganged with one Master Module.
Each Communicati on Switch Card can switch 2 communic ation channels. E ach channel "outp ut" can be
switched between two "inputs.” In a typical ap plication, one communication port from PVTV STUDIO " A"
would connect to the first input of the first switching channel. One communication port from PVTV STUDIO
"B" would connect to the secon d inp ut of the first swi tc hi ng cha nne l. The output of the first switching channel connects to the comm unic ati on po rt of an y s eria l-c ontr ol la ble devi ce, su ch a s a VT R or c har acte r g enerator. The second switching cha nnel w ould c onnec t in the same m anor, to a second comm unica tion p ort
from each of the two PVTV NEW S system s and to the c ommuni catio n port of a se cond peri pheral de vice .
These connections a re al l mad e usi ng standard digital co mmunicati on c ables termina ted wit h 9 pin sub D
connectors. Inputs to the Communication Switch Card are female, outputs are male. These same directions should be fo llowed for utilizing each of the six Co mmunication Switch Cards in the Master Module.Refer to Table 1 and Figure 1 for more infomration.
The actual signal switc hing mechanism employed is passive and can therefore accommodate all ty pical
communication signaling methods, including RS232, RS485, RS422.
Verify that the communication sw itch card inputs are con nected to the same c ontrol ports of each PVT V
NEWS control module . For example, if the VTR is conne cted to control port 1 on ST UDIO A, the same
VTR should be connected to control port 1 on STUDIO B.
Each Video Swi tch Card can c ross- switch two v ide o outpu t sour ces be twe en tw o recei ving device s. Out put
from one video sou rce is connected to Switch Card input "A." The input to the receiving device is connected to Switch C ard output "A .” Output from a second video source is c onnected to Swi tch Card input
"B." The input to a second receiving dev ice is connected to Switch Card output "B." When the switch is
thrown, source "A" is connec ted to recei ving dev ice "B" while source "B" is connect ed to receiv ing devi ce
"A." This card can be used to s witch c omposite analog or SDI video s ignals. Ca ble connecti ons are mad e
using SDI compatible cabling terminated with 75 Ohm BNC connectors.
There are two SDI Sw itch Cards in the Master Module. One card con nects to Program output on PVT V
NEWS, and the other connects to Preview Out on PVTV NEWS. Refer to Tables 2 and 3 for more information.
Table 2: SDI Switch Card 1 Interconnections
To Air
Table 3: SDI Switch Card 2 Interconnections
A OUTPreview Monitor
B OUT Preview Monitor
Each Audio Swit ch Card can cross -switch two audio o utput sou rces betwee n two rec eiving dev ices. Bot h
switching channels employ active balanced inputs and outputs with unity gain throughput and flat frequency response acros s th e audi o spec tr um. In pra ctic e, the au dio outp ut fr om so urce "A " is con nec te d to
switch card inpu t "A." The input of a n audio receiv ing device is connected to swi tch card output "A." The
output from a secon d audio source is connected to swit ch card input "B." The input of a second audio
receiving device is connected to switch card output "B." When the switch is thrown, source "A" is connected to receivin g device "B" while source "B" is connected to receiving device "A." Conne ctions are
made using standard low impedance, balanced line, shielded cable terminated with three pin XLR connectors with pin-1 as groun d. Because the audio switchin g circuitry in this card employs a ctive electronics,
power must be on in order to pass audio signals through the XSWITCH.
There are two Audio Switch Cards in the Master Module. One card connects to Program Output Left on the
PVTV NEWS Expanded A udio M odule, and th e ot her con nects to Pr ogram O utput Right o n PVTV NEWS
Expanded Audio Module. Refer to Tables 4 and 5 for more information.